Nightmare or Reality?

By Shinigami_Quincy

3.8K 156 18

Waking up in a place you don't know is one thing but waking up to find you have been transported to Hueco Mun... More

Nightmare or Reality?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

276 12 0
By Shinigami_Quincy

"Now, I'm aware Captain Aizen told you that you have free reign when it comes to exploring Las Noches but there are some places I was recommended you keep your distance from."

I frowned at that sentence, did he mean was he looking out for my well being or Aizen's property.

"First we have the kitchen down the hall here to you left. This is also the main way to the assembly hall which you already seen." Gin began gesturing toward the hallway briefly before continuing forward.

I watched him carefully as he continued to talk about each spot we passed. I most tuned out what he was saying as we continued on as it seemed that he was just rambling.

We soon drew to a stop in front of one of the many similar doors that seem to litter this 'palace' as I heard he call it at one point. The silver haired Captain turn to face me as I glanced toward the door the sat to our right.

"Now, this do will take you into the quarters of the Espada. Even though they are prohibited from touching you, I would advise not venturing down this way. You never knew what can happen with those Espada." Gin directed, his gaze fixed on me as I glanced at the large looming door.

"Do you understand, Sammi-Chan?"

My eyes fell onto the smirking man, who slightly cocked his head to the side as if waiting for my response.

I gave a swift nod before turning my gaze back to the door, "Yes, Captain Ichimaru."

I felt the gaze of Gin linger on me as I stared at the door as if in a trance. In all honesty I was just sensing the pressure radiating from beyond there., and it was unimaginable.A small cough came from Gin as he tried to grab my attention once more.

"Since this finishes our tour, I should leave you be but it seems that we are all need in the main assembly hall." The sly man commented my gaze darting back to him.

Nervously I spoke up, curiosity spiking within me, "Has something happened?"

Gin's smirking expression shifted to a more relaxed one as he gave small sigh, "It has seemed that Ulquiorra and Yammy have made their way back from the World of the Living."

My stomach twisted as I realized that, this meant Ichigo had his ass kicked by the two Espadas and now was struggling more and more with his inner hollow. A frown fell on my lips as I pondered those thoughts, forgetting that Gin was analyzing my reaction.

"My what's the long face for? Is there something that you know happened?" He questioned in such a way that made my gaze narrow toward him for a second.

"No there isn't." I quickly remarked, lowering my gaze away from the probing man.

He stayed silent for a few good seconds before sighing and shrugging his shoulders, "Oh well,that's a shame we would've been saved from going to that meeting."

I gave a small sigh as well, glancing back to the door, "Yes oh well."

We stayed silent for another moment before Gin made his way past me and back toward the assembly hall.

"Well, we mustn't dilly dolly. Come on Sammi-chan."

"Yes, Captain Ichimaru." I replied, following in line behind him as we made our way to the meeting.

As we walked my mind raced to think if anyway I could try to get a message to the Karakura gang without Aizen finding out. Unfortunately before I could of a logical plan I was ripped away from my thoughts as Gin drew to a stop and opened the door to the hall.

"After you."  He directed holding the door open for me.

I raised an eyebrow at this action before making my way forward into the small hallway that was just beyond the door. I slowly continued forward until a hand fell on my shoulder from behind making me draw to a stop.

"Pardon me."

I stepped to the side and let him walk in front of me once more, leading us down the small hallway. As we approached the end of the hallway I began to the familiar voice of Aizen echoing in the room.

Within a few steps we entered the brightly lit hall,allowing me to taken in the immense space and the overwhelming group of arrancars all in the room.From where we had entered we seemed to be on the same upper level where Aizen sat when there was a meeting in this room. I frowned at the thought as I glanced around Gin to see that Aizen was seated in front of him and the man's eyes were focused on us.              

"Sorry we are late,Captain Aizen. It seems I got caught up showing Sammi-chan around." Gin explained as the room to the left of us grew quiet for a second, their eyes falling on the two of us.

Aizen's narrow gaze fall on me for a silence moment before he turned his attention forward once more.

"All is well, Gin."

Gin and I drew to a stop by Aizen's side in a quiet matter, myself standing by Aizen's side once more and Gin planted himself behind me. My gaze flashed to Aizen who seemed to have his attention elsewhere, giving me the chance to glance down at Ulquiorra and Yammy, who stood front and center.

"All right, Ulquiorra. Show us what you learned in the World of the Living." Aizen commanded toward the 4th Espada, "All of it."

Ulquiorra's cold gaze snapped to mine for a split second before contacting with the man's next to me.

"Yes Sir." As he spoke, he slowly and painstakingly removed his right eye from his face, making me uttered cringe and try to fight back the bile that shot up my throat from the sight.

