The First Lady's Choice

By AuthorKKHarris

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First Lady Megan Foster is faced with the realization that forever may not be set in stone. All unions may po... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
****Character Reference****
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Sixteen

133 5 1
By AuthorKKHarris

After the morning after, after the night before... The words from the Frankie Beverly and Maze song were raising up all types of visions. Different scenarios kept surfacing causing an already fragile situation to become too difficult to decipher. A serious night of nothing short of lovemaking had gone down in Tre's bedroom.

A loose, scrupulous harlot is what I currently feel like. True enough I have made the first step in attaining my freedom by visiting a divorce attorney but legally I was an adulterer. The same as my trifling husband was, a cheater, and a shame before God. I'd missed two Sunday's at church and knew the rumor mill probably was swarming with vultures over the fresh kill.

Actually, the women that pined over William should be delighted in my absence. Now that revelations had started to hit the fan, it was probably just cause for them to be so haughty when it came to him. No telling how many of the women that were outraged were sleeping with the good pastor. The movie called, 'The Under Shepard,' comes to mind when thinking about this big mess.

Gradually, Tre and I kind of gravitated to the disbelief area of what we'd done. Maybe I was living in denial and he was giving me space. We hadn't spoken about what went down, we kind of ignore it as if it never happened. Of course, there is some tension but we have both thrown ourselves into our separate business dealings. By the time, we return to his place, sleep is the only thing going down and separately at that.

My terrible psyche is doing a number on me though, causing me to think the worst. Could it be that he didn't enjoy our interaction as much as I can't seem to forget it? Although it was only one time or several times in one encounter, my body is craving his like a drug. So now I'm addicted to not only the comforting friendship but now I crave him as a woman can only crave a man. Just the thought of him has sent me crumpling to my knees while I shower.

"Hey Megan, your noon appointment is here." Kris announced.

"Thanks Kris, show them back." I did my best to put all my personal feelings and problems to the side. Business had to come in order for me to eat, especially since this has to be my sole income.

"Well hello there," a face I didn't anticipate on seeing came through the door of my work area. Zennia and the girl that confronted me about Tre waltzed in as if they were on top of the world.

"What can I do for you ladies?"

"For starters, you can wipe that fake smile off your face. The way your world is crumbling around you, there is no need to parade around like everything is peachy. Everyone knows," Zennia taunted.

"I'm sorry knows what, that you are the skeezer my husband has been laying with? Why should what other people think about you bother me?"

"No see, they know the truth, that you ran poor William mad with your heathenish ways. How about about the fact, he had no other choice but to sit aside and watch his whorish wife gallivant with her play brother."

"That is not true and you know it."

"Says you, the missing in action bimbo who is shacking up with said best friend, I owe Tre big time for keeping you occupied so the real you can come out."

"Now that you are done, why don't you pack up your little belongings and get lost." The other woman finally spoke. "Tre can do so much better than you. Now that he's got what he wanted all along, you can mosey on back to the bottoms where your only family is."

"Oh did I forget to tell you, she doesn't have any family. Her own mother confessed to not being blood related. Poor little cunt has no one; no husband, no friends, no kids, no anything keeping you in this life, so why keep trying to make others miserable. You know it would seem you would be better off dead."

"You sure are making Tre miserable by hanging around like a wounded stray cat. He is working himself into a tizzy; it pains me to see how much pain he was in at the gym earlier. It's written all over his face, he is tired and worn. You are the only problem I could see that would have him so uptight."

"Haven't you seen first-hand what you do to men? Will was unhappy causing the flesh to be weakened, and now Tre is driving himself too hard because of you."

"I think it's time for you two to leave," I listened to everything they had to say but I will be damned if I allow them the curtesy of knowing every word hit home. "You've had your time to speak; now it's time to leave."

"Val, I told you she was weak. Our men deserve better," Zennia boasted before delivering one last smirk and a wave. The two trollops left the scene of a hideous crime. Sadly, the one thing Zennia said that made me think was that I was weak. Truly, I was so weak and I hated it. 'Lord, why is this happening to me?'


Although I felt like pure crap for allowing myself to be seduced by Megan the other night, I was beyond thrilled at the chance to live out my fantasy. Feeling her thick thighs quiver because of what I was delivering was a dream come true. Putting every ounce I had into tiring her out, I reached a record for the most climaxes in one night. All without any steroidal supplement to alter my stamina, her naked body calling me was all the inspiration I needed.

The morning after was the worst hangover ever and not from too many beers. This hangover was from the euphoric high of being with the woman I craved and knowing that the shit was about to hit the fan. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that she would beat herself into submission after this. That was the main reason I didn't take her the night she woke me up moaning and groaning in her sleep. Even though I asked the dumb question about her dreams, I knew it was a good one.

