Unknown Hero

By CocoTheLoco

96.5K 2.8K 4.6K

After the attack on class 1-A someone was brought in to help watch over the students. Just so happens this sa... More



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By CocoTheLoco

It had been a good week since I had my matches against the other students. Nothing really eventful happened. I helped in class mostly by being the test dummy or by using my telekinesis to write on the chalk board.

It was boring honestly.

But now it was almost time for the class trip to the beach resort. I was excited honestly. I have been looking forward to this since I did that research at the cafe.

The cafe...

After that night Kirishima and Kaminari were very friendly towards me. Bakugo didn't seem much different honestly. The only thing I really noticed is that he wouldn't yell that much at me like he would with the others and he actually called me by my name. Something everyone noticed. Hell he didn't even call Midoriya by his name and they grew up together.

He said it was because he respected me unlike the other "losers", meaning the rest of the class. Honestly I was treated more like a classmate than a teacher usually, though that was by everyone. But I suppose that was the point of having me as their teacher.

Uraraka was super nice to me all the time as well. Her and Midoriya were always talking to me when ever they could. Both were constantly trying to get me to talk to them or eat lunch with them. I really appreciated it and I did I few times, though I usually ate with Aizawa or Toshinori in the teachers lounge. It is a lot quieter there with usually not many people there so I loved it.

Surprisingly enough I am a bit antisocial when it comes to such big groups of people I don't know. Have always been that way. Hell even just being in the classroom is too much some days. If it is people I know I don't mind larger groups but if it's strangers... I have too many social issues I guess.

It was lunch time once again and today there was supposed to be some type of really super spicy ramen they were serving. I was super hyped to try it. You see I loved spicy food.

Like a burning passion for it.

No pun intended.

While waiting in line a couple of students from 1-A stood behind me chatting. It seems like a couple guys were daring Kirishima and Bakugo to try the spicy ramen. That would be interesting to witness, if it turns out to actually be spicy that is.

Once I got my food I went and sat at an empty round table in the back of the cafeteria. Sadly Toshinori was having a lunch meeting with the school principle so I wouldn't be having lunch with him today. I tried to avoid the principle lectures as much as possible. He can drone on for hours and still have more to say.

However, my empty table didn't stay empty for very long as Kirishima, Kaminari, Bakugo, and Sero sat down at the round table with me. I raised an eyebrow as they greeted me. I nodded to them in return as a greeting. I kept watching them as they all settled down at my table.

Why did they sit here?

"Are you trying the spicy noodles too Hikari?" Kaminari asked from my right. We sat in a kinda half circle, Bakugo directly across from me. Next to him was Sero and then Kirishima in the middle. I appreciated how the ones who knew staid to my right, kinda directing Sero to stay to my right side as well.

"Yes, though I doubt it will be that spicy to me." Shrugging my shoulders I used my chop sticks and spoon provided to take a bite. All four boys watched me intensely as I took a bite of my food. Taking my time to chew and then swallow, I frowned.


Taking a sip of the broth, I let it warm my tongue. They all seemed to lean forward some as if waiting for me to tell them how it was. After swallowing the broth I shrugged. "It's hardly spicy to me."

A sigh of relief mixed with disappointment came from they guys.

"Damn I was hoping it would be spicy!" Kirishima whined.

Bakugo and Kirishima both took a large bite of their ramen at the same time. Bakugo didn't really seemed phased, a slight sniffle coming from him as his sinuses were suddenly cleared from the spices. Kirishima on the other hand was in tears. He was banging on the table, tears streaming down his now red face before he finally swallowed. When he did finally swallow, a loud gasp escaped him.

It half sounded like a strangled cry.

"How the hell is this not spicy Hikari!?" He yelled out as he fanned his burning mouth.

Bakugo laughed as I shrugged. "You big baby! It's not that spicy." I raised a brow again before looking into his eyes. Oh I see. He was playing it like he was a wuss so the other two would try it. Smart play.

Mean, but smart.

"Ha! You just can't handle spice!" Kaminari laughed at the still crying Kirishima.

