18th Floor Balcony (Frerard)

By asotmGee

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Shortly before losing his father to cancer, Frank develops a change of heart and becomes a caregiver. Getting... More

Chapter One: The Past Isn't Through With You
Chapter Two: It Was A Lie When They Said You Won't Feel A Thing
Chapter Three: So Close I Can Taste It
Chapter Four: More Than You Bargained For
Chapter Five: Clean Me Off. I'm So Dirty, Babe
Chapter Six: Betrayed For So Long
Chapter 7: Something's On My Mind
Chapter Eight: A Seizure Dims The Lights
Chapter Nine: Life Long Hospital Stay
Chapter Ten: Seasons Change, But People Don't
Chapter 11: Stuck On A Little Hot Mess
Chapter Twelve: Well I Find It Hard To Stay With The Words You Say
Chapter Thirteen: Turn Away, Cause I'm Awful Just To See
Chapter Fourteen: Take My Hand And Never Be Afraid Again
Chapter Fifteen: I Will Not Kiss You
Chapter Sixteen: The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You

Epilogue: So Long And Goodnight

322 17 9
By asotmGee

Gerard died on the night of March 29th at around eleven pm. A couple days prior to his demise, he fell asleep, only to never wake up. He passed away peacefully with his eyes smiling. His wake took place on the morning of April 1st at a beautiful looking catholic church that was built just last year. Frank, Mikey, and Rosalie loved how good Gerard looked in his ebony black coffin with white lining. He looked so peaceful, they all claimed. The mortician did a fascinating job making Gerard look great, even in death. Now with the funeral itself taking place, Frank took the stand as he looked over at Gerard's closed casket, surrounded by colorful flowers and pictures of him, all of them holding sacred memories of him.

"Gerard Arthur Way was a great friend," he spoke into the microphone. "That's not enough though. He was a great friend, he was confident, he was a lover, he was human. Oh fuck it, Gerard Way was great period," he said, the audience in front of him giving a small laugh, and Frank saw Mikey roll his eyes affectionately.

"I knew Gerard since we were kids. All throughout my childhood and teenage years he was there. We saw every milestone together. We went through the good times and the bad times...well, I thought we did. We lost touch after he graduated high school before me and went off to college. There were five years where I didn't know anything going on in his life. I thought it was just part of growing up. You know, you move on...but I never really did. Gerard Way was my first love, and you never forget your first. I will admit that I was shocked to find out that he was now a patient of mine though. It showed me how much we both had changed. Still it wasn't long before we were back to where we left off, and even with his deteriorating condition, we still found that place of childhood memories together. Nothing made me happier to til the end. I love you, Gerard Way. Thank you for everything,"

"Thank you, Mr. Iero," the church minister said from across the room as Frank walked off the podium. "And now, we will hear from Gerard's younger surviving brother, Michael James Way,"

"Mikey," Frank corrected.

"Excuse me?" the minister turned to Frank.

"Just Mikey is fine," Mikey added.

"Oh, of course. Mikey Way,"

Frank smiled and headed down the stairs. He passed Mikey on the way and they squeezed hands. Frank went to sit next to his grandmother.

"Bella bambino, molto bella," she said.

"Grazie, nonna,"

When Mikey got up to the podium, he tapped the microphone before speaking into it, gazing over at the closed black coffin that his brother laid in peacefully. He gulped, anxious but ready to speak.

"Gerard was more than just my big brother...he was my best friend," he began. "He helped me through everything, from teaching me to ride a bike with no training wheels, to surviving high school, to me struggle with alcoholism, amongst other things. I don't think I'd be standing up here in front of all of you if it hadn't been for him. He was my hero, better than any comic book superhero...even Batman, who was always our favorite growing up," Mikey smiled a bit as the crowd laughed lightheartedly. "He was also a fighter like a superhero, his illness and obstacles along the way being the supervillain. Despite his ailment, he fought bravely. I don't think I've known anyone as brave as Gerard. He's inspired me to keep fighting, no matter how bad things get...," Mikey turned to his brother again, smiling. "I love you, big brother,"

The audience applauded, and Mikey walked off the podium and down the aisle, where he met up with Frank and Rosalie.

