The First Lady's Choice

By AuthorKKHarris

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First Lady Megan Foster is faced with the realization that forever may not be set in stone. All unions may po... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
****Character Reference****
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Five

148 5 0
By AuthorKKHarris

It's been a long time since I posted. Life...


Family Emergency

"How did it go?"

"Girl," I groaned into the receiver. Just thinking about everything that happened a few nights ago made goose bumps pop up all over my body.

"That good huh," Vette giggled evilily.

"I gave him the full monty."

"Well alright then. Did he suspect anything?"

"He does seem a little suspicious about that night but he hasn't said anything. The connection between us seems to have strengthened though. It almost feels like we are getting back on the same page. No arguments, sharing space when we sleep, and I can't complain one bit."

"That's good, I'm happy for you. Maybe one day I will get locked down."

"It will happen when it's time."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not rushing it."

"Why not Sophia?"

"Cause Miss Celie, I don't want to ruin my relationship with my business schedule."

"Well Miss Sophia, you could always cut back when the time is right."

"Why thank you Miss Celie for the advice, I think I will do just that." We fell out laughing at our foolery. If either one of us is ever in a funk, best believe we won't be by the time we got off the phone. "No seriously, when the right one comes along, I'm sure cutting back won't be a problem. That's one of the reasons I am working so hard now. Building my interest up so when it's time to take it easy and get to know someone, I won't have work in the back of my mind."

"I feel you."

"The big trip is coming up, you ready?"

"Heck no, still not feeling this."

"I can imagine how awkward this is going to be."

"I guess I will just have to suck it up and deal with it."

"Yes first lady, that is exactly what you will have to do."

"Ugh, girl did you ever think I would end up in the position?"

"As I always say when you ask that question, that would be a negative good buddy. Not that you can't be first lady material, I just never expected you to be placed in that position."

"Sometimes it is so awkward the way people hold these titles at such a high regard. It's like if I burp inappropriately, I would be considered an omen."

"Better not let them hear you fart then," Vette joked.

"I'm serious Vette. Some of these folks treat the pastor and his wife like they are the President and first lady." I said seriously while trimming the rough patches on a few plants inside the greenhouse. "I feel like I am under a constant microscope. Everything I do is scrutinized."

"Well that's the name of the game honey. Just continue to ignore it. Maybe they will get tired of looking at you through the little machine."

"So did you say that with a straight face?"

"Nope," Vette snickered.

"Heffa," I mocked.

"I'll be that. Anyway huzzy, I have to prepare for a meeting."

"Alright sissy, I love and miss you bunches."

"Love and miss you too sissy. Bye."


Times like these I wish I was closer to my sister-friend. Life is too short and people were checking out every day. The thought of planning a trip to visit with my family and another to visit Vette was weighing heavy on me. At that moment it felt like a weight was on my chest and I needed to make some decisions quickly.


The time had finally come to fly out of Texas for a bit. Arriving at the airport, I wasn't too surprised to see we were flying out on a private chartered plane. The Grayson's oozed superior power with a high taste bud for the finer things in life. Our house wasn't a shack or anything but their house was mega mansion. Not saying that it's anything wrong with having nice things but it was just the two of them. For such a huge house that was out of order, my personal opinion.

William made sure we were dressed nicely but comfortable enough to travel without complaints. There was no way I was wearing church attire for an entire flight to Florida. Even if it was for two hours and some change, I wanted to be relaxed during that time. It was bad enough I was stuck in close confines with the stuffy woman of the hour. 'Holier than thou' radiated off of Louise Grayson. Bishop Charles Grayson was easier to deal with than his wife. Although he walked around with an air of arrogance, he was easier to converse with.

Louise, on the otherhand, would quietly observe me without any quelms about it. The look on her face would almost resemble a mother reading the new girl her son would bring home. Every warning bell that could sound off in my person screamed she doesn't like you, trust you, and is waiting for the day to see you slip up. The only problem with that is, I have nothing to hide but by her act, a person could forget that small fact.

While the men had idle chat, busied myself reading a book on my iPad. Lady Louise finally tore her eyes away from studying me to reading a magazine. The stewardess working the flight was Godsend, being the needed distraction that allowed me time to busy myself doing anything but looking up. Currently the book that I am reading is not all of that but it was better than continuing with the fake interaction. 'This is going to be one long week.'