"You try it then!" He yelled out as he started to chug his drink.

Sero and Kaminari exchanged looks before they both took a bite from Kirishima's bowl. I watched chuckling as I took another bite my self. Once they realized I was laughing it was too late. Tears streamed down their now red faces as they fought through the spiciness.

Bakugo was laughing his ass off, catching the attention of some of the students near by. "You're a bunch of losers!" His laugh was as gruff as his personality but it held a warm joyfulness to it that made you just want to smile. Surprising coming from the male who was cackling at his suffering friends.

Chuckling as well I pulled a bottle of ghost chili sauce out of my hoodie pocket. It grew to be a habit to carry it with me to lunch. The food was good and all but it had no flavor to me so I always added some. Hell I went through a bottle in a week.

Luckily for me I wouldn't need to add as much to the ramen. It had some good flavor to it already, it just needed that extra kick.

As I was adding a good couple teaspoons of the sauce to my ramen I heard a surprised yell. Looking up I saw four, surprised and slightly fearful faces.

"You're adding more spice to this?" The three with tears in their eyes yelled in unison.

"Yeah. Like I said. It's not really spicy to me. So I'm adding more. It has good flavor but I'm just adding a kick to it." Their faces paled, even Bakugo looked a little uneasy. Why was this so surprising? "What?"

The three seemed to look at me with fear. "You aren't human..." They mumbled in unison again.

Frowning I went back to eating my food. It was finally perfect for me now. Bakugo shook his head and gave a sharp laugh. "And I thought I liked spicy food."

"You have no idea."

They all jumped at the sudden appearance of the mummified Aizawa behind them. He had a far off look in his eyes. "Never let her cook. What she considers spicy is what others consider melt your face off spicy. She burned her taste buds off long ago, now non-spicy food tastes bland to her. She even used to snack on hot peppers like it was candy as a child."

The four teens gave me a wary look as I happily ate my ramen. A shudder passed through them all before they returned to their food. Except Kisihima, he went to buy something else considering the ramen was too hot for him.

Aizawa came over and placed his still bandaged hand on top of my head. I looked up at him as I slurped up a noodle. "All Might asked me to let you know that he won't be able to take you dinner tonight. He has to stay late for some things."

Frowning I nodded. "Doesn't surprise me. I swear he slacks off all day so his work piles up." Aizawa sent me a small smile before leaving.

Damn now what am I going to do for dinner?

Frowning I finished off my food and relaxed for the rest of lunch. Bakugo ended up eating the ramen that Kirishima originally got. I was surprised he could eat so much but then again he is a teenaged male.

Sighing I frowned as my thoughts drifted back to what Aizawa told me. This fucking sucks... Toshinori and I were gonna go get dinner and hang out for once. We haven't really been able to go out and have fun like we used to when I was little. Especially since it had been so long since I've seen him.

I was looking forward to it.

But duty calls right?

Still sucks though.

A little before lunch was supposed to end I got up with my trash and dirty dishes. Lost in my thoughts I didn't pay attention to those around me as I dropped off my things. It wasn't till I had entered the hall way did I come back to reality. Though the hand gripping my arm probably had to deal with that.

Looking back into the frustrated ruby eyes of the ash blond male I raised a brow as he quickly let go of me. "Did you need something Bakugo?"

He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his sagging pants. His crimson gaze looking away from me as he seemed to be collecting his thoughts together.

"Yeah, was gonna see if you wanted to come try this curry challenge..." I raised an eyebrow at the blond male. His cheeks flushed and he growled out, getting frustrated. "Since you seem to like really spicy food!"

A smirk pulled at my lips. "Are you asking me out on a date? I don't think that's appropriate to ask your teacher." I snickered as his face flushed red. Man I enjoyed teasing him.

"HELL NO THAT ISN'T WHAT I MEANT YOU BASTARD!" He huffed, cheeks still flared up in a bright red.

