Bts Deceived [COMPLETED]

By emi_army_97

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"I could've killed you before, I just chose not to." He whispered, seductively leaning close to my lips. "I c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Edited and changed version)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (edited)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39- ⚠️smut warning⚠️
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Final Chapter

Chapter 27

207 16 0
By emi_army_97

      After settling the situation last night with the guys by explaining my mission, which took much longer than it needed to, I finally went to bed at a very late hour. I was so tired, so the second I got in bed I fell asleep. I was resting so peacefully for what seemed like forever. Unfortunately for me, as so often happens, my dreams were interrupted by loud clapping and jumping on me. If I had the energy, I would roll my eyes. Every fucking morning.
      I groan and pull the covers over my head and ignore whoever is bothering me. The boys occasionally take turns waking me up, even though it's usually Jimin, so I wasn't sure who it was. I couldn't care less. I was so warm and comfy, I almost fell asleep again, even with all the movement. Sadly, the yelling started.
      "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WE HAVE A BUSY SCHEDULE TODAY LETS GO!!!!" I heard Namjoon scream. Ugh. I completely ignored his presence and tried to finish my dream even though I completely forgot what it was about by now. After a good 20 second, he finally left the room and closed the door. I was actually surprised he would let me sleep more, but I didn't waste time thinking about it, I rested happily in the fluffy sheets.
      Just a minute later, the door opens and footsteps come in. Noooo, just a little longerrrr...
      The blanket it shamelessly stolen from me, leaving me cold and unprotected. I curled into a little ball and kept my eyes closed. Nothing could stop me from sleeping more today.
      Just then, I was splashed with freezing cold water. It got all over my face and shirt. The second it hit me, I screamed at the top of my lungs and jumped out of the bed.
         "AHHH WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I yelled, shivering my ass off. Did he put fucking ice in it or something?! I wipe some of the water off my face so I can see. There I find stupid Namjoon laughing happily to himself, looking especially good today. This bastard. "Can I help you!?" I snap, desperate to get out of these cold, wet clothes.
      "You have an extra lesson with Yoongi today before your one with Jungkook and Emily, so you better hurry in getting ready." He said.
      My jaw drops and my eyes bulge. "You can't be serious!! I had one with him yesterday! I'm supposed to go in order right!? You can't make me do another workout today! I'm still soar, I won't be able to!!" I complain. No way in hell I would go through that pain again.
      "Relax, it's not a workout, he's going to start teaching you combat skills. It's not that difficult. You'll probably mostly just watch and listen today anyway." He said as he threw me a small towel. I catch it and start drying my face and hair. Damn, it's like I just took a shower. I glance up to see Namjoon staring at me.
      "What?" I ask harshly. I get moody when people wake me up too early, especially with fucking water.
      "Those bras I bought for you are so much cuter than the old one." He said with a smirk. My face immediately reddens when I realize I wore a thin, white shirt to go to bed yesterday and that it was completely transparent. And even worse, I just so happened to be wearing my skimpiest bra. I gasp and cover my chest with my arms.
      "Oh my god!" I yell.
      He chuckles. "Calm down, it's nothing I haven't seen before." He said devilishly. I scoff and throw the towel at his face.
       "What, did you undress me in my sleep or something!?" I ask accusingly, suddenly afraid for his answer.
      He walked a bit closer. "Maybe." He said with an evil twinkle in his eyes.
      My eyes go wide in horror. "EEWW!! NASTY PERVERT!!!" I screamed. I felt so violated.
      "Jesus, I'm kidding!" He laughed. I gave him cold glare.
      "I don't believe you." I mutter.
      "Hey, how can you accuse me of doing such horrible things? What kind of person do you think I am?" He asked jokingly.
      I laugh bitterly. "Considering what you've done in the time I've been here, you don't have the best reputation in my eyes."
       He smiled cutely and lightly whipped my head with the towel. "Just hurry up and get ready. I'm actually pretty excited for Kookie's lesson, so the faster you get done with Yoongi the faster we can start that." He said happily as he winked and left the room. For some reason that last sentence gave me an excited and bubbly feeling. I wondered what would happen later today. I smiled to myself and my mood lightened up. Maybe combat would be pretty cool. I changed and banged on the door for someone to let me go to the bathroom. Suga guided me there and I just began to brush my teeth when I heard an angelic sound. I went quiet and listened carefully.