The plane finally landed in sunny Florida. From the little I saw as we left the plane to the waiting car on the tarmack, it was truly beautiful. We hadn't been to Florida since boarding the cruise ship for our honeymoon. Even then I didn't get to see much besides the port where the ship was leaving from. The drive there was a blur because my face was constantly smothered with William's. Just thinking about the endless positions they'd ended up in during that time brought a naughty smile to her face.

"What are you thinking about?" William startled me from my wayward thoughts. We'd arrived at the unbelievable beach house and showed to our room to freshen up. I don't even know how long I stood in the patio door looking out over the ocean. The feeling there was so serene. Plus my mind being in the gutter didn't really help much.

"Our honeymoon," I cooed turning to face him. My hands easily slid around his neck.

"Oh really, what about it?"

"Well," I was feeling a little naughty. Scratch that I was feeling extremely naughty.

"Whoa, what are you up to?" He tried to resist my hands as I unfastened his belt.

Pushing him back against the chaise near the window, I made quick work pulling him from his boxers. Dropping to my knees I took him into my mouth silencing anymore fight from him. Tensing up, he grabbed the sides of the chair from my assault. He was going to give me what I craved if it was the last thing he did before leaving this room.

"Megan, wait..."

"Shh, William just a quickie."

"They may hear us."

"Screw them, seriously you would turn down this." I asked straddling his lap taking him in despite the hinderance of his clothes being bunched right under my behind.

The hiss leaving his lips feeling my heat surround him let me know the effect I had on him was what I needed. Pushing his pants further down, he held onto my hips as I started to move back and forward. The last piece of resistance fell as his head fell back against the cushion. There was no way I wanted to rush even though I said a quickie. He was going to give me mine whether he liked it or not. With the help of squeezing my inner thighs tight, the keagle exercises I'd begun, and the constant flick of my own fingers on my nub I was well on my way over the cliff.

"Shh..." William tried to get me to quiet down my moans of pleasure. There was no use of me trying, it felt too good. It was terrible I had to resort to such measures with my husband but something had to give. "Oh..." He grunted feeling the clamp down as much as I was. Milking him for everything he had to give he begun to lift up from the seat to finish the deed.

"Yes William, right there." I tried my best to whisper. This feeling she wouldn't trade for the world.

"That was," William stopped talking and groaned laying his head back exhausted.

"I know."

"You are turning into quite the little temptress." William said. "What has gotten into you lately?" He asked skeptically.

"You have obviously," I chided. Hoping he would accept my joke at face value and change the subject.

"Hop up so we can get presentable."

"Can't we just claim jetlag and turn in early." I practically begged. "I bet I can make it worth your wild."

"As good as that sounds, you can't expect us to be disrespectful in our hosts' house. That would be rude not to mention a plum lie."

"It's not being disrespectful and you know it. It's called being a married couple who enjoys exploring one anothers bodies."

"We can do that when we get home. Right now we need to make it downstairs for dinner. Hop up."

"But William," I pouted like a true baby.

"I tell you what, if you are really quiet later I will give you some special attention."

"You promise?"


Being that I had to practically drug him to get his face down below, there was no way I was turning down some mouth to lip resuscitation. It was definitely going to be needed having to deal the stuffy woman of the house. Not even a whole day had passed without me wishing this trip was on fast forward. I would much rather be home or back in my home town than where I was. To make up for what she had to sacrifice, he had better eat her cookies like his life depended on it. 'Get ready to muffle my noises pillows because I want all of my fix tonight.'

"I was wondering did we need to send a search party for you two." Louise stated through the fakest face around.

"My apologies, the wife was feeling a little jetlag from the flight. I couldn't fathom leaving her in her time of need."

"Oh dear, anything I can do to help with that pesky sickness. We wouldn't want it to ruin the remainder of your trip."

"No ma'am, I will be just fine. My dear husband has been a gem, helping me to relax. I guess I had some pent up anxiety but he massaged it right out." William had begun to choke on the air he was breathing.

"..." Louise gasped audibly at my last statement. It was as clear as day that she pretty much put two and two together. Maybe if the great bishop was breaking it off properly, she wouldn't be so bitter.

"Behave," William growled lowly in my ear. That sound of the force caused me to rub my legs together in silent need.

"What," I asked innocently. "The food smells delicious, what's for dinner."

"It's a family recipe but I suppose you wouldn't be interested in those mundane details."

