Irony, therapy and a little b...

By Celine_Tia

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Donating blood is meant to be something to be proud of but what happens when you find out you have what you w... More

Irony, therapy and a little bit of Jeremy
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13

chapter 12

42 6 11
By Celine_Tia

"Hello, Willow-Sage" His voice was husky and completely unexpected. Looking up I saw a black leather clad figure standing at the bottom of my bed. Moon light shimmered through the window and landed on the empty bed that used to belong to Noah. I could smell his faint after shave and it made me want to get closer to him. It was him! The guy from support group! Groaning I rolled over to look at the clock on my bedside table. Wow it was after hours! Really after hours. If one of  the night staff saw him they would go mental. We spoke for hours at support group and I still didn't know his name.

"You, what are you doing here!" I asked pulling the covers over my face. I heard the smile in his voice.

"Your sleepy voice is sexy" His remark completely threw me of guard and I felt my face flush crimson. Tugging on the cover I finally let him peal it from my face. "Come on" He said grabbing my phone of the table. Shocked I sat up and grabbed his leather covered arm. Pulling him forward I tried to reach my fairly expensive phone. Unfortunately I only succeed to pull his face closer. Maybe it wasn't a accident, he did smell extremely good! "If you want me to kiss you, just say! I would be happy to grant you a wish. I'm like a genie" Pulling his arm back I felt his muscles tense under my hand. Dark dangerous eyes looked endless and I felt trapped in them.

"Yeah except genies give three wish's" I said trying and failing at keeping the smugness out of my voice.

"I never said you couldn't have three kisses!" He is completely self confident and arrogant.

"Who said i would want three?" I asked trying to knock him down a peg or two.

"Enough with the flirting willow! I'm a genie you can't have four kisses! God" His mock anger was funny and a small smile sneaked onto my face. Standing up straight he turned away, still with my phone. "Now get dressed. I will try not to peak"

"Why would I get dressed?" I asked

"We are going out"


"None of tour business! That's where. Now up"

"I can't get dressed with you two feet from me!" I cried. Tutting he held my phone up. Glaring at his back I Slowly stood up.

"Willow do you sleep naked?" He asked like it was completely normal! I had just recovered over the first flush and now it spread back over my face. "I know you don't here but do you at home?"

"I'm not answering that" I said. Slowly I took my pajamas of and put fresh underwear on. That's the moment he spun around. Squealing I jumped back onto my bed and covered myself with the Cover. He seemed to find the whole thing funny and fell onto the annoying girl in the bed next to me. Screaming she alerted the staff and he put his finger to his lips and jumped into my bed. When I was completely naked! Shocked I lay completely still so we didn't touch. He had different ideas and lay his warm hand on my bare thigh! Just as the nurse walked past. As soon as she was out of sight I kicked him out of bed and his face was red from trying not to laugh. "Come on let's go" He said walking down the ward.

When I got to the doors he was waiting and he seemed to have sobered up a bit.

"I want my phone" I said holding my hand out expectingly.

"Oh come on, don't be like that and I had my eyes closed genius! It was just the noise you made" He said bursting into crippling laughter at the memory.

"Game of thrones, Huh? Your one of them" he said eyeing my t-shirt.

Trying not to giggle I said "one of what genie"

"A fandom girl. Crazy, loyal psycho Bitch's" He said shaking his head from side to side. His fingers brushed along the wall tracing the pattern.

"Well, I don't think this relationship is going to walk if your aren't a fanboy" I asking I a mocking voice, turning on my heels I started to walk the other way.

"Hey, hey, let's not do anything haste" he said grabbing my wrist and spinning me around. The move had the potential to be fabulous! Like something of dirty dancing. If only I hadn't of lost my footing and face planted his hard chest.

"Ouch!" I said rubbing my nose and pushing away from his chest.

Laughing he said "Willow, you have to be thee most clumsy person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing" Finally he let me go once he new I wasn't going to trip again.  "Anyway let's go" And he turned to walk away. When we got to the main doors he stopped and pulled two helmets from behind a bin. "Helmet on!"

"What? I'm not getting on you bike" I started of sounding sure but the more I looked at him the more unsure I felt "Am I?"

"Helmet on willow" Thrusting the helmet into my arms he stepped away to put his own on. Staring at him I was waiting for him to turn around and say it is all a big joke.

