An Unexpected Miracle

By MalecFanfictions

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The life of Alec and Magnus will never be the same after something nearly impossible happens. [I love this st... More

Chapter 1:Comfort
Chapter 2:Misunderstanding
Chapter 3:No Matter What
Chapter 4:Visiting
Chapter 5:Confessing
Chapter 7: Crazy Aunt
Chapter 8:Disappearances
Chapter 9:The Royal Bad Word
Chapter 10:The Real Magnus Bane
Chapter 11: Releases and Revelations
Chapter 12: Deja Vu
Chapter 13: Charlie
Chapter 14: Their Unexpected Miracle

Chapter 6:Stupid Cat and Screwy Magic

6.6K 252 10
By MalecFanfictions

One month later, Alec awoke in their flat in Brooklyn to the sound of his boyfriend crying. He leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom where the sound was coming from.

"Magnus! Babe, are you alright?" Alec pounded on the door, scared that his boyfriend was hurt.

"Go away!" Alec stopped knocking and took a surprised step backwards. That wasn't what he had been expecting.

"Magnus, what is it? Can you please let me in?" He heard his boyfriend let out another sob and he pressed his ear to the door.

"Please, Alec, just leave me alone. You'll think I'm stupid."

"You're not stupid, darling. I'll love you no matter what, remember?" Alec didn't get a reply and he started to worry. He was about to say something when the lock clicked and the door creaked open. "Magnus!" He gasped. His boyfriend was standing there in his silk pajama bottoms, and nothing else. His hair was messy, and his eyes red and puffy from crying. "Magnus, what's wrong?" The warlock turned and sat down on the closed lid of the toilet, putting his head in his hands.

"Oh, I'll tell you what's wrong! My magic is screwed up, my boyfriend thinks I'm fat, and my stupid cat ran away!" He yelled, and Alec just stared at him.

"Baby, I think you're over-reacting just a little bit. You're pregnant, not fat, and Chairman always runs away and he always comes back." Alec put his hand hesitantly on his crying lover's shoulder, only to pull it away a moment later when blue flames engulfed his hand. "Ouch! What the hell was that for!" He exclaimed, clutching his injured hand.

"See! You do hate me! Just because my stupid magic is being stupid!" The warlock wailed.

"Magnus I-"

"Go away!" Magnus shouted at him. Alec was taken aback, turned and fled the small bathroom, hearing the door slam and lock behind him.

He sat down on the bed, clutching his arm and letting the tears fall freely. Magnus had never used his powers on him, ever. Alec couldn't think of what had happened to have Magnus so worked up over such little things. He was like Isabelle when she was having one of her mood-swings. But Isabelle had never been that extreme. Although Magnus was rather moody at times, but he never locked himself in the bathroom and cried. Maybe it had something to do with being pregnant.

Alec wiped his eyes and grabbed the phone on the bedside table. He quickly dialed Buddy and Elfred's number, and listened to it ring. After the third ring Elfred picked up.

"Hello, Magnus." He said, and Alec paused.

"It's, um, it's Alec." He said hesitantly, trying to keep his voice steady after he had just been crying.

"Oh, well hello Alexander. What is it that you need?" Alec paused again before answering.

"It's Magnus...he's acting kind of...weird."

"Is he okay?" Elfred asked, concerned.

"I don't know, when I woke up he was in the bathroom crying. He let me in and started yelling about me hating him for being fat and that his powers were going crazy. I told him that he was over-reacting, and he...he burnt me...with his magic." Alec was staring to choke up again, as he looked at the angry, red burn on his palm.

"Oh my, are you okay?" Elfred asked.

"I don't know, I just don't understand why he would do that..." Alec confessed.

"It's the pregnancy hormones. Buddy was like that for a while, yelling and crying all the time, but it passes." Elfred said.

"And how do I make him stop?" Alec asked.

"You can't really make him do anything; I suggest just comforting him and doing what he says."

"Even if he just tells me to go away?" He asked.

"Like I say Alexander, it will pass, and I'm sure whatever Magnus says he doesn't really mean it. Just wait it out for now, and you two can talk it over when he has calmed down."

"Thanks Elfred." Alec didn't really want to hang up, because he would just have to go back to his emotional boyfriend.

"Have you and Magnus told your family yet?" Elfred asked, understanding why Alec hadn't hung up.

"No, they were in Idris for the past month. They said they were coming home today, but I don't know if Magnus will be up to telling them."

"Well, if you do tell them make sure to call and tell us how it went."

"Okay...I guess I should go and take care of this burn..." Alec said,

"Sure. Talk to you later, okay?"

"Yeah, bye." He hung up the phone and put it back in its holder on the table. Alec got up and went into the kitchen, grabbing a towel from under the sink and running some cold water. He got the towel wet and gently dabbed the tender, red skin of his palm. The Shadowhunter cursed his decision to leave his gear at home or he could have healed it with his stele.

After he wrapped his hand up in a dry towel he heard the bathroom door open. He stood at the sink, telling himself that if Magnus wanted to talk he would have to approach him himself. And approach him he did. A few moments later he felt his boyfriend's gentle hands on his shoulder, and he turned to face him.

Magnus had put a shirt on and the redness of his eyes had gone down.

"Yes?" Alec asked, trying to keep his expression emotionless.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just felt so stressed about magic wasn't working this morning and-"

"Your stupid cat ran away and you thought I would leave you because you're fat. Yeah, I got that." Alec finished for him and brushed past his boyfriend and into the bedroom at the end of the hall.

"Alec, I said I'm sorry, I don't know what else you want from me." Magnus followed his boyfriend into the bedroom.

"I know you are, Magnus. I talked to Elfred and he said it was just hormones and stuff." Alec pulled open a drawer in his dresser and pulled out some clean clothes.

"If you understand than why are you mad at me?" Magnus asked in a hushed, hurt tone. Alec turned back to his boyfriend and sighed.

"I'm not mad, Magnus, I'm just tired." Magnus moved from the door where he stood until he was right in front of Alec.

"Your hand." He said, looking worried. He took it and slid the makeshift bandage off of it. He gasped and looked up at Alec's face. Alec pulled it away from Magnus and looked away.

"I'm fine." He mumbled.

Magnus caressed his cheek, turning his face towards him. He leaned in and pressed their lips together. Alec kissed back hesitantly, aware of Magnus' hand trailing from his cheek, down his arm and to gently hold his injured hand. Alec felt the familiar tingle of Magnus' magic and broke off the kiss, looking down at his hand as the burn healed.

To be continued...

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