      It was very quiet, but I could tell it was Jimin.... Singing? I could faintly hear some sort of melody he was vocalizing to. His room was right next to this bathroom, so that's why I could hear him. My heart instantly went soft and butterflies filled me up. Jimin had a soft side? I never would have guessed, he seems like he's just a rude, arrogant, smooth playboy murderer person, but apparently he knows how to sing. From what I could faintly hear, he was really good. It sounded so beautiful. The song was in Korean so I only understood some of it, but I occasionally heard the words "When you see me, when you touch me." In English. I could feel myself blushing and smiling stupidly just by listening to it. It was so cute and sweet that he was actually just singing to himself like that. Maybe Jimin was more than just an annoying, intimidating, sexy little shit.
Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts when Suga loudly knocked on the door. "Hurry up Laura! You've been in there forever, are you fucking constipated!?" He asked in an irritated voice. I hurriedly brushed my teeth and finished up, leaving the bathroom and going to the basement for my lesson. I had to press my lips together to stop myself from grinning.
"Alright." Suga said as he cracked his knuckles and neck, probably trying to scare me. "Namjoon probably already told you that we're doing combat today. You've already tried punching with the bag before, but you suck dick at it so you need more practice. You obviously don't even know what a proper kick is, and I don't think you've ever even heard of a choke hold so let's get started." He said. Shit, I probably wasn't going master any of those things any time soon.
"Let's start with your punches. You're not going to even get a bruise on your opponent with them right now. And Laura, a fucking flick in the forehead!? A PINCH IN THE ARM!? The hell is that?!" He yelled. He was obviously very disappointed in my non existent skill. I shamefully stare at the floor. "You can't be scared to hurt anyone. Not even the people on your team. Just do what you need to do, your not going to get in trouble if you knock one of us out during a practice, you'll get praise for it. Just think of stuff that really makes you mad, think of people and things you hate with your life. Use all the force you have in you. If you are trying to do damage, you need to give it your all. I feel like in the practices you're trying to be nice to us or somehting. NO. You fight us like you're trying to kill us. Don't hold anything back." He explained. I nodded.
He then started talking about punching techniques. He went over the last ones and taught me some new ones. We went to the bag and he made me hit it over and over till is swung widely all over the place. It was really making my arms hurt, but I didn't want him to see me as such a weakling like he already did. I put a lot of force into my hits this time. I think I had more energy since I wasn't doing it right after a horrible, hellish workout.
After a while of that, he demonstrated different types of kicks and where to kick someone, in the places it hurts the most. I tried a couple times, but I was terrible. I wasn't flexible enough to get them very high so I couldn't put a lot of force into them. Yoongi said I should start stretching on my own time when I'm doing nothing in my room. I made mental notes of everything he said.
He showed me what a choke hold was, because I had no idea otherwise. He instructed how to get dominant in a fight, how to take advantage of other people's weaknesses. I lightly tried it on Yoongi. After a while, I knew how to do one, but it was really hard to get him into the position, and he was actually cooperating with me. With a real opponent, I would've been dead by now.
The class lasted a few hours. After we had both had enough, he told me to practice everything when I could. I nodded. I really needed to get better at all this. Yoongi was guiding me back to my room to wait for Jungkook's lesson to be ready when we ran into Jimin.
I told him how I would start practicing things in my room from now on, so he quickly went to his room, got a spare fake practice gun and gave it to me. They said I had a good 20 minutes before my next class, so used it wisely and reloaded the false gun a bunch of times, along with shooting certain spots on my wall. I tried shooting a target on my wall while moving too, it was harder but I wasn't too bad at it. After my short break time, Jungkook and Emily were ready. They came into my room to explain everything.
      "Ok soooo today is gonna be super cool!" Emily said gleefully while clapping her hands and sitting on my bed.
      "It's not as weird and funny as last time, but it's better at testing your skills. And the best part is that you get to leave this house." Jungkook said mischievously. They're excitement was making me anxious, but mostly eager to see what I would do.
      "It's going to take place at this creepy old abandoned fair! Isn't that so cool!? You only see those in the movies, but I was coming back home from a short mission farther out of the city, and on my way back I found that place. I took a look around and it was completely deserted." Emily explained.
