
By syedaaliya

48.7K 1.4K 551

It's the story about Ginny Weasley falling in and out and again in love with none another than Harry Potter... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Harry PoV
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 49

916 27 14
By syedaaliya

I was lying on my stomach on my couch, a magazine spread open infront of me but I wasn't reading it, I was staring at the long shinny pages, but my mind was trapped somewhere else, with someone else.

Just thinking about him made my cheeks burn till today, turing on my left one hand resting under my head and one on my lips, I could still feel the tingling sensation of his lips like he kissed me moments ago, I was lost in his memories again. It's been a long week since Harry's surprise visit, I closed my eyes and replayed the scenes once again.


After a while we left The Museum hand in hand, I thought I was dreaming and any moment I would wake up in my bed, but the warmth spreading through Harry's hand indicated that it was not a dream anymore, he removed his left hand glove and made me wear it. Taking my right hand in his left, he securely intervened our fingers locking them and keeping it inside of his pocket.

My face glowed after his sweet gesture, we walked around aimlessly. "Do you want to go home?" Harry asked me.

It was dawn and everything looked much prettier, I shook my head, Harry raised his eyebrow. "Okay" he said calmly.

After a few steps an idea blinked in my head and I tilted my head, clearing my throat I said "Do you wanna see something with him".

"Of course" Harry replied easily, he seems much relaxed. I smiled at him and took a left dragging him behind me, it was at even shorter pace than my previous home.

I took Harry to my heaven, my spot. The sea looked incredible, the rays of early sun rise hitting it's waves created an beautiful after glow. The sky reflected its beauty and the orange glow was stretching it's wings, illuminating variations of colours, white, pink, blue, all gelled up into eachother making it outstanding view.

The winds were strong and the smell of salt filled our noses, taking a deep breath I felt much alive, it had the usual calming effect on me. "It's beautiful it's it?" I asked Harry looking at the ever expanding water.

"Indeed" I heard Harry say, I smiled and looked at him but he wasn't looking at the sea or sky but at me. My neck grew hotter and my cheeks turned crimson. Oh boy! I was blushing so bad.

"Let's take a seat" I said quickly and searched my favourite bench, it was few feets away, I walked fast to change the subject, Harry chuckled louder and I close my eyes in embarrassment. He still hold my hand.

A rush of wind passed through our ears and I shivered, it was much colder in the morning, Harry released my hand and I felt a tug at my heart at the lost of his touch, he sat on the bench and parted his long wide legs, taking a hold of my hand he pulled me in between his legs and his arms came around my stomach wrapping his body against mine.

I went stiff, he rested his head on my shoulder and slowly whispered in my ear " Still cold, is it warm enough?" I Melted in his arms, my body went soft and I rested my head back on his chest keeping my hands on his, " Yes" I replied. "Good" He said and kissed my ear.

We sat in silence for a few minutes enjoining each other's presence, taking in the view. My mind was spinning with all the effects, I tried to remember the last night events.

"Do you often come here?" Harry broke the silence and my train of thoughts.

"Yeah, this is one of my favourite places, it's my spot" I happily Announced and he smiled.

"It's beautiful out here" Harry said taking a deep breath, I nodded.

"Why didn't you bought me here when you were showing around Paris" Harry asked me randomly, and I had to think for a minute before replying.

"Because this is my safe heaven, and I didn't wanted to share" I truthfully replied him, I looked up at him and now he was thinking before replying " Fair enough" he said after a beat.

I was glad he accepted my answer " I wrote letters right from here, whenever I felt low or happy, I came here" I said him and he listened to me quietly, "Most of all, I came here to clear my thoughts about you" I concluded.

This caught his attention and he raised an eyebrow " Me?" He asked puzzled.

"I never stopped loving you Harry, neither I stopped thinking about you. I was a hypocrite, convening myself that it no longer bothered me. But here I let my heart speak, and in silence it spoke volumes." I said him what was reality, he chose not to speak as he quietly listened to me but he hold me more closely now and a small smile played on my lips.

After a beat I heard Harry apologizing "I am so sorry, Ginny. I never meant to hurt you. My blood boils when I think about the pain you had to endure because of me." I shook my head and I turned in his arms to look at him, his eyes were downcast in shame. I didn't meant to make him sad.

