
Oleh BlackLytical

46.5K 1.8K 667

"There is no excuse for perjury. Never, Never, Never. There is the truth and the truth demands respect." Lebih Banyak

1 || you're a witness.
2 || testify and run
3 || new home, new life
4 || new school, new students
5 || skipped ahead, friends maybe
6 || bodak yellow
7 || issa date
8 || do something
9 || birthday blues
10 || boo thang
11 || issa problem
13 || thought i knew
14 || this is your family
15 || sorry, the end
Character Insight/ book inspiration
New story
New story 2

12 || IDGAF

1.7K 79 25
Oleh BlackLytical

Qamar stood in the middle of the room as he contemplated on what Yael wanted to talk about. It was honestly scaring him.

He looked around for his keys and left out to go see him.

On the other hand Yael was freaking out to the max he, just had a talk with his mother and pops .

"I really don't want to tell him." Yael sighed crossing his arms.

"Yael, Q needs to know, okay" his mother said to him.

"Okay mom. If you say so."

Yael paced around the main room as he waited for Q to show up. His anxiety was about to act up just thinking about it. He didn't know how Q was going to react.

Was he going to leave him? Think their relation ship was a lie? Wait they aren't official yet so it shouldn't be that bad right.?


I sat in the den on the couch in the corner with my knees up. Q was going to be here in just a few minutes and it was scaring me that I have to tell him. I don't want our trust to be built off lies. But I rather keep this a secret like I was supposed to.

"Hey Mrs. Brewster." I heard Q say to my mom. I began to freak out. I am usually not like this if he is around.

I saw him come in to the room where I was and smile. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. I smiled softly, he may not be smiling after I tell him this.

"Hey baby boy, what did you want to talk about

He sat down next to me and I bit on my lower lip. He watched my every move as he took one of my hands in his.

"Uhm. " I bit my lip trying to figure out how to say this. He rubbed my hand with his fingertips.

"You can talk to me about anything."

I took a deep breath and looked down. "I'm not who I say I am. My last name is not my real last name. It's actually Martinez."

"Uhm, what?" He looked at me.

"I'm in witness protection, I am from New York, but I didn't move here because of my dad."

He was quiet, so I took this as my chance to say something.

"If you don't want to be with around me any more, I kind of understand why and-"

I was cut off by him kissing me. I kissed back.

"I never said I didn't want to be around you. That is one thing I don't like about you. You overthink a lot of things." I nodded.

He pulled me closer to him to where I was practically sitting on his lap. He buried his face in my neck and hummed.

"I like you to much to let this come between us"

I didn't know what to say, so I just sat there and wrapped my arms around him. I didn't think he was going to take it this easy.

"You know, you never asked me to be your boy friend." I told him.

He peeked at me and smiled. "I thought you was already my boyfriend."

I shook my head with a smile "you never asked me officially."

"Hm, Well Yael Capone Iheme, will you be my boyfriend?"

I looked at him? "Your last name?"

"I plan to marry you too in the future, so will you be my lil baby."

I blushed "yes Q, will be yours."

He cheesed and pecked my cheeks. "I need to head home. You want to stay over?

"I have to see if it's okay with my parents"

"It's okay, just make sure you guys go to school in the morning." Pops said.

"I'm surprised you're letting me go." I got up off Q's lap.

"I trust you with Q and he already knows how I am." Pops told me.

I smile and grabbed Q's hand and lead him up to my room so I can pack an over night bag.

He laid across my bed. "I'm going to match you tomorrow" he said. I peeked out the closet and looked at him


He shrugged "cause I want to"

I shook my head and stuffed some clothes in a bag and packed in some shoes. I dragged my bag out and slipped on some shoes.

"You ready lil daddy?"he sat up and grabbed my bag full of clothes. I picked up my book bag.

"Yup I'm ready"

"Lead the way lil daddy"

I shook my head at the nick name he gave me. It was bound to become annoying. I said my goodbyes to my ma and pops and went out to his car.

"I need to go to the store first okay." He said.

"Hm, okay." I took his free hand in mine and laced our fingers together. "Have you eaten lunch."

I shook my head. "I wasn't hungry " he sighed.