      "We figured it was the perfect place to do this." Kookie said. "So here's the basics: 2 members with be on your side, the other 5 are against you. Emily is going to chaperone you from a distance, hiding in corners and shadows. You won't even notice she's their, all she'll be doing is making sure you don't try anything stupid. So everyone is going to spread out across the whole fair area, and after 9 minutes of spreading out, the practice begins. You need to make sure you are sneaky and don't attract attention on any nearby opponents. Your objective is to 'kill' your enemies, but not dramatically, more low key. You won't be tested on lying or cleaning today, this lesson is mostly about stealth and your gun skills. If nessesarry, combat might come into the mix, but hopefully not."
"The two members on your team are simply back up, if they find one of your opponents before you do it's not like they'll give you one less person to worry about. No. They are only there to help you in times of extreme, and so you're facing 5 opponents instead of 7. Once you wipe out all your enemies, Emily will give everyone the signal to gather up again. Make sure your keeping track of how many times you 'die' or get injured. Even if someone shoots you, just keep going. However, if it was real life you wouldn't get that opportunity so try your best to not get wounded or wasted."
"Who are my teammates and enemies?" I ask, the main question on my mind.
"Right. Me and Jin are on your side. Jimin, Namjoon, V, Yoongi, and J-Hope are your opponents." Jungkook said. I nodded and bit the inside on my cheeks to keep from smiling, this sounded pretty cool.
      "Oh my god!" Emily suddenly exclaimed before chuckling. "We totally forgot about Nicole!"
      "Oh right." Jungkook said. "We are kind of paranoid that she might manage to do something while all of us are gone. We suggested V stay with her but he wanted to be a part of the mission so we're taking her with us."
      My entire face brightened. "Really!!?"
      "Yeah. She's your opponent though, so you'll have to be against her." Emily said. I was still happy any way, for Nicole mostly. This whole thing has affected her way more than it did to me and I think its driving her crazy. A bit of fun is all she needs, maybe she'll loosen up after this.
      "Well, if there are no more questions, let's get out of here." Kookie said as he gripped my wrists and brung me downstairs with Emily. All the other guys were ready and waiting, along with Nicole standing next to V, quietly chuckling about something he must've said. I smiled. It's hard to believe she can actually smile after her parents' deaths and the kidnapping, but I guess the killers have a good vibe coming off them.
       We piled into two separate cars, which had much higher security and more complicated locks than normal vehicles. Nicole, Taehyung, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi went in one car while me, Kookie, Emily, Jimin, and Namjoon went in the other.
      The drive was about going to be around 40 minutes, so I got comfortable in my spot between Namjoon and Jimin in the back seats. Emily drove while Jungkook sat in the passenger spot.
      From what I've seen, Kookie and Emily were a very good couple. They kept on playfully teasing each other and being super ship worthy. It was actually really cute to watch, but I couldn't help but notice how Jimin kept on staring at them, sort of longingly, but also... Was there a hint of jealously?
      Who am I kidding, I can't tell someone's emotions just by looking into their eyes. I was just making meaningless conclusions in my head. He probably just zoned out.
      Jimin finally blinked and came back to reality. He instantly went back to his old self with the signature smirk. "You stand no chance against me, even with back up." He said smugly. I rolled my eyes.
      "We're not going easy on you this time, so don't expect us to be nice." Namjoon added with a grin. I groaned.
      "I haven't practiced enough to actually fight against you guys! This is completely unfair!" I whined.
       "Yes, yes it is." Jimin said happily.
      We chatted away for the rest of the ride. When we finally arrived at our destination, we all got out of our cars and easily entered the deserted carnival, since there was no security or people whatsoever. I looked around in awe as I saw all kinds of cool attractions. Lots of small rides, abandoned food booths, and a giant, dormant Farris wheel. I smiled, imagining how fun it would be to come here with these guys while it was open and alive.
      "Alright!" Jungkook yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Get into your groups and make a basic game plan of how you're going to defeat your opponents. Afterwards, at the signal, everyone will have exactly 9 minutes spread out across the whole area." He briefly explained. Nicole, V, Jimin, Namjoon, J-Hope, and Yoongi all huddled together and whispered among themselves. Me, Jungkook, Jin, and Emily also gathered in a small circle.
