Reckless ~(Hayes Grier)

By lollipoplexi

3.1K 92 38

Moving to North Carolina all the way from Sydney Australia is tough on Ellie but there is one thing, or shoul... More

Chapter 2 ~ The beach
Chapter 3~ Cameron
Chapter 4 ~ Hayes' POV
Chapter 5~ Drama
Chapter 6~ Ok
Chapter 7~ Mood Changes
Chapter 8~ Permission

Reckless ~(Hayes Grier)

1.3K 14 4
By lollipoplexi

I stepped out of the car and stared up at the huge house in front of me. It was so much bigger than my apartment back in Sydney. Yes I mean Sydney Australia! I had just moved all the way from Australia to North Carolina because my dad got a promotion and we had to move. I guess it'll be good to have a new start; meet new friends and experience what America has to offer.

In my family there is just my mom, dad, my four year old little sister Jade and me. My name is Eliscia Lewis but I prefer being called Ellie. I'm a 13 year old girl but a lot of people think I'm older because I'm a bit taller than most girls my age. I don't really mind being a little bit taller than other girls because it helps with sport. I play a lot of basketball and that extra height is an advantage. Now that I'm thinking about it I don't know whether my mom has sorted anything out for my basketball yet or not. I'll just have to ask her about it later.

I grabbed a bag and start carrying my things inside. I take my bags upstairs and put them in my new room. My dad had already explained where everyone's rooms were so I knew where to go. I started to unpack some of my clothes in my massive walk in wardrobe when I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Ellie, mommy said that there was a park near here. Can you take me to go play?" Jade said cutely. She was ready to go in her pony shirt and purple leggings.

"Sure thing kiddo! Let's go!" I said, picking her up and carrying her out of my room.

"Don't call me kiddo! I'm 4 not 2!" she said sassily as we began to walk down the stairs. I just laughed at her comment.

"Mom! I'm taking Jade to the park!" I yelled hoping that my mum would hear it.

"Sure thigh sweetie! Don't stay out too late and text me if you go anywhere else!" she called back.

"Ok mom!" I replied and Jade and I began walking to the park; and by walking to the park I mean I walked and she got a piggyback the whole way.

When we eventually got to the park Jade ran straight over to the play equipment. I went and sat on one of the swings so I could watch her. After a couple of minutes I got bored so I went to see what Jade was doing. I found he siting in a small tunnel with another girl that was around her age. The girl had long blonde hair that stuck out in all different angles.

"Hi Jade! Who's your friend" I asked and I sat down at the entrance to the tunnel.

"Hi Ellie! This is Sky. She's my new best friend" she said pointing at the girl.

"Hi Sky! I'm Ellie. I'm Jade's big sister" I said and I gave her a small wave. She waved back with a big smile.

"Do you have a sister?" Jade asked Sky. She shook her head and pointed over to a basketball court beside the playground.

"Those are my brothers. They're crazy!" she said with a giggle. The two girls kept on talking like I wasn't even there. After a minute I heard someone yell from across the park, "Skylynn where are you!"

"I. Am. O-vah. Here!" she yelled back sassily. I could easily tell that her and Jade would be really good friends. Two boys came running over; I assumed that they were her brothers. One of them looked familiar but I couldn't tell where I had seen him from before.

"There you are Skylynn! Who's your friend?" the older boy asked gesturing to Jade. I figured that her real name was Skylynn.

"This is Jade. She's my friend!" Skylynn said. The boy nodded then he saw me.

"Hi! You must be Jade's sister. I'm Nash and this is Hayes" the older boy said and he pointed at the slightly smaller boy.

"Hi I'm Ellie! I'm guessing that you guys are Skylynn's big brothers" I said and I shook Nash's hand. They both nodded in reply. Nash was the one who looked familiar but I couldn't remember what he reminded me of. He was tall; about 6 feet tall and he had light brown hair sort of spiked up in a messy sort of quiff style. He had a few freckles across his face and he had the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. He actually was quite good looking.

