I Will Survive... with Louis...

By kixrsty

14M 80.9K 20K

Scarlett ends up in a situation, miles away from home with Louis Tomlinson. However, she doesn't even know wh... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48. THE END.

Chapter 36.

262K 1.2K 274
By kixrsty

Scarlett's POV

Stratford. I should have done my research before leaving at eight in the morning and hopping straight onto a bus. Stratford was bigger than I thought, much bigger. I furiously chewed the piece of gum in my mouth, which substituted for my breakfast as I stood looking aimlessly up and down the main road, debating on which way to go. To the right all I could see was a stadium of some sort, I'm not necessarily into sport so it could have been a football stadium or an ice skating rink for all I knew. I ended up choosing to go left, mainly because I could see a supermarket about half a mile down the road. I was gagging for a drink, a Starbucks would have been nice but I had more important priorities than coffee, like finding my sister. It had crossed my mind as I laid in the bed last night thinking that, one; it might not have been her, although I'm pretty sure it was, two; the bus could be going somewhere before Stratford so this whole trip could be pointless and three; the population here is in the hundred thousands, I'm going to need more than luck.

The supermarket wasn't exactly quiet like I'd hope it be. I scanned the aisles, reading the signs above each one checking which one held the drinks. I walked towards aisle thirteen which had; drinks, confectionary and crisps labelled above it.

"Hi!" I soon stopped in my tracks when a preppy, fourteen year old girl, or round about that age appeared in front of me, with another girl who I assumed to be her friend since they had no striking similarities that might relate them.

"Hi?" I replied sceptically, not really paying attention because I hadn't grasped onto what they were doing or who they were.

"We love your music!" The same girl spoke again in her giddy voice. It soon clicked on they were fans, I was having a complete 'Scarlett' moment, my version of a blonde moment and forgot I was now known in the world.

"Oh, thank you very much." I grinned, acting friendly towards the girls this time.

"Can we get a picture with you?"

"Sure, of course. Do you wanna get someone to take it?"

"Yeah, my mum's over there, I'll be back in a sec." She beamed before charging off towards a woman who was concentrating on the back of a packet of rice.

"Are you really dating Louis Tomlinson?" The other girl whispered at me, not in a spiteful way, I think she was just curious.

"Yep, I guess I really am." I smiled at her as she tried to hide her excitement.

"You guys are so cute together, I saw those pictures of you in New York, I wish I had a boyfriend like that." She rambled on. I hadn't even noticed there were pictures of Louis and I on the internet other than ones at the airport, but I guess paparazzi hide everywhere.

"I'm sure you'll find your prince charming one day."

"Ready?" The other girls mum asked.

"Yep!" The both mused. I positioned myself in the middle of the two and wrapped my arms over their shoulders since I was a good half a foot taller than them. The camera flashed and my smile drooped a little so I could relax.

"Can you sign this?"

"Melanie, you can't ask her to sign a magazine you haven't bought."

"Belle, no-one's gonna know." I stood there awkwardly as they bickered between themselves. Melanie's mum had already gone back to choosing a brand of rice.

"Scarlett can you sign this?" Melanie thrusted a magazine towards me, already open on a page. My eyes went wide when I saw a huge photo of myself inside.

"Oh wow, they did they seriously have to use that photo? I look like I'm half asleep" I chuckled as I grabbed her pen and the magazine from her hand. I scrawled out my message in the neatest handwriting I could do, therefore it looked like a five year old had written it.

'Hey Melanie, lovely meeting you & Belle today! Thanks for your support <3 If any of the staff ask about this, blame the four year old kid in aisle 8! Love Scarlett. xxx P.s I hope I look better in person and with any luck not as derpy :D'

"There ya go." I grinned as I handed it back to her.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem."

"Can we get a hug?"

"Sure!" I replied before wrapping my arms around Belle and the Melanie. "It was lovely meeting you both but I've gotta getting going."

"Okay, thanks for everything and say hi to Louis and the boys for us." Belle called out.

