Stronger Then I've Ever Been

By Bella___XD__

230K 6.3K 1.7K

Street fighting is something Layla Fischer has been doing half of her life time to pay bills and provide for... More

Chapter 2- That Dream
Chapter 3- Ms. Grumpy
Chapter 4- I'd Rather Make-Out With A Hairless Cat
Chapter 5- I'm Smokin' Hot
Chapter 6- Fight Gone Deadly
Chapter 7- Party Fighting
Chapter 8- Life Goes On
Chapter 9- Late Night Run
Chapter 10- 20 Questions
Chapter 11- Shoot Out
Chapter 12- Movie Time
Chapter 13- He's Lying
Chapter 14- Kind of the Truth
Chapter 15- Liar
Chapter 16- Pipsqueak
Chapter 17- Fighting Agian
Chapter 18- Family Talk
Chapter 19- Babysitting
Chapter 20- I'm Broken
Chapter 21- Bigger and More Viscuos
Chapter 22- Wolfy
Chapter 23- Welcome to your First High Speed Chase
Chapter 24- Tipsy
Chapter 25- Figments of my Memory
Chapter 26- Rivalry
Chapter 27- Warehouse
Chapter 28- Through a Bathroom Window
Chapter 29- Punishment
Chapter 30- The Cliff
Chapter 31- Caramel Frappuccino and Two Donuts
Chapter 32- The Phone Call
Chapter 33- Cliché
Chapter 34- Weird Looking Fruit Bowl Like Thing
Chapter 35- Ellie
Chapter 36- First Kiss
Chapter 37- Breakfast for Dinner
Chatpter 38- Shipped away
Chapter 39- Bug
Chapter 40- Cooking
Chapter 41- Ice Cream Parlor
Chapter 42- Calm
Chapter 43- Friends
Chapter 44- Sweetie Pie
Chapter 45- Why are you here?
Chapter 46- Halloween
Chapter 47- Beer Pong
Chapter 48- Tipsy
Chapter 49- Detention
Chapter 50- Diego & Lizzie
Chapter 51- Up and Down
Chapter 52- A Little Drunk
Chapter 53- Making Amends
**Quick Authors Note**
Chapter 54- Pizza
Chapter 55- Lunch Room
Chapter 56- Broken Liquor
Chapter 57- Again
Chapter 58- Night
Chapter 59- Scars and Wounds
Chapter 60- Take Me Back
Chapter 61- Groceries
Chapter 62- Just my Luck
Chapter 63- The Club
Chapter 64- Leaving
Chapter 65- Reliving
Chapter 66- Doctors Office
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 1- The New Kid

11.1K 225 73
By Bella___XD__

I wake up to a beeping noise and out of self defense I smash whatever was making that noise. I soon realize that was my phone and I just broke it... again. This has happened a few time before and now I have to get my old phone and set it back up. The first time I did this I had no phone for about a week but after a few fights I had a new phone.

I quickly grab my old phone from my drawer and set it back up quickly.

I groan looking at the text that appears on my screen as the light burns my eyes. My eyes slowly adjust to the screen finally being able to see the message.

Destiny- Sorry to text u so early but Diego wanted me tell u that u have a fight at one today so you will have to miss school

Me- Okay thx. See ya at school

I turn off my phone knowing that I won't be able to fall back to sleep so I decided I was just going to take a nice long shower. I walk up to the mirror in my bathroom and I look at myself. I look at every feature on my face. I look at my hair that is brown with some blonde highlights, blue eyes, and my sharp jaw line. This just my opinion but I think I look pretty fit but 'surprisingly' I haven't had a boyfriend yet and not planning to. Guys are a waste of time and tears. Though I've already shed to many for other reasons.

I look away from the mirror and I turn on the shower so it's nice and warm. I start to strip off all of my clothes. I get into the shower feeling the warm sensation of the water dripping down my back allowing my tense back to relax a little. I do my thing in the shower taking my time because I have about two and a half hours to get ready for school when it takes me about thirty minutes.

