Wattpad Block Party - Summer...

By KellyAnneBlount

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Welcome to the Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III! Round SIX of this popular event is coming your way... More

What Is the Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III?
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KellyAnneBlount's Welcome & CRIMINAL Post
DarknessAndLight Presents The Death of Blake
Hepburnettes Presents: THE ART OF GENRE HOPPING
Ms_Horrendous Presents: Behind the Scenes of The Lovely Suicide Children
Demonicblackcat Presents: APRIL HALE THE COMIC
H. J. Nelson presents: Kaden's Birthday, a deleted scene!
OutOfMyLimit17 Presents: Character Interview with "The Hidden Shadow" Cast
HumB01 Presents: WELCOME and The Mafia and His Angel: Part 1 (Favorite Scene)
JDFanFF Presents: Best Friends Series, A Jump into the Future
3pointt14 Presents: How to Spend the Summer as a Thirdwheel
justamk Presents: A Moonlight Epilogue
MNJGreenhill Presents: The Promise
LillieVale Presents: School: Expectations vs Reality
Liveandlove10 Presents: Finding Claire Collins Unseen Footage
SarahBensonBooks Presents: What to Do When You Feel Like Quitting
Emmiie Presents: The Inside Scoop on Crown of Thorns
DASCH409 Presents: Timed Out
Hazzer123 Presents: Eliza and Charlotte [EXCERPT]
JesseSprague Presents: Dialogue, Tentacles and Tightropes
xThePineappleGirlx presents: Hating The Player Sequel
officialfuryevans Presents: 7 Tips on How to Write Better
evethespy Presents: An Introduction to Sparkler Snapshots
JMFelic Presents: WE ARE THE CRAZY WATTPADERS + Special Bonus Material
toohottobetrue2 presents: NEW BOOK REVEAL + SNEAK PEEK Of First Chapter!
Hennwick Presents: "All You Knead" Sneak Preview
TinHoverCarInIce Presents: Getting Started with Graphics & a Vector Tutorial
me2you804 presents The Billionaire goes to Butlins
DreamLyte Presents: Fict-O-Con: A Character Interview
Squeaks7 Presents: Creating Memorable Supporting Characters (w/Unwanted Input)
BookgirlingMoments Presents 6 Reasons to Read Short Stories
4thpowermama presents: To Comment, or Not To Comment...
ThoughtsOnPaper Presents: Shaping Characters & Their World - Writing Tips
classicoverthinker Presents: How I Outline My Novels
dcompbooks Presents 6 Reasons You Need to Watch The Lost Boys Immediately!
EricaSumner13 Presents: A Character Interview with Mauzzy!
Gabriel_Pope Presents: Another Writer On The Block
LaiaLK Presents: How To Build A Following On Wattpad
Alecc0 Presents: A Guide To Writing Fantasy
druidrose Presents: The Heir and the General
SimonKJones presents: WHY WE WRITE
michellezdong10 Reasons to Read "2 Questions Every Girl is Asking Herself"
Moisa71 Presents: The Outcast
TwirlingWands Presents: Sneak Peak from No Strings Attached
Strawberry_Cream1928 Presents: Glitchspiration!
katherinepowell Presents: I Now Pronounce You Rockstar & Wife
Patty Blount Presents: Bailey Grant Replies to Comments You Posted
theotherideas Presents: Tips on Writing a Critique
lucygh12 Presents: Reasons to Love Wattpad
Cookiescupcake1 Presents: Prologue plus Three Reasons to read Catching Amalthea
sbrobinson Presents: Six reasons to read Behind the Lies and Excerpt
Marilynwritesalot Presents: THE DEAN - CHAPTER ONE, SNEAK PEEK
Lightning_Stryker Presents: An Interview with Peter Pan and Laney Riverdale
May_Flower123 Presents: The Catalyst Saga Interview
NicaroChadCoke Presents: Three Easy Steps to Building Suspense
britainkalai Presents: Sneak Peek at the 1st Ch. of "The Emberstone Chronicles"
RosannaPatruno Presents: The Jade Queen, chapter 1
AvaViolet Presents: New Book Sneak Peek "Best Vacation Ever"
AshleighParkers Presents: All Tides Lost, A Veil Of Romance Novella
Siriusly_fandoms Presents: Which A Note A Day Character Are You + Script
clarified- Presents: A Sneak Peak of My New Book "Their Thoughts"
beautlies Presents: Baby Keeper Bonus Chapter
Joflower Presents: Genre Stigmas
AveryAsher Presents: Falling for Summer
EmMyles Presents: What I've Been Doing With My Life.
KeriHalfacre Presents: Adapting Story to Script
ljwrites85 Presents: Criminal Intentions One Year Anniversary
RhythmWithLove Presents: Road Trips with Scientists & Royalty
kayxcxxo Presents: Staying With The Bakers: Character Interview
EleanorHelena Presents: Author Question and Answers
The3Dreamers Presents: A Look Behind the Scenes
DoveReign Presents: Food, A Love Story
believeincats Presents: You Think You Know Someone
1137xyz Presents: The Circus
MLBrowning Presents: Exclusive Ending of Down the Rabbit Hole
CreativelyYours Presents: Summer Of '16
johannahefer Presents: Sweet Lips
Goodnight_Saigon Presents: A Special Sneak Peek!
KevinaOyatedor Presents: Reconciliation with Ms. Donavan
Nyhterides Presents: 'Reasons To Live' hosted by Ghost and James
xXAmy_CXx Presents: Behind the Scenes of "Delusions"
DrizzleKid Presents: Mafia University
BrandonWong048 Presents: A Penny For Your Thoughts
Wrightstory Presents: A Homage to Readers
Royal888 Presents: My First Book & My Writing Journey
unfoldmywings Presents: "The Lazy Author's 3-step-short-cut"
Red_Harvey Presents: Zeke and Imogen at the Movies
Deethewriter Presents: My New Story - The Pranksters
MichaelWeekly Presents: The Mysteries of Evergreen
iamaakhan Presents: Khan's Cringiest Novel
kristimcm Introduces 'It Ended Online'
Jojo_B presents: Interview with The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers
Toxic_Wonderland Presents: Hero for Hire
ZaraAhlie Presents: Coming Soon
CatMint5 Presents: Tips for Your Book Blog + Detective Callum Character Profile
melodyhall Presents: No Strings Attached Series + Bio
rentachi Presents: Bereft - Ignite's Prologue, "King & Kingdom."
Glitter_xox Presents: Two Teasers
trinitystories_xo Presents: Sneak Peek of the Toxic Love Series
AtomicNicky Presents: Spawn of Snow Teaser
ivojovi Presents: The Last El Bimbo - Verse 1
Hurricane Harvey
knightsrachel Presents: The Art of Being Perfect - Sneak Peek
MCRomances Presents: Four Walls Sneak Peek
ShaunAllan Presents: Brain Puddling
KellyAnneBlount Presents: Closing, Announcements, and Surprise!
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JessicaBFry Presents: Writing with a Chronic Illiness