Another reason why I left to sleep on the couch that night, she was rubbing up against me like a cat in heat and I couldn't keep putting my mini-me through that torture. Being neglected for so long by that man, that heartless bastard made her into a little bundle of hormones that needed to be released. Although it's as wrong as fake money, I am rather pleased that I was the recipient of all her body had to offer.

Just thinking about what was between those creamy thighs, the two cantaloupes that jiggled every thrust I made, caused my loins to tingle. The way her lips would part while she alternated between biting her bottom lip and licking them both when I hit the perfect spot. Her eyebrows would scrunch up, while her eyes closed softly, with an arch in her back, and firm grip on the sheets she'd pull me in deeper.

"I thought it was against the rules to allow animals in here." A voice I wasn't ready to hear said above me. "That includes pythons."

"Valerie, what are you doing here?"

"I just had a tough workout, and I was sore. You were the one to tell me that a good soak would help sore muscles after a strenuous workout." On cue, she removed the towel that was around her body to reveal the most flimsy pieces that was supposed to be a swim suit. "Like what you see?"

"Since there is little to the imagination, I'm sure everyone will."

"Seeing as there is no one here but you and me, it doesn't much matter."

"I suppose your right."

"Still babysitting the wounded feline?" She asked with glee in her voice.

"Still trolling for scraps," I asked not bothering to look any further than her face.

"Tre, what is it about her? What is it that I don't have?" I groaned and tilted my head back to gather my thoughts. Women are so predictable, this chick is jealous when there was nothing but one night in the mix. "I would complement a man of your stature. Wouldn't you agree?" Now she was too close for comfort, if anyone saw us it wouldn't look right at all.

"That's what you don't have is class. That's what you lack is grace and elegance, throwing yourself at me at the expense of Megan. She has never done or said a thing to you but here you are vying for attention that wasn't offered. The desperation that seeps off you isn't attractive in the least bit. Watch out," I growled not waiting for her to say a thing or to react. There were other things on my mind and this distraction just proved to be the dumbest one I had taken in a while.

"Oh yeah, well how high and mighty of you to point out my faults when you are pining after a married woman, you are no better than me or anyone else."

"You are absolutely right, I'm not but I never claimed to be." There was nothing else for her to say and I had better things to do.


Arriving back at my place, I walked into nothing but silence, no television, no movement going on whatsoever. A quick search turned up empty but that wasn't the kicker. All of Megan's bags were gone. Nothing that even resembled she had been there was present. Quickly I grabbed my cell to give her a shout but it rang twice before going to voicemail.

By now, I was panicking a bit, what if something happened to her. After the fourth time calling, it went directly to voicemail as if the phone had gone dead or was turned off. Pulling up the find family app, I located her cell signal. Recognizing the address, I made my way to where she was. If not for anything else but for answers as to why I was being ignored.

"Tre, what are you doing here?" Megan asked with a bit of attitude to her voice but a lot of sadness.

"It's funny because that would be the same question I have for you."

"Minding my business, staying the heck out of yours," she smarted off. I swear even when she is angry; I can't help but chuckle at the smart remarks. However, my humor is very dry for I want to put her mouth to good use, just not with smart retorts. "Now if you will excuse me."

"So now you are closing doors in my face, step out of the doorway Megan."

"You don't run anything up in here Tre. Save your demands for your little girlfriend. I don't want any more trouble." Instead of honoring her wish, I forced my way inside.

"There you go assuming again, why don't you say what's really bothering you. How many times do I have to tell you that I am not committed to anyone?"

"That was obvious."

"Megan," I warned one last time. She was so close to me fucking her against the wall of this hotel suite.

"You say you aren't with anyone Tre but I saw you with the girl from your apartment."

"This is not the first time you have mentioned Valerie so what are you not telling me? Furthermore when you arrived that night, I wasn't aware you even saw who was there."

"It doesn't matter whether I saw her or not that night for she has confronted me about you not once but twice. You can now let her know the message has been received loud and clear."

"Confronted you how? We aren't together nor have we ever been."

"According to her I am holding you back with my neediness. Your cousin even had her own two cents to add to the mix. Obviously, everyone is having a nice little laugh during pillow talk at my expense. As cozy as you two looked in the hot tub at the gym, I see she was telling the truth."

"You're shitting me right? You saw what every bit of two seconds of us interact and you assumed, as usual, the worst." Realizing what the attitude is all about now, I wanted to smack that ass. "I swear you are so damn smart sometimes I just want to smack the shit out of you."

"Assuming, you are telling me that I imagined her all up in your personal space."

"No, that happened but you know what happened after? No, because you bolted and overreacted. Typical Megan style, you didn't make your presence known. Why is that? You were afraid you would hear something you didn't want to hear. Why not go ahead and face the music instead of assuming you knew exactly what was going on?"


