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A woman with dark red hair that was covered by a cloak sat in the small row boat. It was the dead of night. Her eyes flickered around fearfully. In her arms she held a small bundle close to her. The bundle was hidden by cloth, and the woman looked down at it every few moments, as if to make sure it was still there.

Two men accompanied her as well. One day in the back of the boat, rowing, and the other in the front, keeping watch. The boat silently sailed down the tunnel, a flicker of light could be seen at the end of the tunnel. The woman felt uneasy as she waited to each the end. Her only hopes were that she made it out of this all alive, but in the end, she would give herself up to protect her.

The woman's eyes flickered down to the bundle once again, and her hand carefully moved a bit of the cloth to reveal a small child. The child lay sound asleep, wrapped in the cloths held by her mother, unknowing of the danger they were in. The woman smiled gently, gazing at the small child lovingly. The woman would truly to anything to protect her child. The love of the mother truly was great.

"We're here. Now pay up." The rough voice of the man knocked the woman from her thoughts. She quickly searched herself and managed to find a few coins, likely all she had left. The man scowled but said nothing more. The woman then quickly stood and leapt from the boat to the dock.

She quickly rushed up the stairs, away from the underground river tunnel and to the streets of the city. The darkness of night covered the kingdom, but the light of the moon and stars made it possible to see. The woman looked around, clutching the child close to her. Peasants strolled around, unaware that she was any different from them.

"There she is!" The booming voice broke the peaceful silence. Villagers turned in the direction to see the Knights of the kingdom rushed forward, some on horseback and others on foot. Fear coursed through the woman and she broke into a run, heading towards the forest. She was grateful for the head start.

"Get her! Move you mutts!" The voice of the commander thundered. The sound of horse hoofs against stone echoed through the darkness. The woman held the child close to her, feeling tears prick her eyes as she ran. They wouldn't hurt her child. Not as long as she was alive.

Her feet were pricked countless times by pine needles and broken branches as she raced through the woods. The sounds of shouting men and neighing could not outmatch the sound of her pounding heart. She knew they were gaining on her. She had run to the very heart of the woods. She skidded to a halt and quickly looked around, panting. Her eyes landed on an old oak tree. She quickly grabbed the low branches and hauled herself up a bit. Carefully she placed the now awake child between the branches, making sure it was as safe as it could be. Her gaze turned to look behind her, the guards were almost upon her. The woman looked back to the child.

"Stay safe, little one, and remember, mummy loves you, so so much." The woman wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"Mummy loves you. Mummy will always love you." The woman kissed the child's forehead and climbed down from the child. She looked at the baby for one last time before she turned and ran the way she came, towards the guards. She knew the guards would search the forest in search of the child. She would only have to hope that a miracle would occur that night. That her child would be safe.

The footsteps of men had faded by now, much to his pleasure. He carefully stalked the forest, searching for where the endless noise was originating. What is that noise?! The sound echoed through the woods and only infuriated him. Finally he stopped, seeming to of found the origin of the sound. He stood on his hind legs, his front legs propping himself against the tree. A small bundle of cloth was nestled between the branches. He reached out and grabbed a part of it in his teeth. Carefully he lowered himself down and placed the bundle down. He sniffed it, his nose wrinkling at the familiar scent. Humans. A low growl escaped his throat as he backed away from it, his large head looked around for a sign of humans. Surely the pup's parent should be near? He waited, but nothing came. His eyes narrowed. Had it been abandoned? Why would they abandon a pup? His ears perked up to the sound of paw steps. He gaze flickered over to see Starlight, his mate.

"What are you doing here Starlight? Go back to the pack, I've got this covered." She didn't listen, but crept closer, sniffing the bundle.

"It's a human. Get away from it!" He snapped at her. She looked up at him with an unfazed look.

"It's only a pup though Lionheart." Lionheart's eyes narrowed.

"And a human pup that will grow up to probably become a hunter. We should kill it now." Starlight shook her pure white head, her gaze fixed on the child.

"We could raise it as our own. Teach it not to be like other humans." Lionheart narrowed his eyes, he didn't like the idea much.

"Please Lionheart! Just give it a chance! The second it acts like a human hunter, I'll kill it myself." Lionheart signed, knowing he just couldn't win against his mate.

"Very well Starlight. You may raise it. I'll give it one chance." Starlight's eyes brightened at this.

"Thank you Lionheart! Thank you!" She bounded around and cheerfully raced back towards camp.

"Starlight! You forgot the-" His eyes narrowed in annoyance as he stared at the child. At least it was no longer making that horrid noise. He stepped towards it and sniffed it. The child laughed and reached out, placing it's small hands on the nose of the large beast. Shock ran through him and he froze. The baby only giggled. Lionheart sighed and lifted up the child by the bundle it was wrapped in. Truly, he found it hard to hate the creature, but he didn't like it either. He would only do this to make Starlight happy. But deep down, a small voice asked, could he of truly killed the human pup?

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