Fight For Your Life (A Drarry...

By Patrick11Stump

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It's a year after the second wizarding war, Lord Voldemort has been defeated, Harry Potter has come back to H... More

Chapter One: New Year, New Reasons to Hide
Chapter Two: The Potions Partner
Chapter Three: The Next Time They Meet
Chapter Four: Something Within Your Mind
Chapter Five: Friends 'Til the End
Chapter Six: A Fine Feast
Chapter Seven: Snakes and Lions
Chapter Eight: Fantasic Ways to Self Destruction
Chapter Nine: Weasley's
Chapter Eleven: Friends and Foes
Chapter Twelve: Fight For Your Life

Chapter Ten: Blankets

875 44 1
By Patrick11Stump

Harry looks at the sky, the way the moon shines over the lake. Watching the greys and blues dancing off the water, the glistening and the movement under the lake. He was wondering what the boy sleeping next to him was dreaming about, why his breathing was rapidly increasing and decreasing. But even as he wondered he had a nagging idea. Everyone still had nightmares here. Nothing would ever change that. No amounts of therapy or medications. Just there for as long as they live.

Still, he didn't want this to happen to anyone. The war he was forced into. Draco shifts in his sleep, pressing his face against Harry's thigh. Harry initially jumps but relaxes when Draco's breathing fades back to the slow breaths from before. Harry places his hand gingerly on Draco's head. Pieces of the silky smooth hair glide effortlessly between his fingers and he runs his fingers through his hair until Draco stirs and moves his hand to rest on Harry's calf. Harry leans his back against the wall of the common room and continues to stare out of the window. He tucks the blanket under Draco a little more as he feels him shiver. The air is definitely colder in the common room than the bedrooms. He feels the cold air seeping in from the windows and it chills his body even if they're relatively close to the dead fire.

His legs are warm, probably because Draco is laying across his left leg and the blanket is over his right. He's quite content right now, only slightly on edge. Everyone is up in their rooms sleeping soundly but these two are out on the floor. Everybody left to go to bed after the clock struck eleven even if tomorrow is only Sunday.

He gently tucks a piece of hair behind Draco's ear. He wonders how someone could look so angelic even while fitfully sleeping. His heart thrums in his chest while looking at the soft blond hair and porcelain skin. He listens as the clock strikes midnight and gently stirs Draco awake.

"Draco?" He whispers quietly into his ear, he feels him shiver and his eyelashes flutter open.

"We should probably go up to our rooms." Harry says quietly, smiling down at Draco who has buried his face into the blanket.

"I don't want to, I like it here." Draco says his voice muffled by the blankets. Harry chuckles softly and runs his fingers through Draco's hair again.

"You like it better than up in your bed?" Harry questions as Draco makes himself more comfortable in his lap. Harry just smiled as Draco closes his eyes and tries to fall back asleep.

"I like it better because you're here." Draco whispers and opens his eyes to stare up at Harry. Harry stares back and tries not to let those words get to him in anyway. Draco closes his eyes but Harry starts to move. 

"I don't want to." Draco complains and hugs Harry's leg tighter. Harry huffs and opens his mouth to argue. 

"But our beds are comfier--" 

"You're comfortable." 

"Can I at least get more blankets?" Harry asks gently shaking Draco. Draco sighs and sits up. His hair slightly disheveled and his eyes tired. He nods his head and yawns when Harry stands up. He watches him walk towards the bedrooms. Harry makes his way up to his bedroom. He doesn't check Draco's room as he still has most of his stuff in his old room. He has a room in the Eighth year house, but it felt right to stay mostly in his original house. Harry carefully opens the door to his room he walks in and grabs his duvet and a few a strew blankets from his chest at the foot of his bed. He grabs a few pillows from the head of his bed and walks out of his room. He shuts the door quietly and struggles to hold the copious amounts of bedding in his hands. 

He somehow makes it safely down the staircase and back to the slightly sleeping Draco. He sets down the blankets and grabs the pillows before coming up with an idea. He gently stirs Draco again, slightly happy that he's not an angry waker. He just blinks at him and stares at his face when he cracks a grin. 

"Let's make a fort." Harry whispers excitedly. Draco cracks a grin as well before chuckling slightly and nodding. He stands up and they grab the common room furniture. They push the couch besides the wall and grab the chairs. 

Draco pulls a chair as quietly as he can from the far side of the room over to where Harry has started the fire again. Harry places wood in the fire, not enough to brighten the whole room, just enough so they can see. He walks over to help at the same time Draco finishes setting the blankets over the chairs. 

"Looks good." He whispers and watches him work quickly. He smiles at the childish way his face lights up.  Draco grabs a blanket and sets it on the bottom of their impromptu fort. Harry grabs the pillows and walks back into the same time Draco walks out. Neither paying attention, just admiring the way their creation looks, run into each other. Draco stumbles back and falls on the blanket that was their door. Harry grabs his hand as he trips and subsequently falls as well. They both let out slight yelps as they tumble to the floor. Harry catches himself before he accidentally hits his forehead on Draco's. He holds himself by his elbows right above Draco's flushed face. 

"S-Sorry," Draco says and stares at Harry. Harry stares back but seems like he hasn't heard him.  His face seems to be flushed as well. Draco notices the space between them, or the lack thereof. Harry is hovering over his body as he lay on his back. His knee raised on the left side but his other leg between Harry's two knees. His hand still holding Harry's from when they fell and the other folded next to his shoulder. Harry's body mere inches away from his own. Their noses barely brushing. He swallows roughly when Harry makes no indication of moving. Just staring, like he's just seeing him for the first time. Harry's fingers tighten around his and he squeezes back. Harry licks his lips slightly and his eyes flicker down to Draco's. 

Draco doesn't notice that the space between their lips is nearly nonexistent by now. He's just staring at the green eyes above his own. His breathing is deeper and his heart is racing.  The blanket above them is somehow standing even though the boys tore down a part of their structure. He thinking about everything but how inviting those lips look. How close they are. How warm everything feels

But, it seems like he doesn't need to think about it much longer. Because while he was lost in thought, Harry closes his eyes and gently presses his lips against Draco's. Draco's heart flutters and his eyes fall closed as well after he takes a second to realise that Harry Potter is kissing him. His hand reaches up and grabs Harry's shoulder lightly. The kiss is featherlight and slow. Everything seems blissful as their lips move against each other. It doesn't need to be faster or rougher, because it's perfect. The way Harry's hand tightens ever so slightly and how Draco doesn't feel tired anymore. The scent of firewood and the sound of it crackling as they slowly disconnect their lips. Harry opens his eyes and bathes in the sight of the grey-blue eyes below him. Nothing matters when Draco closes his eyes and wraps his arm behind Harry's neck and pulls him back. He just smiles and enjoys the feeling he didn't know he was so badly craving.  The kisses are gentle and lasting. Not rough and gone in a second. Because even as the clock strikes one, time doesn't exist for the two. 

Not until the time catches up to them and they fall tired. Staring at the ceiling of their fort, their hands intertwined and slowly nodding off. Draco's head resting on Harry's chest and their breathing slows and they fall into a deep, peaceful slumber for the first time in a long time. 

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