"Of course!" I replied as I waved at them before turning to walk the other way. I began to concentrate again to why I was here and what I was doing. I scanned the drinks in the fridge compartment before settling on a simple pure orange juice bottle. I gave in to my stomach and headed towards the fresh bakery section of the shop too. Everything smelt divine but I could feel myself putting on at least a stone just looking at them all. My tongue ran across my bottom lip as I pondered over the fresh choices in front of me. My inner child was already reaching for the gingerbread man and I couldn't stop it. I picked up the little guy and headed towards the check out. The bottle of orange juice was gripped tightly in my left hand until I saw something, someone. The bottle crashed to the floor but my eyes remained fixed on the person. I didn't even know who this person was but I had seen her last night, on the bus, with my sister.

"Excuse me miss." I jumped out of my skin when someone appeared in front of me, blocking my view down the aisle.

"Huh, sorry?" I knotted my eyebrows together as I stared at the stranger in front of me. He clearly worked here, he had a name badge on and apparently he was called; Travis, although that wasn't going to be any use to me at all.

"You uh, dropped this." He replied, waving the bottle of orange juice in front of my face. After seeing the woman I had completely forgotten about everything else around me, it was like she was the only thing I could see, everywhere else was just blank.

"Oh right, sorry." I mumbled before grabbing it from his hands and ducking my head out of view, safe to say I was fairly embarrassed. I had been stood gawking and now everyone else in the close proximity was staring at me like I was crazy.

"You're welcome!" He shouted back but I was already out of view and ear shot for anyone to know it was directed at me. I scanned the shop for the woman, desperately searching for her. This could be my chance to get some answers. It was typical Scarlett luck she wasn't in sight. I was frantically charging up and down the aisles wishing she would just appear, I had no idea what I would say to her but I'm sure I'd get there when I found her. My legs were getting jumpy with nerves, how can someone just disappear? I searched up and down the store once more before going to the checkout and actually paying for my dented orange juice bottle and half crumbling ginger bread man thanks to my hand squeezing it so tightly. I stood impatiently tapping my foot against the tiled floor as the queue barely moved. The air conditioning fan was directly above my head which made me regret my clothing choice of the day. It looked warm outside so I dressed in something somewhat summery which consisted of; a light coloured, flowing blouse, denim shorts and a pair of TOMS. The fan was blowing right down my blouse, if there was a camera above anywhere I'm sure the security guards were getting a nice view, I thought sarcastically. When I finally managed to reach the front of the line I placed my items on the conveyor belt and watched as the totally gormless worker, who looked almost as if he was dribbling grabbed a hold of my items slowly. My foot tapping was beginning to get louder as he spun the bottle around, trying to scan it across the barcode successfully, was it his first day on the job or something? I looked up from the half asleep guy and caught a visual on the woman again. She was at another checkout herself but she was almost done, I could see all her shopping packed up ready to go.

"Having a nice day?" The guy behind the till droned out.

"Yep." I simply replied, my eyes flickering back between him and the woman. Come on, I was mentally shouting. I only had two items what was taking him so long?!

"Do you need any help with your packing?"

"Uh, no." I hastily replied, I didn't even need a bag let alone help with my packing.

"Are you collecting school vouchers?" He showed little enthusiasm in his voice which only irked me even more. My fingers began tapping in a small rhythm on top of the checkout as he pressed several buttons on the till. My eyes went wide when I saw the woman beginning to push her trolley away. A numerous amount of swear words ran through my head but I thought the urge to yell them out.

"No." I muttered.

"That'll be £3.20 please." I rolled my eyes at him as his eyes landed on my chest, if I had the confidence I would have slapped him but instead I shoved a ten pound note in his face.

"Keep the change!" I yelled, picking up my items and practically running out the shop. He shouted something in return but I was already too far away to hear it or to care. My breathing was hitching as I reached the exit of the shop. I stopped immediately, looking around for her. I gulped down the orange juice as I spun around on the heel of my foot, desperately hoping for a sign of her. My eyes popped when I saw her pushing her trolley back to the booth with all the others. I didn't exactly know what to say to her, I couldn't just say; where's my sister? She'd probably smack me with her handbag like in the old cartoons. I swallowed the rest of my drink and began to walk over, as I did she walked away, towards a car, dammit. I started to up my pace but I was soon stood in the empty car parking space which was once occupied by her and the car. I stood staring aimlessly as she disappeared out of the car park. My gingerbread man was beginning to get even more crushed in the palm of my hand as I took all my anger out on it. I hadn't noticed a car angling towards the space I was stood in until they decided to furiously slam their horn on. I glared at the driver through the window before running off, literally running. The car acted like a gun at the start of the race. My legs moved faster than I'd known them to, ever. Sweat was forming on my forehead, threating to ruin the minimal make-up I had put on, but I didn't care, not in a situation like this. My arms thrashed against my sides as I charged after the car. Luckily it was a straight road, it couldn't have swerved off in another direction. I caught a glimpse of it up ahead, five hundred metres away at the maximum. I carried on running as fast as my body would naturally allow. I was having trouble swallowing air, my lungs were begging for me to stop. My muscles were aching, yelling out for some rest but my mind carried on, I wasn't going to give up this time.

