Chapter Nine

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Ron paced back and forth in front of the fire in the common room relentlessly. He knew a few people were staring at him questioningly but he didn't care. He hadn't seen his best friend since yesterday. It wasn't until later that he had realized that he had left Harry in the company of only Malfoy, in the dungeons, practically enemy territory. He really was a shitty friend.

"Are you going to tell me what the problem is?" Hermione asked not bothering to look up from whatever boring book she was reading. Ron had to wonder how she managed to be such a great multitasker.

"There isn't one." He knew she would see right through that. If there wasn't a problem he wouldn't be wearing a hole in the carpet or his trainers.

A slight humph of disbelieving laugher escaped his girlfriend's mouth. Not that he expected anything less.

Ron probably should have told Hermione about all of this but he couldn't do that. Not just because he was worried about what she would say about him leaving Harry alone. But also because Harry had said he wanted to tell her about wanting Malfoy himself. Ergh. He shook his head in disgust at that. He would never be able to see what Harry saw in the slimy git.

He had checked the marauder's map when Harry never came in last night. It had showed his name way to close to Malfoy's. He shuddered at the knowledge of what that meant. His stubborn mind wanted to point out that even if Harry was being held captive, it would still show such close names. He shook the thought away as he chose to have faith in Harry's judgment. No matter how skewed it might be.

The opening of the portrait had Ron's head snapping up, something he had been doing every time the stupid thing opened. The tension that had been mounting since last night, left him in a whoosh as he caught sight of Harry. Who was alive and intact. He studiously refused to look anywhere but at Harry's face, just in case there was any markings left by Malfoy.

"Finally." Ron breathed out when Harry walked towards them. He noticed that Hermione put her book down and shot them both questioning looks.

Harry grinned at his best friend unrepentantly.

"Ick." Ron shook his head. "That was all I needed to know." He paused to get a really good look at Harry. There was a tired aura around him but there was also a happiness he hadn't seen in a long time.

Harry's laughter had Ron sitting on the nearest couch, across from Hermione and Harry with a small smile.

"So is it all worked out of your system?"

When Harry wouldn't meet his eyes and the smile was still curved, Ron groaned. "Please tell me you are joking?!" He had known the moment his friend had brought up Malfoy that this would be a bad idea. Perhaps not for Harry but definitely for him.

"Sorry Ron. I must not tell lies." Harry brandished his scarred hand with a grin. The first time he had been able to do that when talking about the scar.

Ron covered his face in his hands and let out a pitiful moan. "Why? Why me?"

Harry let out a barking laughter. "You? You aren't the one getting—"

"That's enough." Ron interrupted with a pale face. He did not want that mental image. Ever.

He watched Harry stand up and stretch before making his way to the staircase. "I have a feeling this will last a long time. Have you ever noticed that a trio can easily become a square?" Was the only warning Harry released before the brunette was gone.

Ron laid on his back with his arm covering his face as he sighed heavily. "I am not moving from this spot until the world makes sense again. Not even for food. I will just die right here." He paused for a moment. "Hermione, how long does it take for someone to die of starvation?"

"Are you ignoring the fact that you can't even go a few hours without eating something?"

Ron grinned as he moved his hand. "Yes. Pretend that I am a normal person with a normal appetite."

"Well actually, there is a debate about the effects of a lack of water versus food..." He closed his eyes as he listened to Hermione tell him facts that he wouldn't remember tomorrow. Some people might not be able to understand their dynamics but it worked for them. Even if they were opposites.

"Oh hell." Ron whispered in realization. He sighed heavily. Perhaps Harry had found his own Hermione. He fought back the urge to pick apart every single flaw of the Slytherin and filled his mind with the happy smile on Harry's face. Anything was worth keeping his best friend happy, and that included allowing a fourth member into their group.

Harry so owed him for this.

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