Little Wolf

By rose_tinted_words

6.2K 434 20

"Little Wolf! Little Wolf!" A young boy with dark hair called. He stood at the edge of the shadowy forest. Hi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Four

170 13 0
By rose_tinted_words

Jack ran a hand through his hair, attempting to calm his nerves. He was scared. Seven days had flown by fast, and now it was here. The day of the battle. The day of the double betrayal. The day he betrayed his father, or, what was left of his father.

Jack was wearing his armor, his sword hanging by his side. He would leave his bow here, as he would not need it for battle. He stared at himself in the mirror, struggling to calm himself. Tomorrow, he would be with Little Wolf. They would be safe, and would finally be able to live in peace. Everyone would finally be able to live in peace. It had been a hundred years, surely the people and wolves both deserved peace.

He slowly opened the door, stepping out of his room. He began walking down the hall and moments later, someone was walking by his side. His eyes flickered over to the blond, and he could not help but to feel bed for her. She was nothing but kind to him, and obviously had taken a liking to him, yet he ignoring her completely. He knew they would never be together, but she did not.

"S-so, J-Jack, heading off to war t-then?" Her voice shook, her eyes large pools of worry. He simply nodded in reply. She stopped on her place, a sad smile on her lips.

"Good luck." Alia whispered, her eyes facing the ground. Jack stopped, turning to her.

"Sorry, about this all Alia. I just, do not feel the same. But, thank you for your kindness." She lifted her head, her eyes thankful. Jack stepped forward, his hand holding her chin up. He kissed her cheek, it only lasting a second. He backed away.

"Whoever she is, she's very lucky." Alia whispered, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.

"You'll find love one day, do not worry." Jack murmured. He turned, continuing down the hall.

"Goodbye, Jack Grosvenor." He faintly heard her say as he walked away from the princess.

Jack shook his head when a warhorse was offered to him. He did not need it. His eyes flickered around, taking in the many hunters surrounding. There was him and his hunters along with Raolin and his hunters, making it a total of twenty six hunters in all. Raolin had fourteen hunters, fifteen including him and Jack had ten hunters, eleven including him. Raolin's hunters outnumbered them by four, but then again, Jack had the wolves on his side.

"Everyone saddle up! If not taking a warhorse, prepare to keep up with us. We will not be waiting for you." Raolin called out, riding around on an elegant black stallion.

"On second though, I'll take a horse." Jack said to the care taker. He was landed the reigns of a white and grey horse. He muttered a thanks and mounted the horse.

Raolin surveyed the hunters, checking to see that everyone was there. Nodding to himself, Raolin directed his horse to the front of the group.

"Let's head out then! We have got wolves to kill!" Raolin's hunters cheered while Jack's hunters cheered, hoping it sounded authentic. They had to make it sound like they were excited to kill the wolves, otherwise Raolin might hand them over to the king.

Raolin nodded and began to ride forward, heading towards the forests. Jack swallowed, hoping that he and his hunters and the wolves would all make it out alive.

The hunters slowed, the horses neighing fearfully. The wolves stood, prepared and ready for battle. "How...? Doesn't matter, attack on my command!" Raolin was surprised and annoyed to find the wolves waiting for them. Jack slid his sword from his belt, looking to one of his hunters beside him to one of Raolin's hunters on his other side. He then looked forward to the wolves, picking out Fire-Flower standing near the Alpha, her two daggered in hand. Moments passed, both sides awaiting command. Raolin and the Alpha glared at one another, both knowing only one of them would make it out alive.

"Attack hunters, attack!" Raolin thundered, quickly charging forward. Raolin's hunters charged as well, but not all made it. Jacks' hunters quickly struck, attacking Raolin's hunters and taking them by surprise. The wolves raced forward, Jack faintly noticing in the heat of battle that only ten or so were here to fight. Jack blocked an attack and quickly lunged at his attacker. They went on like this for a while, blocking each others attacks. Jack allowed his eyes to flicker about for a moment, quickly noticing that someone was missing. His eyes quickly sound Raolin, who was not fighting, but fled into the woods. Jacks' eyes narrowed and he lifted his foot, kicking his attacker away. He quickly raced through the fighting hunters and wolves, rushing to catch his father.

He followed the direction Raolin had ran, his sword in hand. Jack quickly found himself in a small clearing, he looked around, quickly spotting Raolin. But Raolin was not alone.

"So nice of you to join us, Jack. I've met your little pet, here. She seems nice." Raolin's voice was cold, glaring tauntingly at Jack. Fire-Flower was held by him, a dagger at her throat.

"Nice betrayal, by the way. Very nice, never saw it coming. I must say Jack, why do you hate me so? I only wish to restore peace as well, but the only way is to kill the wolves." Jack glared at his father, not daring attack him. One wrong move, and his Little Wolf would be dead. His world, would be dead.

"Help me Jack, help me kill the beasts. Don't you see it Jack? The roi des loups Coeur de Lion is strong, very strong. But, we have his weakness. Kill her, and killing the roi des loups Coeur de Lion will be easy, once we show him the girl's head, of course." Raolin smirked and removed the dagger, pushing her to the ground. She landed on the ground, her hands quickly moving to support herself. Little wolf did not get up, though, she remained where she was. Raolin tossed the dagger to Jack, who quickly caught it by the handle.

"Go on Jack, kill her. Then you can kill the roi des loups Coeur de Lion. Then you will live the life of a king, Jack, a king! You will have richest beyond your wildest dreams and unimaginable fame. You will be able to marry Alia, the princess and most beautiful girl in all the land. Just kill the elle loup fille." Fire-Flower looked up at Jack, her eyes not betraying her. Her face was void of emotions.

"Just kill her, Jack. She is just a wolf girl, nothing more, nothing less. If you kill her, I will forgive you for your crimes. You will be my son once again, and live the life of a king. Just, throw the dagger. Just kill her Jack." Jack looked at his father, who was urging him to do it. Urging him to kill her. Jack looked down at Fire-Flower, who was yet to move. Slowly he walked forward, heading towards her.

"Yes, yes, that's it Jack. Just kill her, then kill the roi des loups Coeur de Lion. Then, you will live in fame, and glory, and riches! Think of it Jack, think of it!" Jack's eyes flickered over to Raolin. A strange gleam was in his eyes, a sort of excited and evil look. Jack was looking at the face of a mad man. The gleam in his father's eyes, it was insanity.

"Kill her Jack. Make me proud, kill her." Jack looked down at the dagger in his hand, then to Fire-Flower. She still had not moved, nor was fazed by anything. She just looked at Jack with a blank stare. Slowly Jack lifted his arm, the dagger clenched in his hand. He gathered up all the strength he could muster, and lunged.

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