507 77 55
By KellyAnneBlount

Life with a chronic illness, whether mental or physical, can be difficult, particularly when you are trying to pursue your dream of being a full-time author. It's certainly set me back on multiple occasions, and this year in particular has been hard.

But as I've been crawling back up out of that abyss, I've realized that there are a few things that I wish I had known before I started on this path. I hope that they'll help you.

Know That This Isn't the End of You

The first and most important thing, particularly immediately after diagnosis or after symptoms worsen, is to know that this isn't the end of you or of all your dreams. Please note I didn't say all your dreams can still come true.

The brutal reality is that for some of us, not all dreams can come true. I've had to watch several of mine shrivel into dry carcasses and blow away in the wind. And it hurts. Every time.

But that doesn't mean all of your dreams will die or that this is the end of you. You still have value, and you still matter. The stories you have to tell still matter, and they need to be told. So long as you keep trying, this is not the end.

Write As Regularly As You Can

It is not necessary to write every day to be a good writer, but it is easier to become a good writer if you write every day. So if you can write every day, then I encourage you to do so.

But if you can't, then don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone has good days and bad days. For some people, bad days mean nonwriting days. For some, bad days mean slower writing days.

In this regard, neither is wrong. You are not a failure in either case.

Now, I will add this. If you make your writing more of a discipline, you may find that it is easier to do when struggling with your symptoms or bad days. With the exception of a bad migraine day, I can still often get between 1000 and 3000 words even on a rough health day because I have made such a habit ofit. The writing is not always good. But for me writing helps me to cope.

Additionally, as you make writing something of a discipline, it can help to pull you into that "zone" where you are focused on the story rather than your pain.