"You want to go without a helmet?" He asked Stepping closer to me. He had to look down to look me in the eye. Shaking my head he looked impatient. "Put it on then"

My eyes flitted down at my phone in his hand and I lunched to grab it. Obviously he saw it coming. Lifting it up above his head I had to stand on my tip toes. It was useless. Laughing he grabbed my arm and started to pull me towards the door. Cold air embraced me as soon as the doors were open and sitting in a disabled parking spot was a gleaming black motorbike. Silver exhaust shone in the dark and threw back the light that the street lamp cast onto it. Taking the helmet he put it on top of my head and banged it down with the palm of his hand. It was a snug fit and I felt my ears being squeezed in. Cocking one leg over the bike he kicked up the stand. "Hop on"

"But, look at it!" I said the fear was clear in my voice and I stumbled forward. Holding out his hand he waited for me to take it. My attempt at Defiance was short lived and I soon gave In and chambered on.

Turns out I'm completely reckless. I've gotten onto a motorbike with a boy and I don't even know his name! But for some reason I trust him. Although his driving made me second guess that. As soon as he took of We were going so fast I thought I was going to fall of. Gripping onto him I felt my heart pounding. Pulling my hands tighter around him he pulled a wheelie with me shrieking the whole way. After possibly the most scariest five minutes of my life he started to drive normal. We were on the road for about a hourwhen he stopped and my bum  had long since gone numb. Lifting my head from where I was resting it on his shoulder I looked around and saw nothing but a brick wall. Sniffing I caught the strong smell of salt water. "Where are we?" I asked still gripping onto him. Prying my arms from around him he got of the bike and I slid forward.

"We are at the beach" he said opening the box on the back of the bike. "You cold?"

"Alittle. Why are we at the beach?" I asked sounding tired but I was woken at 12:15 at night and whisked away!

"It's my dad's beach. There was a BBQ for his work earlier and he said i could invite a friend to come over after and finish the food and stuff. You coming?" He said already walking away. We had to cross a road but due to the late hour there were no cars and it was silent apart from the relaxing sound of wakes. Standing at the gate we looked down the bank at the scene. One huge bonfire was just going out, The BBQ was still on and there were piles of food and the beach hut looked warm. Taking my hand he practically dragged me down the sand dune.

"Wow. Your dad owns all of this?" I asked in disbelief. By the bonfire was a pile of drift wood.

"Yeah!  what would ma lady want to eat?"  I wasn't hungry until I smelt the BBQ and now everything seemed appealing. "Go sit by the bonfire" He ordered while looking at me waiting for my order

"What ever the chef is having" I said sitting down on a blanket. Picking up a clear glass bottle I studied tha lable "Hey somebody left some bourbon here" I shouted over the crackling of the fire and waves. He nodded his approval and made his way over with two paper plate and food. Hot dog, Salmon, and burger it couldn't get better. Chucking some drift wood into the fire it suddenly changed the flames blue and purple.

"Wow, how did you do that?" I asked staring into the flickering flames. The heat was beautiful and I just wanted to run into the freezing water just to get warm again.

"You don't get out much do you? I did nothing. Basically drift wood absorbs all the salt water and when you burn it, it does that!" He said gestureing to the multi coloured flames. "It's romantic, isn't it?"

"Yeah it's beautiful! Does this sound crazy but I want to run into the water just so I can get warm again?" I asked looking into his illuminated face. His golden curly hair shone like silk and I wanted to run my fingers threw it. The hot dog was amazing and I ate it that quick it gave me heart burn.

"Well willow, you just read my mind" He said standing up and undoing his leather trousers and peeling them of.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he didn't anwser me, he just held his hand expectingly. "Wait first I want your name"

"Matt, Matt Lautner" standing up I started to take my top and Trousers of and he carried on removing bits of clothing. Stopping at my underwear I took his warm unmarked hand and we ran! Straight into the dark murky water. Im not going to lie, and say it was just right, it was freezing and we both stood shivering, teeth chattering, and goose pimpled skin.

"Swim" I screamed and we both started to swim. Desperate to get warm it soon turned into a race to the barrier. He won but If I was at my full strength he wouldn't have stood a chance. "Are you warm?"

"No! Are you?" He said between snapping teeth. Shaking my head I started Rubbing my arms "Bonfire?" He asked and before the word had fully left his mouth I was of.

"That was a bad idea!" I said once we had gotten back to shore. His hair speckled chest shone in the moon light and looking into his dark eyes that were so much like the dark sky I said "I want to live,"

"So do I" That's how we started talking about his illness. ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We we finished and sat back down on the blanket. Eventually the fire died and we walked to the dimly lit beach hut. "Wait here a second" He said going in. A few minuets later he had successfully pulled out a bed that took the entire space up! Falling back he smiled at me and patted the space next to him. Climbing in I rested my head on a pillow and he closed the doors. "Watch this" He said grabbing a remote. A few seconds later the roof started to peel back! Well not the actual roof but the lining and it revealed the stary sky. We stayed like that all night and eventually fell asleep.

Is it possible to sorta love two people at once? I think I do.

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