Midnight Flock

By 0nyxcrescent

86.7K 6.6K 750

This is a fanfic based on CL Stone's Ghost Bird and Scarab Beetle series. There is mature content. San... More

Chapter 1: Shooting Lesson
Chapter 2: Bullseye
Chapter 3: Betrayal
Chapter 4: Punishment and Reward
Chapter 5: New Family and Mission Specs
Getting Ready
Chapter 7: Club Midnight
Chapter 8: First Night
Chapter 9: The Guys
Chapter 10: Date with Gabriel
Chapter 11: ~A~ Report
Chapter 12: The Gang's All Here
Chapter 13: Nathan's Date
Chapter 14: Kryptonite
Chapter 15: Body Shots
Chapter 16: Of Legends and Myths
Chapter 17: Team Ito
Chapter 18: Family Meeting
Chapter 20: Luke's Dessert
Author's Note
chapter 21: Rumours and Uniforms
Chapter 22: Horny Southerner
Not A Chapter
Chapter 23: We Accidentally Roofied Sang
Chapter 24 - The Great Escape
Chapter 25: Saying Goodbye

Chapter 19: Chastity Meets the Blackbourne Team

2.6K 238 40
By 0nyxcrescent

A/n: Sorry it's a short chapter. I felt like it was a natural place to end it and I didn't want to start the next scene because then then chapter would be astoundingly long. Not that any of you would ever complain about that!  Also, I think you're going to be surprised by some of the boys and not so surprised by some of the boys. 

My heart swelled at the gesture Kota made, to agree to help me in this mission despite not knowing anything about it. He trusted me. If I needed their help, they'd help. But, it was a little uncharacteristically rash for Kota. He's a planner. A strategist, like Owen. I saw the tic in Owen's eye when Kota immediately jumped up and agreed to help. That was what cooled me down a little to the gesture. Kota was being reckless in his attempt to appease me. I didn't want him to change, I didn't want blind devotion, I just wanted my opinions to be considered. I could tell after some of the details of the mission had been divulged, a few of the guys were swallowing their tongues.

Right then, my cell buzzed with an incoming text message at the same time Owen and Sean's beeped. I pulled mine out and looked at it, it was a message from Marc, and then my phone buzzed again, from Haru. I didn't remember giving him my cell phone number.

Marc: Just talked to the Academy, they will be reaching out to your team to officially extend an offer to help in conjunction with us and Team Ito.

Unknown: Hey, it's Haru. Marc gave me your number. Academy is on board. If you can get your team to agree, it'll be an honor to work with them.

I added Haru to my contact list and sent a response. To the both of them.

Sang: Team just took a vote and agreed to help.

Owen and Sean were discussing their text in an angry whisper. They weren't being very discreet, but they were being quiet enough that even I couldn't hear all of what was being said. Sean still looked angry when Owen walked away from him and called for our attention again. This time, we all sat around the table to discuss the matter at hand. I was assuming it would be to inform the rest of the team that we had been formally asked to join in the mission. Owen pulled at the cuffs of his sleeves and straightened his tie before clearing his throat and addressing the rest of us.

"Gentlemen, and Lady," he acknowledged me as usual, "The academy has just contacted Sean and I and asked if we would be interested in participating in the mission Sang has already committed to with the Toma Team and Team Ito, the other team involved. Sean felt we should have another vote about accepting the offer now that you are better informed as to some of the details of the mission. However, you were all so adamant to assist Sang without asking for details, I hardly see how it would do any good to revote. It's not like any of you would rescind your offer to help her in this mission, correct?" Owen's piercing grey gaze speared each and every one of them, daring to speak up and ask to withdraw their help. "Sang, since we're now involved, why don't you fill us in on everything the Toma team knows to this point, all the major players, set up of the club and your role in the mission? That way, we can start formulating a way to provide assistance to you. When the other two teams get here this evening, they can fill us in on anything you might have missed. But, this way, we can get a head start and formulate any questions we might have for the other teams."

I nodded and began with what the Toma team knew and what we had uncovered in my week at the club. I told them what I knew of the staff and owner, his penchant for younger girls and the Four-Oh-Five. I gave them the layout of the club and where the Toma team already had cameras. Then, I went into my involvement with the mission.

