The Walking Dead (One Directi...

By alluneedislovefrom1d

71.3K 2.5K 721

In the midst of a flesh-eating zombie apocalypse, Julia Piper finds herself being one of a very small selecti... More

Comment and disclaimer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 11

1.7K 63 14
By alluneedislovefrom1d

Harry's POV:

Jason's threatening presence makes me even more uncomfortable than I imagined to begin with. By the way his blue eyes immediately locks with mine when he enters the room, I can tell that he knows that something is going on and that I'm the root of the problem.

I should have never had sex with Julia. I have to live with her protective brother for who knows how long, and my life has just turned from complicated to even more complicated. 

"Nothing, we're just eating," Julia says when no one else answers her brother's question.

Everyone in the room is as tense as I am. Luckily they are smart enough to know when to keep their mouths shut. They know that Jason can't ever know about the little adventure I had with Julia in the shower earlier.

Despite the fact that Jason will make my life a living hell if he ever finds out that I nailed his sister, I don't really regret doing it. Not only did Julia feed my awfully prolonged sexual frustration, but she was damn good at it too. And it's no secret that I find her extremely hot and that I'm very attracted to her. 

"Thanks for telling the rest of us," JD comments dryly as he pushes past Jason and plops down on an empty chair. His presence slightly eases the tension in the room, but Jason is still staring intensely at me. "Who made the bread rolls?"

"I did," Alex says and smiles proudly.

"You're showing great initiative, babe," JD says, obviously oblivious to the minor tension in the room. "We would have been starving without you."

"That's not true," Alex insists and I notice how she turns to look at me. "Harry knows how to cook too."

"Barely," Louis chimes in. "He knows how to make rice and black beans, but it's nothing like your bread rolls."

I'm just relieved that we're talking about something else. I don't give a shit whether they're insulting my cooking skills or not. As long as we're avoiding the sex topic, I'm more than happy.

Dean, Nick and Mike find their way into the kitchen after a few more minutes, and Jason eventually sits down to eat with the rest of us. He is still staring at me from his spot at the head of the table, but I try to ignore him as best as I can.

Julia's beautiful eyes keep darting back and forth between him and me, and I can tell by her tense demeanor that she's incredibly worried about what Jason might do to me if he ever finds out about us. I admit that I'm quite nervous myself.

It's not like Julia wasn't as eager as I was earlier, and she did say herself that she has every right in the world to chose who she wants to have sex with, but as a former brother I completely understand why Jason would feel the need to protect her. If the situation had been reversed and it had been Jason getting things on with Gemma, I would probably have acted the very same way.

"Is it just me or has something happened?" Dean asks carefully after a while and I grit my teeth. Of course the guy has to bring up the elephant in the room, risking blowing my cover in the process. "Everyone's acting weird."

"Oh, my God!" Julia exclaims with annoyance laced thick in her voice as he dramatically rolls her eyes and abruptly puts down her cutlery. "Nothing's happened. Let it go already." 

Dean quickly holds his hands up in surrender, slightly taken aback by her sudden outburst. "Sorry, babe. Just trying to make conversation."

"Yeah, well, make conversation about something else," Julia snaps, earning weird looks from Dean, Nick, Mike and JD who doesn't have a clue what's really going on.

"Okay," JD says to break the awkward silence following Julia's outburst. "So... What's out plan?"

Mike observes the people in the room for a few moments before he clears his throat. "I suggest that we take a few days rest. Niall in particular needs it because of his knee, but I think that all of us could use some proper sleep."

"Yes, please," Nick exclaims and Alex giggles. "I need to sleep."

No one objects to the offer and are quite content with the plan. I know that I certainly need some rest after all that's happened lately.

We end our meal and as people finish, the sound of chairs scarping against hardwood floor and silverware clinking against china fills the kitchen. Everyone cleans their own plate and glass as they're done, and one by one disappears from the room.

I don't pay attention to my surroundings, and suddenly I'm left alone in the room with Julia and Jason. My eyes dilate as I realize what a big mistake I've just made. I try to slip unnoticed out of the room, but Jason is quick to block my path.

"What happened between you two?" he snarls and locks his eyes with mine. I want to look away, but somehow I'm unable to.