"I don't see why not." Turning I started walking down the hall again as I ignored his loud outburst. I gestured for him to follow, which he did moving to stay by my side. "Thank you for inviting me Bakugo. Just don't mention it to anyone. I am not really sure if I would get in trouble for hanging out with you since I am still technically your teacher. Even if I am the same age as you."

"Fine." He huffed, agreeing pretty easily. Which surprised me. He seems to be so docile around me, well when I'm not purposely trying to get a reaction from him that is. I don't fully understand why, but I don't complain either.

The bell rang signally lunch was over once we got to the classroom. The next lesson I would be watching over the class. They had a written test over combat strategies. Aizawa would be there yes, but he would be taking this time for a much needed nap. I swear the man is part cat with how much he sleeps.

Which left me to watch over everyone. A trivial task since it was only a test.

"Hey," I grabbed Bakugo's attention as I spoke up and broke our silence. "Please write actual answers for this. You are smart, please don't be stubborn and get a bad grade because of it."

I could see his anger rise but he didn't say a thing. His breathing became ragged but he only nodded before going to sit at his desk. Though I could faintly hear him grumbling to himself once he was sat down at his desk.

Slowly the students all filed in along with Aizawa. Once the bell rang he shimmied into his sleeping bag and promptly flopped over onto the floor. Sighing I shook my head as I straightened out the papers on the podium.

As the students settled in I got a few curious glances. I was waiting for everyone to get into their seats before speaking. "Okay," everyone quieted down as I spoke, "now it is time for your test over combat strategies. There are twenty open ended questions. You can write as much as you need or as little. Each question will give you a different type of experience you might run into as a hero."

I moved to in front of the podium as I used my telekinesis to pass out the test packets. "Each question can get up to five points each. As long as you answer you will get points regardless on how well you answer. That also doesn't mean the more you write the better." My eyes looked over the classroom as the packets now sat in front of everyone.

"Take as much time as you need, if everyone finishes before the hour is up then we can do something fun, I guess." I smiled at the students who seemed happy. "Also, no talking till everyone has finished please. Once you are done, raise your hand and I will gather your tests. You may start."

Right away almost everyone started. The only sounds were the sounds of pencils on paper. It still felt a little weird to be a teacher for kids my age. But hey, from what I understood I would kinda move up with these guys till they graduate or it would only be for this one year.

I kinda didn't mind it honestly. It was refreshing to be in a school environment and not be the student. Even if things were ran differently here.

I sat down on a seat cushion I brought to class. I lifted it up using my quirk, so I could sit and still watch everyone. Plus it let me move around silently. With how tall the walls here were I could move right over the students so not to distract them.

Over time the first hand popped up. Of course it was Midoriya. With all the notes he has taken over the years on heroes and their fights this test would be a piece of cake for him. Using my quirk I moved my self over to him, still on the cushion. As quietly as I could I took it from him. Midoriya sent me a small smile as I ruffled his hair.

Next was Yaoyorozu and Todoroki shortly followed by Iida. This kept up till almost everyone was done. Surprisingly enough Bakugo was one of the last ones to finish.

Once everyone was done I placed all the tests on the podium and stretched my arms over my head. "Good job everyone! You're free to do whatever as long as it's isn't too loud and you stay in the classroom."

Cheers spread though the class as everyone started to chat. People moved around the room, getting into groups to talk to their friends. I staid on my cushion, staying in the air back behind the podium.

I was surprised when Midoriya approached me though. He gave me a small smile before speaking up. "Hi Hikari."

"Hello Midoriya. Did you need something?"

"Oh no! I just wanted to chat..." His freckled cheeks dusted in a soft pink as he awkwardly rubbed his neck. "I'm curious about your quirks."


Nodding I signaled for him to continue. "Let's start with the telekinesis. How does it work?"

"Like most telekinesis quirks I suppose. I can move thing around with my mind. Whether that's pushing things away or pulling them towards me or just holding them in the air. I can sustain my control over objects for a long amount a time. The time varies on the weight of the object though. I can move people and animals as well but it's move of I can push them than control them. I can't fully grasp onto a living being and hold them in place with my telekinesis. Besides like plants." I leaned my head back thinking. What else could I say that he would want to know?