"Harry it's fine, you don't have to blame yourself for that. You never felt anything for me for quite a time you were oblivious to your own feelings." I said him honestly, he lifted his head and sighed.

"No. You are wrong, may be I wasn't clear about the feelings I felt for you. But I always felt a vibe between us, a pull I gladly choosed to ignore. Beacuse I valued my friendship with your brother more than my suppressed feelings for you." Harry said, his eyes filled with regret, my heart felt a tug. I knew his friendship meant everything to him, his whole world. Yet, I felt a numb pain.

Trying to desperately change his angle I said "I know, and I don't hold any hard feelings for that, Ron and Hermione are a greater part of your life, they have been since the start. I understand your position" I touched his cheek and he caved in my touch.

"Don't try to be wise, I know what it feels like beacuse I have tasted my own medicine with my own hands. The last year has been an different level of torture for me." Harry said seething his teath, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I have died everyday for this. To hold you close, touch you, tell you what I feel, all I wanted was to run towards you and make you mine, by hook or by Crook, beacuse that's all I thought. I couldn't bear to think about you rejecting me or even worse moving on. I prayed every night, for that." Harry said furiously, every word caught me off guard, the heat in his words could be felt in my body, my stomach fluttered with his moved emotions, my mind registered his words but my heart was pounding ever so loud I could hear it in my own damn ears.

"I certainly didn't moved on" I teased him and he looked at my face, a shy small made in his lips and he rested his forhead against mine " Thank God for that" he said smiling and kissed my forhead. I was over the moon.

"Ginny, I have a question for you" Harry said hesitating, " Go on?" I said.

We heard wings flapping and looked at the sky there was a black owl heading towards us and Harry sat straight recognising the owl, it landed near us with a discreet note. Harry released me and took the note. His eyebrows marrying as he read the note. His lips thined and he grumbled.

"It's work, I have to leave immediately." Harry said irritated. "Oh" I replied. My mood was damped but I tried my best not to show him my disappointment.

I stood and he followed my lead. Turning to face eachother he took my hand and said " Take a deep breath" and in a flash we stood near my house. I gave him my best smile and he shook his head.

"I am sorry, I had to leave like this. And I can't promise you my arrival, it's tricky like that" he scratched his head and I found him ridiculously cute.

I laughed at his awkwardness, "it's okay. Just be safe" I squeezed his hand and he nodded. Taking a step ahead he kissed me softly and whispered " Take care" and just like that he disappeared in thin air. Like always.


A sharp knock broke my day dream and my heart hammered, is it him? Did he finally came home.? Sitting straight I ran, but my legs halted I took in my appearance, my hair were mess, a long and lose white tee and baggy pyjamas. I inwardly cursed my self to look like an garbage bin. Panic rose inside when I heard another impatient knock.

Sighing I went to unlock the door taking a deep breath and a broad smile "What took you so long.? Were you snoring, is that drool?" Ron loud obnoxious comments started to roll off as soon as he saw my face.

My wide smile faltered as he pushed passed me and Hermione following him next "Hey gin!!" She pull in a quick hug and went inside.

They were on a honeymoon, what are they doing here? "Fancy seeing you brother" I sweetly replied him.

"Are you going to wear that? I never thought you would become that despairing" Ron continued his insults. Months after he shows his face and thats how he greets her only sister.

"Yes. We have a reservation Gin. Time is clicking" Hermione nodded showing her watch. That's when it clicked. Yeah. We had a late lunch organised, we scheduled it after my heartful yapping infront of them, about how they ignore me and spend no quality of time with there only sister and next to best friend.

I internally cursed myself twice and maintained a calm expression, I can't let my self slip here or else they would kill me. " Of course, you doofus, I was wondering were you both were lost" I replied slyly.

"Get dressed" Ron barked at me sprawling on my sofa and Hermione asked " can I help you pick outfit?" I smiled infectiously at her. She is such a life saver.

"Any day" I beamed at her. She giggled and went straight for my bedroom. I rolled my eyes seeing Ron what he ever did to deserve this angel.