      "Ok, so remember Laura, we won't do any work for you, we're just helping out a bit. You're basically doing this mission on your own." Emily explained. I nodded and fought the urge to complain about how unfair this whole thing was. "Whenever you see an enemy, make sure to sneak up on them, keep a low profile throughout the whole thing."
      "Here are your weapons." Jin said as he handed everyone in our group a small fake gun. It was obviously better than nerf, with harder bullets and they looked more realistic. I felt really cool holding it, I couldn't wait to actually shoot Jimin with it...
Oh god, I sound like one of them. I actually want to use a gun? What happened to me? I needed to remember that I was being forced to do all this...
But then again, shooting Jimin in the face and watch him agonize afterward does seem pretty awesome. I smiled evilly at the thought of that smug little bastard being in pain.
After both teams were finished discussing, Jungkook held a real gun to the sky.
He pulled the trigger and shot a bullet upwards. At that signal, everyone began running in different directions, paying no attention to where anyone else was going. I knew Emily was following me but after the first minute of running I couldn't even see her. The fair ground was actually bigger than I thought, it was like a big maze with tons of things to do at every corner. I wondered why they shut down such a nice place, but I didn't think about it for long. Before I knew it, a second bullet was shot to the sky from somewhere deep in the carnival, signaling that the war has begun. I was light on my feet and payed very close attention to my surroundings, always holding tight onto my gun. I figured it would take a while before I found anyone, but I kept quiet this time. I wouldn't ruin another mission for the, what, 4th time? I cringed at how terrible I've been at past practices. I needed to get better. I was going to prove myself today.
As I swiftly yet silently explored the area, I heard a faint noise coming from my left. I immediately stopped moving and hid behind a nearby bar counter. I peeked out the side and slowly examined the area with my eyes. I saw nothing but heard very quiet, sneaky footsteps. Someone was here.
After a few moments, a figure came into view. He was a bit far away, but when we got closer as he also searched his surroundings, I could tell in was Yoongi. His soul presence and focus was intimidating. I needed to get closer if I was going to shoot him, but it was going to be difficult since it was so quiet here and the slightest movement will make some sort of noise. My shoes always made scratching noises against the ground, so I silently removed them. Waking on bare feet would be more quiet. He turned around and walked inside an old bumper cars area. I took the opportunity and quietly crept closer. I followed him from a distance into the attraction. He thoroughly searched every small car. I watched from a dark corner covered by a faded banner. I waited till the perfect moment, when he wasn't too close but wasn't to far, with his back turned the opposite direction from me. I aimed at his spine, and fired.
He was startled and jumped at the sound. Before he could move out of the way, the bullet hit him square in the back. He let out a small yell and immediately fell to the ground, pretending he was hurt. I came out of my hiding spot and walked into the light. He grabbed his gun and tried to shoot me from the ground, but I had an advantage since I was on my feet and could move quickly. I dodge his 2 bullets and easily shoot my target in the stomach and face. He dropped his gun and lightly smiled.
"Not bad, Laura."
"Thank you." I said with a smile. Yoongi down, 5 more people to go. I left him there and continued my search.
      About 10 minutes later after wondering the fair ground for a little while, as I was searching around the base of a tall slide, a sudden bullet zoomed right past my face. I gasped from the shock and anxiously looked around. No one was near me that I could see, but another bullet scraped against my leg. I looked up to see Taehyung and Nicole standing at the top of the ride. Damn, pretty clever to get up high so you can see everyone. But I couldn't shoot them from down here, this fake gun won't shoot that high. I needed to get to them. I instantly started springing up the stairs of the ride, not even thinking twice.
There was two of them and one of me, I was sure to screw up my mission now. But what the hell, to late to turn around because I was already standing in front of them. Without wasting a second of time, I easily shoot Nicole in the leg. While, I do that, Taehyung unfortunately got my arm. It hurt more than I thought. Wound number one. I then turn to him and try to shoot him but miss because he dodged it quickly. He shot again and missed. I finally got his stomach. Haha.
However, Nicole wasn't dead yet. She tried to shoot me from the ground, but obviously missed. She's barely had any gun training yet, so she was much worse than me. I shot her in the stomach too, I found that to be the easiest target to get. They were both dead now, and I only had a wound in my left arm. I even played along by not moving it much, yet I defeated them anyway. I was literally 100% sure they were going easy on me even though they said they wouldn't, but I appreciated it nonetheless. I knew that in a real battle, they wouldn't get a scratch. They briefly congratulated me and I bowed. I went down the slide and continued my search. I was doing pretty good.
