Maxerica: That One Bullet

By Baesies

141K 1.7K 510

During the Selection, America is pregnant with Maxon's child. Just as Maxon announces his future wife, rebels... More

Who Knew?
Time Flies
Secrets Must Be Kept Secret
Choices, Choices
Bullets Hurt
Cancels Out
Where to?
Friends Help
My Right
Bloody Hell
Baby Steps
It's Time
Lying Is a Bad Habit
Bright Ideas, Bad Execution
Soon, So Soon
Her Voice, Her Reality
The Part, Where I Say "I Don't Want It"
Sacrifices Mean Something
Accepting, Accepted
This is Me (Epilogue)
Wise Words
Truth or Truth
Was It The Truth?
My Part, My Doing
Faults Of One Another
Fire Away
I'll Pretend
And I'll Suffer

Never Forget

2.8K 44 5
By Baesies

"America?" My mom said.

"Yep! It's me! Aren't you happy?"

"Yes, Of course, but where is Maxon?" She said looking outside the doors, but only to find several guards.


"Maxon? Your future husband."

"Ugh him. He told us that we were getting married, and we had a life. Frankly, I don't remember, but everyone else seems to remember."

"America. Are you alright?"

"A little confused, but I'm alright."

"No, I mean mentally."

"Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Tell me one thing you know about Maxon."

"He's selfish. Has no personality."

"Honey...That's not Maxon."

"Well, that's what I was told. Which was why I left immediately."

"America?" May asked.

"May! Oh, honey, I missed you."

"Where's Maxon?"

"Ughh, why does everyone ask that?"

"Cause you two are a fairy tale!"

"Stop there."

"We had kids. I didn't know about that."

"Wait for what?" My mom asked.

"See, even I didn't know!"

"Guards?! Take America to a doctor now!"

"Yes ma'am," They said.

"No! I'm not leaving! I just got here!"

"America, Your sick. Something happened, we need to help you."

"I'm not leaving," I said standing my ground.

Well up until the guard picked me up and walked out of the door. 

"Ughh, I can walk now."

"You're not going to run?"

"No. Run where?"


"Where is it?"

"It's down the street. Over there..."



Maxon's POV

"You let her go?!"

"Of course I did! I had my chance, and It went perfectly." My father yelled.

"What did you say?!"

"I said that you were selfish and had no personality. I also got her to sign the custody papers. You know? The ones you got rid of.." He glared.

"I had too. It was the only way I and America would be together."

"Ha! After what I told her, she isn't coming back."

"Your Highness? It's Lady America's family. They are requesting to speak with you and Prince Maxon."

"Why? Is she back?!" He yelled.

"Yes. They believe something is wrong. She was never properly checked."

"Of course," I said.

"Fine. Check her, to make sure that she doesn't have some sort of disease. This is why I got custody of the twins."

"Father! The other twin is missing!"

"Yes, I've sent troops to go and find him."

"He's a newborn! Where are they going to find a newborn? They all look alike!"

"Then get a new heir! Preferably, not with America...."

"Let's just check on America."


"America, sit here."

She groaned and sat there, but giving me a cold glare. 

"Sooo?" I asked.

"America suffers from long term memory loss." He explained. 

"Why? This seems impossible."

"She was hit in the head. Just a few days ago. Someone must have snuck through the window and stole Ahren, but making sure America didn't remember."

"Why didn't they steal America?"

"I'm sure that they wanted a reason for America to come back. So that they could get her as well."

"America. I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't! I've heard what your father said. I seriously don't want you in this room."

"I'm not leaving!" I yelled at her.

"Fine then! I will." She started to get up and ran towards the door. Thankfully the guards stopped her.

She seemed to be more childish, although that is when Silvia didn't teach her manners and proper etiquette. 

"I'm going to the gardens. Alone." She said.

"Take a guard with you," I said.

"No! I will not be followed!"

"Fine! Do whatever pleases you!"

"I will..."


"Your Highness, we've received word on your twin"


"He is located with the Southern rebels. Threatening America for his life."


"Or they would take both, and give them back, but you would have to promise to step down from the throne"

"Never. This country needs me."

"It appears that they also have America."

"This message was sent to us anonymously."

Dear Future King, Reckless Ruler, Maxon.

We have America and your twins. Who knew she was just walking around the gardens until we just picked her up. Anyways, she seems to say a lot about you now that we hit her in the head. Take a look. 

America was in a room, no one in there, it appears that we were watching from a security camera.

"Wheres Maxon! I need to see him! Please!"

"Don't worry, your twins are fine. At least one of them..."

"Give me Ahren! I only held him once!"

She remembered! Well after a hit in the head...

"Not until you convince Maxon to give up the throne..."

She was crying. Crying for hope, and crying for her child.

"I need to see my child."

"Fine. Here." A guard said, dropping Ahren in her arms carelessly."

"Oh, Ahren.... Mommy's going to get you and her out of here."

"Oh, and you have a sister! She's older, but you have to be nice alright? And daddy's going to buy you all the toys in the world, well after he gets rid of the castes. 

She saw the security camera and knew I was watching. 

"Okay, times up, give me the child!"

"No!" She yelled, gripping him tighter. 

"Don't make me."

"Make you do what?"

He grabbed out a bat, and swung at her, missing the first time, but aiming perfectly at her thigh. She whimpered in pain and almost dropped Ahren, but "luckily" The rebel caught him.

"I love you" she mouth towards the camera. 

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