I went into kitchen to help them with drinks. When I heard Ron shouting "you got mail" my eyes widen carefully placing the bottle on counter I ran for the mail. It was no snowy white owl but the same black one. My breathing hitched as I went closer.

The bird flew when I picked the letter from its mouth, tentatively opening the letter I saw his bold curved writing clearly, my face lighten up. It followed

"Dear Ginny,

I am sorry, I haven't been in contact, but the rules doesn't allow me to write letter often, not sending Hedwig for security reasons. Ergo black owl.

I shall be returning soon, say this Sunday. Can't wait to see you.

Love Harry"

I reread his letter three times and my gaze strained at his closing line. Love harry. I did a happy dance and then my mouth went dry. It's Sunday today. Oh my sweet lord, I ran and check the calendar twice. It is indeed Sunday today. Horror sealed my heart and I hear a hard knock.

I covered my mouth with my hands, Ron abandoned his magazine and went for the door I ran after him but he reached the door first and clicked open.

The door slowly opened and Harry stood in front of us. His smile dropping and I closed my eyes.

"Hey mate, what you doing here? Come in" Ron said surprised. yet, smiled seeing his best bud and padded harrys arms.

Hermione sensing Harry ran out of my bedroom clothes still hanging in her hands "Harry!!!" She exclaimed and threw her arms around him.

He caught her in her arms and greeted her back "Hermione, how was were your trip guys" he asked smilingly. His eyes searching me, as soon as he saw me, my face glowed and I felt my cheeks adapting my hair colour "red"

Harry fixed his gaze on me and kept talking to Hermione.

"It's so nice to see, now we can all on lunch, wonderful" Hermione clapped her hands together, and Ron smiled at her wife hanging his hand around her shoulder he said " Of course, it's been so long".

None of them suspecting Harry's arrival at my doorsteps made me breath easily. "Hey! How did you know we are at Ginny's" Hermione asked aloud. And I cringed my face. Of course Hermione just has to ask.

Harry and I contemplated on giving our reply when Ron jumped in " it's must have been Mum, she knew we had plans" he said smugly and I actually appreciated his big mouth for once.

"Yeah, Mrs Weasley told me" Harry lamely played along and Ron smirked assuming his point correct, but Hermione slit her eyes at Harry, she turned to look at me.

When another knock startled everyone "Did you invite anybody else?" Ron asked and I shook my head.

He went to open the door and there stood Bryan, I licked my lips and slapped my forhead, I called him on Sunday to discuss his plans about Sara.

Bryan looked confused seeing Ron at my door "Hey, Bryan. How are you?" Ron actually greeted him nicely. This threw Bryan off guard.

"I am good." He said slowly, and stepped inside. Seeing the party present he searched my face, our eyes met and he gave me a small smile.

"Ooo.. did we interrupt your plans Gin?" Hermione asked me, eyeing Bryan she winked at me.

I scoffed and caught Harry's brooding stares, he actually looked pissed seeing Bryan and Bryan wasn't lacking in returning his favour. The tension began to settle in air and no one bothered to acknowledge it well Harry and Bryan were the one igniting it. Ron was blabbering about some something to the boys both ignoring him but still nodding as they kept glancing my way.

Hermione, the clever witch she was studying each of us amusingly, they all settled in my small living area awkwardly and I cleaned my troath "I'll get drinks" and I left for the kitchen.

"I'll help her" Harry said first beating Bryan, bryan pulling a face sat back in his seat.

I started pouring drinks in the glasses when I felt him close. "Good god, what's with the parade?" Harry questioned me as soon as he entered.

I turned to look at him and his irked expression turned into a soft one. He took a deep sigh and pulled me in his arms I chuckled in his embrace. My small kitchen felt much smaller in his presence, Suddenly the situation seemed funny to me.

"It's not funny" Harry muttered in my hair and I laughed again. He caving in laughed along softly.

Moving back I looked at him and touched his cheeks "Hey" I said. Is it possible that I missed him so much just looking at his face made my feet light.

"Hello" Harry replied adoringly, his left hand snaking around my waist and his right hand touching my face.

"I am sorry for the mayhem, I completely forgot about Ron and Hermione's arrangement and I called Bryan for one of his issue's and I only received your letter moment's ago of your arrival" I closed my eyes in frustration.