His brother Hayes was slightly smaller and the two of them looked nothing alike. Hayes had dark brown hair that was pushed over to the right side of his face and he was wearing a red snapback that sat on his hair perfectly. Hayes also had bright blue eyes but that was probably the only similarity between him and Nash. I couldn't exactly tell how old either of them were but if I had to guess I would say that Nash is 16 and Hayes is around my age. They were both actually pretty good looking.

"Nashy, can Jade come over to our house and play? Ellie could come too!" I heard Skylynn ask Nash.

"If it's alright with Ellie and her mom" Nash replied and be looked over at me.

"It should be fine. I'll just text my mom" I said and I pulled out my phone. I sent a quick test to my mom asking if we could go over a friends house and she sent back saying that was fine.

"Yeah, we're aloud to come" I said and I stood up. Nash nodded and Skylynn let out a small 'Yay!'

I looked over at the other boy who Nash had told me was Hayes and he seemed a little shy. Hayes saw me looking at him and he smile slightly. At least he smiled! We started walking back in the direction Jade and I had come from our house until we stopped about two houses away.

"This is our house" Nash said and he walked up to the front door with us following behind.

"My house is the big white one over there" I heard Jade telling Skylynn and she pointed at our house.

"You live just there?" Hayes asked quietly. It was the first time I had actually heard him speak. I nodded and told him which house was ours. He smiled slightly and nodded.

"That's cool! We can hang out sometimes" he said happily. I nodded as a response and followed him inside.

"Mom! We're back from the park and we brought friends!" Nash yelled through the house. I giggled slightly to myself thinking that's the exact thing I did to my mum; yelled to her across the house.

"Nash Grier, what did I tell you about inviting strangers over without asking permission!" his mom yelled back and she walked into the front hall where we were all standing. The name Grier sounded familiar...

Then it clicked! I knew where I had seen Nash before! He was a pretty famous guy on vine. Heaps of the girls back in Australia would always obsess over him and how cute and funny his vines were. I had seen a couple of his vines but I still thought that they were amazingly funny. I can't believe I didn't realise this before! I guess I wasn't really a fangirl but I still should have know who he was sooner.

I must have had my mouth hanging open because Hayes looked over at me and laughed slightly.

"Just realised that he's Nash Grier?" Hayes asked still chuckling. I nodded slowly still in disbelief. I had also heard a couple of girls at home talking about how cute Nash Grier's brother was and I couldn't believe that they were actually talking about Hayes. It seemed to weird to be true.

"Wait! So you're famous too?" I asked Hayes.

"Sorta. But not like Nash" he replied with laugh. Before I could say anything else, Hayes' mom was walking over to us.

"Hi! I'm Mrs Grier but you can call me Elizabeth or Liz for short" she said with a massive smile.

"I'm Ellie and this is Jade" I said pointing to Jade who was talking to Skylynn.

"It's nice to meet you! Nash was telling me that you just moved in a couple of houses up?" she said but it came out more like a question. I nodded as a response.

"Yeah two houses that way" I said pointing in the direction of the house.

"Well I'll have to go introduce myself to your parents soon, won't I" she said nicely with a smile then she headed back into what looked like the kitchen. She seemed like a really nice lady.

"Hey Ellie, while the girls go upstairs to play do you want to watch a movie with us?" Hayes asked from the other end of the hall. I hadn't even noticed that he had left.

"Yeah sounds great!" I said and I followed him into another room. Hayes and I sat on the lounge while Nash put the movie in the player.

"What are we watching?" Hayes asked.

"Frozen obviously!" Nash said rolling his eyes. Hayes just laughed and turned to look at the TV.

