Completely Accepted

By Luv__cupcake

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This story is about the struggles of High School life and real life situations that we go through.Growing up... More

Completely Accepted
Back to school Bash
Music to Boxing
Game night.
Prod's house
Open House
Just Dance
Love and Basketball
Homecoming Game
Livin'YoungWild&Free Part 1...
Livin'YoungWild&Free Part 2...
Taco Tuesday
Whose Smarter
Forever my lady
Baby Boy
How to be a man
Catt turns 17
Catt turns 17
Drama with Exams
I missed you.
Prom night
Let go
Murder was the case

Spring Breakers

64 3 0
By Luv__cupcake

Sorry it's been awhile but it's finally my Spring Break and I promised I'd start back uploading everything!So enjoy it's a lot of Drama ;)

Spring Break!!

Catt Pov.

For weeks I've been trying to become unstressed.Prod has been fighting with his quiz bowl partner constantly,Roc's been waay off than usual,Niqs still not showing as much,and I wish Ray and Chelsea would have never came on this 12 hour car ride!

"OH MY GAWWWD!!!SHUT UP!!!"I freaked trying to read my book from the front seat.Prod and Niq were crammed next to me while Prince,OC and those two fighting idiots were in the back.

"Really shut up I'm about to drop y'all asses off.Think I won't."Roc yelled.

"You ant real."Ray challenged moving OC's sleeping head off of him.I swear the kid can sleep through a screaming baby.Which reminds me,I miss Nellie and especially Jewelz:'(

Prince's mom has him this whole week and Nel is getting ready for the baby.

I noticed a quick silence in the car which stopped my thinking.We all looked to Roc who sped up driving towards the side,slowing down.Oh great he's serious!

"Bae."Niq frowned as he got out opening the truck getting their bags.

"Bro where are we suppose to go?!"Ray complained with Chelsea still running her mouth.I feel bad for her,she's wearing really cute heels and a cover up over her bikini.

"You got a iPhone use it,Goggle maps mi niggah."Roc mumbled before getting back in the drivers side speeding off.

"Did you really just-"Prince started before Roc cut him off.

"We're like less than thirty minutes away,they'll be fine.They might start fuckin' in a bit."

I scoffed leaning on Prod who was sleeping.He looks young and sweet when he's sleep,I think everyone does.We're okay I guess,I'm just hoping for a little "Yeah time"it you get what I mean ;) I'm seventeen now and my hormones can't take it!Shes losing something this week;)

Though,Roc was right about how close we were but it's a shame Ray and Chelsea couldn't stop arguing.

"So you thinkin' about performing while we're here?"Roc asked cruising towards the boats.

"Yeah,my manger is suppose to give me a show every night this week."I grin seeing Prod wake up.

"Really?He just better make us some money."Roc warned seeming really on edge lately.

"You okay?"I ask quietly.

"Yeah."he lied looking towards me to let it go.

Ray Pov.

"Siri how long is it to get to Prods yat?"

I'm sorry I did not catch that.

"It's YACHT Ray not yat!"Chelsea yelled.

"Look can you just stop pissin' me off!"

"Ray!You just got us kicked out into no where!My feet hurt and I'm sick of this!"she stopped facing away from me."I can't do this fwb shit anymore Ray,you hurt me constantly and I can't take it anymore!"

"Ugh,I told you when I hit it from the back you might feel a little-"

"I'm serious!I'm with Mike and I can't keep cheatin' on him when things get bad."she teared.

I sighed not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry."I whisper holding out my hand."What do you wanna do Chelsea?"

"I don't know,let's just keep goin'."

"Wait."I say stopping her."Get on my back,your feet are hurtin' and I need the heavy exercise."I struggled lifting her up continuing with or bags as well.

"Shut up."she smiled laughing finally.

Niq Pov.

"I wanna go water skiing,I wanna go to the beach,I wanna go clubbing,I-"

"Catt!Slow down lets just start with the beach Hun."I slowed,feeling sick to my stomach.

Roc decided to sleep in today since he drove the full 12 hours here.Ray and Chelsea are still no where near here yet,but we just came back from the first day on the Quiz crap.They won first today but I threw up in the bathroom half the time they were winning.I gotta tell Roc he's a father regardless of the stress he's in.His grades have dropped and he's freakin' out about graduation and what college he wants to go to to get started in the NFL.With tuition for Catt he's worried he might not get that football scholarship to get him back in Cali.I don't know what tell him,I'm afraid to.

"Unique!"Catt yelled snapping me out if it.


"The beach?Leggo?"she giggled.

"Your bf's not comin'?"