Also it's Wednesday and the first day of my Senior year. I can't tell if I'm excited or rather be in bed sleeping. I don't know why we are starting on a Wednesday but I'm not complaining. At least we only have three days of school this week then.

I get out of the shower wrapping a towel around me. I go to my closet and I grab out some blacked ripped skinny jeans and a black and white striped t-shirt. I put on my undergarments then my clothes. I go to the bathroom and I blow dry my hair and put it in a high ponytail. Then I do some quick makeup which consists of mascara and lip gloss.

I go downstairs and I grab a protein bar for breakfast and I eat away. After, I was done I went upstairs and I quickly grabbed my phone, backpack, and Adidas Superstars. I put them on and got my keys off the table and I went out to my car. I got in and I drove to Destiny's house to go pick her up. I parked in her drive way and honked my horn.

"Let's go bitch or we are gonna be late!" I yelled at her.

Soon she comes out of her front door holding an apple with her backpack slung over her shoulder and in her other hand is her phone. She gets into my car I drive to the school. At least it's my last year of school. Then it's college and I'm completely done and I can get a job and not have to do street fighting but at least it pays the bills.

"So did you hear about this new kid who is coming to our school apparently he is super hot and is in a gang," Destiny says looking at her phone.

"Actually no I didn't hear about that but he's probably a stuck up jerk anyway," I say pulling into the school.

As I'm about to go park in my usual front spot I see somebody's car is in it.

"Who the fuck is in my spot! I swear when I find out I wil-" I get cut off by a boy with many tattoos getting out the car.

Frustrated I decide to go park some where else and deal with him later.

"That was him by the way," she says.

"That was who?" I ask her as she gets out of my car.

I get out of my car locking it then I walk into the school.

"The guy who was in your spot that is Mason Peters the new boy," she states.

"Can you talk to him during lunch because I have to leave for the fight," I ask Destiny.

"Why not do it now," she questions me.

"Because I don't feel like talking to anybody besides you today," I say walking into the school and  as people see me they part like the Red Sea.

"Fine I will talk to him but you owe me," she glares at me.

"What do I owe you," I raise my eyebrows at her.

"When you win your fight you have to give me $200," she says.

I roll my eyes, "Do you not remember my current circumstances."

She whines like a little kid, "Oh come on. You gotta help me out here to boo."

I give in not wanting to hear her whine and complain the rest of the day, "Fine but what do you need the money for?"

I open my locker to dump some of my notebooks in it to make my bag weigh less.

"I'm saving up to get a laptop because I broke my other one," she leans against a locker looking at her phone. "Also, why so basic for the first day of senior year."

"At least I'm not wearing my leather jacket so be happy about that," I defend myself.

"Whatever you should have worn something nicer like not your black ripped jeans that you have like two billion pairs of," after she finished talking the bell rang.

"I got to go to math bye bitch," I wave to her as I walk away to math. I go into class and sit in the back. I take out my notebook soon after the bell rings which means class is starting.

"Hello class welcome to Calculus. I have a sheet to give to you guys that you have to get signed by a parent saying that they allow you in all school activities then once that is handed out we wil-" Mr. Olsen gets cut off by the door opening and in walks the new kid.

Of course as he walks in all of the girls gawk at him and his physique but I don't judge a book by its cover though he screams 'I will fuck you then forget you'. I shift my gaze away from him before he gets any ideas.

"Mr. Peters you are late for class but since it is the first day at this school you are let off with a warning but any other day you get a detention. Now go sit down," Mr. Olson points at the seat next to me.

Mason sits down in his seat then looks over at a girl who was undressing him with her eyes. He winks at her and she blushes just like any normal gullible girl but hey what's new. I roll my eyes because I can't believe he has that effect on girls.

"Anyways as I was saying I will hand out a packet that you have to turn in at the end of the week just so I can see what you know. We will also be doing that at the end of the semester to see how much you've improved and I expect everyone too," the teacher says as he is going to go get the papers and packets.

"You can either work on the packet or chat I don't care," he then hands out the papers and the packet. I put the packet and sheet in my bag and I grab my phone and I listen to music for the rest of the hour.

