Professor Phantom

By phantomdrone

65.4K 2.1K 632

Danny Phantom or should I say King Phantom yeah that's right Danny is now the official king of the ghost zone... More

! Chapter One !
!Chapter Three!
A.N (Not really important but you know)
!Chapter Four!
!Chapter Five!
!Chapter Six!
!Chapter Seven!
!Chapter Eight!
!Chapter Nine!
!Chapter Ten!

!Chapter Two!

6.8K 237 56
By phantomdrone

Updated Jan-14-2018

Danny (sorry) King Phantom

I felt my feet touch the ground as we arrived at who knows where "oh my stomach and my head" I heard next to me. I turned to see Dani hold her stomach with one hand and her head with the other. "Are you ok?" I asked her while rubbing her back "yeah just nauseous and a bit of a headache". "The effects of the port key travel should wear off in a few minutes Dumbledore informed us. Finally getting a chance to look around I saw that we were in a small hotel like room with a single bed and window. "Where are we Dumbledore I asked, turning to him, "we Professor Phantom," he said with a twinkle in his eyes "are in the Leaky Cauldron" he finished.

We left the room and walked downstairs to a bar like area. "So what exactly is this place," Dani asked Dumbledore looked around the room before speaking "Its what you can call a hangout spot for witches and wizards" he explained Dani made an 'oh' face and didn't ask anything else. Dumbledore looked around the room once more before leading us to a table with a sharply dressed woman with glasses and a witch's hat on she saw us as well and stood up. "Sir Danny miss Dani I would like to introduce the deputy headmistress of Hogwarts Professor McGonagall" "its a pleasure to meet you," McGonagall said while sticking her hand out. Dani and I both shook her hand and Dumbledore explained that she would be helping us get our wands and any other supplies we might want.

McGonagall said to fallow her as Dumbledore moved back upstairs to 'check on some things'. We walked behind her as she moved around the establishment, she stopped at a wall took out her wand and started tapping a few of the bricks to our surprise a doorway appeared. "Welcome to diagonal ally" she said stepping out of the way to reveal somewhat sopping district bustling with people. "first on our list are your wands" saying that she started walking towards a small shop and on top stood a sigh saying Olivander's Fine Wand Makers Since 382 B.C. walking in we marveled at the tall and endlessly long shelves lined with box after box.

We wrong a bell at the front of the desk as soon we did a man with pale graying hair in robes popped out of nowhere and looked us in the eyes. "Why hello there what can I do for you," he asked "we came to pick up wands for these young people," she said gesturing to us "by any chance are you two Danny and Dani," he said we shook our head in a yes motion. Excellent I had two wands delivered saying they belonged to a Danny and Dani" as we said this he pulled out two pitch black boxes he opened both and handed us our wands.

Olivander opened the boxes and pulled out two gray tinted wands "In all my years of wand making this is the first time I see this type of wand wood" he said to us. "What about the wand cores," Ms. McGonagall asked "I'm sorry but I don't know that either" Olivander replied. Both looking at us they told us to wave our new wands and so we did mine gave of blue and green with a few red sparks while Danis only gave of green and blue sparks. Amazing he said "How much for the wands," I asked "they have already been paid for," he said as he waved us out of the store.

At hearing that me and Dani looked at each other and mouthed Clockwork "Mr. Phantom Im sorry but we must part ways here I have business that I need to attend here is a purse of galleons its what we use to buy and pay with" I took the small leather purse and asked if there as anything else that we needed to get she replied with "only your robes and a pet if you so wish" I nodded my head showing that I understood as she walked away. Turning to Dani I asked "robes or pet" "first robes and then pet".

Walking down the shopping district we found a shop that made robes, walking in we saw that the lady, who we presumed was in charge, was already tending to someone. A boy with platinum blond hair and pale skin was getting measured by the women, the women In question saw us and softly spoke to her client the boy nodded slowly understanding that she had other people to tailor robes too. Standing up, while the needle she had kept sowing, she walked behind a counter as we approached it "what can I do for you" she asked, "well I need a pair of robes for me and my daughter".

"Very well sir," she said to me. "Come along madam" motioning to my daughter, Dani followed her into the room with the blond boy. They look around the same age I thought Maybe going to Hogwarts as well.


We walked over to a room with a blonde boy around my age "Hello" he said to me as I stood on the stool next to him "I haven't seen you around here" he stated. "Well I'm enrolling at Hogwarts since my dad will be teaching there," I told him "Really Hogwarts doesn't really accept transfers but we do get some once in a while" he informed me.

"I don't know your name," I asked him. "Oh sorry I should have introduced my self I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and you are" I looked at him and said, "Phantom, Dani Phantom" this brought a smile which I might add is quite cute. "Phantom I haven't heard that name before," Draco said, looking at me, "We're from America" I finished realization came upon his face "The accent," he said while I just nodded.

After a few moments of silence Draco asked "What house do you think you'll end up in" "House" I asked "Yeah you have Gryffindor for the brave and idiotic might I add, Ravenclaw for the smart, Hufflepuff for the loyal and the best in my opinion Slytherin for the cunning and ambitious" he finished. 'What house would I be in' I thought to my self but then I asked "How are we sorted is it a test or maybe some sort of challenge" "No no you have it all wrong you get sorted by the sorting hat it looks through your memories to figure out your personality".

"Madam your robes are almost done yours as well sir" I nodded along with Draco as she stood up to check on the self-sewing needle on Draco. 'What house would I end up in I'm not smart enough be a Ravenclaw, I may be brave but I can a bit rash sure I can be loyal but to what extent, most people say I can be very cunning and ambitious and I do like those traits about my self they make me more like my father. I guess Slytherin would be the house if I had to choose.'

"Slytherin," I said out loud. Draco looked at me quizzically but that changed to realization "I hope so" he said as got off the stool he was standing, on collected his robes and left.

There you guys go hope you enjoyed

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