"What about things like water or fire?" He was actually writing this down in a book. How cute.

"Well if it's already in something I can but I can't control it. Same as living beings. But with things like rain I can repel it from hitting me. Like if someone is throwing it at me I can repel it, but not hold it. Does that make sense?" I asked after rambling for a moment. He nodded his mess of curls as he wrote it all down.

I smiled when I felt a gaze lingering on my face. I glanced up into the ruby hues that I could feel staring at me. A frown tugged on his lips, more so that usual. The crease between his brows deeper in frustration.

I wonder what's bothering him.

It could be the three around him from lunch. They seemed like pros at agitating the male. I wanted to take a peek in his head but I would respect his privacy.

"Your quirks are so powerful. It's interesting that you got a double perk though." Midoriya mumbled more to himself than to me. "I guess since they are similar they meshed well together."

"Midoriya..." I called out trying to get his attention. I tried again with him still rambling. It took me flicking his forehead for him to finally refocus on me. "Huh...?"

"Midoriya, you little nerd. Ask me more another time. Go hang out with your friends and enjoy this small break." Shaking my head I smiled and ruffled his mess of green hair. He gave me a warm smile before walking off to talk to Uraraka and Iida.

He was such a good guy. Super sweet and nice. I'm glad he got the chance to live his dreams. He was worthy of One for All.

Falling into the depths of my own thoughts I didn't notice the frequent glances I kept getting from a certain blond male.


After classes were done for the day and most of the students had cleared out I was carrying the pile of tests to the teachers lounge for Aizawa. The sleepy head was half asleep and still injured so I decided to carry them for him.

Once I knew the tests were safely dropped off I gathered my things and started leaving the large school.

I wanted to possibly drop my things off before heading out for dinner with Bakugo. Since I wore my casual cloths already I didn't really need to change. I just hope I can find Bakugo... I forgot to get his address or phone number and he probably has already left with the other students.

Sighing I exited the building and out into the fresh air of outside. A few students lingered around the area still. Some were leaving and others were standing around chatting with friends. Only one mattered to me at this moment in time though.

His ashy blond hair was a crown of spikes on his head. The sun dropping down into the sky highlighted the spikes and his tanned faced in a slight orange glow. His ruby eyes seemed to glow as he looked down at his cell phone. His face rested in a scowl, a furrow between his brows. The broad set of shoulders were leaned back against the brick wall. One leg was pulled back with his foot resting against the wall, the other out in front of him.

I've never really noticed how attractive Bakugo actually was. Like seriously, if you could get past his ego and anger issues he would be an amazing partner. He was fiercely loyal, extremely passionate, and he had a good heart under that massive ego of his.

A small smile pulled onto my lips as I approached the male. He didn't really seem to notice me till I was a few feet away. The sound of my foot steps brought his ruby hues from his phone over to me. His scowl turned into a smirk as he pushed him self off the wall and moved over to me.

"Took you long enough."

A small chuckle left my chest as I shook my head. "I apologize on making you wait. Was helping Aizawa move some things."

A distinct click of his tongue sounded from my right side. "Shut up I was just giving you hell!" He growled out, a hint of pink on his cheeks.

Nodding I smiled. I don't think he was used to someone responding so calming to his attitude and remarks. Or maybe I just threw him off. Who knows.

"So before we go try this curry I would like to drop my things off at home." I gestured to the bag on my shoulder. "And then I figured we could head to your home so you can change and let your family know we would be having dinner together so they would know where you were."

A small growl that lead to a huff came from the blond male as we walked away from school grounds.

"Fine, whatever. You lead the way then."

We lapsed into a comfortable silence as we walked. Toshinori and I didn't live that far away actually, a good twenty minute walk away to the luxury apartment building. He made sure we had a nice home to live in. It was almost a pent house from how high up it was. He of course had the bigger room.