"What makes you think anything happened between us?" Julia retorts, folding her arms across her chest. "Nothing happened between us. Everything's normal."

"Something feels different."

"It's just your imagination," Julia insists and finally Jason looks away from me to look at his baby sister. "You're being paranoid. And I love you for being protective of me, but you don't have to be."

"But -"

Julia cuts Jason off before he can finish his sentence. "I'm going to bed. Harry, are you coming?"

I flinch at the mention of my name and Jason's eyes immediately darts back to mine. Fuck.

Why on Earth would Julia ask me to go to bed with her? She was just trying to convince Jason that nothing happened between us, and then she wants me to tag along to the bedroom? Oh, man, I'm in big trouble now.

"I-I don't -" I stutter and yet again Julia feels the need to interrupt.

"Come on, Harry."

I flash Jason an innocent smile and offer him a halfhearted shrug before I tag after his sister. It appears I don't really have a say in the matter anyway so I decide to just go with it.

I admit that my heart starts beating faster as I follow Julia up the stairs and into the master bedroom. The two of us have shared beds before, but things are different now. We have had sex together and when we spoon tonight, it'll be different than any other night we have spent in each other's arms.

"Are you crazy?" I mutter as Julia slips out of her jeans. She turns to smile at me through the dark. "Jason's gonna kill me now."

"Sorry," he whispers, her angelic voice so damn seductive. She closes the distance between us and stands on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around my neck. "I don't really know what came over me. I just wanted you to come to bed with me."

"I thought you were bunking with Alex?" I quip and Julia giggles. I don't even know why I bring it up because I want to have Julia all to myself.

"She'll find another roommate," she replies and takes in her bottom lip with her teeth. "I'm yours tonight if you want me."

I slowly close the distance between her lips and gently press mine against hers. I whisper my honest response against her plump lips. "I want you."

"Where'd you put the rest of the condoms?" she whispers and I smile.

I dig into my right pocked and my hand returns with a foil pack. Julia's smile widens as I put my hands on the small of her back and slowly backs her up against the king sized bed. I gently lower her down onto the soft mattress and she smiles up at me as I straighten to pull my shirt over my head. 

When I dip back down on my hands and knees, Julia wraps her arms around my neck again. Her fingers immediately tangle into my curls, and I love the way she tugs at them. I quickly shimmy my hands down her flat stomach and tug at the hem of her soft t-shirt. She wriggles to help me slip the fabric over her head. 

I pull back a little to savor the sight of her. She's on her back, her blonde hair fanning out over the soft comforter. She has a sweet smile on her beautiful face as she examines me. Her underwear is black and laced, and extremely sexy.

"What are you thinking?" she whispers when I don't move for a while.

"I'm thinking that you're more than beautiful," I reply and duck my head back down to press a gentle kiss against her pink lips. "And that I don't deserve you."

She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me even closer to press another kiss to my lips. When she slowly releases me and we're looking at each other again, her blue eyes are wide and serious. "You deserve me. You're a good guy."

"Am I?" I don't mean for my words to come out as wounded as they do, but I can't help but sound a little bitter.

"You are. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise."

"I killed my sister," I say and Julia nods as if that's a normal thing to hear. I guess it kind of is in this new and cruel world.

"Because you had to."

"I killed Ally too."

"Because you had to," Julia repeats and I sigh. She reaches up and cups my face in her hands. Her gentle touch makes something crumble inside of me like a house of cards. "We have been forced to do some terrible things in this new world, but that doesn't mean that we're not good people anymore. The rules have just changed. The line between right and wrong has been shifted."

"I guess," I mutter, trying to conceal the slight quiver in my voice.

Julia hooks her index finger through the chain of my crucifix necklace and pulls me close to kiss me again. Her lips already feel like home to me. They're familiar and comforting.

"Well, this has officially been the worst pillow talk I've ever been a part of," Julia suddenly announces matter-of-factly and I chuckle. She's right and somehow I find it hilarious. "Do you still want to do it or are you too vulnerable now?" 

"I still want to do it," I say quickly, realizing that I sound kind of desperate. I clear my throat to save myself. "Do you still want to do it?"