Experiment With Different Methods of Writing

When it comes to storytelling, only one thing really matters, and that is finishing the story to the best of your ability.

Don't assume that you have to write your story or by hand or at a computer standing up.

In reality, there are many ways that you can get your stories written. Dictation software can allow you to speak your story into a computer, or you can record yourself talking into a camera and have someone transcribe it for you.

You may find that you do better writing while sitting or standing or even reclining.

Different times of day or night may also make a difference. For me, the worst times to write is in the afternoon. Early in the morning or late at night are my ideal slots. Inflammation, swelling, and pain are usually at their lowest in the early morning hours. Your own best and worst times will vary. So don't be afraid to experiment. Also bear in mind that things can change, so you may have to repeat experiments.

Look into the tools you use too. Different types of paper, writing programs, and the like may have different effects on you. I have actually learned to write in most of these situations with the exception of particularly bad migraines. Then I can barely manage to eke out a few words on a green tinted steno pad. That green tinted paper though is what makes the difference because it doesn't hurt my eyes or my head.

Once you find something that works, don't be afraid to stick with it even if it seems too strange. (Seriously google strange writing habits to find some of the unusual things that some authors have done to complete their stories.)

Take Extra Time for Self Care

All writers do need to take care of themselves. It's all too easy to sacrifice health and sanity in pursuit of the great writing dream. But in the long run, this isn't the best strategy. When you are dealing with a chronic illness, that time spent taking care of yourself becomes even more important. That old adage "a pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure" still holds true.

Important aspects of self care include drinking plenty of water, stretching regularly, resting your eyes, getting exercise, taking your medication, etc.

Sometimes I get tempted to skip all the self care and just eke out another chapter, but in the end, but it's not worth it.

Have Added Methods in Place for Proofing

Now your mileage on this one may vary, but in my own experience and from working with others with chronic illnesses, chronic pain, and the like, I have found that errors are more likely to slip through.

Personally I recommend using more than one method. My two favorites are reading aloud and the pen tap method.

Reading aloud is exactly like it sounds. You can either do it yourself or set your document up to read for you. Word has an option for this, but if your device doesn't or you can't get it to work for some reason, you can find free programs to do this, depending on your operating system.

The pen tap method requires printing out your document in full. Then you take a pen and read. As you read, you tap each word and make a dot. This works wonders for seeing what is actually there and keeping your brain from filling in the gaps.

Leave Time for Therapeutic Writing If You Can

If one of your dreams is to be a commercially successful author, then that means you probably aren't writing quite as much what you love but more what will draw in an audience. Sometimes too you may find that the writing you need to do to feel better is more...raw. Or you may find you just need to write to make yourself feel better. Yes! You can write things just for you.

Leave time for this. I have written some things that will never see the light of day simply because they were only for my benefit. And just because what you write is only for you doesn't make it a worthy endeavor. Pour your heart and soul out onto the page. Write about what you want, what you wish, what you hope, and what you think.

Remember No One Cares

That's a tad inflammatory but it's not as bad as it sounds. Quite a few authors who struggle with this, myself included, have struggled with shame relating to their conditions. Reasons vary from person to person. Often it's a sense of inadequacy and loss that makes you think you can't succeed.

And this is what I mean by no one cares: at the end of the day, while your readers might sympathize with your situation, they aren't going to hold it against you. A storyteller can suffer in many ways, be immobilized, and yet still be quite successful.

If you can tell great stories that connect to your readers, they aren't going to shun you because you are battling an illness. Even if it's an embarrassing one. And you don't even have to tell them what you are going through if you don't want.

What matters about you as a writer is not the fact that you are struggling or that you feel broken. What matters is that you tell stories. And in some respects, the pain you go through will influence you and change who you are. But you can do this.

Never forget that you are amazing.

I hope that this is helpful and that you are all doing well. I look forward to talking to you all again soon, and many thanks to Kelly for hosting this event!

J. M. Butler has enjoyed writing for quite some time, both on Wattpad and off . She writes speculative fiction with a particular focus on multicultural fantasy and suspenseful adventures. She also serves as an attorney and runs a small law firm with her husband, James Fry, in rural Indiana. She and her husband often enjoying discussing stories as well as legal matters when they aren't volunteering at their church's youth group. She has a thirst for new adventures and enjoys searching for fascinating new stories wherever she can find them.

You can find her at http://www.jessicabfry.com and sign up for her newsletters to get updates on the newest titles coming out.


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