However, my room was still huge. A very large walk in closet that was practically another room. A bathroom about the same size as the closet. It had a huge bath tub that looked more like a hot tub than a normal bath tub. Then it also had a huge walk in shower with multiple shower heads along the three walls of the shower. Then a counter top that had two sinks and plenty of space. A closed off little room for the toilet as well.

Then there was the room itself. It had a balcony attached that was big enough for a small table and chairs and still have plenty of room. Inside the room I had a large desk for my work in one corner and a huge game area in the other on the far side of the room. On the wall the door was on was my large, plush, round bed. Along that same wall in the far corner I had a book shelf with some of my things like books and knick knacks.

See this room wasn't set up just so I could stay for this time being. Toshinori had already owned the apartment before all of this. So technically I had two homes in a since. This big, fancy one here and the one back with Gran Torino. I typically staid with him when we would be training together or if Toshinori was off doing what ever he was doing for long periods of time.

I loved both homes, but they get lonely by my self.

I should get like a cat or something.

"So uh, did you wanna come in? I don't mind and I doubt To-All Might would either as long as you didn't go into his part of the apartment..." I glanced over to Bakugo as we approached the building. "It's up to you..."

"Yeah sure." He didn't seem to really be paying attention as he looked over the very tall building.

Gently taking his hand I lead him into the building. The receptionist looked up as we entered and sent me a smile. I smiled back before dragging the stunned blond into one of the elegant elevators.

"Damn this place is nice." He breathed out, his crimson eyes wide as he studied everything.

"Yeah well being the number one hero comes with some good benefits. Then being as I am said hero's daughter I get them as well to an extent." Man he must not be used to such an environment like this. I hope he isn't uncomfortable here.

That would suck.

I don't want him to feel out of place. I know his family isn't poor but they aren't rolling in money either.

Once the doors opened I lead him to the only door on this level. We technically had the entire floor; Toshinori had gotten it all renovated into our home so we would be alone on this floor. Moving over to the door I used the hand scanner to unlock it. The thick door opened as I pulled Bakugo inside.

Straight in front of us was the large living room and a gorgeous view over the city. My room was up a few steps to the left, it was actually the corner of the building and one full side. To the right of the large living room was the dinning area with a nice dinning table. Directly to the right as you walk in the door was a huge kitchen that seemed to shine. Surprisingly enough the entire apartment wasn't very colorful. There were soft tan hues but it was mostly black and whites. Especially the kitchen.

"So uh, this is our home. My side is to our left over here. All Might has everything past the dinning room." I kicked my shoes off before walking past the kitchen. I sent a smile to Bakugo as I came up to the pair of steps that lead to a small sitting area in front of my room. "You can follow me or just hang in here. It's up to you."

He numbly nodded, his eyes huge as he looked around. Leaving him I entered my dark room. The walls were painted a dark grey, with the wall that my bed and door were on painted a vibrant dark red. An intricate design was painted on the wall with bright red and black paint. My floors were a light grey plush carpet. All of the furniture is a sleek black wood, besides the bed. The bottom was decorated with a thick black leather instead of wood.

The mess of tangled blankets was left as it was this morning. The silk red sheets a mess with the black comforter. My pillows were the same red as the sheets or black like the comforter.

Sighing I dropped my bag off on my desk to my right. It sat next to the doors out into the balcony. My tv and game set up was over next to the bathroom door with a leather love seat for me to sit in.

Going towards the bathroom I opened the door into the large bathroom. The tiles were a marble looking grey and white. My towels and floor mats a deep red. Very little sat on my counter. Some soap, my every day things like my toothbrush and hair brush. A small box held the little bit of makeup I owned. I didn't wear it often so there was hardly anything there. I quickly used the restroom and freshened up before I brushed my hair. As I was going back into my room I heard shuffling and a low whistle.

Looking up I found Bakugo in my room. He stood in the middle looking everything over. "Holy shit this is nice..." he muttered quietly.

A soft chuckle got his attention as he turned towards me. My lights were dim so the room was comfortably lit up. Not bright but not dark either.