"Best friend is catching up with completion?Boy friend is being my manger for tonight?"

I laugh shaking my heading off the boat.

I sat down the entire time while Catt did mostly everything she could squeeze into the two hours Prod gave her.Apparently her work starts early today,and we both don't have a clue on what the hell he's doin' at this fancy beach house with a bunch of camera guys?

"I drove her here because?"I snapped wanting to sleep already.

"Like really I was just about to-"Catt frowned.

"Go shopping."I blurted remembering all the hot guys she was about to get numbers from.

"Relax you'll like it trust me."he smiled pulling her more into the house.

"Damn this is a nice house."I mumbled following them into the kitchen.

"Okay so I know you've been wanting to get your music out there more.So,we are going to shoot your first video on your new mixtape."

I tuned out after the overly excited Catt jumps on him,he laughs,they giggle,they kiss,and I remind them of how I could be sleeping.

"Oh right,let's start!"she laughed kissing him one last time before getting directions from some popular director man.They discussed her first scene in the house.I went to the living room where it had the most amazin' view of the beach.Like really,I can't wait till Roc starts his career in NFL.My baby gon' be kill' em!

Catt Pov.

"Niq!How do I....look."I shook my head seeing she's asleep on the couch.Prod asked Nellie to style my video shoot so you know I look amazing.I changed my outfit for the house scene we've been doing for hours today.I'm wearing a white cut out bathing suit with a lace cover up for the beach scene.I walked outside on the baloney seeing my set up for my photo shoot on one side,with the video on the other.The director decided to shoot at sunset on the beach for both.So time is pretty limited on getting everything done.I'm just glad I finally get my music video everyone at school keeps askin' for!

Roc Pov.

It was just gettin' dark when Ray finally found the boat when I woke up.OC,dyin' to go to the club,grabbed Ray and we all headed out the door.Everything was in walkin' distance so goin' to parties was nothin'.I had been so caught up in tryin' not to stress I thought about where the hell are Catt and Unique?I haven't seen or heard from them all day?

"Aye man you good?"Myles asked bein' the bartender for his big brothers house party.We only been here for less than fifth-teen minutes and Ray's already drunk,OC was callin' Nellie on the balcony,and Prince was flirtin'with some girls in a corner.

"Yeah,you know where-" I started.

"They were next door doin' a video but then again I think they on the strip.She had some performance at like 10 but hey they could be around here."he shrugged chewin' on a straw handing me another beer.I turned around watchin' everybody dance and enjoy themselves.

"Hey there stranger,can I get three sex on the beaches?"

I looked down aside of me to Paris and Anewbeea.

"Ahh hell,"I gulped drinking my beer straight empty."Myles hit me with a Tequila."

Catt Pov.

"Oh my Gosh!That was so fun!I can't believe they liked the new song!And then-"

Prod cut me off with a kiss while walking me to the door.Its been a long night of partying and havin' extreme fun!

"Okay you two,make room for me at least."Niq squeezed in between us opening the door.

It was two in the morning and I figured Roc and the guys would be out.We saw Chels about an hour ago with the Devil.I was hoping going to Miami would be a getaway from all of them but I guess I was wrong.

"Do whatever,just keep your noise and voices down."she yawned."Good night you two."she sighed going to bed leaving us alone.


"So what do you wanna do-"Prod started before I grabbed his shirt pulling him into a kiss.I hopped on to his waist,wrapping my arms around his neck.I didn't even notice how we made it to our room.He gently place me in the middle pulling away.

"We can't do this."he whispered not looking me in the eye.

"Um why not?I'm ready and Roc's not home so we won't get caught."I sat up.

"Catt,it's not that."

"Then what is it."I snapped.

"Remember when we got tested..."

"Um yeah,they were both negative."I shrugged.

"Well......I...I had Myles take mines for me."he confessed.

I started breathing heavily but I'm confused on how I feel.Maybe I was mad or angry,but then should I be accepting of this.What,what if he has-

"I have HIV."he confessed.

This couldn't be happening,to me of all people.I got to church,I never lie,I get good grades??So why God why me!

"H-how?!"I freaked wiping my face from tears that were forming.He looked guilty holding my hand.

"Catt don't cry,I was young and stupid!"

"I don't care!How'd that happen!"

"It was a few years back when I used to travel with my dad city to city after every football game.He would go out sometimes and I would too meetin' girls from all over..."

"So you'd sleep with them?Not that I'm judging cause I mean you already have Aids.Good job Magic Johnson!"I spat.

