Chapter Four

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Draco took a step away before holding out his hand. It was an offering as much as it was a warning. If Potter took this step with him, there would be no going back. If they plunged into this, it would be with the full knowledge of their actions. This wasn't a simple tryst to only remember in the heat of the moment. This wasn't a passing fling to forget when emotions were gone and thought process was back in control. This was a change for the both of them. A change that held consequences, both good and bad.

Harry has had his share of life changing experiences. As crazy as it sounded, this was one of them. He knew that he could turn the hand down and walk away. He knew that they could both pretend this didn't happen and try to carry on, business as usual. He knew there were other options. He knew that he could find someone else to sleep with but that wasn't what he wanted anymore. The rush of getting rid of his virginity was replaced with the unknown of whatever this was. He didn't want to wake up tomorrow and it not be next to Malfoy. He didn't want to walk back to Gryffindor tower having denied himself this opportunity. He wasn't sure what exactly this was but he wanted it. He wanted it more than he had ever wanted anything in his life.

Harry looked down at the pale hand with narrowed eyes. Despite the situation becoming completely different than he had first anticipated, that hand was offering him far more than meets the eye. Without a single hesitation or doubt, he placed his hand on top of Malfoy's and pulled the other boy forward.

"You better follow through with every single thing you told me. Or by god, I will curse you."

The threat had Draco's lips curving into a small smile before he had even thought about repressing it. "I always follow through with what I say. All of that wasn't just talk." He pressed open mouthed kisses along Harry's jaw. "That will be your reality if you stop talking and come with me." He waggled his brows suggestively.

"If that was an attempt at an innuendo, please never again make a joke." Harry deadpanned as Malfoy entwined their fingers and pulled him along the hallway.

"Oi." Draco protested. "I will have you know, that I am hilarious. Just you wait and see."

The statement provided Harry with the evidence that this was something far more than just sex. Something he had already known. "I can't wait." Harry honestly replied before looking elsewhere. That hadn't meant to come out.

Draco wasn't sure what to say to that, so he just tightened his hold on their hands.

"Where are we going?" Harry questioned as they passed the direction he remembered going down during his second year. "Isn't that the way towards your common room." He gestured behind him in a vague attempt and pointing to the disappearing corridor.

The sentence had Draco's head swiveling towards Potter in surprise. "Just how would you know that?" The wicked smirk he received in response was definitely one of the most erotic things he has seen in a bit.

"You will find that I am full of surprises." He meant it to come out as a firm statement but the breathy quality had it sounding far more seductive than Harry intended. Not that he was complaining.

Draco arched a brow. "Certainly are interesting, I will give you that." He turned them down what appeared to be a dead end at first glance. Draco stopped at a broken bust that was stuck to the wall, the thing was practically falling apart. He let go of Potter's hand and leaned forward.

"What are you doing?" The view was showing Harry a nice sight of Malfoy's arse, so there was that.

There was a whispered sentence from Malfoy that Harry didn't catch. He watched the bust elongate and then widen until it was covering a large portion of the wall. When the movement came to a stop, he noticed that where the nearly crumbled nose once was, was now a doorknob.

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