My classmate's a vampire

By darkloving_

284K 12.2K 1.2K

He's different. Really different. She liked him but once she finds out his dirty secret she's not so sure. Sh... More

The Hot New Guy
Lunch and Matt
The Jump
What just happened
answers and more.....
Why me
I like you......
Beach time
Wow what a day
Vampire crap
My happiness
My Heart
That kiss
Dinner Party
Dads other home
Home again
The truth
breakup part 2
Forgive ?
100k ?!?


5.6K 266 98
By darkloving_

Darren talked to me through the door and finally was able to get me to come out my room. We walked down stairs and everyone was still at the table talking but turned silent when I walked in.

"Anna I'm sorry, Sam's just being a dick right now" Carter told me. I smiled a little but glared at Sam who was staring at me.

Sam whispered in my ear. "I was trying to protect you" I shook my head and helled whispered at him.

"What by telling everyone at this table I'm a damn virgin!" He smirked

"No, because all he wants you for is the sex" I shook my head.

"No Samuel, he's not like you...AT ALL" I turned and faced Carter. Sam still had a shocked expression on his face.

"We should take a trip" Carter said and I jumped in my seat.

"YES! Like at the....BEACH! We can have Asher, and the gang" He nodded and wiggled his eyebrows.

"You can bring your boyfriend" I blushed at his statement.

"When should we go!" I Carter sat there thinking for a while. I did also.

"What about next weekend.?" I nodded, I didn't have any plans so why not.

"Daddy......can we use your beach house next weekend. Me and Carter want to invite some friends and hang out there for the weekend. " I did the the puppy dog face. "PLEEAAASSSEEE!!!" I begged.

He sighed. "Alright, just don't trash the place." I got up from my seat and gave him a big hug.

Thursday of next week.

I was still packing all my clothes because tomorrow after school we were leaving. I know it was only for the weekend but I needed almost EVERYTHING! The weather can easily change.

Jasmine wanted to go but I said no because knowing my friends..... I would never bring a 11 year old around them.

I could hardly wait for tomorrow to come but at the same time I didn't want to come. Sam was coming. .......I really didn't want to talk to him after last week. I just hope theres no drama...but knowing him, theres going to be some....

Darren's P.O.V

I packed a couple of shorts and shirts and crap like that. I never cared about the way I dressed but girls seemed to love it.

Last week was AMAZING with Anna. How we almost had sex...but not that, The part where she helped me. I never told her that my parents died or how they died.

I can't tell her either. I love her and I know shes scared to love me back. I've read her thoughts and how she thinks that I only love her because of the whole mating thing.

Truth is I use to only like her for that, then I saw who she really is. She is perfect. I want her to know that.

I hate her choice in guys though. Samuel is getting on my last nerves. I wanted to kill that bastard since day one. He's trying to steal her again from me and he knows it pisses me off.

I hated how he made Anna cry at dinner. I wanted to kill him but couldn't. I don't really like Carter either. I can feel he wants Anna but he doesn't know if she likes him.

I really want to know what Samuel is planning. I know its going to be big I just don't know what it is. If he tries anything I will kill him even if Anna tries to stop me.

I want him dead....I don't care if he once was my brother.

Short chapter sorry!!!! I sm trying to update faster but I have FCAT so I'm sorry! Love you all doe!!!! P.S. IF U LOVE 5SOS I AM WRITING A FANFIC BOUT THEM!!!!!

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