"You have to eat, I don't want you to pass out"

I shook my head. "I'm really not hungry Q"

"How about, after we go to the store I make us my favorite Bean and plantain pottage."

"If it gets you from stop asking me if I ate, then sure."

"Stop it Yael. I need you to eat, I don't want you to be malnourished"

"Okay Qamar." I huffed and looked out of the window.

We came to a read stop light and he brought my face to his and pecked my lips repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to be mad at me."

"I'm not mad, just irritated. I don't eat because of my medication and a lot of people really do not understand that."

"Well I'm sorry" he kissed the side of my mouth and drove off.

When we got to the store, I grabbed the end of his shirt and moved in closer to him. He placed an arm around me. I still have my days when I feel overwhelmed.

"I have a lot to get but I know where everything is, so this shouldn't take long."

That was a lie, we were in there for two hours because he saw a lot of old friends and they kept trying to talk to him.


After going to the store and bringing all of the stuff. I made us lunch and got him to eat a lil of it. I had put the tv up in my room so we are now laying in the bed watching some show.

He laid on top of my body with his face in my neck. He had a mini panic attack earlier and started to sweat. So I took his shirt off and calmed him down. I rubbed his shirtless back and I began to think about us. Could I handle having a boyfriend who was like this? I think I can.

"Q" I heard him mumble. I rubbed the back of his neck trailing my fingers up to massage his scalp.

"Hm?" I hummed out not once taking my eyes off the screen.

"Do you think we are moving to fast ?"

I shook my head "nah, I don't think so, I've known you since august of 2016 and now it's January 2017. I think we are moving just fine"

He was quiet after that, and I looked down at him. It looked as if though he was in a deep thought.

"Don't think to much into it. My grandmother married her husband a week after the started dating and they have been together for 58 years."

"Next morning"

We had been up for and hour now, just getting ready for school. Of course we are matching today and I like it. Let these niggas know that Yael is MY baby.

(Yael right, Q left )

"Your ass looks good in those jeans" I bit my lip.

He blushed and pushed at my chest and fixed his curls. I stood behind him and kissed the back of his neck.

"You smell good." I whispered.

"Mhm, it's your cologne." He leaned against me. I placed my chin on his shoulder and smiled.

"It smells better on you" I said into his ear and held onto his waist.

"It smells the same, you're wearing it right now"

"And it smells better on you lil daddy, come on, we got to get to school" I smacked his butt and walked down the stairs.

"That hurt"

I turned back around and saw him standing there with a pout on his face and holding his butt.

"Awe, it hurt ?" I walked back up to him and pulled him in my arms and palmed his ass with my face in his neck.

"Yes" he still had a cute little pout on his face.

"Daddy sorry" I pecked his lips. He pecked back and it soon turned into a full blown kiss. I pulled back and picked him up.

"Let's get school before I take you down right here, right now" I bit his lip and walked us down the stairs.


"What is this mess about my nephew having a boyfriend? He is not gay" Giulio said to me on the video chat.

" listen, he's been around Zeke and Yavin and they both have had girlfriend in the past. It's just how he is. Let me remind you, your brother and his wife dated both men and women"

" whatever man. I'm going to be down there in two weeks to see him, so you have until then to tell him the truth. "

"What are you going to gain from this? He's a year away from being 18, if you really wanted to see MY son, you would have did it when he was younger."

"Listen Markian, I get it you raised him and all but he is not your son. I let you keep him until I was ready to face the only bloodline left to my brother"

"And that was what 17 years later, I know what you really want him for and that's not going to happen. At least not now. Let him be a teen for a little longer. You can see him and I will tell him." I said hoping he would agree with me.

" I could live with that, if he doesn't know the whole story by the time I get there, you will regret it" he hung up.

I sighed and ran a hand down my face. I didn't think this day would come so soon.

"Markian, what is going on?"

I turned my head to see Yala in the doorway. I motioned her towards me and she came and sat on my lap.

"That was Giulio on the phone. He's ready to see his nephew."

"Okay, when is he coming so I can tell the kids that they have a close friend of ours coming?"

"No, Yala, He wants Yael to know everything, we have to tell him everything"

"But, I thought we were going to wait until he was emotionally stable."

