Wow what a day

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I sat With all the guys that were Asher's friends including Darren. They were really funny but really prevertive also.

"So did you sleep with him yet" Calvin asked. I blushed like crazy and so did Asher.

"U-um n-no" I stuttered and started to look at the ground.Asher put his hand around my waist and whispered in my ear.

"They can be real idiots sometimes" he laughed a little which made me do too.

I looked over at Darren who was about to explode from everything. I don't know why is was so mad. He's the one who left my house an ignored me.

I looked up at Asher who was looking at me."I need to go get my friend to take me home it's late. " Asher nodded and began to speak.

"Guys gotta go ok, see yall tomorrow " He called out and we left. I told Matt I was leaving with Asher. He wasn't to happy about It but said ok.

We were close to my house now and Asher started to talk.

"Can you tell me something" He asled looking at me but putting his eyes back on the road.

"Sure" I said looking at his hands on the wheel.

"Why are you so damn beautiful" He smiled at me. His smile was beautiful but not better than Darren's. WHY AM I COMPARING THEM!!!!!!

"I'm not that pretty " I said as he stopped the car in front of my house. Before he could say anything I motioned him to come inside knowing that my parents were at my grandparents house with my sister.

I unlocked the door and ran upstairs to put my bag on the floor. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I laughed.

"You are beautiful to me he mumbled in my hair. It made me smile.

I turned to face him , I was about to say something but Ashers lips crashed into mine. I put my arm around his neck. He pulled away and pushed me on the bed, he quickly got on top. He kiss my neck with soft kisses and I moaned loudly for him to continue.

iHe kissed my stomach and put his hands on my back. This felt good but I wrong. It felt right when Darren was doing it.

He stopped once he got to my bathing suit. He gave me a look to see if he could continue. I looked at him and nodded , I wanted tp know how it felt to be free.

He was about to continue when the door bell rang. I quickly got up and rushed down stairs. Who would br at my door at 12 in the morning.

I opened the door and Darren was standing there looking mad.

"What are you doing here" I asked not opening the door all the way.

"I don't know but why in the hell are you trying to have sex with another man." He growled

"How-how" I started saying.

"Because I can- " he stopped and smiled. Then he continued " Don't do something you might regret. " He smirked then walked off.

I closed the door and went back upstairs but his words kept replaying in my head.

"You ok Anna" Asher asked me then came to kiss me on my neck. He rubbed his hand over my thigh and I jumped a little.

He pushed me against the wall and touched me but I stopped him.

"Asher I just- uh just-" He finished my sentence for me "Want to be friends" He looked a little disappointed but nodded, I did too.

"We can be best friends" I said winking at him. He laughed and said "Yeah I would like that".

He kissed me on my forehead and walked down stairs to leave.

I felt better now not worrying about anything. I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

A nock came to my window . So I got up and looked down to see Darren hanging from my window.

I opened the window and helped Darren in. I was wondering how he had got up to my window.

"Dont ask" he said out of nowhere. Did he read my mind? Nahhhhh.

"I thought you left." I asked looking at him as he sat on my bed.

"Well I didn't" he said like he was annoyed by me.

I just sat there and looked at him rub his head. I looked down and saw what I had on. Crap. I ran to my dresser got a tank top and a pair of running shorts.

Darren laughed at me as I ran to get changed. I came back out of the bathroom to find Darren sleep on my bed. I smiled.

I went over to him and watched him . He looked beautiful, WHEN he was sleeping.

"I'm not sleep darling" He said to me and I laughed. He started to laugh too.

"Can you do me a favor" I asked him in a sweet tone. He looked at me then closed his eyes again.

"It depends.....What is it?" He asked still with his eyes closed.

"Kiss me" I said then paused. "please". He looked at me shocked at what I asked him. I put my head down.

He rubbed my cheek with his hand "of course I will" He said then kissed me. The kiss was sweet and blissful. My heart was doing flips. I didn't want to stop kissing him.

He pulled me closer and sat up. He put me on top of him. I kissed his neck with soft kisses that made him moan like louder and louder.

I went back to his lips. He bit my bottom lip asking for an entry. I didn't open my mouth , I wanted to play with him.

Then he squeezed my butt making me gasp. His tongue slid in exploring every part of my mouth. I put hand on his cheek and pulled away. He looked disappointed but I just laughed.

I got off the bed and looked out the window just to stare at the houses and the city lights.

" You ok?" Darren asked me getting off the bed and walked to me. I looked at him for a second but looked back out the window.

The was something different about him but I didn't know what it was. It was like the movie twilight. How Bella was deeply in love with Edward but didn't even know him really.

Darren laughed at something. I looked at him. "Whats so funny" I asked still looking at him laughing.

"nothing" He said getting all serious again. That was weird.

I looked back out the window as Darren was about to say something else.

"You never answered my question" he said looking at me and I looked at him back. I was about say something but my phone rung.

I went to the bed a answered my phone.

"Hey , you ok , I just wanted to check up on you" it was Asher. Awe he is so sweet.

"Yeah I'm perfect, are you ok" Asher laughed at me and I laughed back.

"Yeah now that I hear your voice" I laughed at his corny joke. He started to talk again.

"I just wanted to know if you are busy tomorrow" I thought about it. I didn't so I was free.

" I'm free" I said smiling but quickly stopped once I remembered Darren was still in the room. He looked hurt like I had killed him.

" Ok see you tomorrow" Asher said and hung up. I looked at Darren who still looked sad.

" Are you ok Darren, you were just fine a few minutes ago" He started to walk up to me ,his eyes looked black. ONLY BLACK! WAS HE SOME TYPE OF DEMON???!!

He pushed me to the ground. I tried to get up but he wouldn't let me. I started to cry . Darren put his hand on my cheek and whispered in my ear.

"You are mine and only mine" I was shocked by what he said. I'm not his and will never be. Darren laughed.

I tried to get up but he still didn't let me. He leaned back down to my ear.

"You are my mate and I am yours so you ard mine. You belong to me and no one else" I thought he was going crazy till I heard his last words.

"I forgot to tell you......I'm a vampire. .." He said and my mind went black.

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