The Lone Wolf

By GirlWithFaith2003

2.1K 15 6

In this fan fiction, I'm a new wolfblood to town. When I finally meet my pack, I fall for Matei. What happens... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

103 2 0
By GirlWithFaith2003

Juggling between being a responsible parent, being with the pack, and going to school is really weighing me down. Every day I go to school, my eyes get droopier. Matei is also growing more and more tired as a father. He just wants them to grow up already so he doesn't have to deal with them. His fault for getting me pregnant and he knows it. When I fell asleep in History, my teacher yelled; "Raeshel, Raeshel! Wake up!" Everyone was laughing at me. I finally woke up near the end of class. I met up with Matei, Selena, and Tj during lunch. Amelia showed up too.  "What's the plan now?" Amelia asked. "The cubs are old enough to start school and hopefully they won't wolf out this time." I said. "They're gonna be starting here." Matei said. "That's good I guess." Selena said. I got my lunch with Matei and sat back down. We continued talking about our daily lives, which is boring since we spend every second of every day with each other.

"We live a pretty interesting and complicated life don't we all?" Matei added.

"Yeah, I could agree with you on that one." Selena said.

After school, I collapsed on the bed, then the school called me. "Yes?" I answered. "Your kids are being signed up is that correct?" The secretary asked. "That is. Is there a problem?" I asked. "They're actually in advanced classes, that must be good news." She said. "Sure is, I'll make sure to tell my husband the news." I said. "Oh, about Matei Covaci, he's been skipping a lot of classes and so have you. Once more and you'll be suspended. Understand?" She said. "I'm so sorry, we're just really busy at the minute. I won't miss any more school, I promise." I said. "Okay. I'll make sure to transfer the papers over to your kids' teachers. They should be able to start right away." The secretary finished. "Thanks so much for your assistance." I said. "You're quite welcome." Then she hung up. 

Later that evening, I got an email from the school. It stated that Skai and Vallory are now signed up. They can start next week. This is great. I told Matei everything and he was happy that they get to start school already. I emailed them right back thanking them for the information. They sent the papers to our PO box. In the envelope had the school supplies that the kids needed to buy and a list of their teacher with their locker number. I gave each of their papers to them and told them we're going to the shop tomorrow to get the supplies. Skai reacted by crumpling up the paper and dunking it into the bin. "Please, Skai. Respect that you need to live among the humans at one point. Your father and I do it all the time. We learned to control the wolf in the most complicated and stressful of situations." I said. "Okay, mum. So, going to the shop tomorrow?" He asked. "Yes, so be ready when we leave." I said.

The next day, we all got in the car and drove to the store. Sometimes I hate Newcastle traffic. It's so dense most days. I bought everything from pencils to folders and binders. Then we headed to the school and got their uniforms in the right sizes. Skai and Vallory may be twins, but Skai is slightly taller than Vallory. Maybe because of the fact that Skai is a boy. That's probably it. After a stop at the school, we went out to Kafe to grab dinner. The whole meal was about 20 pounds. The whole pack was there as well. "So, how did signing these two up go?" Selena asked. "It wasn't that difficult actually. They're even in advanced classes." I said. "That's good, now sit we need to talk about an important issue that's come up." Jana said. "What is it?" Matei asked. "Something, just sit." Jana said.

It was about more and more wolfbloods showing up to the city without notice. Most were from the Berlin pack. I recognized them by their tattoos on their wrists and the back of their shoulders. I wonder why they would just come here, is it because they had no place to go or? I guess. "Your cousin has just called. She wants her pack to stay her in Newcastle." Jana said. "She can't just, ugh! She always does this. Goes against what we promised. I hate it." I said and put my head in my arms. "She can stay as long as they can keep it under control." Jana said. "And what if she doesn't?" Matei asked. "It's obvious what we'll do. Segolia will imprison the whole pack and will try to take their wolves away as punishment." Jana said. "Fair enough." I said. "It's about to get a lot more complicated." Jana said. "Yep." Matei said.

Faith walked through the door. I instantly recognized her smell. I stood up and jumped her, baring my teeth and eyes. I growled at her and it really frightened her. "Get off me! I'm here to inform you about my pack and what they want to do now that we're here." Faith said. "And what is that exactly?" I growled. "We're gonna go in hiding in the forest or near the old, abandoned church yard here." She said. "Sure, you can do that I guess." I said. Jana then started talking and discussing a plan for her. They decided that we can share a territory.  This is gonna be difficult. Sharing a territory with my most hated cousin. Oh, boy so fun.

We joined up with Faith's pack. We greeted each other. Jana and Faith being both the alphas stood in front of both their packs. Our eyes turned yellow. We bowed to them. Faith liked this already. She liked being in control. I could be a way better alpha than her. For real. She is like the baddest alpha there is. Matei can agree with me because well, he has to. He has no choice being my husband and all. I can't believe that the Berlin pack came all this way just to join up with ours. They probably swam over the North Sea haha. Being wolves would be pretty hard. Or they could have taken the easy way out and took a plane. That's probably more likely.

We drove back to the house, went to the basement to wolf out. I wanted to be outside but Matei didn't this time so I did what he wanted this time. Skai and Vallory also played around too. Our basement is huge! It's 60 feet by 60 feet. I love this, we're just hanging out in the room. We're only minding our own business down there. No one has to find out who we are or what we are. It's all ours. When the kids finally move out, we'll have this place all to ourselves. When that day comes, I'll be both sad and happy. It's gonna be great. Finally having a house all to ourselves for once. As for the future of the pack, hopefully Skai and Vallory will take on responsibility once Jana kind of retires her place as alpha. 

When full moon was over, we fell asleep in the basement. I cuddled up against Matei as usual. I woke up the next day, brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got everyone ready for school. I got ready myself. We all walked to school because it's within walking distance. Skai was complaining the whole time. Both of them were classmates with Amelia. I was proud of that. I went through the whole school day moping around because I was still tired from yesterday. My teachers got very angry with me, again. When school was over we celebrated our freedom and it's finally summer! We can wolf out all we want. The kids were also very happy that their first year of school is over. Jana made out a whole summer plan for the pack. She says it's kind of like a summer camp except for wolfbloods. I'm excited to see what she has planned for us. Maybe we'll play some midnight games or something like that.

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