For the next 20 minutes I found nobody, not a soul in sight. I wondered if Emily was even following me anymore, because it seemed like she just ditched me. Not that it matters. After a while, I finally reached the Farris wheel. It was even more majestic up close, with lots of detailed patterns on the sides. As I admired it, I was suddenly shot in the thigh. Shiittt..
I shifted my weight off on my right leg to make it realistic. I turned around a instantly shot fires at the person standing a few yards from me before even realizing who it was.
Hoseok. My bullet grazed against his leg but did him no harm. He shot at me and got my other leg. Then, he shot my right one again. The my left, again. Well shit, now I was legless. I fell to the ground and shot randomly because I was too shook to properly aim. It all happened too fast. I finally shot his stomach, my strong spot. He bent over and pretended to be in pain. I took the opportunity and shoot his head, where he finally 'died'.
After a short applause, he asked "Who do you have left?"
"Only Namjoon and Jimin." I said proudly.
He raised his eyebrows. "Damn, nice work." He said. I replied with a confident smile. "Go get em." He said and I was on my way once again.
I explored the area near the giant wheel, just to see what was around there. Lots of small attractions for little children and tables with umbrellas in front of a bar and burger shack. I looked around for a few minutes and saw nothing, but all of a sudden someone grabs my arm from behind me, throws me over their shoulder, and softly flips me onto the ground. Then, the man gets on top of me and stares me dead in the eyes with a smirk.
      "Be more careful next time." Namjoon said before shooting me right in the forehead.
      "OW!!" I yell as I press my palm against my face. "That hurt idiot."
      "You can't talk, you're dead." He said happily.
      "Even when I die or get hurt, I keep going. So I can talk and yell at you all I want. And thanks for screwing up my mission. I officially failed the test." I said sarcastically.
     He laughed and got off me. "Just playing my part here." He said defensively.
      While he was off gaurd, I swiftly jump to my feet and shoot his stomach, then twice on his left leg. I laugh wickedly. "Karma's a bitch, you know." I said.
      "Exactly, so watch your back for the next few days." He said with an evil grin.
      I scoff. "But I was just getting you back!"
      "And I'm going to get you back for getting me back, it's how my world works."
      I lightly chuckle push him. "That's just not fair."
      He chuckled. "Neither is anything else."
      "Well Ima go kill Jimin now, he's my last enemy." I said, cutting our conversation short.
      "Really? Wow, that was pretty quick."
      I over exaggeratedly flipped hair. "Why thank you. Now pretend to be dead and let me kill my next victim."
      "Wow, you're really into this business aren't you?"
      "Hush up." I snapped before walking away. I needed to come up with a some really exotic, insane way to murder Jimin. I smirked at all the different options. Of course, I needed to find him first and work from there.
      I went to the very back of the carnival ground, one of the spots I hadn't been to yet. The only thing I found at this part was some bathrooms, water fountains, and a few benches. Besides that, it was empty, suddenly, I heard Jungkook call my name.
      "Oh hey Laura!" He said as he appeared out of freaking no where.
      "Hey, I'm looking for Jimin, have you seen him?" I asked.
      "I've seen everybody more than once, but as I said, I can't help you."
      "Then what are you even here for?!" I whine.
      He thought about it for a second. "I'm not really sure." He replied with a shrug. I groan.
      "I'm really tired of running around this whole area, but legs are going to give up on me! Please, just tell me where he is." I begged.
      "Nice job in wiping out most everyone." He said, completely changing the subject.
      "JUNGKOOKKK PLEASE!!" I pleaded as I shook his shoulders around.
      "Ahh, ok! Jeez!" He said, giving in as he pushed me off him. "Last place I saw him, which was like 3 minutes ago, he was in the main food area in the middle of the park." He said.
       My face brightened. "That's not too far from here! I better go so he can't keep getting away. Thanks!!" I said as I ran away to Jimin. By the time I got the food area, it was empty, obviously, but he couldn't have gone too far. I searched the premises but couldn't find him. And suddenly, for the millionth time today, a bullet shot right past my face. I jumped out of shock and turned around to see Jimin holding a gun pointed toward me.
