By 1999beauty

51.1K 1K 70

"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked, watching him carefully. "You don't." He simply said, pouring him... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Six

4.5K 104 4
By 1999beauty



"No, Sabastian with an 'a'." He corrected and Liz rolled her eyes.

"We all know Sebastian has an 'a' in it," she pointed her fork at him and he rolled his eyes at her.

"It's Sabastian  with the 'e' being an 'a' instead," he managed to articulate and she frowned. He sighed. "It's spelled S-a-b-a-s-t-i-a-n."

"Are you even serious?"

Liz couldn't believe how great of a guy Vasquez was. She never did enjoy going out in public, some called her antisocial or an introvert but she really didn't care. She always felt as if she was at too much of a risk out in the public. Like everyone was watching and judging her. She always felt awkward and that made her feel at an disadvantage. Vulnerable. Vulnerability was never something she could be comfortable feeling at any point in her life. And she was fighting that feeling which came with losing her job. She could find something else. She had to find something else.

"So let me get this straight, it is Sebastian?" he shook his head at her teasing tone. He glared at her mockingly and she laughed. "Okay, fine Sabastian. But why did your mom not just name you Sebastian?"

He shrugged as he finished his meal. Liz was surprised to find herself only half way through her meal. There was never any limits to her eating. As long as she wasn't allergic to it and it looked gross, she ate it. Except for spring chicken and that snail thing. But with how limited her diet was to cup noodles these days, she should be scarfing this food down. She was so caught up in their conversation, she either talked or laughed and rarely ate. It was such a weird thing, she had to look down at the food a little longer. When was she ever like this?

"Is everything okay?" He asked, making her crash from her own world to reality. She looked up at him, dazed for a minute before blinking.

"Yeah, I am great..." She trailed off before frowning, her lips pursed into a cherry pink line. "Why did you ask me anyway?"

"You kind of spaced out for a moment there," he informed her and she slowly nodded, wrapping her head around his answer. She spaced out. She spaced out thinking about how long she hadn't laughed like that. And not eating as much due to the fact she couldn't seem to shut up. Really looking at him, she realized she was enjoying his company. And it had nothing to do with the sexual tension between them. Okay, it had a lot to do with the sexual tension but she was going to ignore that for now. There couldn't be anything between them. He was far out of her league and as much as it would boast her confidence level if he chose to sleep with her, she wasn't that desperate. "Hey, I hope this doesn't have anything to do with my name. I don't even know what it means, but my mom probably just wanted to make my name a little more..."

"Girly," she added and he rolled his eyes. It seemed so normal and it was then she saw a man. Not a billionaire tycoon. Just a man. He was an extraordinary man, but still one. "But I get your point. Unique. I mean, picking out a name for your kid can be very pressuring."

He shrugged as the waiter came and gathered their dishes. "Anything else, sir?"

Sabastian then raised his eyebrows at her, asking her the same question the waiter asked him. Sabastian. His name wasn't exactly what she expected. Until a hour ago, despite her being in his office, in his house, in his car and even in his arms, she didn't know his name. And now she couldn't keep it out of her mind. It sounded so...she shivered as his name popped up in her head again. She looked at the man who was awaiting her answer before she shook her head. He cocked his head as if to ask if she was sure and she nodded. Usually, she would be offended when someone second guessed, she even remember her aunt scolding her for her attitude when someone second guessed her, but she simply nodded at him. It was clear he was just concerned. No need to be acting like a complete bítch. She felt too good for that.

He shook his head at the waiter, his attention focused on her for a very long moment before finally turning to the waiter. There was a connection. She felt it. And when he looked away, she felt as if she was released from a prison. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.

This was something she wasn't thinking about. The fact that she would really like him. She was just expecting him to just...really and truly be an a$$. This was going awfully well.

"Just bring the check," he nodded to the waiter who bowed before leaving them alone once more. This time the silence between them stretched and Liz was unable to ignore the sexual tension. And judging by the darkening of his eyes to a dark chocolate brown, almost completely black, he felt it too. She suddenly had a craving for dark chocolate. She shifted a little in her seat, his eyes watching her every move.

"Well...ahem," she began clearing her throat before leaning forward to take up her glass of water to drink. Underestimating the distance between them under the table, her legs bumped into his and she immediately jumped back, spilling the glass of water in her grasp onto her shirt. Her face heated up as she stood up as quickly as she could, grabbing a napkin on the table to pat her blouse. It made the water seep through her white blouse to her bra underneath.

He got up and was by her side, grasping her arm and taking the napkin from her hand. She looked at him in shock, but he wasn't looking at her. He gestured to their table before passing his credit card to the waiter as he moved with her, practically dragging her with him towards the door.

Liz was in too much shock and that was when she saw all the eyes on them. She swore she saw a light flash from a phone camera as they made their way to the exit. He stopped then to collect his credit card from the waiter and she managed to sober up and rip her hand from his grasp. It was just water. Nothing tragic.

He simply grabbed it back and they moved towards the car.

"What is your deal, Mr. Vas-Sabastian?" she protested as she tried to move out of his hold. So much for being a nice guy. Was that all an act? Or maybe she was reading too much into this. She really didn't realize how much she wanted it to be the latter until the thought came to mind. "It's just water. We don't have to leave so soon. Let go."

He didn't stop though, seeming not to listen to her before he carried her to the van. Slamming the door beside her, he was climbing into the driver's side of his Grand Cherokee Jeep. When she first saw it, she thought it was a joke. He seemed so much like the flashy sports car type. But this vehicle wasn't any less of impressive. She really liked this jeep. All comfy and high.