"Do you want to build a snow man!" we all started singing. By the end of the song we were all laughing so hard that none of us could breath. I didn't even realise but Nash had recorded the whole thing on his phone and uploaded part of it to vine. Hayes phone went of signalling that he had a notification. He looked at it and laughed then he showed me. I was slightly embarrassed because I was singing like an idiot in front of Nash Grier and now it's on the internet for millions of his followers to see.

I put my hands up to my face to cover the blush that was creeping onto my face.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Hayes asked.

"Because I made a complete fool of myself and now it's on the internet" I said with a slight laugh. The other two guys joined in laughing as well.

"Don't worry! You'll be in plenty more vines" Nash promised.

"Why!" I whined to Nash.

"Because my followers will love you!" Nash said and he gave me a small hug. I just smiled and hugged him back.

We continued watching the movie until we got bored. We were about to do something else when Nash got a text.

"Oh, I completely forgot! I have to meet Cam at the park to do a vine. I'll probably end up staying with him tonight so you two will just have to entertain yourselves. Sorry Ellie!" Nash explained and he stood up to leave.

"By Nash!" Hayes and I called after him as he walked out the door.

When Nash had left I quickly turned to look at Hayes; I was in shock.

"By Cam does be mean Cameron Dallas?" I asked quickly. Hayes nodded and smiled.

"I'm so going to introduce you to him next time he comes over!" Hayes said with a chuckle. I nodded excitedly. I had watched heaps of his more recent videos because all of my friends obsessed over him but I have to admit that he is pretty good looking!

"Hey, do you want a tour of the house?" Hayes asked and he pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

"Yeah, sounds like fun!" I said and he started showing me through the house. We went all across the bottom floor which was mainly the kitchen, living room and a couple of other rooms that were pretty normal. Hayes then showed me upstairs where all the bedrooms were.

"This is my mom and dad's room. We can't go in there though" he said pointing to a closed door. I nodded and followed him further along the hall.

"This is Skylynn's room" Hayes said and he knocked on the door.

"Come in as long as you're not Nashty!" I hear Skylynn yell from inside. Hayes chuckled slightly and we both walked in.

"Hi Ellie!" Sky said standing up and hugging me. She just stuck her tongue out at Hayes.

"You're a boy! You can't see us playing with our barbies!" she told him sassily. Jade nodded in agreement then both of them went back to playing barbies. Everything in Skylynn's room was pink; furniture, the walls, all her clothing. Literally everything!

"Okay we're going now!" Hayes said defensively and he dragged me out of the room.

"They're definitely going to be best friends!" I said and we both laughed.

Hayes dragged me a little further down the hall; pointing out a bathroom on the way.

"This is Nash's room. Don't tell him I let you in here!" Hayes said and we walked into the room. There were clothes everywhere and things were thrown all across the room in various places.

"Hey do you want to make a vine on my channel of us invading Nash's room?" Hayes asked and I nodded excitedly. He grabbed his phone and we started jumping on Nash's bed.

Hayes started filming and while we were jumping on the bed he said into the camera, "Hey Nash we're in your room!" He pointed the camera at me and I waved before he stopped recording. I almost instantly started laughing. I had to sit down on the bed because I was afraid I would fall off from laughing so hard. Hayes sat down beside me and we both sat there trying to catch out breath.

"He's going to kill you!" I said in between gasps for air.

"Not just me! He'll kill you too!" Hayes said and that set us off laughing again. After a minute of heavy breathing there was a small 'ding' from Hayes' phone signalling that he had a message.

To: Hayes is the better looking brother!!!

You both realise you're dead now!

From: Nashty :(

Hayes showed me the text and I giggled.

"I like your name" I said with a small smile.

"It's true though isn't it! Even you can't deny that!" Hayes said cockily. I just shook my head and laughed.

"Come on I'll show you my room" he said and he dragged me out of Nash's bedroom. We went a little bit further down the hall until we got to the last room. We had already passed Will's room but he wasn't there so it was empty.

Hayes opened his door and let me in like a gentleman. I walked in and was surprised at how neat and tidy it was compared to Nash's room. Hayes walked over and sat on his bed. He patted a spot beside him for me to sit and I took the opportunity.