I look over at Mason and I see him flirting with a girl. Gag. I just decide to scroll through my Instagram feed to pass the time. Time seemed to go by fast luckily because the bell rang and I was off to English. I have English with Destiny so that class won't be boring at least because she always has something to say.

I walk in and I see Destiny and she is talking to somebody but when they see me they walk away from her.

"Layla you just scared away that girl I was talking to you need to fix your image," she says placing her hand on her hips sassily.

"Whatever let's just go sit down," I say rolling my eyes at her.

"Don't give me that attitude," she says as she sits down in the seat next to me.

"What attitude this is how I always am. I am known as the eye roll queen," I to her.

"I thought you were the fighting queen," she smirks at me.

"That too," she laughs at me and the bell rings signaling class has started.


It is now 12:30 which means I have to leave to go to my fight. I sneak out of fourth hour which is history and run out to my car. I also see Mason glance at me but looks away as soon as I look at him. I get into my car to head to the fight and I see Mason get in his car and he is following me. I don't think much of it since many kids from school do sometimes skip class to watch me fight.

I soon arrive at the place where I am fighting and run in so I can get ready.

"Hey Miss Payne," Diego smirks at me as he lets me into my changing room.

"Hey Diego," I wave at him as I go in so I can change. I quickly change into my tank top and a pair of workout leggings. I wrap my hands with tape and I grab my mouth guard and stick it in my mouth. I walk out as Diego hits my ass.

"Diego what did I say about doing that," I slowly turn and glare at him.

"That if I did that again you would punish me," he winks at me.

"No I said I would punch you," I say to him crossing my arms.

"Well doesn't look like you are going to hit me because you are to scare-" he gets cut off by me punching him in the jaw as he falls to the ground.

"I'm sorry what were you going to say," I bend down to him so we are eye level.

"Nothing," he groans as he gets up holding his jaw.

"That's what I thought," I walk away to the ring warming up for my fight that starts in about five minutes. I look over the crowd to see Mason is in the crowd. He is looking at me again but looks away as soon as look in his direction. I scowl at him even though he isn't looking.

"Welcome lady and gents to today's show," the announcer says.

"Today we have Red Skull against Miss Payne," the crowd roars with excitement.

"Let's welcome them to the ring," the crowd goes wild as I hop into the ring.

"Well let's get this fight started shall we?" the announcer gets the crowd all excited as they cheer for who they want to win. I block out all of the people and I study the guy I'm fighting. I've fought him before he is really slow which makes him easy to dodge but he can pack quite a punch but not enough to knock me out.

"We want a nice dirty fight so let's get it started! 3! 2! 1!" the fight starts and the guy throws the first punch but I avoid it and hit him in the stomach which causes him to fall to the ground. I quickly look around the crowd and I see Mason studying me. Then the guy gets back up and gets a punch in my jaw with a right hook and I fall to the ground. The crowd dies down a little surprised that I got hit. I almost never get hit. The guy is about to jump on top of me and punch me but I roll over right in time. I jump on him and punch him in the face multiple times hearing the satisfying cracks. The crowd gets louder as the man slowly blacks out. The referee pulls me off of the guy before I kill him or injure him anymore than I already had. He holds up my arm as the crowd goes wild. I look back at the crowd and I see that Mason had left.

"Well it looks like Miss Payne has won again!" the announcer says and most of the crowd cheers but some boo.

I don't know what they expected though. I'm undefeated for a reason.

I jump out of the ring and I go back to my changing room.

"Great fight out there," Diego winks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks I guess," I go in and change into my  clothes and I look at the mirror in there and I see my jaw slowly bruising over.

"Fuck," I whisper as I touch it and feel a burning sensation.

I decide to text Destiny that I'm not going back to school because I don't want teachers asking about it.

Me- Destiny I won't be going back to school I got a big huge bruise on my jaw that is forming and I don't want teachers questioning me. I'll pick you up once school is done

Destiny- ok see ya later bitch

I walk out of the room and wave Diego goodbye. I quickly go grab my money then I head over to the bar.

