The Secret Lover (ItaSaku)

By HarrysOnlyyAngel

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After her parents died, her only treasure left by them is her pendant that she carries everywhere. But one da... More

Chapter 1 - Despair
Chapter 2 - The scroll
Chapter 3 - The first gift
Chapter 4 - Savior
Chapter 5 - Impatience
Chapter 6 - Excitement
Chapter 7 - A special meeting
Chapter 8 - Anger
Chapter 9 - A familiar feeling
Chapter 10 - Someone important
Chapter 11 - Burning desire
Chapter 12 - Familiar
Chapter 13 - Afraid
Chapter 14 - Torture
Chapter 15 - A strong woman
Chapter 16 - ANBU
Chapter 17 - Rescue
Chapter 18 - Finding the truth
Chapter 19 - Back to you
Chapter 20 - The mysterious woman
Chapter 21 - Drunk
Chapter 22 - Emptiness
Chapter 23 - Mutual
Chapter 24 - Pregnancy
Chapter 25 - Damaged
Chapter 26 - Pink petals
Chapter 28 - Kage level
Chapter 29 - Fight through the pain
Chapter 30 - Will you be mine?

Chapter 27 - The power of love

4.1K 146 18
By HarrysOnlyyAngel

Itachi was sleeping peacefully. He was moved in an empty room after the surgery was a succes. All the words in the world couldn't explain Sakura's concern and heart ache when she almost lost him. She thought that her world came to an end. She felt like she couldn't breathe anymore but Kami answered her prayers and sent Itachi back to her, where he belongs. She swore to tell him everything when he wakes up. Even if he would reject her, she will continue to surroud him with her love and try to make him happy.

A nurse opened the door, revealing Sakura who was sleeping on the chair, next to Itachi's bed. Her head was resting on the bed edge and her hand was holding his tightly. She promised to be there when he wakes up.

The nurse shook her gently. She murmured something in her sleep and opened her eyes, being met by the artificial light. It was already evening, she lost the track of time.

The nurse bent down to be eye level with her while the pinkette rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Miss Haruno, you should go home and get some proper rest, you've been here for two days."

She looked around the room, blinking. Her eyes landed on Itachi.

"I promised him to be here when he wakes up." she said with a weak voice. Her throat was sore from the lack of water.

"If he wakes, we'll call you. Lady Tsunade said that she got your shifts covered. A rest is what you need after performing such a surgery."

Sakura sqeezed Itachi's hand before she stood up and stretched her back.

She looked at the small svreen that displayed his regular heartbeats.

"Please keep your eyes on him constantly. He is..." her gaze fell on the floor. "... a really special patient to me."

The nurse nodded.

Sakura took her purse that was thrown carelessly on the floor and got out of the room. She couldn't trust anybody with his life but she really needed a shower and a decent sleep.

Her feet carried her through the long corridor of the hospital. It was quiet, all the patients were asleep. Only one lightbulb was flickering. She exhaled, exhausted.

The pinkette pushed the double doors open, the chilly air of the night hitting her face. The village was so calm... She wished her life to be like this.

She heard someone movig behind a tree and her eyes snapped in that direction. Her hand grabbed a kunai, being ready to stab whoever would threaten her life.

"Who is there?" she asked full of confidence.


Her feet carried her to that direction, feeling the grass tickling her naked ankles. She looked behind that tree but nobody was there. Could be her imagination. The lack of rest affected her in more than one way, she thought.

She lowered the kunai, exhaling.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind, holding her tightly to a strong chest. A hand was on her mouth so she couldn't scream.

She struggled to get out of the grip, bringing chakra into her fists but right when she did that, the masked man's hand began glowing blue, absorbing her chakra. He chuckled.

"The more you struggle, the more chakra you will lose." he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Her eyes widened in fear. What did they want with her? Who were they? So many questions flowing through her exhausted brain. The wind picked up and two more people jumped from the hospotal's roof.