"It's a bit much huh? All Might went a little overboard getting this made honestly. I have more room than I know what to do with." My stomach rumbled quietly. Man I was hungrier than I expected.

"I like it. Especially all the red."

That honestly didn't surprise me. I figured red would be his favorite color. I waved for him to follow me as I grabbed my wallet and phone.

"But seriously. You don't seem like some rich kid. Whys that?" He asked from behind me as I slipped my hoody on. My phone and wallet were stuffed into the back pockets of my jeans with my hands in my hoodie's pockets. "Like you don't seem like some pompous ass."

Shrugging my shoulders I lead him back through the luxurious apartment. "I don't know. Maybe I was just raised right? To-All Might wasn't the only one who raised me. A family friend helped as well. He is a down to earth old man but he means well. Maybe it was him." My thoughts drifted to the older man. I need to call him soon. Kinda check in on the old fart.

Once we left the building we lapsed back into silence. Bakugo back on my right side as he lead the way to his home now.


The large home in front of me was nice. It wasn't luxurious like Toshinori and I's home. But it was still nice. It seemed nice and warm.


"Cute place."

Bakugo scoffed, a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek. "Compared to your place this is shit." Shaking my head I sent a smile to the suddenly nervous blond. "No it isn't. My home may be big and fancy but it's cold and lonely. All Might is rarely home. This," I gestured to his house, "feels warm and inviting. You have a loving family to come home to every night. It isn't something you should take for granted."

We locked eyes for a moment. I could feel how he wished he had the mind reading quirk at that moment. I didn't have to enter his mind to know that. The increased furrow in his brow and the slight downward turn of his lips. Said lips parted as if he was going to say something but nothing came out.

He tried again but this time a loud woman's voice came out instead. Bakugo froze instantly at the voice that yelled from the now wide opened door.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN YOU SHITTY BRAT!?" I looked over to the older, female copy of Bakugo. The woman had beautiful skin and the same striking ruby eyes. Her hair was even the same ashy blonde mess of spikes only a bit longer.

Bakugo's temper flared as he turned and started yelling back at who I am assuming is his mother. "SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!"



They went back and forth for a moment. I staid silent as the two hot headed individuals yelled at each other. It finally ended when Bakugo was so pissed he just shoved passed his mother.

The yelling continued into the house before I could hear a door slamming from inside. A nervous laugh left me, surprised the door was still attached to its hinges from him slamming is so hard I could hear it from outside the house.

"That damned kid I swear." Bakugo's mother ran her hand through her hair before glancing over to me. She seemed to freeze, her hand still in her hair before it slowly fell. Her ruby eyes widened as she looked me over.

I coughed awkwardly, not too fond of being looked over so thoroughly. I took this time to look her over as well though. She wore a nice simple blouse and a nice black skirt. Her lips spread into a large grin. "Well hello there. Sorry you had to see that. Are you a friend of Katsuki?"

I gave an awakened laugh. I don't think I should tell her I am his teacher. "I wouldn't really say we are friends..." I rubbed my neck as I looked to the side.

"Still! He brought someone over!" A giddy smile took over her face as she seemed to do a small happy dance. "And it's a girl! Oh my god it is a bloody miracle!"

Miss Bakugo came over and snatch me up into a tight hug. Overwhelmed I froze up as she quickly dragged me inside. The smile never leaving her face as she dragged me through their home and to the kitchen were Mister Bakugo was starting dinner.

"Honey look!" She held me out in front of her like I was a grand prize she just won. "Katsuki brought a girl over! A girl! Can you believe it? There might be hope for him yet!" Her loud laugh echoed through my ears as my cheeks flared up. Did she think we were dating when I said we weren't friends? I feel like I need to clarify.

"I-I'm sorry but I am not romantically involved with your son."

My words fell on deaf ears as a twinkle entered the familiar ruby eyes of Miss Bakugo. "Oh my god she has such good manners too! I can't believe a girl like this can stand to be around Katsuki! It truly is a miracle! I might have grandchildren yet!"

