Where the Heart Lies

By YolieB

4.1K 109 24

Overworked, underappreciated and seriously lacking in the love/sex department. That was Rachelle's life until... More

If you say LOVE one more time....
Its not Blackmail :)
Mr. Magnificent
You didn't woo anyone, who didn't want to be wooed....
You've got quite a grip there...
'Sweet Kiss'
"....Bitch..You ain't got the balls."
Ross and Rachelle together again!
"Why don't you show me Princess."
"You're the Boss."
The Bet
"Damn skippy...you're parked in my spot!"
The Dance of Lovers
Can you say..." What an A**hole"
The plot thickens.....
The Decision is made....
Author's note
Mr. Moore
Love Hurts...
Let's be Friends
Things were going so well...
Call me pathetic...
Move to New York??
Strawberries and Champagne Pt.1
Strawberries and Champagne Pt. 2
Looks can be deceiving
"How convenient..."
Do your job!
Check it out
White Picket Fences

"Someone's in a hurry..."

88 2 0
By YolieB


If your still reading-Thank you!!!

Wow its been a while since my last update--i got sick but really i was very lazy but i got past this bump. i wanyted to post more but its almost 3am and I need to be up early-and once i start on the next chapter i wont stop :)

But its written just needs editing and maybe a few changes so it will be posted by tomorrow. 

I hope this chapter is to you liking--if you do--dont forget to click that little Vote! button. or leave a comment. but please note--CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT 

Well Happy reading 



                                                      Ella POV

I couldn’t help but shake my head and think about what has my best friend had gotten herself into. In a relationship with one man and madly in love with other that she shouldn’t be involved with. As her best friend I simply just can’t condone her being with someone who she has the potential to be hurt around. But on the other hand I also cannot deny the certain glow she has when she thinks or talks about him. There is no doubt that there is real love there. Despite that fact, I still need to be one thinking logical here-I need to keep in mind that this can be very dangerous for her and I am not willing to loose my best friend, in fact I consider her my sister . 

I waved a final goodbye as she pulled out the driveway and turned back to the now empty house and with that I began to  feel a bit lonely. 

The past few months we’ve all been living here together, Ross officially moved in after a week of crashing here  and I just never went home unless I wanted to have a rendezvous with Dylan.  Rachelle’s house was big enough to hold us three comfortably with room to spare. And I must admit it was nice being around people all the time, especially people you love and trust. I was about to call Dylan and ask if he wanted to come over to my place ( my actual house) when I heard a car pull into the driveway- I peaked outside only to be a bit surprise to see Caleb and Ross back already and by the looks of it they brought take-out.

“Girls we’re back!” Caleb shouted from the foyer. 

“ And we got Sushi.” Ross added as he kicked the door closed- I really hated it when he does that.

“How many times Ross?!” I pointed my finger at him as I got him in my sights. 

“I know, I know I’m sorry-it’s just a habit.” he grinned at me “But I brought you favourite.” he said while dangling the bag in front of my face-after two seconds I grabbed the bag and narrowed my eyes at him. 

“You better had not forget my California roll this time.” 

“Rachelle was right, you two are like kids.” Caleb laughed as he began to unpack dinner. “Where is she anyways?”

“Uhh…she had to step out.” I looked to Ross, trying my best to avoid Caleb’s gaze.

“Out where?” he replied looking very puzzled. 

I let out a huge sigh, I may not like what Rach is doing but she’s my best friend and we protect and look out for each other no matter what- even if it means telling a few white lies here and there. 

“Caleb, Rach needed a little time to think about things. She was a little upset with you bringing up moving to New York.”

“I knew that she wouldn’t like it but I didn’t think it would be such a huge problem, even to just be thinking about it.”

“Rachelle’s life is here and she’s happy with what she’s built here-it was just too much for her-that you expected it to be so easy for her to get up and leave. I mean you guys haven’t been together for that long. I mean its not like your engaged or anything.”  I looked up in this moment, if I had looked up a second later I would have missed the hope and sadness that passed through his eyes. This only left me with one thought, and if what I was thinking was true than Rachelle has certainly dug herself a huge hole.

“I don’t see the problem,” Ross jumped in with a mouth full of food, “…there’s more food for us.” 