"Can I get two rounds of vodka," I ask the bartender.

He hands me them and then I chug down the burning liquid. I see Mason again and I glare at him and he quickly looked away. That's what I thought. I walk out of the place and go out to my red convertible taking off the hood and driving home.


"By the way Mason wasn't at lunch so I didn't get to talk to him," Destiny says shoving a cookie in her mouth that I made.

"I know he was at the fight," I say.

"Wait he was at the fight?!" she exclaims dropping the cookie onto the ground.

"Yah what's so big about that?" I question her.

"Well there is a rumor going around about him trying to sabotage you so that somebody named like Fury can win," she says a matter of factly.

"Who told you this and I'm supposed to be fighting him on Friday," I tell her.

"That girl that you scared away so I didn't even get to answer her after she said it," she says while crossing her arms at me.

"It's not my fault she is scared of me," I say picking up the cookie that Destiny dropped and throwing it away.

"Yes it is!" she yells at me.

"What did I do then?" I cross my arms.

"Well to start off you have punched multiple people for not doing what you said and you have also done some illegal drugs. I could go on and on," she raises her eyebrows at me as if asking me if I want to know more reasons.

"I'm sorry that most people annoy the hell out of me and all of those things have happened outside of school so I don't get in trouble," I say.

"Oh so you also haven't broken the law so many times without getting caught," she raises her eyebrows even higher if that is even possible.

"I don't want to hear it anymore," I groan at Destiny.

"No need to get mad at me or other people though," she says to me.

"Whatever I'm ordering pizza," I say grabbing my phone and ordering the pizza.


"Well I'll see ya later Des," I'm about to close the door when she holds it open.

"What about my money," she whines.

"You didn't talk to Mason. So give me one good reason why I should," I cross my arms over my chest.

"Because you are my best friend in the entire world and would do anything to make me happy," she smiles innocently at me.

"Why do I always give in," I hand her the money.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she turns around and walks away.

I say goodbye and I close the front door. I go upstairs and I put on the same outfit that I wore during the fight because I was going on a run. I try to go for a run as much as possible though that doesn't always happen. It became a way for me to clear my mind and relieve stress. I usually run to this cliff that has this view of the ocean that is beautiful and peaceful.

About 45 minutes later I arrive at the cliff and I notice somebody else is here.

"I've never seen anybody come up here since there is a risk of falling down the cliff. So what makes a daredevil like you com up here," I say to the person. They turn around smirking and I recognize them but couldn't quite figure out who it was because it was to dark.

"My name is Mason probably heard of me. I'm the new kid at school," he says.

"Ahh yes the boy who was stalking me today at the fight and ended up making me get punched in the jaw," I raise my eyebrows as he rolls his eyes.

"It's not my fault that you couldn't resist looking at this," he points to his shirtless self.

"If anything I am throwing up looking at you," I say but honestly it is a lie he is really good looking but he is acting very arrogant.1:

"Sure you are," he winks at me.

"Oh by the way don't park in my spot because that is my spot and if you disagree I guess you'll see what happens," I cross my arms.

"What is a little girl like you going to do to a guy like me," he says bending down to me so we are face to face.

"This," I kick him in his family jewels and he doubles over in pain.

"You'd think you would learn after seeing me fight. If I see you there tomorrow in my parking spot I swear I will punch you in the face and I keep my promises," I say emphasizing 'my' to get the point across to him. "Well I got to go bye stalker boy."

I run off back towards my house getting there pretty quickly because I sprinted all the way there. I take a quick shower then get ready for bed getting into the sheets and soon falling into a slumber.


Omg I made a new book and I really like the concept of this story because I feel like it's fun and different!

I hope you are enjoying it as much as I do!

Don't forget that you can vote and comment because all of those things show you are enjoying what I'm writing <<3

This chapter is super long... Sorry not sorry :/ *insert Demi's song*

I might post another chapter today but I guess it depends if you enjoy this book or if I just end up feeling like I want to update it. I guess we will have to wait and see though...


I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and don't forget you are amazing :)

(And again Happy Birthday to me)

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