"I don't have Aids,that would be the worst thing that could happen.I have a minor case,I have meds that keep me alive.I'm-look I'm sorry I'm putting you through all of this.I didn't know how to tell you and..."

I just laid down on my side turning away from him.

"You kinda know the person."

"Who?I can take anyone at the moment." I sniffed.


Oh my God.

I got up not wanting to hear another word.I found myself outside on the couch.I plopped down falling on to something hard.


I looked down to Princeton.

"Sorry."I sniffed.

He sat up putting the blanket around him on me.

"What happened Katniss?"he wiped my face but it was no use.I just broke down on his shoulder.I don't know what to do.Why him?!The boy that's perfect!

"What ever happened,I just want you to know your stronger than this.Whether it's Prod or-"

I just hugged him tighter.He always knows what to say at the right moment.

"You can come stay at the hotel if you want?"

I nodded pulling away.We sat there leaning on each other for hours watchin' the sunrise.We were at the back of the yacht with a full view of the sky.I looked down to Prince sleeping now but I just couldn't myself.I wish I could just stay here forever in this moment but a very loud slam knocked us both uneasy.

Roc pov.


I felt somethin' wet and icy cold splash on my face like a hard slap.It hurt waking me up immediately.


"Really Roc!Her and her and her,fuck you!Fuck you,you cheating son of a bitch!"Niq yelled throwin' a bucket at the person next to me.

I looked down at Paris,Anewbeea,and her ghetto ass cousin in bed with me.What the fuck happened?!One minute I was drinking at a party and now I swear I think I fucked all of them.

"Baby-"I jumped up seein' I had only my boxers on.She grabbed all of them by their hair throwing them on the floor yellin' in Spanish.I didn't realize how strong she was,but then again they were pretty small to handle.I pushed her off of Paris feelin' her turn on me.

"How fucking could you!"she screamed out of the room.I noticed Ray in the corner,so we must have been in his room.I sighed runnin' out to find Unique.I went to our room seein' her pack everything.

"Baby listen!-"

"No!I am to pr.......for this."she mumbled but I couldn't here what she said.

"Your what?"

"Go fuck your hoes Roc!I'm leavin'."

"But it was a accident!I didn't slept with them!Please don't go!You gotta believe me!"I tried pullin' her to me but she backhand me leaving the room with her suitcase.

"Unique!"I followed her gettin' pissed off.

"No!I'm fuckin' done iight!You lucky I don't take your damn son!"

"What the fuck that's suppose to mean!"

"I'm taken your damn son and then I'm goin' back to Cali."

She left slammin' the front door.I punched the wall pissed she would even do it.

"Well Fuck you too then!"

The door slammed back open to her face extremely red.!

"Oh and another thing I'm pregnant."

Catt Pov.

It's like those two boys just ruined our Spring Break.The only plus was I knew which shows I had to do this week and Niq finally told Roc he would be a father,again.

"You want me to order you ice cream?"Prince asked getting ready for day two of the Quiz Bowl.

I nodded under the covers looking out to the great view of the beach.So much happened last night it's all a blur.I've tried falling asleep along with everyone else but that didn't stop me from thinking my boyfriend has Aids....

Princeton Pov.

I was fixing my tie in the mirror getting ready for the second day of Quiz Bowl.I'm not sure what happened last night well technically this morning to both of them?I'm just happy their both here to keep me company.It was pretty lonely yesterday without her.

"Prince?"she muffled looking up from the bed sheets.Niq was asleep on the other bed while Catt and I had a normal sleep over in the other bed closest to the balcony.

"Yeah."I answered watching her from the corner of my eye in the mirror.

"I really need a hug right now?"

Okay so either she's gone A-wall or I'm in one of those not real dreams.Maybe I didn't hear correctly?Aren't we technically cuddling not hugging,in bed?Wait is there a difference.....wait I know the difference why did I-

"Okay?"I whispered climbing under the bed spread leaving a little space between us."You feelin' okay Katniss?"I asked rubbing her arm.She was surprisingly freezing and maybe she needed the body heat.

"No I''s so much to deal with.I just need you to be on my side."

"I'm always,no matter what."I assured her feeling a long silence come on.

"If I had Aids what would you think of me?"she whispered trying not to wake Niq,seeing my expression change quickly.That was pretty weird???

"Um....that was random but I wouldn't look at you any different.I'd definitely help you and support you whether it's good or bad."

"Thanks."she mumbled turning back over."Well I know what to do now,just I think it's best I not think about it for a while."

"Okay?I really should get going but are you-"

"Prince I'll be okay."

I was concerned on why she'd ask me that,unless someone we know has Aids?.....




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