Jerk Theory (Punk Louis Tomli...

By autumn1324

319K 6.4K 1.7K

I apologize ahead of time for any cringiness, I wrote this when I was 14. Alyssa Hansel. Your everyday good... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not An Update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Important Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (part 1)
Chapter 57 (part 2)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
New Story
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
New Book!
New Fanfic

Chapter 46

2.8K 68 12
By autumn1324

Can I start by saying I can't believe how popular this story has gotten! I recently got a chapter dedication in a book of One Direction Fanfics. Also from now on I'm dedicating a chapter to one person on Wattpad and one on Quotev (the ONLY sites this story was posted on). Anyways Congrats LacrosseGirl23_ for getting the first dedication! I-Am-Not-Obsessed on quotev you get the other dedication.

Chapter Songs:

Top of The World by: Bridget Mendler

Crazy 4 U by: Ross Lynch

Case Closed by: Little Mix

*Louis' P.O.V.

I Just told her exactly how I felt about her. Everything was the truth. I could never lie to her.

"Louis. I didn't realize any of this." She exclaims like it's her fault.

"It's my fault. I didn't tell you like I should have. I just don't trust people. You know you're the only one other than the boys that I have trusted. I'm crazy for you. You just don't want to believe it and it's my fault."

She opened her mouth to speak but the tardy bell rang signaling we needed to go back to class. "Are you coming?" She asks me because we have the next class together. "Yeah, I'm coming." I say standing up.

*Alyssa's P.O.V.

"Miss. Hansel, Mr. Tomlinson you guys are late. Unless you have a great excuse for why you guys are late you both have detention."

"I am so sorry Miss. Kinkert. We were caught up talking when we heard the tardy bell on the football field."

"Miss. K, look if you're going to go punish anyone it's all my fault I lost track of time and kept her from getting to class." She nods.

"Alright Louis, detention after school. Now you two please take your seats." I walked to my seat in front of Kenna and Ashton. Louis continued on to the back.

"So class today we will be-" I zoned her out from there. All Miss Kinkert does is gives us book and then do a project on it.

My phone vibrates from my back pocket and I have 1 new message from Louis.

'Hey, you don't mind watch the girls after school until I get hone do you?'

'No, of course not! I love them to death!' I reply happy that he likes me hanging with the girls.

'Alright, thank you. I don't have any way of paying you for this, I'm currently running low on money. But I'll pay you when I get the chance.'

'No, I can't take your money. You need it more than I do. Trust me.' I hit send and Miss. Kinkert interrupted my conversation.

"Miss Hansel, are you doing your work or will I have to rethink your detention?"

"I'm sorry, that won't be necassary." I tell her and as soon as she's back to what she was doing I return to the conversation with Louis.

'Let me do something to make it up.'

'Louis, I'm serious you don't have to do anything.' I put my phone on the desk because Asthon came over.

"So I was thinking tonight we could go on a date." He says pick my phone up off the desk.

"Sorry I can't I have plans." I say really not wanting to explain why I can't go out with my boyfriend tonight.

"Yeah. I understand it was sort of a last minute thing. Let me know when you're not busy okay?" I nod smiling. When my phone went off I snatched it from my boyfriends hands.

"Babe, who is that?" Babe. It doesn't sound right.

"No one just an old friend of mine." I say open the text from Louis.

'I'm still doing something. Not because I have but because I want to and I love you.'

'Alright, I gotta go Louis. I'll talk to you later'

"Alright class, I can some of you guys were not focused in my class today while writing your essays. I am making them due as soon as you walk in tomorrow. You guys can go but I need to see Alyssa and Louis."

The whole class made a noise like 'ohhhhh'. Whatever that was about.

When the bell rang signalling the end of class Louis and I walked up to Miss. Kinkert's desk.

"Okay can I ask what was so interesting that neither of you were paying attention? Alyssa you are one of my best students and you're acting up."

"Louis. I didn't expect much from you. I honestly think your the reason she's acting up in class, considering you guys aren't dating anymore."

"I'm sorry Miss. Kinkert, but just because Louis and I are no longer dating does mean he's influencing me in anyway." I say defending him. The tardy bell rings.

"Melody, just because you can't find someone willing to marry you doesn't mean you should any of us. If you must know I was asking her a personal question that I never have the guts to ask around anyone, so I had to text her." He interjects in the middle of her scolding us.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we ars late for our next class. I'll see you in detention Melody."

He escorts me out and walks me to my next class. "I'm sorry you got a detention." I blurt out.

"I'm not I actually love detention. Besides I'm only living up to my name right?!" He lightly chuckles.

He notices the hurt in my eyes and sighs. He holds my shoulders and speaks. "Alyssa, I don't mean it like that. It was a joke."

"I realize, but I don't know. I take that subject to heart."

*Louis' P.O.V.

"Look Alyssa, I wish I could kiss you right now and tell you it didn't mean anything. It obviously means something to you. I'm trying. I still say dumb stuff and do dumb things, but that's who I am. I'm trying my hardest not to kiss you right now. You're in a relationship and even though I despise the guy I'll let you stay loyal." She smiles.