"So, Ellie, tell me something about yourself" Hayes said. I thought for a second and then replied, "I like turtles. Oh, and I'm a basketball freak!"

"That's cool! I play basketball too but not as much as football and lacrosse. Turtles are awesome!" he replied and I just nodded.

"I can tell by your accent that you're not American so where are you from?" he asked.

"I'm Australian mate! We ride kangaroos to school and keep koalas as pets" I joked with a laugh. Hayes laughed a little too but he still looked unsure.

"I'm kidding! Australia is pretty similar to America actually!" I told him and he sort of relaxed.

"Wait, isn't it winter in Australia now?" he asked.

"Yep, I get two summer breaks this year" I said with a smile. Hayes mouth fell open slightly.

"Lucky! Did you spend much time at the beach in OZ?" he asked with a half smile.

"Sorta, I went to the beach a bit but I was too busy watching the gremlin I call Jade to really enjoy it" I said. Hayes nodded in agreement and he looked at the door.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" he asked hopefully. I nodded quickly and we started playing.

"Okay, first question, when's your birthday?" Hayes asked.

"July 21st 2000. When's yours?" I asked him back.

"June 9th 2000. Favorite color?" he asked.

"Blue. I'm really bad at question games" I admitted.

"Mine's blue too! I'm bad a question games as well!" Hayes said with a laugh.

"One more question, do you got a bae, or nah?" he asked with a serious face. After a second of trying not to laugh I gave up and the two of us started laughing so hard that by the time we stopped, both of us were out of breath and had stitches.

"Nah!" I said after a minute and we both started laughing again.

I looked at my phone to check the time and I saw that it was already 5:30 pm. I had to have Jade back at home by 6 o'clock for dinner.

"Hayes I have to leave soon" I said and I pulled a sad face. He pulled a sad face too.

"Well do you wanna hang out tomorrow? I can take you to the beach and we can relax without the 4 year olds" he said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah sounds like fun!" I replied with a nod.

"This probably sounds really awkward but can I have your number so I can text you when to come over tomorrow" he asked and he looked at the floor.

"Aww is little Hayes blushing?" I said in a baby voice and I handed him my phone. He blushed even harder and gave me his phone so we could both put our details in. When he gave my phone back I read the name he put in and laughed.

'Hayes (Hottie) Grier :P <3'

"Really Hayes!" I said and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Well you put in 'Ellie is the awesomest human being on the planet!!! ;)' so I guess that makes us even" he said with a laugh.

"Yep! We can both agree that we are equally weird!" I said proudly. Hayes nodded in agreement and looked down at his phone.

"Hey, um, can we take a pic together... For the contact" he asked and he sort of blushed again. I nodded and sat a little bit closer to him so he could take the pic. He put his arm around my shoulder and took the picture. After we took a couple of good pics we took some weird ones as well. Silly ones like Hayes kissing me on the cheek or crazy faces. Let's just say we had some fun with it.

"I should probably take Jade home now" I said a little sadly because we were having so much fun hanging out together.

"Yeah..." he said softly and he looked down at the floor.

"But don't forget about the beach tomorrow!" I reminded him and he seemed to look a bit happier.

"I wouldn't miss it!" he said and he stood up from the bed. He held out his hand to help me up like a gentleman would and I gladly accepted.

We both walked back down the hall and went in to Skylynn's room to get Jade. After a couple of minutes of Jade and Skylynn arguing with us to let them stay for five more minutes we finally convinced them it was to pack up.

"Bye Skylynn, bye Hayes!" Jade called as we walked out the front door. We all waved to each other and Jade and I started the small walk back to our house. North Carolina might turn out to be better than I thought.



Thought I would write a pretty long chapter to start off with.

Comment what you think of this story and don't forget to vote if you like it.

I love you guys!

Loz :) ~

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