Mr. Fate

By MAH_anythingpink

1.1K 52 12

Sarah Carson has never considered marriage as an option for her. Due to her attachment and loyalty to her fam... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Four ( Christopher POV )
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter One

210 7 3
By MAH_anythingpink

The pattering of the rain was like a symphony in my head. Walking down the pavement towards my home, a feeling of serenity washed over me. I had finally submitted my essays for this term and I had never felt more relieved. Whoever said that university was easy, is dead wrong. Why I decided to pursue a degree in Psychology still beats me. Like honestly, why would I care about the things going on in someone's head. I mean, isn't that like a breach of privacy?

I sighed a lungful of the cold air and felt the kinks on my shoulders released. This is what it feels like to be a free person. Just for a short while though. I'm sure the moment lectures resume on Monday, the workload will start pilling up again. Well, ill just take what i can get, even if its just for the weekend.

My picket fenced house slowly came into view, bringing an enormous smile to my face. The thought of changing into my comfy pyjamas and just lying on the bed with a piece of brownie seems like heaven. And just a side note, brownies are life. If there was one thing I could eat for the rest of my life and nothing else, it would be brownies. Yes, fudge, chocolatey and sickly dense brownies.

Pushing the door open, I could immediately smell food coming from the kitchen. The chaos in my stomach made me realise that I had skipped my lunch because of my essay submission. Well screw my essay. Food should have never been second priority. The smell of lasagna made me tingle in excitement and I couldn't contain myself but to check out if its ready. Running towards the kitchen with such fervour, I was came face to face, more of face to chest with something. Or was is someone? Let me just blame it on my tunnel vision.

" Woah hey there," a deep baritone voice was the first to pull me out of my shock and the throbbing on my forehead. That was a hard chest.

Wait a minute, my instincts start to arise and I was suddenly doubting the fact that i was in the right house. The only thing that was running through my head was how am I gonna escape without them noticing me. I mean come on, how embarrassing is this! Im sure if i was quiet I will be able to escape unnoticed. Slowly with minimal movement I tried to manoeuvre myself as quickly as possible.

" Hello sweetheart, you're finally home. How was school? " A familiar and oh so comforting voice asked.

" Dad? '' I was a deer caught in the headlights. With my stomach in such conditions, my brain is definitely not in a functioning state. Now that I'm most definitely in the correct house, then who the hell is that stranger?

" Yes sweetheart, who else will i be? Oh by the way, meet my colleague, Christopher,''

Slowly lifting my head up, I was met with a sea of blue eye that reminded me so much of the ocean. How is it fair that this guy has eyes like that? And did my dad just said colleague? I mean no offence I love my dad but isn't he a bit to old to be working with such a young guy?

" He's our newest doctor in the clinic. Graduated from Harvard University. ''

Huh, so not only is this guy good-looking but he's apparently smart too. Sure god, give him all the good things in this world. That explains his youth then. Well good for him. Wait, was i suppose to shake his hands or something? How do i be polite? My discomfort seem to be apparent since Christopher held his hand out for me to take. Well, thank god for his attentiveness.

" Dinner will be served in 10 minutes. Go get changed and join us Sarah," mommy dearest announced from the stove. I didn't need any other reason to dash into my room to change as this belly needs food in it immediately.

The chatter of voices can be heard as I made my way down to the dining area. Warmth filled me as I heard the voices of my younger twin siblings Michael and Mitchell. No doubt they are a pain in the ass at most times, but I can't deny that I love them to pieces. Rubbing their heads from behind them, I was then welcomed with groans and whining.

" Not cool sis, we spent hours doing our hair," grumbled Mike. Such joy being a kid, when your worries are only about how you look. I can't wait for them to experience being a pre-adult when everything starts crushing down in their faces.

My attention was then diverted to Mr Greek god who was sitting across the table. Apparently what he just witnessed was amusing and he couldn't contain a smile from gracing his lips. A blush coloured my cheeks when I remembered that we had a visitor. Clearing my throat I took a seat across Christopher.

Dinner I assumed went by smoothly. I mean what would I know. My focus was only on my food. Nothing or no one else mattered. Before I could help myself to a second serving, the rest of the table started making their way to the living room. This sucks, I was just about to allow myself to further indulge. Better luck next time I guess. Michael and Mitchell wasted no time and ran up the stairs to play video games. I envy them sometimes, having a best friend at all times must be a wonderful feeling. Assuming i can also retreat to my room, my mission was interrupted by my father.

" Sarah come join us for tea," Boo. Here I was thinking I could lie in bed and watch my favourite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast.

Reluctantly, I made my way to the sofa and plumped myself with an oomph. I perked up immediately when I saw my mother bringing over a whole tray of brownies and strawberry tea. This is not so bad after all. Brownies do make everything a whole lot better.

" So Chris, what are your future plans now that you have landed this job? " My mother not so subtlety asked the poor victim sitting in front of me.

" Oh, I was actually offered the CEO position for this company. They wanted a practicing doctor to oversee the different branches of clinic while still being able to work. And I guess it helps that I also have a Bachelors in Business Management. "

His voice showed no trace of arrogance. Just pure humility. I will admit that I was impressed. Maybe still a little bit jealous but nonetheless admiration too.

" Wow such a wonderful young chap you brought home David! You're parents must have been so proud of you. I am already so proud of you and you are not even my child! Maybe we can change that? " cooed my mother, not missing a wink at the end of her statement.

What was she going to do? Adopt him or something? Im not sure if he was of the age for adoption though. But i guess nowadays many people has this unofficial adoption thing going on. Well whatever floats your boat mother. My thoughts were cut short when I felt three pair of eyes looking at me. Oh no, did i just unconsciously fart or burp? I hope I didn't. My confusion must have caused my mothers next statement.

" So impressive huh Sarah? Such an eligible bachelor don't you think? " Right, I know where this is going. Sly like a fox mother. So sly.

" Uhm yes I guess? " What was I suppose to reply and do? Kiss his feel and ask for his autograph? He's a great person I'm sure but I'm still a foetus for crying out loud. Marriage is still an idea staying in Africa. And I assure you, it is not paying a visit any time soon.

" Please excuse her, she's shy around new people," laughed my mother.

" No worries Mrs Connor, I would like to hear more about you Sarah,"

Well this is going to be a long night with Mr Perfect.

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