Virginity is a Gift, Use it W...

By XxTheDarkLordxX

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"What are you going to do, walk up to Malfoy and say, 'I know you've been an utter prat for almost five years... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Three

15.7K 635 1K
By XxTheDarkLordxX

This... had not been what Draco thought their argument was about. Sweet Salazar, he debated seeing if he had somehow been confunded. It was almost too much to be considered the truth. Never in his wildest dreams... well... that wasn't entirely true. There had been dreams. He just chalked those up to being an angsty teen with little release opportunities.

            To think that Potter, Potter, of all people, wanted him? Well wasn't that a kick to his already high ego? If Potter had approached him, he would have surely hexed the boy for attempting to play a mind trick on him. But this? There was no denying Potter meant it. He could tell by the argument he had shamelessly listened in on, and he sure as fuck was glad he did.

            This was an opportunity he wouldn't pass up. He couldn't. Even if Draco was to ignore that this was his rival for the past four years, the boy was still bloody gorgeous. Thoughts like that weren't normally something he allowed himself to linger on. It had been so unlikely that he had shoved it all down under an impenetrable barrier of self-denial and a smidgen of occlumency.

            Now, however? This opened up a world of possibilities. Now that Draco knew it was possible, there wasn't a chance in hell he was going to let Potter slip through his fingers. Virginity is a gift, and he was going to use it well. He knew he was technically supposed to remain pure until he was drafted into a marriage contract but that had been blasted through the window with one overheard conversation. Shagging Harry Potter definitely ranked higher on the importance scale. His future spouse could go fuck themselves for all he cared.

            The thought that Potter preferred boys had crossed his mind before. The boy hadn't really ever showed any interest in girls other than Chang. Word around school was that he hadn't been too enthusiastic about a kiss they shared. Pansy really was great at digging up dirt. To have his suspicions proved right was definitely satisfying.

            "What an intriguing offer." Draco drawled in an attempt at not showing his humor. The way their backs stiffened, he knew they recognized his voice. They would have to be stupid not to.

            Harry shared a petrified look with Ron before they both turned around slowly.

            "Uhh..." Ron began hesitantly as he shot a nervous look towards Harry. "That was... erm... what was that?" He cupped his ear as he tilted his head. "Oh, I hear Hermione calling me. See you Harry."

            Harry dropped his mouth open in surprise. "Ron!" He yelled when his friend took off quickly in the opposite direction from them. "Bloody coward!"

            "Don't I know it." Ron called over his shoulder, not bothering to turn around. "Don't know how I was placed in Gryffindor."

            "I've wondered the same thing myself." Draco mumbled under his breath. He wouldn't be lying if he said he was glad Weasley was leaving. He may want Potter but he still couldn't stand Weasley.

            Harry turned to Malfoy sharply. "Look." He found that once he began, he really didn't know how to finish. He could lie and say it was a joke and that he had known the other boy had been there but that would be a copout. If he did that, then he would never get what he wanted and Merlin, did he want. Up close, without sneers and hexes being thrown around, Malfoy looked better than normal. The low lighting of the dungeon corridors had blonde hair almost iridescent, the grey eyes had way more silver hues than he ever had imagined and pale skin was so creamy that he ached to touch. Lying was out of the question. He wouldn't rob himself of the opportunity now that it was presented.

            Draco could honestly say that he had never had someone look at him quite like Potter was. To have such attention on him from the boy who had been his biggest thorn over the years, was intoxicating. He had had Elvish wine in the past, when his father wasn't looking, and that paled in comparison to what his senses were experiencing at the moment. Was it possible to be drunk from such a simple look? There was something about Potter that drew him in, he honestly never wanted those eyes to stop looking at him. This was a something he could grow addicted to. Quickly.

            When Potter didn't finish his line of thought, Draco took a few steps forward till he was pushing the brunette up against the wall. "I'm looking, Potter." He thrilled at the shudder the other boy released.

            Merlin, it wasn't fair, Harry thought to himself. How could a few whispered words affect him like this? There was no walking away now. Not a chance.

            "You know what I see?" Draco whispered right into Potter's ear as he let his mouth briefly touch the lobe.

            "Tell me." Harry breathed out breathlessly. He had to hold back a moan when that wicked mouth touched his ear. Damnit, Malfoy had the upper hand and the bastard knew it.

            "I see you in my bed." A hitched breath had Draco nipping a strong jaw. "I see my mouth on you, leaving marks all over your body." He paused to lightly nibble an earlobe.

            Harry panted slightly at the feel of that mouth already on him. His mind was blanking by the simple touches of the Slytherin.

            "I see you writhing underneath me." He almost moaned when Potter let out a delicious groan. "I see you half lidded in desire, wanton in your ecstasy and needy in your movements."

            "Oh god." Harry moaned as he arched his back. His cock had long ago begun to fill.

            "I see you begging for more as I rock inside of your tight heat." Draco was barely keeping a lid on his own desires. Potter was far more expressive than he had ever thought possible. It had his inhibitions lowering and his confidence rising.

            Harry let out a keening cry when a knee pushed his legs apart and rubbed against his aching member.

            "I see you speechless but loud when voicing your pleasure the closer you come to finishing." The way Potter shuddered against him had his eyes closing for a moment as he reigned in his rapidly decreasing control. How had they not done this sooner?

            "I see you arching your back as you come so hard you'll always think of me. I will ruin you for anyone else." There was a promise in there. One Draco was determined to make true.

            Harry didn't doubt that. Just Malfoy's voice alone was affecting him in ways he didn't think were possible. That sinful voice should be illegal.

            "I see your virginity becoming a thing of the past." Draco finished as he drew back a few inches. The lust darkened eyes had his entire world spinning in revelation. This was a million times better than raged filled eyes. This was a look that was seared into his brain, he would never forget the way Potter looked right now.

            Harry licked his lips in anticipation. He nearly moaned when silver eyes tracked the movement. How could Ron have ever thought this was a bad idea? If this was wrong, then there must be something flawed with everyone else. Nothing had ever felt so right.

            The damn tongue had been the final push that broke Draco's vague sense of control. He searched verdant eyes before smashing his lips together in a fierce kiss.

            There wasn't an ounce of hesitation as Harry closed his eyes and relaxed into the kiss. There was no tentative or shy movements of lips. It was hot and slick when Draco's tongue licked against his bottom lip. With a muffled groan, Harry opened his mouth eagerly. He bucked his hips slightly when their tongues tangled and wrestled. It was less about dominance and more about enjoying the moment.

            Everything in Draco's life seemed to have led up to this moment. This was what life was about. Surely, nothing could even compare. Perhaps in twenty years he would scoff at such a thought but right now his hormones and hard dick were calling the shots. Right now, the only thing that mattered was the feel of Potter's body pressed up against him and the sweet mouth doing wonders to the ache between his legs.

            They broke apart panting heavily as they both shared the same knowing look. It was a simple gaze but spoke volumes. Words weren't necessary. Whatever was about to happen wouldn't be easy to overlook. It would change everything. Not just between the two of them but for all aspects of the word.

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