Obviously Ross missed the entire conversation Caleb and I just had, but he did manage to break the awkward silence. “Look, just give her a little space, okay, I’m sure everything will be fine. As long as you don’t push the New York issue-give it some time for the idea to sink in and hopefully she’ll come around.” I told Caleb with the most reassuring smile I could muster up. 

After a while Caleb began to relax, I was extremely thankful that Ross kept him busy-for I was either thinking about Dylan or concerned about Rachelle and what’s happening with her and Eric. I sent both of them a message but so far no response- I mean okay Rachelle is probably a bit busy but what excuse could that boyfriend of mine have for not being able to respond to my message or calls after eleven at night. If I was an insecure girlfriend I would be inclined to think there was someone else-but Dylan wasn’t stupid-he’s knows I’ll kill him. 

“I think I’m gonna clear out.” Caleb said pulling me from my reverie. “ Can you tell Rach I’m sorry and to call me.”

“Yeah, of course. don’t worry about her. She sent me a message earlier- turns out she had a lot of work to catch up in the office and she should be home soon.” I lied seeing the concern written all over his face.

“Great-thanks for putting up with me.”

“Thank Ross.” I said while pointing my thumb to  the lump hanging over the couch. Caleb laughed and gave me a hug goodbye. 

“So what do you want to do now.” Ross shouted from the couch. I was about to answer him when I heard my phone ringing in the kitchen. I wasted no time-I knew who was calling. I raced across the living room and  practically leaped over to the breakfast counter to get to my phone. “Where’s the fire?!” Ross continued to shout.

“Be quiet,” I told Ross “Hello?”

“Hi, is this a bad time?” Hearing his voice sent shivers down my spine.

“No No- its just Ross being Ross. Where have you been all night, I’ve been trying to get you.” I got right to the point.

“I know I had a few things to look after that just ran too late.”

“Ok , can you be anymore vague?” 

“I’m sorry-I’m just not a liberty to say anything.”

“I get it-I suppose.” I didn’t really want to get it but what was I going to do, start accusing him of cheating and then maybe he might break down and tell me what it is I know he’s keeping from me. 

“So I was thinking, well hoping that I could see you?” he asked.



“Now? It’s almost 11.30.”

“Yeah…so?” he answered.

“Yeah I guess your right. I’ll see you at my house in 20 minutes.”

*Twenty minutes later*

I get to my house and Dylan is there already leaning against his car- smiling that devilish grin I’ve come to love.

“Hey, handsome-I’ve missed you.” I told him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“How much?” he asked. I reached up and place one gentle and chaste kiss on his lips. “That little?”  he looked quite disappointed.

“That will teach you a lesson to answer my calls and messages from now on.” I gave a quick kiss on the nose and pulled away from his embrace. “Now, we can go inside-and you can do you very, very, very best to make it up to me.” I purred as I made my way to my front porch. 

In the very moment I had the key in the lock-I felt two strong arms grab me from behind- if this was any other night I would scream to wake my neighbours. Well come to think of it-the things I have in mind at the moment- I’m pretty damn sure screaming will be involved and the neighbours will wake. I turned around to face my ’attacker’  “My, my, my someone sure is in a hurry.” 

He caught my lips with his the very next second, his kiss was not gentle but very needy-not that I mind. Using just the right about of force he pushed me against my door, meanwhile using his hands to firmly and gently hoist me up, automatically causing my legs to wrap around his waist. 

“Open the door.” I managed to say in between kisses. After great difficultly he managed to finally open the door, without breaking the kiss. Next step, the bedroom-up the stairs, we’d never make it without breaking the connection and I wasn’t having that. 

“ Don’t bother, living room-the couch.” I told Dylan breaking the kiss. While we were separated I  took the time to remove my shirt.

“My, my someone’s in a hurry.” he laughed repeating my words from earlier and moving towards the couch. 

“Yes. Now make haste.” I began to pull on his shirt, practically yanking it off his body. I was ready and wanting but I had to take the time and admire his beautiful physique. That six foot frame complete with the broad, lean shoulders, abs that could handle a serious load of laundry.  Moving my eyes from head to toe, lingering just as that V disappeared beneath his low riding jeans-I could feel my mouth watering for a taste-I just couldn’t help but think ‘Hmm..’

“Ella, you look like your about to eat me.” he laughed. I snapped my head back up and met his gaze-and I could feel the corners of my mouth creep up into a slow smile-letting him know that was exactly my plan. 

