When Different Worlds Collide

By Scorpiounicorn

17.7K 549 177

High school. One of the most anticipated yet dreaded part of a teenager's life. New experiences, new teachers... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 4

1.3K 33 7
By Scorpiounicorn

Hey, guys! Back with the next part of the story! This is a collaboration with AnimeDisneyGeek, so some parts are not on my page. No Disney or Dreamworks characters belong to me. Happy reading!


"Jack!" I said as I ran into his arms. Jack Frost was my boyfriend. He was the complete opposite of me. While I was quiet, reserved, and kind of a partypooper; he was loud, rambunctious and he knew how to host a party.

"Ready for another year of school?" I asked, a hint of teasing in my voice.

He sighed dramatically. "Oh, woe is me!" He held a hand to his forehead and taking on a high pitched voice. "I have been sentenced to imprisonment for four years! They have banished me into the land of high school!" he wailed.

"Stop it!" I laughed. "You're not helping!"

"Nah, I'm actually fine going to school," he kissed the top of my head. "As long as you're here, nothing is that bad."

"That's sweet of you," I said and pecked a kiss on his cheek. He grinned boyishly. "Oh!" I said, unraveling myself from his arms. "I still need to find out where my dorm is! Would you like to come with me?"

"Anything for you, my snowflake," he said, reaching for my hand. When we entered the office, we could see a big, jolly man with a white beard. "Hey! It's Santa Claus!" Jack said, pointing at the man.

"Jack!" I scolded him, when the man looked up. The man chuckled. "You're the..." he counted on his fingers, "1,728th student that said I resemble Santa Claus."

"Wow. You must be very good at math!" I said, shocked at how easily and quickly he could do that.

"More like memorizing faces, my dear," the man chuckled. "But thank you!

"I'm the principal here. Principal North," the jolly man stood up to shake our hands.

"I'm Elsa and this is Jack Frost," I gestured to my boyfriend. He waved.

"I'm guessing you're sisters with Anna, right?" Principal North asked.

"Yes? How did you know?" I asked.

"You vaguely reminded me of her," he smiled. "She was the...1,708th student to tell me that I look like Santa Claus."

I chuckled. Of course Anna would say that kind of thing. To me, Anna and Jack were similar to each other. They were both friendly, feisty, and just plain adorable. They may argue a lot, but I know that they care for each other.

"Hmm... you're staying with...ah! Your sister, Rapunzel, and Merida," Principal North said, looking at a list.

I couldn't believe my ears. I was staying with my own sister, cousin, and friend! How much better can you get?

"And Jack, you're staying with Kristoff, Flynn, and Hans," I could feel Jack grimace beside me. I found myself tense up as well. Hans was Anna's ex-boyfriend but it turns out that he was only out for our money. Anna broke up as soon as she learned the truth and has despised him ever since.

"Can someone help us get there?" I asked, "Jack and I are very bad at directions."

Principal North smiled. "Sure! I'll ask my assistant, JJ, to guide you. JJ!" he called. Out came a sixteen-year-old girl with long raven black hair that contained navy blue streaks that matched her eyes. She was dressed in a black Avenged Sevenfold T-Shirt, blue skinny jeans, and blue sneakers. She smiled at me and Jack, and turned to Principal North.

"Yes, sir?" JJ asked.

"I need you to show these two to their dorms please."

"Yes, sir," JJ nodded, then turned to me and Jack. "If you'll follow me, I'll take you to your dorms."

Jack and I followed her out of the office. I was receiving a good vibe from this girl. JJ seemed professional, yet friendly. I noticed that Jack couldn't stop looking at JJ's shirt with the skull with bat wings on it.

"Hey, JJ," Jack said, breaking the silence. "I like your shirt."

JJ turned, a grin on her face.

"Thanks, dude," She replied. "Not many people here know Avenged Sevenfold."

We made small talk until we reached the male dorm building. JJ showed us Jack's dorm first, which was in a separate building than mine. Jack bid us farewell and then went inside to hang out with his roommates. JJ and I exited the building and walked to the girl's dorm building.

"So," I said, breaking the comfortable silence. "I'm guessing you like the color blue?'

JJ looked at me and chuckled. "Yeah, it's always been that way. I'm guessing it corresponds with the fact that I can control water."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. JJ had seemed like such a normal person and it was interesting how her power was closely related with Jack's and my own.

"So, where are you from, JJ?" I asked, curious.

JJ smiled. "I'm from Bat Country. It's located on the land of Sevenfold. How about you?"

"Arendelle," I replied, smiling back.

"Oh, yeah," JJ said, her face lighting up. "I've heard of Argentina!"

I was confused at first, but then began to laugh.

"No, JJ," I chuckled. "I'm from Arendelle. It's a different country."

"Ohhhhh," JJ said, feeling a bit embarrased. "Sorry, words get mixed up in my head."

"No worries," I smiled.

We stopped outside of my dorm room. We bid farewell to each other. JJ headed back to the office while I opened the door to my dorm. When I opened it, a pillow flew through the air straight at my face. I could hear shouting.

"No! The room is going to be painted PURPLE!" Rapunzel shouted, already painting the walls her color.

"NO! IT'S GONNA BE GREEN AND THAT'S FINAL!" Anna shouted, a paint roller with green paint dripping from her hand.







Merida was on her bed, a pillow on her face, groaning. "See what I had to go through this past half hour?" she groaned to me.

I chuckled. Well, this is going to be a long day, I thought.

AN: Hey, guys! This chapter could not have been made into the awesome piece that it is right now without my sister's help and guidance, JJ, who was featured in this chapter! And if you're a fan of Avenged Sevenfold stories, check out her stories at PumaBlitz, which is her username. She's a new writer, so she doesn't have that much, but they're still awesome! Anyways, thanks for reading and see you in the next part!

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