Maxerica: That One Bullet

By Baesies

139K 1.7K 509

During the Selection, America is pregnant with Maxon's child. Just as Maxon announces his future wife, rebels... More

Who Knew?
Time Flies
Secrets Must Be Kept Secret
Choices, Choices
Bullets Hurt
Cancels Out
Where to?
Friends Help
My Right
Bloody Hell
Never Forget
Baby Steps
It's Time
Lying Is a Bad Habit
Bright Ideas, Bad Execution
Soon, So Soon
Her Voice, Her Reality
Sacrifices Mean Something
Accepting, Accepted
This is Me (Epilogue)
Wise Words
Truth or Truth
Was It The Truth?
My Part, My Doing
Faults Of One Another
Fire Away
I'll Pretend
And I'll Suffer

The Part, Where I Say "I Don't Want It"

1.4K 21 15
By Baesies

Ariana Grande's Mah Queen. Lol 

Aspen's POV

I looked at America. She looked more regal than ever. She looked as if she embraced it, but didn't want anyone to know that she loved doing so. I tried to go up to her and talk, but out came her brother. And a buffed guy following behind. Kota handed America her twins and began to speak. 

"Citizens of Illea. I am proud to announce the Marriage between Aspen Leger, and America Singer. With this marriage, all of Illea will be rejoicing." He said to the camera. Devilishly smiling at me. 

I was not the only one surprised at this. America looked as if she was slapped in the face. Had that look that she just heard it today. I was beginning to question if she heard anything at all in the past few days. 

"Sir Kota, America is to marry Maxon." The King said firmly at him. With that, Kota ripped the twins from America and started handing them to the buffed guy. 

"I wouldn't defy me. America has not done anything to the castes since she gave birth. This lovely gentleman here is a representative of the southern rebels. I wouldn't dare do anything that causes him to kill...." Kota accused.

"You aren't a female! You have no say when it comes to children! Us women sacrifice our bodies to give life to amazing humans! Mom gave birth to you! Show some respect!" America yelled at Kota. All the cameras were turned on her. Me personally, I was hoping that she would say more. Put Kota in his place. 

All I know is that America may have just earned the trust in the majority of the females. And possibly any potential future fathers. 

"America, honey, you never chose to have Ahren and Eadlyn. Whose to say that you even want them!" He accused again. 

"You're asking me if I love my children? Your kidding right. I love them till my heart's content. I love them so much, that I would give up Maxon if I were too. These children are my legacy. I will ALWAYS put their happiness before mine!" America said, looking straight into his eye. All the camera's were still directly facing her and Kota. 

"You would give up Maxon? Is that right? Funny you should say that....." Kota said as he brought Maxon's guard. Tied up and was brought into the palace. 

It was Cormack. God, what was he doing on that trip? He was just a trainee. Maxon has lost his mind over this. Bringing newly trained guards to a deadly rebel mission?

"Where's Maxon?" Kota said. Giving him the death stare. 

"I am faithful to the royal family and faithful to my future queen, Lady America." He said with no hesitation." Cormack said, but I could tell he only said that because the King was there. 

"I see," Kota said, eyeballing the buffed guy as if it was some sort of code. Cormack seemed to notice....

I saw America nod her head to him. As if she was allowing him to give the position of Maxon. Which she was...My girl has grown...

"He's on his way here. With half of Carolina on his side.." He said with a knowing smile. 

"Fools! What have you done?!" He screamed. 

"Have the rest of the rebels get me a bishop," He whispered to the buffed guy. 

A bishop? Why would they need a bis-

My answer was so clear. 

"America! Run!" I yelled at her. She looked at my worried face and she did. I told her to run, but there were guards chasing after her. 

"Take her to the Great Room. A wedding's about to take place." Kota smiled wickedly. 

The King looked bittersweet. He looked happy that America was gone. Was he still holding that grudge against her? But, he knew this would kill Maxon. I figure Lady Amberly did him some good.  

"Take the soon to be America's husband," Kota said, referring to me. Now it was my turn to run. 

I tried to run, but It was too late. They got America, and then got me. 


Maxon's POV

I glanced at the note one more time. And looked at Jackson. The waste of space breathing devil. I wanted to slap him again. Taking advantage of America like that....So I did slap him. Hard. 

"Go near America again, I'll make sure that the southern rebels are destroyed." 

"-These children are my legacy. I will ALWAYS put their happiness before mine!" A voice quite familiar sounding. America...She was standing her ground. 

"Go get em America!" I thought to myself.

As I walked up into the car, I knew, that when I arrived home, America would be by my side. I would marry her. My father standing next to my mother. America's mother and her family front and center. It would be perfect. 


"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the union between Sir Aspen Leger-" 

Wonderful. Aspen got married. But why on live radio? 

"-Between Sir Aspen Leger, and America Singer."

"Wait...America Singer? As in my America Singer?! I yelled at the driver. 

"I'm afraid so..." He said, pulling up to the palace. 

There was America. She was crying. Aspen looked as if he wanted to comfort her. That's what I wanted to do also. 

"Do you Aspen Leger take America Singer to be your wife?" The bishop said. 

Aspen looked at Lucy, standing in the window upstairs crying. She nodded furiously "NO" but he then looked at Kota, who still had the twins.

"Yes," He said, nodding at America. 

America didn't know what to say. She was getting married to her best friend since they were children, but she couldn't say yes. I ran out of the car, slamming the door on my way out. 

"No.....You will say "No" For the sake of my heart. My heart will shatter if you do." 

"Maxon...How? How did you get here in time?" She asked me, her eyes filling with love. 

"No! No! No! Take the King. Leave the girl." Kota said looking in my way. All I remember is America's red rosy cheeks grabbing onto my arms. Aspen grabbing onto America to make sure she wasn't taken away. But alas, they were too weak for the rebels. 

I heard a "Maxon! No Maxon! Please! Come back..." America screamed across the room. I heard her. But I wasn't sure she heard me when I said. 

"Don't lose hope darling," I whispered under my breath.

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