"Hold up just a second, Trouble. You elluded to a uniform. What are we talking about? Like at Bob's? I imagine it's a little flashier since this is a night club." Owen and Sean both snickered at the question, knowing full well, this is where the shit would hit the proverbial fan.

"Well," I hedged, "The uniforms come in several colors and we can mix and match if we want. They are black light responsive, so that's cool. It's a top and a skirt." The boys all seemed pretty calm about this information. I relaxed too. That wasn't so bad.

"Sang, your uniform from last night is washed and ready to wear, why don't you put it on and show them one of your uniforms. That way they can tell how to identify the wait staff at the club." I was going to strangle Owen with that damned tie of his. I would knock him unconscious and string him up with it. I managed to communicate all of that to him with a glance before I rose.

"If you'll excuse me boys, I'll go put it on and be right back." They all waved me off and commenced talking amongst themselves.

I was heading upstairs to change when I heard a random pattern of knocks at the front door. Curious, I decided to answer before changing, since I was right here. The door opened wide and the Toma team was all gathered on the front steps, behind them, it looked like the Ito team was also here.

"What are you guys doing here already?!"

"Good! You haven't changed yet." Axel came walking in, followed by everyone else.


"Yeah, into your uniform for the guys. We know Owen too well and when we heard they had agreed to the mission, we knew damned well, they didn't know about the uniform yet so we called Team Ito up and hustled them over here so we could watch the fireworks." Marc informed me. I huffed indignantly.

"You guys are all stupid. But fine, might as well pull up chairs and share the popcorn because this is going to be epic. I can't even pretend they won't care. They are going to go ballistic. They're in the meeting room. I was serious about the chairs, grab them from the dining room and haul them down with you. Text Owen I let you in and you're on your way down to the room. I'll be down in a minute." I turned and left the Toma team smirking and the Ito Team with their mouths hung open. Poor Haru and his team, they are going to get a reality check real quick on the impressive Blackbourne Team.

I stood outside the meeting room doors, fidgeting nervously with the hem of my skirt. I knew they were all waiting for me to finish dressing and in another minute or two they would come get me. I texted Owen on my way down the stairs that I'd be a few more minutes getting ready. Thinking about Owen made me mad at him all over again. I wanted to ease them into this mission, get them on board and then share some of the trigger points slowly, not spring it all on them at once so I'd be fighting a war and not just a smattering of minor skirmishes. I breathed in deep and slowly let it out, my eyes closed. I repeated this a limited number of times, imagining my muscles relaxing and focusing my mind on the task at hand. I turned the handle and slowly opened the door, peeking in around it without giving away my outfit. It was dark in the room and they had managed to string up a half dozen black lights. I grit my teeth, I felt the muscle tick in my jaw.

The damned Toma team must have brought them in when I was upstairs changing. I heard Marc and Branon in the far corner chortle in amusement and I shot them a glare. Of course. I let go of the door, squared my shoulders and marched in, pulling it closed behind me, to stand right in the center of the blacklight glow.

My hand rested on my hip when I stuck it out to the side, channeling Chastity. Might as well give them the full effect. I could hear my boys gasp and a handful of the chairs squeaked across the floor as their occupants stood up suddenly in alarm.

"Smooth, jerkwads. Classy. Real southern gentleman charm right here." I gestured above me to the lights highlighting every awful thing about the uniform. "I know you two assholes back there made this happen. You better run, because when this meeting is over I'm tearing off your dicks and shoving them down your throats." They just laughed harder and louder at me.

I heard Gabriel ask Sean if I had hit my head last night too because I wasn't acting normal.

"Okay boys, show's fucking over, did you get your fill? I'm snapping on the lights and we're going to discuss this like adults. Thanks to tweedle dumb and dumber over there, you were blessed with the full effect of the uniform at the club." I flipped the lights in the room back on and I noticed a lot of stunned faces, mostly from my boys. "Now get your panties out of the twist I know they're in and sit your asses down." I barked out. They were too stunned by this change in me to argue and all complied with my order wordlessly, even Luke and Gabriel were wise enough to keep their commentary to themselves, though by the looks they were exchanging, it was likely killing them to contain it.