"That was lovely, Mikey," Rosalie said as she hugged Mikey, then gave him to Frank. Frank hugged him tightly.

"You did great, baby," he smiled. There were a few more words from the minister, and then it was all over. All that was left was the drive to the cemetery as the casket was carried down the aisle to the hearse as the woman at the organ played softly.

"Well? Shall we go?" Mikey asked, turning to Frank and Rosalie as they watched the casket being loaded into the back of the hearse. Frank nodded and helped his grandmother with her coat. Mikey slipped on his on and followed the the others out into the April rain.

"I find it a bit amusing that it's April Fools day and it's raining like crazy. I think Gee would have liked it," Frank commented.

"He sure would have. Gerard loved the rain," Mikey replied. Frank, Mikey, and Rosalie all got into the limo and rode to the cemetery that was a short distance from the church. They all soon arrived, altogether getting out. Frank opened up his umbrella, leading Mikey and Rosalie to Gerard's gravestone, with his birth and death date engraved on it, as well as a little bible verse. In front of it stood Gerard's casket that's waiting to be lowered to the ground. Frank held Mikey's hand as the priest spoke again about ashes to dust as they lowered the coffin in. Frank picked up a handful of dirt and threw it in. Mikey did the same and then Rosalie threw in the rose she was carrying.

"Thank you," Mikey whispered to her. She smiled back and then stepped back. Then the workers started to shovel dirt over the coffin as the priest his bible.

"Well...I guess that's it," Frank said as the workers eventually finished burying Gerard into the ground.

"No, it's not. It never will be. Gerard will always be with us...right, Gee?" Mikey smiled sadly down at Gerard's grave, setting down a bouquet of flowers in varying colors. Frank smiled back.

"Yeah, you're right. He will be,"

"He'll be missed too...," Mikey said, the smile on his face vanishing.

"Now now, no frowning. We are going to celebrate Gerard's life,"

"I know, Frank...I know. I'm sorry. It's just gonna be hard getting used to living without him. It'll feel awfully lonely back at home,"

"About that...um...," Frank started. "I kind of bought a new apartment...and I wanted you to move in with me and create new memories,"

"Really?" Mikey's eyes lighted up. "Why didn't you tell me about buying a new apartment?"

"I wasn't sure if you would be willing to leave the place you and Gee lived in before,"

"Well...," Mikey looked down back at Gerard's grave. "I'd hate to let go of our memories together, but...I know that Gerard would want me to move on,"

"So you move in with me then?"

"Of course I will!" Mikey exclaimed happily. Frank beamed and hugged Mikey. He reached up and caressed his cheek, kissing him.

"I love you, Mikey Way," Frank whispered.

"I love you too, Frank Iero!" Mikey smiled. Frank took Mikey's hand and led him away from the past and toward their future together.

_ _ _

One year later

The spring sun shone down on Gerard's decorated gravestone, where Frank, Mikey, and Rosalie walked together to with flowers and balloons in their hands.

"Happy birthday, Gee!" Frank smiled as he put the flowers down over the grave and secured the balloons with a rock.

"You're twenty-six now, big bro...or at least, you would have been," Mikey smiled sadly, sitting down next to Gerard at his grave, reading over the the words engraved into the stone.

"Nah, he's twenty-six. More than a quarter of a century, man. Right, nonna?"

"Yes, a very big milestone indeed. Congratulations, Gerard," Rosalie said, smiling down at Gerard's decorated grave.

"It's a shame you didn't make it to this day, but...at least we still get to celebrate it with you, Gee. Right?" Mikey asked, to which Frank rolled his eyes.

"Mikey...it's a party, man. Stop being a downer!" he replied, playfully confronting the sullen Mikey next to him.

"Sorry, Frank...I just...I miss him," Mikey frowned, turning back to the grave of his late brother "I hate to be a Debbie Downer in front of you Gee, but...things have changed so much since you left. New home, new lives...new everything,"

"Is that so bad?" Frank asked.