I shook my head. "When he gets home from school, I want to have a family meeting and tell him."

She sighed and hugged my neck. " that's my baby boy, I don't want him to hate me"

I rubbed her back. "I don't want him to hate me either, that's my little boy too."


Of course we were at school, I was not ready for that next step with Qamar. I don't know when I will be ready.

I was in my second to last class, that I didn't have with Q or Alamara, which sucked cause I had the class with Amir and her goons. I was in a good mood and I felt like something was going to happen.

"Oh look, it's the big Baby Yael." One of Amir's goons said.

I frowned. I'm not a baby. I just have problems. I tried to ignore them and texted Q and of course our teacher was in the office for some thing.

As soon as I sent the message, they were crowded around me.

"Why do you act like such a baby? I bet his anxiety attacks are fake." One girl said.

I bit my lip. I started to feel constricted with them around me.

"Why is he even with Q, Cassius didn't beat him enough to get the gay out?" Another girl said.

I felt my eyes water. No no. Please. "Oh look he's about to cry" Amir said and pushed me out the chair.

I hit the ground with a thud falling on my arm. I groaned.

"He's a little punk, I figured he would fight back, oh wait he's to much of a baby" Amir laughed.

"He's ugly too, why would anyone like me."

I closed my eyes and felt my chest tightening. I was losing my normal breathing pattern. The insults and mean words kept coming in.

"Oh look he's faking a panic attack." Amir said.

Their feet collided with my side and back. I was now covered in fetal position while having a major panic attack. I felt something else get yanked off my neck.

"Ooh, pretty, it's mine now." A girl spoke.

I freaked out. Q gave me that and the only thing that keeps me close to him. Why isn't any one helping me.

"Yo! " was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


I groaned shifting my body feeling something hard next to me. I blinked my eyes letting it adjust to the bright light.

Once my eyes were fully adjusted I looked at the person next to me and it was Q he was asleep. I looked around at my surroundings to realize I was at a hospital. I freaked out and my heart monitor started to beep rapidly.

"Yael, Yael, calm down. I'm right here" I heard my dads voice.

I calmed down slowly and nudged Q with my arm.

"Hey baby" Q said groggily and kissed my head.

"What happened," I mumbled trying to sit up.

"From what Q told me, a group of girls started to mess with you and you had a panic attack and passed out." Pops said.

I instantly remembered that and touched my neck realizing my locket was gone. I frowned.

"Oh and Mara got this back from that girl" Q said putting something around my neck. I took a look down and it was the locket.

I smiled and leaned my head in his shoulder.

"I'm going to go find your mom" pops said as he kissed the top of my head and walked out the room.

Q lifted my head and pecked my lips "I'm sorry I wasn't there before it all started."

"It's fine, your here now" I mumbled and buried my face in his neck.

"I changed my classes, so I have every class with you"

"You didn't have to do that"

"Yes I do. I promised your dad and you that I would protect you. So sssh" he said.

"What really happened after I blacked out."

Q chuckled "well after I got your text I got Mara and a few of our cousins came. When we got to your class we saw Amir and her goons crowding you. Mara snapped and gave Amir a much needed ass whooping. I took that as my opportunity to get you out of there so I didn't know what happened after."

I nodded my head

"Also Amir and her girls got expelled from the school, and Mara got suspended for about two weeks"

"Why expelled?"

"Well they already had been in so many fights before you and a lot of other shit. Plus Amir's mom is super strict and from what I was told this was the last straw for her. So now Amir will be going to military camp."

I laughed a bit knowing she wasn't going to last a day.

" when you get out of here, we are going to have a movie night " he kissed my cheek.

"Sounds fun, can we have it at my house."

"Anything for you lil daddy" he hummed and ran his fingers on my neck which was about to put me to sleep.

"Are you going to sleep again?" He asked.

I nodded. His fingers massaged my neck slowly and I was off to sleep for the second time today.


How ya feel ?

I want do a Q&A . Ask questions about any thing.

How do you feel about a love and hip hop style renuion for this book and all the books I make in the future ?

If I do a sequel who should it be about? Not Yael and Q. This book is about them.

Should I do a Prequel? Like how Yala and Kian met ?

Next chapter soon.

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