One was a woman with long, brown hair and one was a man with black spiky hair. They both wore ANBU uniforms and masks.

What was the meaning of this?

"Good job. The leader will give you a raise." the woman complimented, chuckling darkly.

Who were these people? They looled like Konoha ANBU but they weren't acting like such.

"How could this tiny girl put her hands on the scroll?" the woman took a step forward, raising Sakura's head by putting two fingers under her chin. Everything in her brain snapped.

The scroll, the scroll about Itachi. These were the ANBUs under Danzo's control who deserted from the village with him. She heard Tsunade speaking with Shizune to keep this a secret to avoid panick amongst the people. She trembled in fear. Danzo was a powerful man, this is why he was proposed as the Sixth. He would have done anything for this village, including ordering a child to massacre an entire clan. He was cruel and she didn't even wanted to imagine how he would take revenge on her.

"It was lost. We should take her to him."

The other man laughed. "This will be entertaining to watch."

The four of then disappeared into the night.


Sakura slowly opened her eyes when she felt like her body was thrown on a hard surface. She gasped for air.

Her vision was blurry but she could see in the dim light of the room, some feet.

Hesitantly, she raised her eyes to be meet by the man that she didn't want to see.

Shimura Danzo.

The man stared down at the helpless girl with his dull eye. He wore a stern expression that sent a chill down the kunoichi's spine. She noticed that her hands were tied behind her back with a chakra restaining rope. She tried to move her body but she couldn't. The ropes only became tighter, digging into her flesh and making her wrists bleed.

The ANBUs kneeled before Danzo, keeping their eyes glued to the ground.

"We found her outside the hospital." one if them spoke.

"I see..."

The deadly man bent down to take a proper look at her terrified face. He moved a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Where did you find the scroll, child?"
She breathed heavily. His question came like a threat and she devided to keep her mouth shut in order to not get Shizune or Tsunade in trouble. It was enough that she took a wrong step. Sparing their lives was the least she could do if it were for her to be killed.

"I can make her talk." the ANBU woman said, raising her hand and making it glow bright red.

She bent down and placed two fingers on the back of her neck, sending a powerful electric shock throughout her body, starting from her spine. Her muscles felt like they were ripped apart and every single nerve from her body hurt. She started shaking franatically, sweat forming on her face.

Some droplets of blood fell in the corner of her mouth and she could taste it on her tongue.

"We asked you a question..." she said.

Sakura was panting heavily and she could barely keep her eyes open.


"And you thought that it was a good idea bringing the Uchiha back..." Danzo spoke this time, walking around the room until he stopped in front of a desk. He poured himself a cup of tea, leaning on the desk casually and staring down at her with disgust. "You are just a little girl, yet you put me on the run. I am now one of the most searched criminals. Impressive." he mocked her. "But tell me, weren't you afraid that I will get to you?"

"You can have me. As long as he is safe." she whispered the second sentence, her face holding only regret.

Danzo smirked satisfied.

"Don't be so sure about that..." he pushed himself off the desk. He bent down again, looking into her teary eyes. "As far as I know, because my spies from the village informed me, he is unable to fight. He just had a complicated surgery performed by you. Am I right?" he asked her like a toddler. She gasped in fear. She was afraid to hear the rest. "He is sleeping so peacefully. After he ruined me." venim was dripping from his voice. "I will help him sleep for eternity."

He stood up, looking at his most powerful and loyal ANBUs.

"Kill Itachi Uchiha..." he said with authority.

They bowed and took some steps back until they were out of the small room which had no windows.

Sakura tried to escape from the tight grip of the ropes only causing herself more pain. She struggled and jerked her body until blood was flowing on her limbs.

"N-no..." she whispered, starting to cry. "Nooooo!" she screamed as loud as she could, making Danzo smirk. She couldn't see anything because of the tears. She was almost choking in her own tears and she continued to escape until her flesh was torn apart.

"I can tell... That you love him..." Danzo said seriously, being amazed of how far she could push herself for him. Even to her iwn death.

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