A Song For You To Remember

By Light_Queen_

8.2K 529 888

So, I'm sure you've heard of The Voice, yes? Good. So, this is a type of spin-off in a way, using SOLANGELO... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

603 40 151
By Light_Queen_

Dedicated to panda1091, and SolangeloDemigod!!!! There! I updated. Have fun reading!

(Not appropriate video, but that's to bad. Watch it anyways - warning, it gets messed up near the end. . . Still watch it. XD)

This is super long btw. . . And I had to cut it off. . . Oops?

Paul Jacksom-Blofis walked through the door, dripping water onto the floor. He smiled at the boys, not noticing the tension between them. "Hey, you're Will, right? I'm Paul."

Will pasted a smile on his face, and walked down the rest of the stairs. He held out his hand, shaking the man's hand. "Yep. That's me. Nice to meet you."

Mr. Jackson-Blofis - Paul - took of his jacket, and went up to change out of his wet clothes. Nico and Will walked into the living room, and Will sat on the couch. Nico sat on the love-seat, which was farthest from Will, and the blond sighed, putting his head in his hands, before he got up, and walked over to Nico, who looked up at him in confusion. Will squeezed next to the taller male, tossing one leg over Nico's knees, and tugging Nico's right arm around his shoulder. Nico didn't move, staying tense, even as Will leaned into his side.

Will's nose brushed his neck, breath grazing his ear. Nico jumped up at the first chance he got, which was the door opening. Hazel ran into the living room giggling, tracking mud behind her.

"Hazel!" Sally yelled, though her voice was full of laughter. She walked into the living room, her coat and shoes off. She took Hazel from Nico, to whom she'd attached herself to, before walking back to the front hall. The boys followed, and Sally looked over, from where she had finally managed to get Hazel out of her raincoat, and was now working on her muddy shoe.

"Will, I think you might have to stay the night. Nico, you too."

Will forced his smile to stay on his face. "You mean for dinner?"

She shook her head. "The night. It's pouring outside, and wind is picking up." Will glanced at Nico, watching as he paled.

"Sally-" He started.

She only shook her head. "I know, but I can't let you outside. Not even to drive to your apartment."

"Apartment?" Will blurted, and Nico's gaze fell on him.

"I'm an adult, am I not? I'm over eighteen, and can live alone." Will flushed, hearing the subtext of 'somewhere to bring people home'. "But, since Bia and her fiance were here, I let her have the apartment, and I stayed here. Since Hazel lives with Sally, and seeing as she's my half-sister, I usually eat dinner here anyways."

Will nodded mutely, still feeling guilty. Sally took Hazel upstairs for a bath, seeing as she had jumped in every puddle she could.

Will watched as Nico walked up to his room, and followed him. The blond closed to door behind him, and locked it. Nico didn't look at him, sitting on his bed. Will walked over, and straddled the slightly older male, wrapping his arm around Nico's neck.

Nico leaned away, resting his back against the wall next to his bed, looking up at Will, and crossing his arms. Will opened his mouth, but before he could say anything a loud clap of thunder startled them. Nico sat straight up, hands tightly gripping Will's hips. Will gasped, hands clasping Nico's shoulders in surprise.

"Nico?" Will asked, the change in attitude confusing Will, as Nico buried his face in Will's neck. He felt Nico's breathing pick up, and slid his arms around his shoulder, head swimming with confusion. "Hey, it's OK."

Nico gripped onto Will's shirt, breathing heavily. "Nico? What's going on?"

The black haired boy tried pushing the blond away, but Will took his hands, and interlocked their fingers, bringing them in between their chests. Will rested his forehead on Nico's shoulder, Nico's head still in Will's neck.

They sat there for a while, Nico flinching every time there was a slam of thunder, and Will pulled Nico closer.

"Will?" Nico mumbled, and Will shivered as Nico's warm breath hit his neck.

"Yeah?" He hummed, closing his eyes.

"Please get off of me."

Will's small smile fell, and he pulled back, hurt flashing through his eyes. He untangled their hands, and gently got up, making his way to the desk, where he sat in the chair. He took the chance to look around the room. The bed was against the wall, with a dresser a little ways away. There were a couple windows, and two closets, as well as two desks, with a computer on one, and a briefcase on the other. This was probably the guest room, and the office at the same time.

Will bit his lip, watching as Nico lay on his stomach, head under the pillow, completely ignoring Will. Every time thunder would strike, Will watched as Nico flinched, and wanted to do something, but he couldn't.

A knock startled them, and Will ran to the door, unlocking and opening it. Sally gave him a small smile, which fell as she saw Nico.

"Hi Will. Um, dinner's ready. You can go down." Will nodded, but waited outside the door as Sally walked into the room, and sat on the edge of the bed. She rubbed his back, and said something to low for Will to hear. Nico pulled his head out from under the pillow, sitting up to bury his face in Sally's shoulder.

She held him, rocking gently, running her hand through his hair. She said something else, but Nico shook his head. She stood, helping Nico up, and Will took the chance to run down the stairs, and into the dining room. He smiled at Paul, who was at the head of the table, and sat across from Hazel, who was next to the other end of the table. If that made sense, I'll be surprised. I'll explain it again (sorry if it becomes repetitive, I actually just added the angst in because I could (sorry, not sorry), so the descriptions and stuff might be weird.)