      "You missed." I said.
      He smirked. "I did that in purpose, pabo. It was for a dramatic appearance."
      "Of course it was." I said while chuckling and rolling my eyes. Then I quickly got my gun and tried to shoot him, but he dodged it and inched closer to me.
      "You can't beat me." He said, lowering his voice.
      "Yes," I said as I tried to shoot him again. "I can."
      "No you can't." He said as he smoothly dodged it again. I kept trying to get him but he always moved to quickly. He got closer to me every time. I tried to shoot again, but in the blink of an eye he took my gun from me and threw it behind him. I couldn't believe how easy it was for him so take away my weapon and beat me. When I had no objects in my hands, he abruptly pinned me against the wall.
      "I win." He said simply as he brought his face closer to mine. I was used to this by now so I didn't blush as much as usual. This time, I actually teased him back.
      "Not yet." I whisper all sexily. I grabbed the collar of his shirt, and while he was confused I used all my fucking force and switched our positions, to where he was officially against the wall. I try to take his gun, but he pushes me hard onto the floor and kneeled over me, pointing the gun at my head.
      "Yes I did." He said as he clicked the gun. I use my only defense and kick his dick hard. He bent over and I got on top of him. I finally took his weapon from him and shot him in the face without wasting time. After I did, I leaned in and got super close to his lips.
      "I win now." I whisper, making intense eye contact. I was acting all confident outside, but I was actually having a nervous panic breakdown inside. It was totally worth it though because the look on Jimin's face was purely priceless. He actually looked, shocked, and maybe even a bit nervous too. The satisfaction was too much to handle. However, his precious reaction didn't last long.
      He bit his lip innocently but also sexily as the same time. He put his thumb on my chin and brought me a tiny but closer. "I could've killed you before, I just chose not to." He said quietly.
      "But you didn't." I said, determined to have the final say.
       "But I could've." He said. He paused for a moment. "Just like I could've kissed you again the other day in your room."
      I was not ready for that statement to come out of his mouth, but I didn't want to ruin the moment. I remained calm and simply said "But you didn't."
      "But I wanted to."
      My heart starting beating much faster and I could feel my smoothness and confidence rapidly slipping away. "Then why didn't you?" I asked, careful not to stutter.
      He smiled ever so faintly. "I don't know." He said after a pause. We never broke eye contact. I really wanted to say something, but I didn't know if I even could. After enough silence and too much blushing on my part, I finally said what was on my mind.
      "You could do it now." I said before I could stop myself, but I instantly regretted it. Shit, that's such a stupid thing to say, why would I even-
      Without a single hesitation Jimin's lips crashed against mine. It startled me so much that I didn't move a muscle for the first few seconds, but when my brain finally caught up to what was going on, I couldn't prevent myself from kissing back. I don't know if I would regret it later, but for now it's really all I wanted, his plump lips on mine.
      We rolled over to where he was on top of me again without breaking the kiss. He was passionate, but not too rough. Not too fast, but not too slow. It was perfect, the perfect moment, the perfect position, and for what I knew we were completely alone....
      I was about to pull away, but right then Jimin decided to add his tongue and I couldn't resist more. Who gives a shit if she sees, I didn't want to ruin our moment, our kiss...
      Our second kiss....
      What does this even mean? Does he really like me, or he just messing with me? He said he wanted to, but he seems like the kind of person who would kiss other people for fun. I didn't even know anymore, but at this point I admitted to myself that I liked Jimin. Every time I saw him or he came near me, I get all bubbly and have that ticklish feeling in my stomach. I think about him every so often.... Isn't that the exact definition of liking someone?
      What the hell is wrong with me!? How could I actually like one of my kidnappers!? One of the people who killed Alyssa, who killed Nicole's parents, and took me away... Who do horrible, disgusting things for a living! But honestly, every time I try to convince myself to hate them, every time I think about those things that they've done, they just seem so...
      Irrelevant, unimportant....
      I don't know what they did to me, but I've changed. I disgust myself, but I can't help how I feel! I can't change that even if I wanted to, emotions aren't things we can control. I just need to live with these feelings and accept them, because if I don't now I know I'll regret it one day.
      So there I was, kissing Jimin, and for the first time....
      Feeling no shame.

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