"Thank you." She says giving me a hug.

"What time are you planing on getting home?"

"10? Maybe later I'll let you know." She nods. I hand her the keys to my car.

"Here, I'll get a ride. I trust you enough not to wreck it. You do know how to drive right?" She laughs. Not just any laugh. The laugh that basically says 'I'm an idiot'.

"Yes, I do. I've gotta go Louis. I can't be late." We both laugh when we realize she's already late. "Okay I won't keep you any more go." She walking into her next class, while I was just planning on skipping. No point in going now.


*Alyssa's P.O.V
When the final bell rang I was walking out of chorus with Millie and Summer. "Again I am sorry that I haven't caught up with you guys."

"Hey it's okay, I've been busy with cheer and Summer's been writing music. We've both been plenty busy."

"Alright, we'll have to have a girl night out soon. I promise, it will come." I say as we run into Kenna in the hallway.

"Hey Kenna, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, but where's Lou?" she asks looking around as if he's hiding.

"He's not coming, he got detention and has to work after he gets out so I'm watching you guys until then." she nods.

"I'm actually surprised you guys are this close. If I took a guess I'd say you guys are working out your problems and will be back together in 2 months."

"We are trying to make it work. We still love each other a lot, but-"

"But you're dating Ashton." I nod.

"I know you've probably never thought about this and it goes against your personal beliefs, but ever think of dating them both? One in secret and one for show?"

"I have actually, before Ashton and I were dating, but I was never ready to date your brother again."

"Can I ask something?" She asks. "Sure."

"If you weren't dating someone right now, would you be back with Lou?"

"I'm not sure, but it's highly possible." I say.

"What highly possible?" Ashton says suddenly beside me.

"Oh.. that... um... we are having a pop quiz in history tomorrow." He nods.

"Okay, do you want me to drive you home?"

"No, I'm not going home anyways. I have things to do with this one." I say pointing to my best friend.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow." He says giving me a peck on the lips.


Once I got to her house I had 20 minutes until I had to pick them up. "So we have 20 minutes what do you want to do?"

"Can you start making us dinner?"

"I'm not going to have enough time, I need at least a hour. How about we start that our homework." She frowns but nods.

"Don't pout.I'll help you." I say as she pulls out her math book.


When I arrive to the school the girls are really confused as to why I'm driving Louis' car and where he is.

"He's in detention for making me late for class and making me 'act out' in class." I say laughing.

"Alyssa are you and Louis dating?" Fizzy asks.

"No sweetie we aren't, we're just friends." ,

"Friends that love each other." Lottie says.

"We know more than you and Lou give us credit for."

"We heard you guys the other day, when you were arguing. He was yelling at you for picking some guy named Ashton over him. Alyssa, he's never been this way to anyone. He really does need you." Fizzy says.

"I know, but it's not that easy."

"Sure it is. You both love each other, what's stopping you?"

"My boyfriend is stopping me."

"What?" All the girl ask confused.

"I'm sorry girls, but I'm in a relationship with someone. If I wasn't I would consider it." I say pulling onto the driveway.

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Can we have oven baked chicken?" I nod telling them to start their homework.

"Wow Alyssa! This tastes amazing! How do you cook so well?"

"I used to watch my nanny cook and I helped here a lot."

"Okay girls, Fizzy Lottie and Kenna finish your homework Daisy and Phoebe, who wants the first bath?"

"She does!" they both say point to the other. "How about this rock paper scissors loser takes first bath the other does homework?" They nod. And start playing.

"No fair Daisy! You cheated!' I laugh at their little banter.

"Phoebe go get your bath. I'll help you woth homework when you get out." She huffs and walk in the bathroom.

"Okay girls let me or Kenna know if you need help and we'll help you."

"Alyssa. I need help on my math homework." I nod and help her.

After 3 hours of helping with homework and attempting to finish mine the girls all settled down and went to bed. It's about 11:30 now. Louis sent me a text saying he would be home at 11. My brain is too tired to finish my unfinished homework so I walk to the couch making sure my phone is on in case he calls. I immediately fall asleep.


My sleep was interrupted with my phone going off at about 3 in the morning. "Hello?"

"Hi yes this is the police station we have a Louis Tomlinson down here, he claims he knows you?" The man on the other end of the phone says.

"Yes sir, I do."

"Great. Could you come down here?"

"Yes sir I'm on my way." I leave a note for Kenna basically saying if I'm still gone when she wakes up she's in charge. I grab Louis' keys and head to the police station.

What could he possibly have done?

A/N: WOAH! What could Louis have done that was so bad? What about Alyssa? How does she feel?  Comment any questions, suggestion, etc. Please keep voting I love all of you guys.

Dun dun dun... Sorry if it's a bit speed up and for all the time steps Iwas trying to get to the end and it was making it impossible if I kept going on and on about unnecessary details.

So for a dedication message me why you feel you deserve the chapter dedication and I'll pick from those people.

Until Next Time,

-Autumn <3

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