Princess of the Rogues

By ChloePJ

1M 35.2K 2.1K

Jennifer's life has never been easy. She has never had a childhood to call her own. Her father is a vile, evi... More

Princess of the Rogues
Chapter 1: Giving Up
Scarred for Life
Just Another Day
My Worst Nightmare
What Have I Done
If things couldn't get any worse!
A Twist of Fate
Taking a Risk
Here goes Nothing
Meeting the Alpha
When others decide your Future
Revealing the Truth
Just Another Eventful Day
It was bound to Happen
A Different Light?
The Message
A Dream or Reality
This is my Life
Things can Never be Simple
Sorting out my Problems
Going Back to Hell
I didn't see that Coming
Two Sides to a Story
History is Written by the Victors
The Aftermath
Seeing the Light
Starting to Recover
The Beginning Of Recovery
Author Note
A Similar Situation
Not A Happy Ending
Leaving the ones you Love
Another Point Of View
Living Life Alone?
Life's Purpose
Getting Back Up
Perfect Christmas
Waiting to be Judged
Guilty or not-guilty?
Taking Responsibility
Author Note

Question and Answer

10.3K 206 9
By ChloePJ

Question and Answer

Hey Everyone. I have reached 200 followers!!!! Thank you so much. It is amazing how much support I have had from you all.

There will be no sequel in the near future to Princess Of The Rogues. I am really happy with how this story has evolved and I don’t want to make a sequel and tarnish it. I am not good at writing sequels. I tend to lose motivation if it is too similar which I made the mistake with on the Secrets story. I have had to halt the sequel because I have no motivation or inspiration for it and that is selfish of me for those that read it because I don’t put as much effort into it which isn’t right for those that take the time to read my stories.

If in the future, I come back and decide to write a sequel I will let you know. Don’t worry about that.

Future plans after this. I will be continuing Destiny which is the sequel I put on hold. So if you haven’t already, check out Secrets which is the original. It was the first werewolf story I did and it became really popular. If you liked Princess Of The Rogues, then you will probably like Secrets.

As well as this, I will be starting a new story. I have two new story ideas in my head at the moment that I want to explore. Both are in the werewolf genre as this is the area I seem to write well with. I have a hybrid idea and a Kingdom idea and the girl being the princess of said kingdom. I am going with the second idea first. Then the first one. 

It will be called The Forgotten Princess. It is about a Princess of the European Kingdom of Werewolves. For the past sixteen years, there has been a war raging between The Royal Family (chosen by the Moon Goddess to Rule) and an Opposition that goes by the name the Moon’s Army. The Princess was born in secret so no one knew of her and she was taken by a trusted guardian to England where she grows up as a normal girl. At the age of sixteen, Annabella Maria Rosetta finds out exactly who she is.

SophiannaK asked: What inspired me to write the story?

My stories often become based around an idea or theme. I stick to the genre of werewolves so that is already decided. For Princess of The Rogues, I ended up thinking of this idea of going against all the odds and awful experiences but fighting and holding onto your own morals. This became the basis of the idea. So the idea of Jen came about. Strong, defiant and determined for a better life but at the same time not afraid to show inner turmoil and that broken side of her. So in a werewolf situation what aspect is more daunting to grow up in than a broken family in a rogue setting. Hence came Princess of the Rogues.

Spitvioletstiches asked: What character holds your favourite character traits and which character would you say you are most like?

I would say I am most like Rebecca. Kind, caring and a listener. In my group of friends, I am the person people come to when they need someone to listen to and support them.

Jennifer is the character traits that I most admire. I designed Jennifer out of everything that I want to be. She became the idea of what I want to aspire to be. Confident, inspiring, beautiful, selfless and fights her way through every situation. I wanted her to inspire me. I wanted to relate to her. If I relate to her, then everyone that reads are more likely to relate to her. I am the girl at school that is often on her own in the corner with only the few friends. I am not pretty or beautiful. I am that nerdy, shy girl with glasses that likes Doctor Who, Marvel and Sherlock. I don’t have a lot of self-esteem but I am better now than I was. I am usually the one that gets walked over and never fights back which is why I probably express myself in my writing and music instead. That is why I created and admire Jennifer. She is everything that I want to be and is loved by someone unconditionally. This is why all the women protagonists I create are strong and confident. *deep stuff over*

Da_BlueJuice asked: What’s your favourite flavour ice-cream? Do I have any pets and their names? What’s my favourite colour and why? How do I choose character names?

I will answer the most important question first. Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough ice-cream is the best ice-cream ever. If I ever have a bad day, out comes the ice-cream and everything gets better. I don’t have any pets although I did used to have a dog called Jake who was a Westie. Favourite Colour… it depends what mood I am in but light blue is always one I like it reminds me of the sea and sky. Character names. I don’t really have a method. Sometimes I go for meanings so Xander means something like defender of mankind so I thought that fit. I wanted a normal name for Jennifer to stress that she was just a normal person with the same feelings and emotions as anyone else.

Little_Red15 asked: Do you have any more stories out? And what tips do I have for other writers?

I have a completed story called Secrets which is a werewolf story about Elouise Heart who is the rarest wolf in history and that usually means something bad is on the way. I have Birth Right which is a teen fiction/ powers kind of thing. It was my first story I put up, it is different so check it out. There is Divine Calling but that has barely been read and I lost motivation.

Tips. I am no expert at writing and it is amazing that people enjoy my writing. I would say only write the stories that you are passionate about because they are always the ones that turn out better and I think readers get that feeling too.

Perfection_Dreamer asked: What was the original plan for the story? Was it different to how it turned out or did you plan it from the beginning?

I plan out all my chapters before I start writing with a few key words of what will happen. When I originally planned there were only 32 chapters. Now there are 43 chapters so I end up getting inspired and adding something else. The whole section of running away and the problems with the neighbouring packs was not originally included.

Arkykat asked: Where are you going to college? Are you excited about it? Do you know what you want to do? How did you get so many readers?

I am from England so the education system is a bit different so I will explain that first and where I am. You have secondary school from 11-16 years old, then college for 2 years and the University for however long your course is. I am currently in my first year of college studying by A Levels to get into University. For university I want to go to either Birmingham Conservatoire, King’s College or the Royal Academy of Music. I want to study music to hopefully become a musician. I can’t wait for uni because it is my first lot of independence which is great.

How did I get so many readers? Absolutely no idea what so ever. I would like to know how all of you stumbled upon my story. Honestly, I have no idea. I didn’t think my story writing was that good to start with and I just wrote for fun so when my last story and this one got thousands of reads I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it.

VictoriaSlight asked: If you did post a sequel would you want it to be based on someone else instead of Jennifer?

It probably would be based on someone other than Jennifer. Probably one of her children so it is still related. That is probably what I would do. Maybe in the future.

Kattocoolforu asked: What is your favourite book?

Mmmm. That is such a hard question because I have read so many books and I love so many books. The Hunger Games series I love so much. They are amazing books and I am loving the film adaptions. The Power Of Five Series by Anthony Horowitz is amazing. It is five books and by the end of the final book I was crying. It is amazing. The Beautiful Creatures series is awesome too. I will stop otherwise I will list all the books I have read. I also love Pride and Prejudice and the Great Gatsby. They are classics but amazing.

So, everyone one of these people got a follow from me. Send in more questions and i will add them on to ends of chapters instead of the fun facts (Because i keep forgetting what i had already said.)

Anyway, the final update chapter should be up by the end of Monday before i go back to college. I am taking my time on this chapter because it is a really nice last chapter and probably important to you guys so i want to make it right. 

Chloe x

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