Where did I go? (Discontinued)

By slowcompany

22K 745 219

ⓘ Mature Content Lance angst, Coran and Allura have to do some identity scans after there was a Galra breach... More

Chapter One; Pilot
Chapter Two; Arrival at planet Cambari.
Chapter Three; Identity Scan
Chapter Four; Who am I?
Chapter Five; Healing Pods
Chapter Six; The pills
Chapter Eight; Backstory
Chapter Nine; Sunshine
Chapter Ten; Rejection
Chapter Eleven; Escape
Chapter Twelve; Day one on the Baku Garden
Chapter Thirteen; Baku Garden (P2)
Chapter Fourteen; Baku Garden (P3)
sorry lads
i might be updating this?

Chapter Seven; The reaction

1.5K 59 24
By slowcompany

There's some shit in this chapter but I can't say the proper disclaimer cause that would be spoilers so... read at your own caution?


The reaction
"I'll take them."

"Okay, Number 2 will you please get the prince some nectar?" Coran said, his posture was awfully proper for being on a ship with a bunch of teenagers.
"Uh.. sure thing Coran." Hunk walked to get that gross nectar that Keith and Lance spit out. When he got back Lance was ready for the pills.
"Here goes nothing," Lance took two of the pills and drank the nunvil, he waited a couple of ticks. "So what is this supposed to do again?"
"It helps you transition back into your altean form without pain, the side effects are that,
you will be physically sensitive, not emotionally. You'll be more inclined to being honest, if someone were to ask you a question you would be forced to answer it truthfully" Lance looked shocked,
"Yes, and you'll pass out after the 60 ticks are up."
"Oh look at that! Your time is up in 5..., 4... 3... 2..."
Lance felt tired all of the sudden and fell backward, fainting for somewhere close to 5 ticks.

"Number 4 will you pick him up please?" Keith didn't respond, he looked like he was in deep thought, so the Princess cleared her throat.
"Hmm? Oh.. Yeah sure." Keith helped Lance off the ground and as soon as Lance was standing, he woke up. Keith let go and everyone looked at Lance. They wanted to see his true personality, to see if it was any different.

"Why are you guys staring at me..?" Everyone looked confused. "Suddenly feel like there's somebtjng to look at?"

"What are you talking about?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you usually just say something quirky and stupid like, 'Enjoying the view?' ."

Pidge said looking at Lance waiting for an answer.

"Let's be honest here, there's not much to admire here." Lance looked at everyone's confused faces, he didn't have the energy to entertain them.


Pidge thought for a moment.
"Is that you really feel about yourself?."

"What? It's not that surprising at all. I mean look at me."

Not good enough to be considered a paladin.

"Anyone can do what I do. Y'know? And better than i ever could." He sniffles.

No one was expecting an answer like that, they thought he would say he was amazing and the team needed him but... they ended up worried.

"Lance.." Keith reached out trying to grip his shoulder reassuringly and accidentally put pressure on his neck. Lance visually got chills and pushed him away.

"Wa-Woah there!" Lance shook out, his voice was high and his face was red.

Pidge caught herself giggle like everything previous didn't happen. "Hahah!! Dumbasses." She joked and then felt terrible after re-thinking what Lance said a couple of ticks ago. Before she could apologize Shiro interrupted.
"Language, Pidge." He sighed, "Lance, you are a very valuable member to the team, you're our sharpshooter. You may argue it's luck, but we all know that isn't true. You have major skills, you are a great pilot, you keep this team together. You keep us sane, so no matter what you think, this team would be at a loss without you."

"Plus if you tried to leave, Keith would go find you himself without telling us." Pidge added.

"You could say it would cost us an arm and a leg." Hunk said, laughing, but nothing they said affected him. He didn't believe any of it. Lance yawned suddenly feeling completely drained.

"Is this supposed to make.. you.. um.... Por el amor de Cristo, ¿cuál es la palabra ...? Drowsy? Drowsy, is this supposed to make you drowsy?"

Coran looked at the young prince,
"I don't believe so.. if you take it before a complete rest maybe.."

"That makes sense."


"Because I didn't sleep." Lance stated like it should've been obvious.

"Oh! No, that's no good.. you need the rest or else the pills won't work properly. Keith take him to his room."

Keith groaned. "Why is it always me??" Shiro glared at him, telling him to do it anyway.
"Fine.. Lance follow me."

"Lead.. the.. way, Keith" Lance cut himself off, collapsing, feeling weak. He wasn't unconscious, however, you could say he was half asleep and delusional. Keith gave a worried look to Coran.

"That happens if he doesn't get him enough rest..."

"How the hell is he going to get to his room now."

"Guess you'll have to carry him," Pidge said with a shit-eating smirk. After a lot of arguing Keith agreed and he headed towards his own room because if he was gonna have to take care of Lance, he was gonna do it in a space he feels comfortable in.


Keith progressed down the hall, carrying Lance and feeling quite tired himself. "Lance? You awake buddy?" Keith was confused. Lances eyes were closed and his cheeks and nose were tinted peach because of his fever, he thought Lance was asleep. He walked into his room and set Lance on his bed and shook him a little.


"Hnhm.. Keith.." Lance moaned softly, quietly, still 'asleep'.

Keith's face flushed, his mind immediately went to places it shouldn't have, Keith shook his head covering his face. "What kind of dream is he having.." Keith thought. Then he felt a hand take hold of his.


"Keith.." Lance's eyes were open, gazing deeply into Keiths, he was wearing a dopey smile. "You're so amazing.. have I ever told you how easy it is to get lost in those beautiful eyes of yours?" Lance giggled.

"The fu- you're delusional, go to sleep."

"No.. Keith.., Lay next to me, Please.." Lance pleaded while blinking almost falling asleep each time.

"I need to talk to the team.."

"I need you.. I need you more than they do.. Keith, Please.."

"Lance, I really shouldn't.. I need to go."

"Stay.." Lance is very close to falling asleep, so Keith tucks him in and Lance immediately falls as soon as he's done. Keith looks at him, still blushing, and walks out to the room where Hunk and Pidge were.

"You're blushing like crazy, man."

"And you've got.. uh.. a little problem."

Keith was so embarrassed to say anything and as soon as he came into the room, he was turning on his heel leaving. He needed a cold shower, he was gonna sleep on the floor that night.


I fucking make myself laugh lmao

Words: 1,090
Published 2017, Edited 2024

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