"Of course I do," Julia says with a crooked smile and I wonder how I could have ever been so lucky as to find someone like her. 

I cup her cheek and kiss her gently. She parts her lips to deepen the kiss and I don't hesitate for even a second. She is a great kisser. She uses just the right amount of tongue and pressure, and to be quite honest I never want to stop kissing her.

Somehow we manage to shimmy our way under the comforter without letting go of each other for even a second, and Julia's skilled fingers quickly remove the rest of our clothing. It is much more comfortable to be situated under the covers of the bed than under the ice-cold water of the shower.

Our hands roam each other's bodies, and her soft touch sends electric feelings through me. She turns me on and I want her. I want her more than I've ever wanted anyone ever before.

I carefully reach my right hand down between her legs and start tracing circles for her pleasure. She quickly responds to my touch and small moans of satisfaction escapes her throat as she kisses me forcefully.

As I proceed by putting a gentle finger inside of her, her hand scrambles for my shaft. She's rough as she gives me a skilled hand job, but I love it. She uses just the right amount of pressure and speed. 

In the end, I simply can't wait anymore. I reach for the condom, put it on and shift into a position allowing me easier entrance. I quickly look at Julia for permission and she nods fervently.

We look each other passionately in the eyes as we fuck, and I try to tell her with every action that I care for her. I thrust slowly and gently as first, but as I reach my high, I speed up. Julia's hands roam my body as I work, her nails digging into my back every so often as her back arches in pure pleasure.

When we come undone, I collapse next to her and the two of us breathe heavily for a while. I reach out to kiss her a few times before I lie back down on my back. The two of us stare at the ceiling for a few comfortably silent minutes. 

"I bet the others are jealous," Julia suddenly says and I chuckle. We turn our heads to look at each other. "Don't you?"

"Why, because we don't have to be sexually frustrated anymore and they do?" I say and Julia nods with a crooked smile. "I guess. At least I know I'm glad that it's not just me and my hand anymore."

My comment makes Julia laugh out loud, her wonderful laughter sounding like music to my ears. She is so beautiful when she laughs and I love the way her blue eyes suddenly sparkle with a new kind of life when she does.

"Do you think Jason knows that we're doing?" Julia asks warily and I snort.

"Of course he does. You weren't exactly subtle about it earlier."

"Shit, he's going to kill you," she states gravely and I exhale deeply.

"I know, that's kind of why I wanted to keep us a secret in the first place," I say and Julia rolls over so that she's properly facing me. She props herself up on her elbow and looks at me for a few seconds. "But don't worry. I'll be fine."

"I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you. It is, after all, my choice and all. He doesn't have a say in it."

I reach out and grab her by the waist, and in a swift movement I flip her over so that she's lying on her back again. She squeals at the sudden movement and giggles as she bounces a few times on the thick mattress. I hoist myself up and hover over her. We look intensely at each other before I dip my head and kiss her passionately.

"Let's worry about your brother tomorrow," I say and brush my lips against hers in a teasing fashion.

"Okay," she whispers and lifts her head to completely diminish the distance between us. She presses her lips forcefully against mine and I don't want her to stop.

We have sex one more passionately time before we cuddle up next to each other for a long night's sleep. I immediately tuck her into my side and hold my arms protectively around her as she rests her head on my chest. 

She squints up at me and gently runs her fingers over my lips. She reaches up to kiss me goodnight before she returns to her previous position.

With her index finger she lazily traces the outlines of the bird tattoo on my left collarbone, her careful touch slightly tickling me. I feel my eyelids drop as a result to her soothing touch, and I feel utterly at ease.

Everything seems peaceful at the time being, and for a second Julia's presence allows me to forget about the cruelty of the new world outside. She makes me feel calm and tranquil. Her careful touch makes me forget about the awful things I have done.

The only thing worrying me at the moment is my frantically beating heart. Julia's left ear is pressed against my bare chest and I know with certainty that she can hear and feel the rapidness of my steady heartbeat. It worries me that she'll know what kind of effect she has on me. 

She makes my heart rate increase and she makes my blood heat. She stirs something inside of me that I have never felt before.

I think I might be falling in love with her.

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