Harry smiled and traced my jaws with his thumb "it's not your fault, everybody needs a little Ginny in there life's time to time" He openly flirted me. And I laughed at his comment his thumb tracing my jaw.

"But, I want her much more, I need her more and I am greedy for her, I don't like to share her with anyone anymore" His breath fanned my face and he pulled me closer, as his lips came crashing down on mine. We didn't cared outside his best friend and my brother sat along with mine best friend.

We were lost in eachother and we didn't felt the need to be ever found again. "If only we can disappear" Harry said inbetween the kisses and I laughed against his lips.

"What the hell is happening here?" We heard Ron outraged noise and we both growled, " Too long, we tried our best" I teased Harry and he rolled his eyes.

"Were you both just kissing?" Hermione gasped seeing us, Harry turned around to have a look at our unwanted guest, he hold my hand in his firmly and I heard Hermione squeel in delight her face might split in two.

"With this bastrad, you got to be kidding me, Love" Bryan showed much affection towards Harry, as predicted. Harry's jaws twitched and he opened his mouth to correct Bryan. They all came inside the kitchen, making small place much clumsy.

"Watch your mouth, you wezzel" Ron avenged his wrath on Bryan and Harry smiled at his best mate.

"What are you smiling at? You still have to explain" Ron turned his fury back on us. Folding his hands, trying his best to intimidate us. I glanced at Harry and his face was perfectly composed.

I saw Bryan retreating his steps as he made his way to leave. "Go, go handle him, I will talk to your brother" I heard Harry say and I looked at him, he gave me a encouraging smile and squeezed my hand. My heart sweelled at his sweet gesture and I nodded.

Bryan went outside and was quickly walking away running after him I shouted his name "Bryan wait." He stopped walking and turned around.

I ran towards him " seriously? Him? Even after all this time?" Bryan shouted at me and my temper fleered with his.

"Stop it. I won't hear a word against Harry" I shouted back at him. And he smirked at me his heart just broke into two.

"I am sorry Brye. But you are wrong here, Harry isn't a bad guy. You think so wrong of him just because of me. Our relationship has been complicated, it's hard to explain" I sighed rubbing my forhead.

"Save your breath, I have nothing to do with that Potter whatsoever" Bryan spat his angry words at me and I felt immensely sad, my face dropping "If he hurts you one more time, I swear to God I will breake his nose or worse kill him" he said, his nose flaring but his face composed his neutral features back.

And I threw myself at him "I love you so much" he had finally given Harry green signal and I felt a weight lifted off my Chest. He hugged me back " you are crazy, love" Bryan said humorously and I nodded my head in zeal.

"Don't let him break you again, break his face instead" Bryan perched his wise counsel on me. And I pushed him back. He gave me a pearl white smile.

"That moron took his time, but he came around haa" Bryan light side came quickly and I was happy seeing him back in game. I laughed along with him and said " Yeah, we are happy Bryan, he makes me happy" I said honestly.

"No wonder" Bryan mocked me and I clicked my tongue " what have you thought about Sara?" I pulled his leg back at him.

He took a deep breath and tilted his head " I will tell her today" my eyes widened, but he isn't prepared "but we didn't prepared for that. You can't" I stopped him.

"It doesn't matter love, life is too short, seeing you. I don't wanna waste a minute more" Bryan shrugged and his word left an impact on me. He is correct, life is too short to wait.

Searching his eyes I smiled at him "I wish you all the best Brye" I pecked his cheek, motivating him to embrace his fears. I hope he succeeds.

"I wish you the same" he pulled my cheek adoringly and I grinned , for once not getting mad at him.

"Keep him around, don't make him mad with your crazy ideas, and please do not scare him by showing your true personality" Bryan laughed making more fun of me. And I stomped his foot.

"Don't mess with my sweet friend, if you broke her heart, I would haunt you for the rest of your dreadful life" I smiled sweetly at him.

"Noted, I'll see your tomorrow" Bryan said. And with that he disappeared, I prayed best for both of my best friend. I dragged my feet back to my house, preparing for another battle, one down another to go.

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