"She came to you telling you some off the wall type of stuff and your injured mind ate it up. Come on now Babygirl, you have to make better choices. I get that you have been through the ringer and back these last few months, but my loyalty to you should never have been questioned. You allowed a female whose only goal right now is to get at me or attain me for herself like I can be bought or won. Look I know what I want and it's not her or any other woman for that matter."

"I admit she did show up while I was dog tired from working out really hard. I was chilling, trying to relax when she showed up in the room wearing next to nothing. She said some mess that really made me have to close my eyes to hide my rage because it could have gotten out of hand fast, which must have been the moment you happened to appear. Should I have put some distance between us while I told her where she could stick her seductive tone and how unattractive I found her, sure."

"I apologize if I made you feel any kind of way or brought on thoughts that I was just like William." Settling in front of her, I took her hand in mine. "Do you accept my apology?"

"Technically, you don't owe me an explanation."

"You're right I don't but since my sincerity is always called to question I felt the need to rest your mind assure that I wouldn't degrade my loyalty to you." There was no way that I could tell her exactly what I wanted to. I know she is meant to one day be my wife but she has her own demons to get rid of in order for that to happen.

"I'm sorry Tre, its just so much going on. I guess I just jumped into this thing with you too fast."

"I know baby and I'm sorry for leading with my..."

"Tre, it's my fault. I shouldn't have been so needy as to seduce you into doing something you didn't really want to."

"Hold up, I never said I didn't want to. I said I shouldn't have allowed it to go that far but what's done is done. Now I can't quit thinking about how good you feel."

"Same here," she cooed.

"Let me make it up to you. I have to go to Miami tomorrow for business; I want you to go with me."

"How is that making it up to me when we will be right back in the same boat?"

"Just a little vacation before having to settle down and make some tough decisions, I will even make sure you get your own room."

"I don't know Tre, this may not be such a good idea. Especially with your cousin and her little friend snooping around, they know a bit too much about my personal life as it is."

"What does Zennia have to do with Valerie confronting you? We never got to that."

"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you everything. They both appeared for an appointment time one of them set with the front desk. She had all types of things to say that pointed out that she knew what I have been going through these last few months, even with my mother not being my mother. I can only assume she got that information from William who has obviously talked to Emogene."

"That was the first time for Zennia but wasn't the first for the Valerie chick."

"Let me guess, that was the last time you lashed at little ole me."

"There is nothing little about you."

"Keep talking like that and I won't hesitate to put you over my knee. I still owe you a spanking for the way you acted earlier."

"You know we can't keep this up, right?" Megan questioned trying her best to hide the blush I caused. "This is wrong on so many levels."

"Are you going to return to William?"

"That's the same thing the lawyer asked me."

"Lawyer, so you are filing for divorce?"

"Yes but this is the kicker, this could get beyond harder than I anticipated."

"Why is that?"

"The lawyer basically broke down different scenarios. Either William will just agree to the divorce or he will contest it. By contesting it, he could file his own personal demands, wanting to reconcile for counseling or a number of other dumb demands to make this difficult."

"Do you think he would do that?"

"I just don't know what is going on in his mind for we haven't spoken directly until today."

"I finally answered his call and he was livid that I visited a lawyer. He made all sorts of allegations against me for being unfaithful with you. Refuting his claims would be pointless so I just let him speak."

"All the more reason for you to get away for a little while and relax, when was the last time you have been on vacation?"

"I don't remember exactly, probably our honeymoon."

"That's a shame, so what do you say?"

"Don't sound so sad about it."

"I won't play games with you Megan; you already know how I am."

"Fine, I will go."

"Great," I was beyond excited at the chance to get away from where we both called home. This is the first step for us and I can't wait to get her away from the bad memories of this place. Only will I make my big reveal for this trip after confirmation has been set in stone.


Watching her traipse around town like it was nothing was about to drive me mad. There was no way in Hades that anyone that has been dealt the hand as Megan has could be so dang happy. None of this made any sense. Why wasn't William filing for divorce, it was clear she cared nothing about him.

Running around in behind the Tremaine character should been enough to file the papers immediately. Rumors stated they'd had a bit of a tussle when he returned from Las Vegas. A silly little woman such as Megan didn't deserve someone of William's prestige. There was no wonder he'd wondered off. She wasn't capable of satisfying the needs of a man like him.

With all the women willing, waiting, and wishing to have a special part of him, the woman to hold that man up will have to be unforgettable. Now even his stupid assistant has jumped ship over an apparent infatuation with the simple woman. It seems he didn't jump until he had unleashed the information from his once vault like trap. The surveillance cameras on the property that was once theirs had all the ammunition needed to send that bumpkin packing.

"Enjoy your vacation you little bitch, because your time is limited."

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