"Actually, I cook dinner every night. As I stated before, being the boss affords me the time to balance both family and business."

"Sure it does dear."

"Speaking of family, when are you kids going to join the family way?" Bishop Grayson asked.

"We have been so focused on establishing the church, our start time has been put on hold. There isn't a minute I want to miss during every aspect of being a parent. Especially in the early stages." William evaded with ease when I didn't agree abit with his quick, I still played along to save face.

"That is true. I can't wait for the day that I will have the privledge to carry our new addition."

"Oh so you do want children? What will you do when it's time to go back to work? Having a business that you work at full time and having children will be a tough task to juggle."

"We will just cross that bridge when we get there, I'm sure my lovely wife won't mind sacrificing time for our children."

"Louise and I started having children fresh out of the box. I couldn't fathom not having someone to leave our legacy to."

"The priorties of the younger generation has other plans obviously. I'm so happy I taught my girls the importance of being the proper help mate to their spouses. The man is to be the head of the house and we as women must know our place. The order of a functioning household depends on a strong structure."

"The way you speak about a woman knowing her place, it seems you believe we shouldn't feel equal to our husbands."

"You are not equal to your husband. If you both are the strong heads of the house then you both would be men. And don't get me started on those type of setups." Bishop Grayson scowled before taking a sip of his water. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head listening to this foolery. The barbaric views of this man and having his wife back him was absolutely obsurd.

"You can't be serious."

"Honey," William called sternly stopping me in my tracks from responding further. The look he was giving me was clear as day, 'you're blowing this for me.' "My apologies Bishop and Lady Grayson, this is one of the debating topics that could go on for a while. Different views and all," William tried to explain.

"It's quite alright William, I know how difficult it is when couples view things differently. I see this kind of issue when counseling couples before marriage." Grayson said waving his apology away. "I know how you were raised and have faith in you gaining control over your household when the time arises."

"Yes sir, of course. After all how can a shepard lead his sheep if he can't direct order in his household." William said smoothly while squeezing my hand in a death grip telling me to keep my opinions to myself. We'd argued the same things these people are bringing up before and it got us no where fast.

"Well said William. Well said indeed." They beamed at him like the prodigy son in the flesh. However the smiles toward me was more on the forced side.

The remainder of the dinner, I kept my mouth pretty much shut. There was obviously no room for an outspoken woman of the world. Internally I rolled my eyes so hard they could probably get stuck. By the end of the night when it was time to call it quits, I couldn't have been happier. Actually dreading waking up the next morning because it was bound to take a turn for the worst.

The men were scheduled to hit the golf course bright and early in the morning before an important breakfast meeting with some important clergy. Following countless meetings, conferences, and other important things he would be busy with. While I would be stuck dealing with the nauseating woman and the many minions formally called first lady's. "Shoot me now," I stated sarcastically when we entered our room.

"Could that have been more embarrassing?" William complained once the door was shut.

"Oh please William, for who?"

"Your attitude for their views on a holy union is despicable."

"You have got to be kidding me. This is not on me. Those barbaraic..." William shushed me.

"Lower your voice this instance."

"William, you will not treat me like a child."

"If you would quit behaving like one," William stopped short of finishing that statement. There it was once again, he was referring to her being immature.

"My father lives in Galveston Texas and he is not standing in this room."

"Megan..." I walked away before he could continue his words. "Don't walk away from me when I am talking to you."

"..." Ignoring him completely I retrieved my phone from my purse.

Completely forgetting about it earlier, hearing it vibrate violently in my purse gained my attention. Five missed calls from my parents number caused worry to consume me instantly. Vette was close to that with one missed call but several text messages. William was still ranting about something in the background but I didn't give him the satisfaction of paying any attention.

Quickly, I listened to the first voicemail I came to from my parents. Hearing the panic in my mothers voice caused my heart to beat erratically. The first was her telling me to call back as soon as possible. The next was ranting about where I was and why I wasn't answering my phone. Lastly, was one telling me to get my ass home right away. She went on to say my father was hospitalized being diagnosed as having a severe stroke.

My heart literally seized up in my chest at hearing those words. Everything around me came to a screeching halt, my father had a stroke. That had to be the nagging in my mind to go home. The fact that I hadn't listened was playing over and over in my mind. A snap from William caused me to halt in my self pitying thoughts. Here I was having a life altering moment and he hadn't even noticed. 'I gotta get home before it's too late.' I would never forgive myself.

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