Nico and Sally walked in, and like the cheesy person he was, Paul pulled out Sally's seat for her, getting a roll of the eyes, and a blush from the woman, but she sat anyways, making herself next to Hazel. Nico stopped when he saw where Will was, but sat at the head of the table anyways. Hazel looked at Nico with so much admiration Will couldn't help but smile. Paul took his seat again, and Sally sent a wink towards Will, who ducked his head to hide his smile.

Hazel made eye contact with Will, and grinned. "You're having a sleepover with Nico!" Nico, who'd just taken a sip of water, choked, whipping his head towards his little sister. Will could only stutter, as Sally and Paul laughed. Nico and Will were saved from having to respond as the alarm for the food went off.

Sally got up, still chuckling as made her way to the kitchen, through the connecting door frame. Nico sighed, getting up and going to help her. Will sent a panicked look towards Paul, who was grinning.

The man got the hint and changed the subject. "So, do you meet the parents of everyone on your team? Or just with Nico?"

"Paul!" Nico snapped, walking back in, a tray of chicken in his arms. He glared at the man, but Paul only grinned in reply, raising his arms in mock surrender. Sally laughed from the kitchen, before she too appeared, placing metal holdings on the table, to keep the hot dish off the table.

"Will, did you always want to be in music?" Sally asked, before going back to the kitchen, throwing a "I can still hear you dear," over her shoulder. Will swallowed, shifting slightly, but when he realized that Nico was hovering to hear the answer as well, he smiled slightly.

"No, actually. And well, it's not my only profession either. I, my mother died shortly after I was born, leaving me, my dad, and my two older brothers-" There was a crash, and a yelp. Will shot out of seat, beating Paul and Hazel to the kitchen.

"Language!" Was the first thing he could say, as Nico spewed out vulgar words. He immediately stopped, realizing Hazel was now there. Paul picked up the little girl, and took her into the living room.

"Sally, are you OK?" Paul asked, while Will knelt in front of Nico, who was still kneeling on the floor. Her lips twitched, eyes shining with amusement.

"Yes, thank you."

"Nico?" Will asked gently.

Nico slowly looked up, and Will sucked in a breath. His dark brown eyes looked even darker, his pupil blending with his iris. Will swallowed, and Nico slowly stood, holding his wrist. Will gently stepped forwards, around the broken dish, and took Nico's hand in his own. He gently lead Nico to the kitchen island, forcing him to sit. Will stood in front of him, Nico's larger hand palm up in Will's hands. There was a slice across his palm, not deep, but long, and it was bleeding.

"Mrs. Jackson-Blofis, do you have a first aid kit or something?" He asked, and she was to flustered to correct him about her name. Within moments, band aids, gauze, paper towels, skin tape, and neosporin were next to him on the island. He thanked her, grabbing the paper towels, and pressing one to Nico's hand. Nico hissed, trying to yank his arm back, but Will glared at him, holding him still.

"I have to stop the bleeding." Will said, ignoring Nico's annoyed sigh. "You don't need stitches, so that's the good news. The bad is that this is your left hand. The one you use to play the bass with."

I almost ended it here, but decided against it. . .

Time Skip

They were back at the table. Fortunately, the plate Nico dropped had nothing on it, so nothing was ruined. The table was silent, except for a question about what happened from Hazel, who was eyeing Nico's left hand. Will had put the neosporin on the gauze, and used the skin tape to keep the gauze in place. The tape went between Nico's thumb and forefinger, as well as high on his wrist, since the slice went from the palm near his thumb, curving up towards his pinky. Like above, but without the extra band aids, and it's skin tape instead of bandage

"So, Will," Paul cleared his throat. "How'd you know what to do?"

"Oh. Um, like I was saying before. . . I, um. " He shifted. "I'm a doctor."

"Really?" Paul asked, looking impressed. "Kind of? See, my dad's a doctor, and I always wanted to be one too. But I was always. . . er, musically inclined, and so, while in medical school, I started doing gigs and stuff. So that's how the music thing took off. I'm not done with medical school yet, but this upcoming fall, it's my senior year. I'll be 23 next August. Does anyone know his actual birthday? Then I'll work with my dad at the hospital."

Paul looked impressed. "So, you're not planning on continuing in music, I take it."

Will hesitated, before shaking his head. "No, I don't think so. I like it and all, but I want to help people, you know?"

Paul nodded. "And your brothers?"

Will slowly put down his fork. "They, um," He took a shaky breath. "They died. Car crash." The table fell silent, and he could feel Nico's eyes boring into him. Comment if you know who I'm talking about!

Paul coughed. "I'm, sorry for your loss."

Will shrugged, keeping his hands under the table, so no one could see them shaking. They finished dinner in silence, and Will helped to clean up, ignoring Sally's protests.

They cleared the table in silence, before Nico rushed away. Before Will could go anywhere, Sally tapped him on the shoulder. "Will?"

He swallowed, hoping this wasn't another of the 'I'm so sorry for you' talks. "Yeah?"

"What happened?"

Will blinked. "Sorry?"

Sally crossed her arms. "What did Nico do?"

The blond sighed. "It wasn't him. I said something stupid." Sally frowned, but nodded, satisfied for the moment.

"Alright. I'll let you know when desserts ready."

Will nodded, letting out a breath, trying to figure out why his heart hurt so much.


Hope you enjoyed! 😇

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