Your Voice (camren)

By dontgocabello

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Lauren walks into a cafe one night, no knowing that it would only take the sound of her voice to change it al... More



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By dontgocabello

Camila's POV

"Don't exaggerate." I said as I laughed nervously. "There's a whole lot of people that sing much better than I can, and I'm pretty sure it's not the first time you heard someone sing." 

"You're right, it's not the first time I heard someone sing. But I believe that it's the first time I've seen someone so beautiful, and sings just as beautiful as she is." The girl says as she looks into my eyes. "I'm Lauren."

Shit. What do I say? What comeback should I have for her not to think I'm a boring little fool. "I'm...-" I tried to speak. But she cut me off way before I could even begin. "Nervous?"

"No, I'm Camila. You really don't have to flatter me, you know? I'm nothing special." I say as I laughed at her side remark. "Well Camila, I've been sitting on this table since you started singing tonight, and I swear to god that seeing you up on that stage was the best 15 minutes of my life." Lauren says as she gets a hold of her drink. "Wait, do you want meto get you a drink? I bet all the singing dried your throat up." Lauren says before I could even respond to her sweet comment.

"Oh, shoot. I forgot. I was supposed to get water for myself! Thank you for your offer though, but I can manage." I say as I politely decline her offer. Not because Iwas disinterested, but because I felt that I shouldn't be served by the people that I work with anyway.

"No Camila, I insist. Water, juice, or liquor?" She says as she laughs. "Lauren.." I was supposed to stop the conversation. But those green eyes of hers were so hard to ignore. "Okay, how about I get water for myself and come back? You really don't have to get me anything." I say with a smile as I look around the packed resto-bar.

As I was about to walk away, she quickly grabbed my hand. "Stay. Let me show you what I do for the people that I think about." Lauren says as she laughs and tries to hide that grin of hers.  

"You really don't have to, Laur. It's not like I couldn't get myself water." I said in the hopes of being able to prolong the banter that we were having.

"And I'm guessing you're really never gonna let it go, Camzi." Lauren said as she tried to pull off a smug. 

With a smile like that, I don't think I'd ever want to let you go. I thought to myself.

Lauren's POV

Having this beautiful girl in front of me couldn't possibly make the night any better than this. She was gorgeous. From  the way she walked, how she sang, the way she carried herself in public, it was flawless. From how I see it, it hasn't even been an hour and I'm already in too deep. 

We've been sitting on this table for the past three hours, and I did not even notice the time. It was now 12 midnight, and upon looking around, we were the only two people left in the cafe. I was afraid that the night was about to end for the both of us, until Camila suddenly mentioned something that caught my attention.

"Hey Lauren, its getting late.. How about we see each other again soon? Does coffee sound good to you?" I zoned out for quite some time, thinking of how I could say yes without sounding too excited about seeing her again. 

"Laur?" the nickname. She already had a pet name for me. "Shoot, I'm sorry. A lot of things were running through my head. But yes, I think that would be great." I said. I tried to make it seem like I wasn't freaking out over her invitation. 

"Great! I hate this, but I really have to go. I have a load of things to do tomorrow morning, plus I feel like finding a cab home might be difficult if I don't head out yet." Camila says. 

"Wait, you're taking a cab home?!" I quickly was worried by the thought of her having to take a cab home. I just met this girl, but I sure damn know that this girl in front of me is a dime. 

"Well.. yeah, I usually ride home with my friend, but she isn't here tonight." She replies. 

"Camila, there's no way I'm letting you go home like that tonight. Not when I know that I can give you a ride. Do you live neraby?" Oh, who was I kidding. She could be living in the next state and still insist that I take her home. It felt so real this time, having this girl near me was always bringing me off the edge. 

"Lauren, I ride taxis often. I still don't know how to drive, so I have to use the public transport. And yeah, I like along Sunset avenue. Just like 4 blocks away." She says laughing. 

"Nope, hold on. Let me pay for all these, and then we continue this tiny argument of ours." I replied while I tried not to laugh at how adorable I thought we were. I paid for the food I ordered, and started to walk out of the cafe with Camila.  

It wasn't didn't before Martin came to the front with my black Rolls Royce. I saw Camila's eyes widen, as Martin alights the car to open the door for me. 

"Get in Camila, I promise I'd take you home safe." 

"Lauren, you don't-" I cut her off mid-sentence, waiting for Martin to escort her to the car. 

"Good evening, Miss. I usually am with Ms. Jauregui most of the time, so I really think that you should just get inside before she turns into incredible Hulk." Martin says with a smile on his face. 

Camila enters the car apprehensively, as Martin looks as me, waiting for me to ride at the back of my car beside Camila. 

"No, Mart. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I'll sit in front."

"But Ms. Jauregui, you hate the front seat.." Martin says as he pulls off a curious face. 

"Laur, stop overreacting. It's your car, if at all you should sit in the place you're most comfortable in. Sit here." Camila says.

I entered the car and sat beside Camila anyway. The point of taking her home was to spend time with her, and how was I supposed to make the most out of the time I had if I sat away from her? 

Martin enters the car and starts the engine. "Where are we headed, Ms. Jauregui?"

"Let's drop Camila off at her place, then head home. Sunsent avenue." I say.

I tried keeping the conversation alive althroughout the ride, but before I knew it we were already on Sunset avenue.

"It's that tiny apartment on the left!" Camila says as she points her destination. 

Martin stopped the car in front of the driveway, and exits the car to open the door for Camila. "Thank you, Sir." Camila tells Martin. I exited the car as well, to walk her to her door.

As we approached her door, I realized that I knew so little of Camila. I did not even have the chance to ask for her number yet. 

"Lauren, thank you. You didn't have to, but really. I appreciate it." I pulled out my wallet and took one of my Jauregui Corporation calling cards, and handed one over to her. 

"I do it old school, Camz. Call me if anything arises. I mean, literally anything." I say as I hand the black card over to her. "Good night, beautiful woman with the beautiful voice. I'd love to hear from you soon." I say before I walked out of the car. 

And there it was. There goes my night with the beautiful girl I came across. 

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