She tugged on the seatbelt, suddenly feeling frustrated for some reason. Yeah, so maybe she wasn't the one over reacting. He was. So what if she was clumsy? It was something new to her, she was a bartender and waitress after all. Clumsiness wasn't something that could ever happen in that line of jobs. And it never happened. Until now. Her cheeks felt way too warm for the cool air inside the van. Now, she just wanted to get to the shelter and figure out what was her next step. Losing her job wasn't planned for which was stupid, especially with all her plans resting on the fact that she would have an income.

"Just take me ho-" she was cut off from making her statement, or rather airy demand, as he lunged for her, pressing her into the plush leather seat underneath. She let out a gasp when his lips crushed to hers and the next thing she knew, his taste filled her mouth as her eyes instinctively closed and she automatically had her hands into his hair. He grunted when she pulled on chunks of his hair. That had her pulling away a little as impossible as it was, to see if she had hurt him. But when she felt the seat going back, a squeal escaped her and that was when she felt him chuckle, or was it a groan. His hands were mostly everywhere as he was now on top of her. Liz was never happier for high ceilings. Thank goodness for no sports car.

Cool air hit her breasts, causing her nipples to stand up at rigid points and she found herself pressing into him. Something between a pur and a groan sounded in the car and it took a moment before she realized it was her. But she wasn't too focused on that. There was this burn and this craving she had to feel closer to him.

Her hip had a mind of its own as she grinded against him after she opened her legs for him to fit closer to her. An unconscious move she wasn't sure meant a good thing or a very bad bad thing. This guys was messing with the general function of her brain.

Damn...was this really happening? Her brain wasn't making sense at all. Having a coherent thought wasn't close to be made. Her lungs were on fire as he took, and took some more. And she wouldn't dare stop the kiss. She could die like this. In utter bliss.

And they weren't even naked. The thought popped up in her head as he finally released her, giving her burning lungs time to suck in as much oxygen as possible for her brain to do the basics. And even that looked damn hard.

He started pressing his pelvis into her, his hardness nudging close to where she suddenly had the desperation for it to be. Her nails scraped his scalp as he made a hot trail of vampire kisses all over her neck before finally moving towards her collarbone. And then moving to her shoulder where she let out a scream as he bit into it.

He didn't stop there as he continued to move southerly. Her thighs clamped over his torso and the friction of him through his pants made her even more sensitive to him.

Her hands moved directly down to his pants. Why did he have so much clothes on? But then he grabbed her wrists in one hand before lifting them up to above her head in one hand. This van had more room than she thought. He gazed down at her, his eyes almost completely black of it wasn't for the gold rim of his iris. He looked wild and so not the guy she was in there having lunch with. And he was breathtaking. She smiled at the handy work she did with his hair as she watched him through hooded eyes, her chest moving much faster than she thought was supposed to be normal.

His gaze lingered on her lips before she even realized she licked them. And then his attention turned towards her blouse that was popped open and her bra pushed under her breasts, pushing them up. His eyes darkened.

"This," he croaked out as his hand went down to squeeze a nipple causing her to cry out with her head thrown back against the headrest and her back arched. "Is why a man can never be sane. You wore this lacy half cup red bra under your white blouse. Do you have any idea how fúcking tempting that is?"

Her eyes unscrewed open as she gazed up at him. Fúck. She didn't even realize what color bra she was wearing. She just threw on anything that was clean when she was getting ready for work earlier. But to get that expression from him? She was kind of glad. Elated to be exact. Weird, the only person she ever tried to please was her aunt. No one else. Especially some hot guy whose first name she learned little over an hour ago. But it was sure to be stuck in her head. They were basically having a mini argument about it. More a banter than anything else though.

His hand then went to the other breast, circling her nipple before finally pinching it. She but back a groan. And then he was covering lifting up the cups of her bra to cover her breasts and tugging back down her blouse. In the blink of an eye, he was back into the driver's seat after uprighting hers. She looked over at him clicking his seat belt in place, her hands numbly doing the same. Did that just happen?

He was moving out of the parking space and that was when she caught the guy stepping out of the way. Her eyes widened and she turned to see him with a tiny smirk on his face.

"Yes, Beth, he was watching us," he stated, his hands grasping the steering wheel before he moved his hand towards hers resting on her seat and he gripped it. Beth, Beth, Beth. She almost corrected him to say her name was Liz. But Beth was also a shortening of her name she haven't heard in forever. Yet he said it and it sounded so personal. It was just a nickname but it warmed her a little more when she was finally cooling down. She squeezed his and smiled. "So we're heading to my house now."

"To finish there?" Liz couldn't believe how needy she sounded. And felt. She really wanted to finish or do it all over again. Either way she really would be pleased. But Liz was never so forward. Or needy. This all too new. She felt her face burn again and knew it and spread, most likely blending in with the color of her bra. She ducked her head behind the curtain of hair that now tumbled over her shoulders and covered her face. Yet she couldn't help but glance at him. He gave her a side glance as he smirked.

"I thought you wanted to see the surprise," she blushed again as her thoughts wondered to what surprise that could be. He laughed and she tried to move her hand out of his grasp, but he held on, moving her hand to his lips. He pressed his lips on every small knuckle before winking at her. "And you did promise me dinner which is right before dessert. After dinner there is always dessert."

Her cheeks felt as if an egg could be fried on them and she looked away through the tinted window at her side. She heard him chuckle as she bit the inside of her cheek to not snap at him. Cocky bastard.

A/N: So this was due yesterday but I ended up being knocked out. Those pills are really effective. Sorry about that. For those expecting an update on Forced To Marry The Alpha, I promise that will be tomorrow. I only managed to stay awake to finish writing and editing this update. Sorry again. I really hate leaving you guys to wait. Any who, vote, comment and fan. I wanna know if staying up even though I am sick and sleepy is worth it😃

All rights reserved.

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