"What are you two idiots laughing about? She's lost her damned mind and you're giggling like drunk sorority sisters." North growled angrily. Marc pulled himself together enough to make it around the table to my side.

"Gentlemen," he addressed my team, "meet Chastity Beltz, waitress at Club Midnight and my cousin." Luke lost it then, bursting out into howls of laughter, bringing Gabriel and Nathan with him. They slid out of their seats, unable to keep upright, clutching their sides. I tapped my foot impatiently. At least they weren't demanding I go up and change, yet. I could see Kota and Victor trying desperately not to laugh. North had his typical scowl in place, but Silas was only just containing his own laughter. Sean was in the same boat and Owen's millimeter smile came out. He approved. Good. This wasn't hopeless.

Raven, Brandon, Corey and Axel came up behind me, crossing their arms and scowling back at the boys. They were obviously ready for a throw down. I was hoping I could defuse the situation before a brawl broke out.

"Gabriel! Luke! Nathan! Enough already. Pull yourselves together and be the men I expect you to be. I don't need a pack of fucking hyenas in here so if you can't be adults, you can leave." I bellowed. I was thankful that my throat had eventually fully healed and with some minor speech therapy I was able to create a pretty impressive volume now. They managed to pull themselves back onto their chairs, mumbled apologies and we could get back on task. North leaned forward in his chair, eyeing me with interest now that I had the three amigos under control.

"The name is unfortunate, Sang. But, can we talk about what you're wearing?" Kota spoke up.

"More like what she's not wearing." North grumped, his eyes roaming over my body.

"This is one of the six options for uniform colors. Two of those uniforms aren't really options, I won't wear them. That leaves pink, light blue, green, and orange. The black and the white ones are off the list for me."

"And why is that?" Victor spoke up this time. Those flames were burning bright as he looked at me. The uniform had a similar effect on most guys.

"Well, first, part of the uniform edict at the club is a strapless bra. The under garments I wear underneath the uniform must be blacklight responsive and in a different color than the uniform I wear that night. So, if I'm wearing a blue uniform, my undergarments have to be another color that will glow under blacklight." I hold my hand up to stop whatever Silas and North were about to say. "The black uniform is made out of some material that does not react under the blacklight, however, the undergarments, as ordered, light up like glow-sticks at a rave. It then appears like I'm wearing nothing but my undergarments when I walk under the blacklight." North's hands crash onto the table as he stands suddenly. I ignore him and continue my explanation. "Thankfully, the white uniform glows so bright you can't see any underneath it when the lights are on it. However, in regular lighting, you again see the undergarments very clearly." North is standing in front of me suddenly, sliding off his black button down shirt he was wearing and tossing it over my shoulders before helping me slide my arms through the sleeves and buttoning it up. He leaned in and hugged me gently, moving his mouth to my ear so no one else would hear him.

"I'm sorry, Baby, for hurting you. For not trusting you to trust us and for thinking I knew what was best for you. It may always be my downfall. I don't mean to make it seem like I don't trust you and your decisions, I just worry about you and I want to protect you always, from everything that might harm you. You asked us for help on this mission and I want you to know I'm behind you one hundred percent. If you say 'jump'. I'll ask how fucking high." I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder before responding.

"I forgive you. Don't make me regret it and don't break my heart like that again." I kissed his cheek and let him go. There were unshed tears in his eyes and I almost started to cry in response. I had already forgiven all of them at this point, but I wanted to talk with them privately. I needed to talk to Luke, he'd already come to me, but the wound to my heart was still too fresh to forgive anyone with an active role in the charade. But I didn't need any additional apology from Luke for any other groveling. He said his piece and I know he regrets his involvement. I can't hold onto this any longer if I expect us to move forward.

North went back to his seat and I followed suit, with the Toma Team taking up residence against the wall behind me like my own little posse.

"Good. Now that we've gotten all of that out of the way, maybe we can move on with this meeting." Owen spoke up, taking control back from me and directing us forward with poise and honed leadership skills. 

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