A loud choking sound came from behind us as my face flared up completely red. Grandchildren? We weren't even dating...

"The fuck are you saying!?" Snapped a very embarrassed Bakugo. His cheeks about as red as mine. "We aren't fucking dating you old bitch!"

"Shut up you little bastard! Don't ruin this for me you punk." His mother held a clenched fist in his direction as a threat. "Don't make me kick your ass in front of the only girl to ever stand your little bitch ass!"

"SHUT UP! I'LL KILL YOU, UGLY OLD HAG!" Bakugo growled out, small explosions going off in his hands.

I need to step in before this gets even crazier and even more out of hand. "E-excuse me Miss Bakugo-"

"Oh do please call me Mitsuki!" One hand waved me off as the other cupped her cheek. A smile coming to her beautiful face as she turned her attention to me and away from her fuming son.

"Ah, then Mitsuki. I hate to ruin whatever thoughts you had but Bakugo and I aren't even really friends. We were going to go study with other classmates over dinner. I hope you don't mind. I'm sorry to cause confusion and issues within your family." I bowed slightly, totally lying through my teeth. I didn't want to give her the wrong idea by saying we were going to go have dinner. Or that I was his teacher. I wanted that to stay off the record as much as possible. At least for now. "Sorry for any misunderstanding."

Bakugo's eyes widened as he watched, his mouth agape. I noticed he had changed into some maroon pants with fashionable rips in the knees area. A nice, v neck black shirt was sloppily tucked into his pants. The shoulders and sleeves of the shirt were a dark gray and stood out against the black.

He looked good actually.

Mitsuki waved me off with a sigh. "Oh you are fine. Don't mind us sweetie. I'm just so happy to see my Katsuki with a girl. My mind just went wild. My apologies."

Waving my hands with my blush still present on my face. "It's no worries Mitsuki. I hope you don't mind me taking him away to go study. We didn't really ask beforehand."

"Oh you are fine! You are so sweet and polite, unlike a certain asshole." A sharp look was sent towards an irritated Bakugo from his mother. "So if you ever need him feel free to take him. Maybe your politeness will rub off on him!"

The twinkle of hope entered her eyes again as Bakugo stomped over. His large hand gripped my wrist before pulling me out of his house.

"Bye Mitsuki, Mister Bakugo."

"Goodbye dear! Come again soon!"

Her words were cut off from the door slamming closed behind us. Bakugo was huffing and puffing, his anger and embarrassment staining his cheeks and ears red.

"She was nice. I see where you get that aggressive temper from though." A small giggle escaped my lips before I covered them with my free hand. The other still in his grasp as he pulled me along the street. "She is a very spirited woman. You look just like her."

"I don't look anything like that ugly old hag!" He snapped out from in front of me. A small smile pulled on my lips as I gently pulled him to a stop. He kept facing forward, not looking at me but I could still see his red ears.

"I think you do. You both have the same spiky blond hair, same aggressive personality, same pretty ruby eyes." His head snapped back to look at me at my last comment. His cheeks burned a brilliant red, similar in color to his eyes. "You both have such nice skin too. You look just like her, but male and angrier." I lightly tapped the ever present crease between his furrowed eye brows.

He clicked his tongue before looking away again. Bakugo's hand let go of my wrist as I moved to stand beside him again. Glancing to my side I looked him over. His face was still stained red, which actually didn't look too bad.

He looks good in red.

"So you haven't brought a girl home before huh?" I teased.



AN: hope you enjoyed. I know the school beach trip isn't cannon but I just wanted to add something extra for the character. Sue me. Have a great day readers!

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In the summer before high school, Deku went missing. But dispite his disappearance, Bakugōu got into UA just as he'd planned. Now the number one hero...
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Y/n arrives at U.A. high school a day late due to personal issues. She has to go against Katsuki Bakugo to show her quirk. How will this and other e...
458 27 12
83.8K 1.9K 21
As we all know, Katsuki Bakugou is known to have a hot temper, is cocky, and likes to destroy things. Y/N, a kind, quiet, and cheerful girl. They bot...