Robbed of Freedom

By 1AnnaJade

798 34 23

Kimberly June had a great life. Friends, a family that loved her, good grades, everything. That is until she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Hotel Of Imprisonment

Chapter 19

16 1 0
By 1AnnaJade

Ryan's POV
After Kimberly fainted, we tied the two of them back together the way they had been the previous night and took the to Kimberly's closet. Dad finally decided to leave, but he told us to call him if we decided to kill them. I enjoyed him being there and eventually convinced him to stay. Not only did it feel like we were a family again, but Dad made the torturing so much more fun, and he had so many other ideas. I had another reason for him to stay but it wasn't being disclosed yet.

Anyways so we stuffed them in the closet, making sure that they were as uncomfortable as possible, and put the bookshelf back.

Neel and I were getting our house inspected this weekend, so we needed to get all the torture stuff put away, and the house cleaned. We started with the equipment, and I found another good reason I convinced dad to stay. One more set of hands to help clean up.

We brought all the equipment up from downstairs and out to the barn. All the knives and ropes were put back on there shelves and we brought some boxes back to the basement. Reaching in the closet Neel grabbed a box of books and Dad grabbed a tool box.

We set everything up to look like a small workshop/library nook. We set some stuff up to look like there was a project going on and went upstairs. Jack fed and watered the girls and joined us in the barn. Now we had to deal with the Judas cradle. Eventually we lifted it up into the loft and covered it in hay in the back corner. We strung the ropes to saddles, groomed the horses, and set down new hay.

Then we needed to clean the house and eat. We went inside and fixed ourselves some sandwiches. While Jack and Neel were eating, I went into the girls closet and untied Korina. Kimberly shifted and groaned in her sleep, and I kicked her in the side before leaving with Korina.

We tied her up with a rope around her neck and instructed her to clean the house. At one point, she pulled a knife on us, but Dad snuck up behind her and took it away. Then we yanked tightly on the rope, choking her, until she almost passed out.

After the first incident there weren't any others, but we would pull on the rope every once in a while to make sure she knew we were here.

She had finished cleaning, but we had one more task that had to get done for the day. I had to talk the horse out for a walk, or in this case, a gallop.

Dad and Neel helped get the horse out, while I held onto Korina. Once Maple, the horse, was out, Dad held Korina. We tied a rope around her feet and strung it up to the saddle, leaving a lot of slack.

We took the noose off her head and I hopped on the horse. I made Maple walk slowly. Korina tried to hop towards me in order to prevent the inevitable, but Neel held her back.

I had just about reached the point where there was no slack left, when I stopped. Then I dug my heels in, and made her gallop, looking behind me as we went.

I watched Korina's feet fly out from under her, and her naked body drag across the Rocky ground.

We rode all the way around the barn and over to the woods. I aimed for the spot I used to practice jumping at. A large thornbush. As we neared I could feel Maple preparing to jump. I let her glide over the bush. She kept running until I heard a loud crash in the bushes. I slowed Maple down to a walk, and we pulled Korina through the thick thornbush and into the woods.

From there I kicked the horse again, and we galloped through the trees. Along the way, I made sure to bump her into as many trees as possible. Finally we rounded back to where we had started, me going farther so that Korina would make it back to Dad and Neel. Then I backtracked to them.

They were both carrying pliers. It was there turn for fun. I came by and sat Korina up, then took a seat in front of her on the ground. This was going to be good.

Neel went first, he bent down and placed the pliers on her front tooth. Slowly he squeezed and twisted. She screamed and tried to wiggle away, but I held her still. Slowly her pulled it out by twisting it around 360 degrees a couple times, so her gums looked spiraled.

Then it was dad's turn. He took the pliers, she was still sobbing, and place them on her other front tooth. With one hand he held her head still, and with the other he slowly pulled on the tooth. It gave way with a resounding crack. Her mouth was already filled with blood, but more started flowing out.

"Uhuhuh. We can't have you spilling blood all over the house can we?" I took the roll of packing tape and pulled a piece. I placed one end next to her mouth, then I took the roll and taped it around her head and back to her mouth. Then I went around again, getting a little farther up this time, about to the bottom of her nose. I went around another time, covering her nose, and cutting off her breath. I kept going around. When I got back to her nose dad pulled his pocket knife out and punctured to holes where her nostrils were.

By this point her eyes were wide with fear. I moved the tape around and up some more, reaching her eyes. The blue eyes pleaded for me to stop, but that only made me want to keep going. So I did. I wrapped it around to the top of her head and back down again, careful to avoid her nostrils. "Awe, those pretty blue eyes are gone. Guess we'll have to give you a new pair." Neel said pulling out the blue thread and needle.

He took my seat in front of her and I stood up. Her threaded the needle and brought it close to where her eye socket would be. Using his hand, he found the corner of her eye. He jabbed the needle through and into her eye. A muffled scream came from beneath the tape. He pulled the bloody needle out through the center of her eye. Then her started jabbing and bringing out in a pattern. When he finished it looked like an eye. "Hmm. I don't think she'll last an entire other one, so how bout we make you wink." then her jabbed it into the sling below her eye.

He finished sewing her eye and stood up.