I'd been running for a good twenty minutes, if not more and I was definitely feeling the consequences. The orange juice was threatening to reappear but I squeezed my eyes shut and allowed myself to regain my normal composure. I wiped the sweat dripping down my face on my sleeve, not very lady like but I probably looked like I just stepped out of the shower. Never in my life had I ever run that fast, especially not in a sports lesson at school, every time we did running I would suddenly get my period and have to sit out. The perks of being a girl, sometimes, it's not all that great. I watched from a small distance as the car slithered into a driveway off a detached house in a fairly quiet neighbourhood. It had the typical white picket fence and window shutters, it was a house my mum had always dreamt off living in, but that woman wasn't my mum. There were no similarities at all which only caused me wonder as to who she was. She wasn't a member of my family, which I know off. None of my family live in the UK, they all live in New Zealand. I squinted at the peculiar woman. Her short black bob blew into her face as the wind picked up, making her stumble a little as she carried her shopping towards the door. I crept ever so slightly closer to their house without looking like a stalker. I was now peering through a bush, probably looking like a complete freak but I couldn't care less. I hadn't seen any sign of my sister, or anyone else living in the house which agitated me. Had I got this all wrong? My pocket on my shorts started vibrating violently signalling someone was calling. Typical, I couldn't be sneaky without being interrupted. I kept my gaze fixed on the woman and the house as I pulled my phone out and answered it without looking at the caller name.

"Hello?" I hissed, not wanting to blow my cover.

"Where are you this time?" It was Louis, I should have guessed.

"Out." I replied vaguely, if I told him I was stalking some woman who I thought was with my sister he'd probably send me to a mental hospital.


"Just out." I stuttered out.

"Scarlett." He was almost shouting and definitely sounded annoyed. He clearly didn't trust me out on my own, I don't think he was worried about me, he was worried about what I'd do to someone else.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"Please don't be doing anything stupid." He sighed.

"Like what?" I grumbled. "Ouch, bloody bush." I muttered, pulling a thorn from my finger.

"Why are you in a bush?" He scoffed. "You're up to something, are you spying on someone?" I remained silent, not knowing how to reply. "Scarlett, what are you doing?"

"Louis, get here now." I commanded in a monotone voice.


"Louis, you need to get here now."

"Where are you?"

"I'll text you." I replied before ending the call. My eyes still in disbelief. I couldn't stop the tears from pouring out. She was there, right in front of me. My sister, the one I thought had died was stood twenty metres in front of me, not even knowing I was here. I sent the street name to Louis and the house number, coating my phone in a sprinkle of tears as I typed. I wasn't an overly emotional person but this was beyond believable. I was shaking. So many questions were going through my head. Why was she here? Why didn't I know she was alive? Why wasn't I told? What about my parents?

"Scarlett!" Louis shouted, pulling my arm, dragging me out of the bush.

"Louis, keep it down!" I hissed.

"Have you been crying?" He asked in a softer tone. I merely nodded in reply. "Why?"

"I have to show you something." I sniffed, holding back the fresh tears threatening to fall.

"Scarlett, what's going on? Is everything alright?" He sounded genuinely worried. I ignored his questions and grabbed his hand, pulling us up the driveway of the house I had been staring at for the past ten minutes. It felt like a lot longer, life felt like it was moving in slow motion, but it wasn't, I was just in shock. I could feel my heart beating frantically against my ribcage as we edged further towards the door. "Scarlett?" Louis repeated for the last time until we reached the door. I could barely stand I was shaking so much. It was a mix of nerves, anticipation and shock. As soon as I ring the doorbell my life could take a drastic turn. I squeezed Louis' hand exceptionally tight as my shaking hand stretched out towards the doorbell. Louis looked on with an exasperated expression, he was completely clueless. I probably looked a complete mess. A mix of sweat, tears and nerves coated my vulnerable body. I'd never felt so weak before in my life. The sound of the ringer only lasted a mere second but my brain replayed it and replayed it until the door handle pulled down. My whole body went rigid and my eyes grew wide. The feeling in Louis' hand was probably completely gone now after I released more tension through mine.