"Not really...I just wish Gerard could be part of it," Mikey replied, still looking down at Gerard. "You would love our new apartment, Gee. It's still big and it's out in the woods, away from everyone. It's beautiful. We even have a little art studio where we keep all your works,"

"The lighting in the room really makes them come alive. You would be proud, Gee," Frank added.

"We all miss you, Gee...you really brought light to the house, as well as our lives..." Mikey wiped at his eyes, feeling tears leak from them. He knew he had to contain himself. He knew his brother would hate to see him cry.

"Come on you two, this is a celebration, let's eat our picnic lunch and then have cake," Rosalie chided.

"Alright. You wanna see what we packed, Gee? I bet it's really good. I remember you were always very fond of cake, too," Mikey added. Rosalie started to take the food out. There was eggplant sandwiches, crisp cold tomato and cucumber salad, and bottles of refreshing grapefruit soda. For dessert besides the cake, there was fresh fruit, wine, and cheese.

"A perfect birthday feast," she smiled.

"Indeed. Looks great, huh?" said Mikey.

"My mouth is watering already," Frank added. Rosalie set up the plates. She handed one to Mikey and two to Frank. Frank placed one next to Gerard's grave.

"Here, Gee! Eat up!" he said. Mikey smiled as he pictured Gerard eating up his food. He knew he'd love all this, and that now he's up in a better place, smiling down at them as he chowed down. He's free from his illness, no longer an empty shell of a body with tubes feeding and breathing for him. Mikey, Frank, and Rosalie all finished their lunch among the light banter back and forth. Then, Rosalie set out the cheese, fruit, and wine. Frank gave Gerard a plate for all that as well.

"Eat up, Gee. We brought your favorite red wine, imported from Italy!" Frank smiled. He took the bottle and poured some into the dirt right at the head of the stone.

"You'll make all the worms and pill bugs, bambino," Rosalie said, concerned.

"They can celebrate too, then," Frank laughed.

"You and Gee always shared the same sense of humor. I think you developed it the more you were around Gee," Mikey shook his head as he laughed with Frank. Frank grinned and popped a few grapes in his mouth. They all soon finished their fruit, cheese, and wine and decided to sing happy birthday to Gerard, all of them still gathered at Gerard's grave.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Geeeee....Happy birthday to you!" they all sang in unison. Mikey and Rosalie applauded until Mikey took Frank into a hug and left a kiss on the cheek. The cake was sliced and handed out. Gerard's favorite, strawberry shortcake. They all ate their slices and enjoyed the sunshine.

"I am so full," Frank said, patting his tummy.

"Me too, Frankie. You enjoying your cake, Gee?" Mikey asked, turning to Gerard's stone. A small wind picked up and blew through the area. Frank just knew it was Gerard.

"Yeah, he enjoyed it,"

"Good, Gee...I'm glad,"

"Well, I think it's time to clean up now. The sky looks like it is starting to cloud over," Rosalie added. The men helped her clean up quickly.

"Well, Mikey...you ready to give Gee his present?" Frank asked, grabbing the balloons.

"Of course," Mikey said. Frank smiled taking Mikey into his arms. They held the balloons together.

"Ready? One...two...three!"

They let together, the variously colored balloons floating up and away into the evening sky. Then Frank took out his slingshot that he used to play with when Gerard and he were younger. They used to take turns knocking over cans with rocks off a fence. Frank aimed the rock at the rising balloon in the middle. He shot the rock out, and it popped the balloon, raining glitter on everything.

"Nice shot, Frankie!" Mikey smiled. A rumble of thunder rolled across the sky.

"Come on you two, let's get going," Rosalie called out.

"Okay. See you later, Gee," Mikey waved to his brother, helping Frank and Rosalie gather up their things. They then headed back to the car. Mikey looked back one last time as Gerard's grave, seeing him wave goodbye back to them as the rain began to fall. Mikey waved back, knowing that they are all soon to meet again.

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