Jack help me carry her body to the car, and place it in the trunk. Then we went inside and grabbed the still sleeping Kimberly. We didn't want her to be asleep, so we kicked her until she woke up. Then we dragged her to the car and threw her in next to Korina. I ran back inside, to the kitchen, and grabbed the ingredients we needed. Then we drove off.

Narrator's POV

Paige's family had been at the cabin for two days. Not once had she been able to get away. But she planned to do it tonight.

When she was sure her parents were asleep, she grabbed a water proof flashlight, her phone, and her jacket, and headed out the door.

She stuffed her things inside a canoe and paddled towards the middle of the lake.

Meanwhile, Jack, Ryan, and Neel, were unpacking the girls. On the way there, they had stopped and put some tape around Kimberly, to keep her quiet. Korina was still crying in the back, but the tears never went far. She had to swallow blood to keep it from filling up the tape.

Once the girls were unpacked, they found a canoe beside the lake. Normally they would have done this at their pond, but the inspector coming made that difficult.

The girls hands and feet were tied together, then to the boat. Once they were inside Jack grabbed the gallon of milk and the container of honey out of the car. They each took turns squirting and pouring over them. Jack made sure her squirted a lot of honey directly into Kimberly's eyes.

Neel found a stick and put some ink on the end. They used a lighter to light it. Then they set it up in the boat, so it wouldn't fall over.

Bugs were everywhere, even before the milk and honey were out, but the light would guide them to their dinner.

Ryan was excited, this was the reason he had gotten Jack to stay.  They attached a rope to the boat so that they could pull it back in. Then the pushed the boat off, with Kimberly and Korina's muffled screams of pain from the bug bites and how scared they were.

Paige looked across the lake, and saw a small red blotch. Filled with curiosity she started to row towards it, taking about a half hour to an hour.

When she got close enough she could make out a tiny boat. She could her noises coming from it, and it was surrounded by bugs. More curiosity consumed her, and she rowed even closer.

Once she was about three feet away, she saw two bodies in the boat, and one of them looked an awful lot like her best friend. She screamed, loud and hard.

Jack, Neel, and Ryan all spun around from walking to the car. They knew they couldn't just let this girl go, who had seen the bodies. They ran into the water and swam to the boat.

Paige just sat there in shock. "Kim? Please, Oh God, tell me that's not you."

Kimberly at first confused by the scream, perked up when she heard the familiar sound of Paige's voice. She could no longer see, the honey and bug bites had completely blinded her. She nodded her head to let Paige know that it was her.

Another scream escaped Paige's lips as she realized it really was her. Korina had died about half an hour earlier from loss of blood and brain damage.

Paige leaned over to try and pull Kimberly into her boat so she could get her to the cabin.

Jack reached the boat first, just as Paige was trying to pull Kimberly over. He grabbed her arm, causing her to let go off Kimberly. Paige screamed again as Kimberly fell into the lake and Ryan and Neel clamored onto the boat. Kim was thrashing under water. Her feet were still tied to the boat.

Jack held Paige, and she watched, screaming and crying, as Kimberly drowned. Then Ryan and Neel started rowing back towards shore. "Shut up!" Jack yelled, growing wearisome of her sobbing.

"Don't tell me to shut up you bastards! You killed my friend. You let her die. You kidnapped her, I just watched her die. Don't you DARE tell ME to shut up!" She retaliated.

"Bad move." Neel said as he punched her in the gut.

"Well what are you two going to do with her. She has seen us and the bodies?" Jack asked looking at Ryan.

"What do you mean 'you two'?" Neel asked.

"Was I asking you?" Jack glared at Neel.

"No, sir."

"OK well then what are you two going to do with her?"

"I guess she'll have to come back with us. But we won't be able to do anything with her until the day after tomorrow." Ryan finally answered.

"Alright. Well I don't think we should run the risk of getting caught out here. Someones bound to notice the girl missing, so we ought to just leave the dead ones and go home." Jack said looking at the crying Paige.

"Wait a second. She's the girl who was in the hospital after we kidnapped Kimberly!" Neel interfered, staring at Paige. "Um. I think her name is p...p...penny. Or something."

"Oh! So this is Kimberly's friend... Paige." Ryan concluded.

"Yeah well maybe I am, but quit talking about her as if she hadn't just died!" Paige spit at Ryan.

"Would you rather hear about when she was alive." Neel's question went unanswered. "We tortured her, we raped her, we made her our servant, we made her have oral sex with that other girl Korina. We sewed her body. We stuck things inside her. We put melted iron up her vagina. We beat her. Jack nearly drowned her, and buried her alive. We had lots of fun with her. And we're going to do the same to you."

"Nice speech Neel." Ryan said clapping. "Now Paige. You can cooperate and you won't face as much punishment, or you can struggle. Personally I like it when they struggle. You want to know what my favorite part of Kimberly's stay was? I know you do. My favorite part was sticking my hands up in her vagina and grabbing her boons, and kissing her."

Paige tried to take a swing at Ryan but he dodged it. "Hard way it is then."

By then they had reached the shore and began to drag the kicking screaming Paige into the trunk. They slammed it shut and began the drive back home.

AN: Thank you katherinedupree34 for the fantastic idea.

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