"Can I help you?" The woman with the black, bob hair asked. I was taken back at first, I hadn't prepared what I was going to say at all. Louis gently nudged my side edging me to speak.

"I-uh." I stammered. "Is uh, Laura here?" I mumbled.

"Who are you?" She questioned, her voice low and her eyes pinned on mine.

"Is she here?" I asked ignoring her question.

"Mum, who's at the door?" I heard a voice call out.

"LAURA!" I screamed unable to stop myself.

"Mum?" My sister, the girl I failed to protect cowered behind another woman.

"Don't worry sweetie, go wait inside."

"No!" I shouted.

"Scarlett!" Louis hissed at me, forcing me back.

"No Louis! That's my sister!" I shouted in his face before turning to look at her.

"Who are you?" The woman repeated again.

"I'm her sister!" I raised my voice at her, pointing my finger in Laura's direction. Nothing much had changed about her appearance, she still had the same cute button nose, piercing blue eyes, those eyes, I tried to stare into them but she looked away, as if she was scared, from her own sister. Just by looking at those eyes I knew it was her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The woman replied in annoyed toned before turning her back on me.

"I'm Scarlett, her sister! You can't do this to me!"

"Mum, why does she keep saying I'm her sister?" Laura asked, looking up at the woman she called mum.

"She's crazy, come on let's go inside, I'm going to call the police."

"NO!" I yelled more commanding this time. "Laura, this is not your mum." My voice back to a speaking tone. "I'm your sister." I cried out.

"Leave here, leave us alone before I call the police."

"No, please!" I begged, tears streaming out of my eyes. "You can't do this. That's my sister. She was taken away once I won't let it happen again."

"I'm calling the police." She replied before slamming the door in our faces. "No!" I cried out, banging on the door. "Laura, Laura!" I pleaded, begging she would answer. I never got the chance to knock again, Louis was dragging me angrily away from the door. Fury was spread across his face. "Louis." I croaked out.

"No." He replied, in a pissed of tone. He pushed me into the passenger seat of his car which was parked further down the road. I didn't attempt to stop the tears. I turned around in my seat, watching the house which my sister was in disappear into the distance. I started hiccupping from crying so much. Louis didn't speak a word the whole ride home, I remained crying my eyes out, I couldn't stop the tears if I tried.

As soon as we reached the house Louis stormed out of the car and into the house. I dawdled behind, trying to wipe away the tears but they carried on falling. I walked into the hallway which was promptly followed by Louis slamming the door shut so loud it could have shaken the house.

"Woah, what's going on?" Zayn asked, appearing in the hallway.

"SCARLETT WHAT THE HELL WHAS THAT?!" Louis yelled at me.

"DON'T YOU DARE YELL AT ME!" I shouted back, no more cowering in the corner, something's needed to be said and they were going to be said now.



"No she isn't!" He sighed, gripping his hair furiously.

"Louis, I think I would know if she was my sister or not."

"Scarlett listen." He demanded, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Your sister isn't here anymore, remember? That is some girl who looks like her and you probably just scared the heck out of her."

"Louis, that was my sister. It was Laura!" I shouted before turning back around, not wanting to be near him anymore.

"Where are you going now?"

"Where do you think?" I hissed, looking over my shoulder.



"No." He responded a lot quieter this time. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, I'll save you the trouble."


"You don't trust me, none of you do!" I pointed at all the gazing faces which had appeared in the room. "All because of this evil, twisted girl!" My finger landed on Taylor.

"HEY!" Harry shouted about to stick up for his girlfriend.


"You don't care anymore?" Louis repeated.

"No, I don't care. You can all live your happy lives together."

"Wh-what?" Louis stuttered.

"Without me."

"You're not doing what I think you're doing are you?" He questioned, eyes as wide as nature would allow.

"I'm doing exactly what you're thinking. It's over Louis."

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