Black And White

By _Justa_fangirl_

161K 4.1K 959

{Sequel to She's Mine} Now that Draco and Hermione are married and happily married at that, a rumor has start... More

Amazing News
Um, Excuse Me?
That Bloody Bug
You And The Girl You'd Rather Be With
Her Full Moon
A Happy Second Marriage
Looking For Things That Arent There
Hello Greengrass
Manipulating The Newest Potter
Sea Green Stranger
Anger Managment Classes For Christmas
The Reminder Of Him And The Feelings He Gave Me
Speed Traveling
Let's Take This To Bed
Not So Tea Time
Crazy Lady's Potato Chips
Morning Sickness
It's Astoria You Bloody Ferret!
If Anyone Asks It's Because of My Pregnancy
I Forgive You

What a Proud Ex Gryffindor Quidditch Player You Are

5.8K 150 4
By _Justa_fangirl_

// Draco //

I groaned, This is at least the third time this week i've been on Potter's doorstep. I knocked anyways, because I knew if anyone knew anything about Hermione and might even have a clue what was going on, it was Weaselette and Potter.

The door swung open, revealing a noticeably pregnant Ginny Potter. Pregnant. Hermione must be showing by now. I gulped and pushed the thought down. I was going to be there to see Hermione's pregnancy and help her.

Ginny stood in the doorway, her eyebrow raised, hair in a messy bun, and slippers on.She had on a thin white shirt that didn't hide the bump to her stomach and some gray sweatpants. It was Sunday today. "For the love of Merlin, Ferret, find some other friends if you're this lonely." Ginny rolled her eyes. I gave her a serious look and the look of annoyance disappeared from her face, replaced with worry.

"What happened." She said, grabbing the doorknob tightly. "Mind if I come in?" I asked, dropping a hint that this wasn't a conversation we should be having outdoors. She slowly nodded, stepping out of the way so that I could enter. I sat myself down on the couch and Ginny sat on the one next to it. "Spill." She demanded.

I sighed, "I found her in Australia." She raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Seriously? How? You couldn't catch a snitch if it was right under your nose." She said, looking slightly pleased with her comment and slightly in awe. I gave her a look, "Ah, yes, What a proud ex Gryffindor quidditch player you are." She grinned.

I shook my head, "I found her at a bar. I'd figured that you would know that considering all of the articles that idiot Skeeter has been writing." Ginny sighed and shook her head, "Ever since the article that came out about Harry and I talking about 'Mione I've canceled our subscription of the daily prophet." I nodded, "Well, she walked back to her parents' house after we talked and I came with her and I slept there-" Ginny smirked mischievously, "-You know you are such a child." She laughed, "I get that a lot."

"Anyways, I woke up the next morning and went downstairs, thinking she was awake and making breakfast or something like that, but I found a copy of the prophet and a broken tea cup in the living room and she was no where to be seen."

Ginny's expression turned serious once again, "Is she still in Australia?" I shrugged, feeling helpless, "I don't have any idea. I waited a couple hours just incase she went out for a little bit but after she didn't come back i went out to look for her and I didn't see her at all. I came back and waited until the next morning to leave and she never showed up." Ginny sighed. "I don't think she's still there. Whoever took her, I'm sure they are from England."

Ginny frowned, "You think someone took her?" I shrugged, "Hermione's not the type of person to leave without telling anyone... or leave at all for a while." Ginny nodded, "Who do you think took her?"

I sigh and breathe out the name I've been dreading to bring up. Ginny gasped and stood, "No." I shrugged and stood as well. "Who else could it be?" She bit her lip, "I suppose that would make sense."

"I'll investigate tomorrow, you can come with me if you want." She nodded, "I'll meet you at the burrow at 12." I nodded and apparated out of the flat, leaving a conflicted Ginny to think over what happened to her best friend.

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