The Preacher's Son [A Jihan...

By XxToxicBeatxX

73.9K 2.9K 621

"Hey you're gonna be late!" I yelled at a group of boys. I had gone to find my cousin, but came across them o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 22

1.9K 73 4
By XxToxicBeatxX

Jeonghan's P.O.V

I put on a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. I was so done with school already. We had gone to that stupid barbecue and it was excruciating. I had to be close to Jisoo, but I wasn't allowed to be too close. I had met Hansol the day after our adventure. I could tell there was some stiffness between Jisoo and him, but Jisoo, being the gentleman he is, welcomed him with a hug and tried to make conversation.

Something that made me extremely happy though, was that he introduced me as his boyfriend. Hansol and I got along really well and we were soon good friends. Today was only an early release day at school so after school everyone was coming to our house to hang out. When the bell rang I headed hurriedly to my locker with Jisoo next to me. It had been rather chilly in the classroom, so I was currently wearing his hoodie, because I was dumb and forgot mine.

"Is your uncle gonna be home," Jisoo asked. I shivered as his breath brushed across my ear and sent the hair to tickle my face. The smell of him was all around me. Almost overwhelming, but in a very, very good way. I shook my head in answer. I felt him relax slightly at my response. It was sad that my uncle made even Jisoo nervous. Brave, level-headed, kind-hearted Jisoo. Sometimes it seemed that nothing could scare him.

"I'll meet you at the jeep," he said when we reached my locker. I smiled in response, and he kissed my head before turning and walking down the hall. I watched him disappear into the crowd before grabbing my homework and stuffing it into my bag. I then grabbed something I needed Aunt Alex to sign and left without a word to anyone around me. At first people had stared at me, but now they barely bat an eye in my direction, or maybe I had just stopped caring. I looked around. Yep, there were still some people staring. Even when I stared back.

"So annoying," I said to myself in Korean. "I am personally enjoying the attention." I spun around to see Hansol. Him and Jisoo were the only ones that spoke to me in Korean. Well, Aunt Alex did on occasion. He grinned at the girls that passed. They blushed and looked away. I rolled my eyes at him. He laughed and took my bag from me.

"Jesus, how much stuff do you have in here," he asked loudly. I made a grab for my bag, but he was already on the move.

"Yah! Give it back!" I yelled after him in annoyance. He laughed and kept walking, and plowed Mary over. I watched her bubblegum pink hair fall, and was certain she was going to crack her head open against the lockers, when Hansol made a grab at her and snatched her by the arm. People stopped and stared. It was almost like a drama. Which was kind of funny. I couldn't stop the laugh that came out.

"Watch-watch where you're goin-goin-going," Mary stuttered. She was blushing wildly, and Hansol wasn't much better. He let go of her and they glanced at each other before they both put their attention on me. "Jisoo is waiting," I said. I pushed past the two of them, and took my bag from Hansol as I passed. I heard Mary take in a shaky breath before following me.

We walked quietly down the hall. I could feel people watching us. We were a rather odd looking group, especially when we were all together. We were all noticeably Asian, except Hansol looked like a young Leonardo DiCaprio, Cho looked like she was on her way to a Black Veil Brides concert, Mary and Kalee shared the same face, but Mary had bubblegum pink hair and Kalee had dark brown hair, there was me, and then Jisoo. He didn't look like he belonged in our group. He was an obvious preacher's boy. It was kind of ironic really. That we were all friends. One look at us by ourselves and you would never put us together, but here we were.

We made it out to the car and I waved happily to Jisoo whom was sitting on the hood of his jeep, and Kalee and Cho were leaning against Cho's Mustang's hood. He waved back and Mary gave me a sharp jab in the ribs followed with an odd look. I rolled my eyes and hurried to Jisoo's side. "Are we all ready?" I turned and looked at everyone after Jisoo had asked. They nodded so without another word to each other we got into our separately shared cars.

I grabbed Jisoo's waiting hand as soon as we were both buckled and he had started down the road. "Jooo~sh," I said in a singsong voice. He briefly looked over at me while raising his eyebrows. I laughed and leaned across the center consul. "Joshua." I watched a shiver run through him.

"I'm trying to drive Jeonghan-ah. You're gonna cause a wreck by being so distracting," he said firmly. I chuckled and leaned slightly away from him. I watched him roll his eyes, but he did noticeably relax his grip on the wheel.

"What? Am I too hot for you?" He snorted at my words. He shook his hand out of my own and shoved me away non too gently. I hit the window with a laugh. He stuck his tongue out at me so I did the same.

"Keep your eyes on the road preacher boy," I said when he almost ran the red light. He shook his head in annoyance, but all the way home it didn't happened again. He was pretty cute. The way he acted like an upset puppy after getting scolded.

We pulled into the driveway when we got to mine and the twins' house and got out. We waited patiently outside for the others to get there and when they did we all went in together. Thankfully my uncle wasn't home.

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