Taking a hold of the waist of his jeans I pulled him down on top of me. Wasting no more time our lips found each other and moved even more fervently-breathing became difficult- at this point we were like panting animals with a strong carnal need. 

Without even bothering to fuss with the clasp of my bra, he pulled the straps down and took hostage with his mouth of my now very hard swollen nipple-while massaging the other between  his fingers. I began to moan his name with need, I searched for the buttons on his jeans- whatever happened to zippers! 

“Damn these buttons!” I complained. “Get these off…” I continued. I could feel his hot breath as he chuckled his way down my abdomen. Using his teeth to undo the button of my jeans-sure he makes it look easy. But not to worry I have something that will wipe that smug look off his face. He began to pull my jeans down and I watched as the even more lust filled his eyes.

“No panties?” his response was so low and husky-it could be barely be described as a question but a grunt.

“Well someone had to come prepared.” I smiled up at him then just to set him off even more I seductively bit my lower lip-and that did it.

He captured my mouth again, by this time he managed to push his jeans and boxers down just below his ass. I moaned from him to soothe my ache  and with no more hesitation he entered me with such force-reflexively I took a sharp intake of breath. He stopped and stared at me, I could tell he was thinking that he’d hurt me-I shook my head to reassure him that I was fine and to keep going. 

His thrusts were deep and enticing, the more I got the more I wanted-I moaned for him to go harder and faster. Responding to my request he brought himself upright, grabbed my waist and raise my hips and lower back off the couch and picked up the pace. My head was thrashing from side to side. I could feel the pressure in me rising hard- there was no way I would be able to control what happened next-with a loud guttural moan of Dylan’s name I felt my limbs become jelly. He gently placed me back into a lying position and leaned his muscular frame back over me bringing his mouth to my ear.

“Don’t go anywhere sweetie-I’m not finished with you yet.” And oh boy he wasn’t. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as he continued his rhythm-that first orgasm was  fantastic-but I could feel another one rising and I knew without a doubt that I was in for a mind-blowing experience. His breath felt hot against my neck, I knew that his control already breaking-he picked up the pace and his grunts became deepened as the grip he had on my hair tightened-the slight sting from that only contribute to the build-up happening inside me.

“Dylan….Dylan…” I dug my nails into his skin and release a final moan well rather it was a scream of completion-but before I could finish out this last ride his gripped tightened even more and with a one final thrust and grunt I felt his body relax onto mine. 

Any other time the weight of him might have hurt-but having our sweaty bodies entwined on this couch was perfect. After another minute, he rolled off me onto his back, our breathing still hadn’t even out but I could feel the ability to talk slowly returning.

“God that…was.” he started.

“Amazing…” I finished for him.

He looked over at me, “Yes it was.” Taking his hand he slowly caressed my cheek-in this moment everything just felt right. I hadn’t realized I was tired until I felt my eyes beginning to droop-or maybe it was just this intense love-making that has lulled me to sleep.

“God, I love you.” he declared.

“Hm..Hmm I love you.” I answered causing me to snap my eyes back open.

“What?!” his eyes practically bulged out of his head but I’m sure I had quite the mirrored expression on my own face. 

“What?” I tried to play it off as though nothing was said.

“You said that you loved me too.”

“Uh…uh…see what had happen was….” Shit how was I going to get out of this. I mean I love spending time with Dylan, he was great and I know I felt something for him- I just didn’t realize it was love until this moment. But now that I have I’m not sure if I wanted to admit it just yet-I mean its kinda soon isn’t it? But he said it too. 

“Ella?” he said jolting me back to the situation at hand. “What’s wrong?”

“ Dylan, I…Honestly I don’t know what to say.” I told him honestly.

“ Nothing-you don’t need to say anything at all.” he leaned over to kiss me- at first I still wasn’t sure how to react, but he wasn’t  forcing me to give any kind of explanation or talk any further on the matter. We both said something that from the looks of it we both meant but felt that maybe it was still too soon. “Sleep.” was the last thing he said before pulling me into his chest and spreading the blanket that was on the back of the couch over us. I didn’t hesitate to snuggle closer into him and with one deep intake of breath-taking in Dylan’s unique scent- I couldn’t help but confirm that I was indeed in love with this man.

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