With his eye in his hand, he held it forward before crushing it into dust that began to flow through the room.

"Please see for yourselves."

Just as he spoke those words, I felt the world vanish around me and transform into the scene in the park. I felt as if my whole body locked up as I watched through Ulquiorra's eyes what happened to the Karakura gang and how gruesome it really was.

My heart broke as I watched Chad's arm be completely ripped off and then Orihime try her best to defend her friend only to fail. When Ichigo appeared on the scene, my sense of hope spiked for a moment before I was made to watch what happened. He was brutally cut down by Yammy and only saved because Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihôin showed up. The last few events with the two former captains flew by quickly before the last scene I witnessed. It was Ichigo on his knees covered in his blood and his face down in heartbreaking defeat. Suddenly without a warning the scene vanished before my eyes and I was once back in the room with the enemy.

My now panicked gaze snapped to Ulquiorra's whose one eyed gaze met mine as Aizen began to speak up after witnessing the events as well.

"I see. You decided he wasn't worth killing." Aizen clarified,his eyes shut as he seem to think over the Espada's decision.

Ulquiorra's cold stare stayed on mine as he began to speak, "Yes sir. The orders were to kill anyone who might be an obstacle to us. And-"

"You're soft!"

A loud annoyed voice boomed from behind the 4th Espada, breaking the entrancing stare down we were sharing.

All attention in the room turned to the blue haired Espada that sat cross-legged on the floor just behind the two Espada. I swallowed nervously as I listened to who I knew as Grimmjow call Ulquiorra out for being soft and not taking the chance to kill the gang when he had one.

Ulquiorra had a good defense for his actions but unsurprisingly Grimmjow still retorted back.

"I still say you're soft! And what if you're wrong about him?! What if his powers stabilize and we have to fight him?! What then?!" The Sexta Espada snapped harshly back at the unemotional Espada.

"Then I'll deal with him." Ulquiorra stated firmly, standing his ground against the reckless Espada.

Before Grimmjow could even respond, he was stopped as Aizen spoke up once more while rising his spiritual pressure in the room slightly.

"Do we still have a problem?"

My gaze darted to Aizen, who was sending a condescending expression down at Grimmjow before continuing .

"Very well. He is your responsibility, Ulquiorra. Do what you like with the boy."

A frown fell on my face as I turned my attention to Grimmjow who had a hateful glare directed toward Ulquiorra who was bowing as he thanked Aizen.

"Very well, this meeting is dismissed." The white cladded shinigami declared drawing to his feet, his gaze focused on the group before he turned toward the exit.

"Gin, take Samantha to her room for the evening." Aizen directed to the silver-haired man as he made his way by us. "Then come see me when you are once, you have finished."

"Of course, Captain Aizen."

I send a glance toward Gin really quickly before looking back to retreating figure of Aizen, who completely disappeared down the hall.

"My my, wasn't that interesting?"

I looked toward Gin before nodding and let my gaze fall down to a certain set of eyes that caught mine once again. The Espada's emotionless gaze kept mine before I looked away from his uncomfortable stare.

Gin and I shared silence as we left the assembly hall as we made our way down a hallway that seemed to be like the rest of them but something told me it wasn't. We soon drew to a stop in front of a familiar door once more and the sly Captain turned his gaze to me.

"Wasn't that a fun meeting? Captain Aizen is quite the speaker isn't he? Oh well that's done and over with." Gin began to remark as he turned and pushed his way into the room, beckoning me to follow.

I slowly followed him into the room, as he began to carry on once more with his one sided conversation, "I'm sure you want some alone time and don't need me to bother you."

I made my way to the center of the room, watching Gin turn back toward the door while bidding me a farewell.

"Anyways bye." He paused for a second his hand gripping the handle before he glanced over his shoulder at me.

"Oh and by the way," His closed gaze snapped to mine, making me freeze in fear as his voice grew serious again, "Don't even think about escaping. It's hopeless to try and leave, just like it is to think your situation will get any better."

My heart raced as my brain slowly tried to process the threat given to me by the now smirking man.

"Anyway good evening, Sammi-chan...make sure you don't let the monsters in." Gin remarked, before shutting the door then locking me in for the night while dashing my hopes of ever getting home.


Hey Guys,
I'm back from my random disappearance and I promise I wasn't kidnapped by Aizen but let me say Hueco Mundo has great Wifi.  Anyway unfortunately there is only one update for this story today and sadly I wont be able to update anytime soon since I will be moving to a new apartment. So I will post when I can and once I have edited the future chapters that I plan on posting. In the meantime enjoy this update and this photo of our gang and I will see you guys next time.

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