Poisoned Hearts (Sylar/Heroes...

By TragicRomancer

2.7K 78 10


Dangerous Encounters
Regret & Guilt
Dancing & Fathers

Poisoned Hearts (Sylar/Heroes fanfic)

739 11 0
By TragicRomancer

Character Profiles

Name: Lacey Warren
Alias: Alice
Age: 25
Hair: Long, black
Eyes: Crimson
Personality: Stubborn, loyal, headstrong, honest, caring
Background: Moved to Brooklyn, NY with her dad at age 17. Mom is presumed dead. has to hide her natural born abilities from everyone. Meets Gabriel Gray and they quickly become friends. Something bad happens and she's forced to move again. 8 years later she comes back to NY. She bumps into Gabriel, power crazed. An organization called The Company are after her. Gabriel/Sylar helps her escape them. After she stays with him both against her will and because she wants to.

Name: Harold Warren
Age: 42
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Personality: Protective, stubborn, mysterious, understanding, secretive
Background: Married Young. Had two kids, twins, one boy one girl. Wife is captured by the Company when daughter and son are four. To keep family safe he gave up the son to The Company, working for them occasionally. Betrays them and moves constantly. Daughter meets a boy and they get too close. The Company finds them again and they have to move. 8 years pass and he's forced into working for the company to look for his daughter.

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