It's not going to be same aga...

By Suhaimimazed

1.2K 62 24

One does not simply find a new school to be always happy and peaceful. News school bring Nara to new fresh ai... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

50 3 2
By Suhaimimazed

“What’s your report today?” asked Azlan to a monitor. “So far, we’re good. No fights, no messing around” answered the monitor. “Good, very good” said Azlan. “Have you heard of the monitor’s attending for meeting on Monday?” asked the monitor. “What meeting?” asked Azlan. “You can ask the Sir Michael, the head of discipline” said the monitor. “Sure. You don’t have anything else to say, do you?” said Azlan. “Nothing more, just only that” said the monitor. “Thanks for that information” said Azlan. “No problem” said the monitor.

Azlan came into the monitor’s room. Only to find something was there on his table. He came closer to take a look on it. “What’s this? A box? For me?” asked Azlan. Azlan took a look around him. Seeing no one was there, he exited the room. From a distance there can be seen a girl, who is hiding and watching him.

“What’s that Azlan?” asked Hariz. “I don’t know, just found it on my table. I wonder who put it?” said Azlan. “Let me see” said Hariz, taking a look on the box. “This seems to be a gift for you” Hariz said, laughing. Azlan knocked him to the floor. But still Hariz is laughing. “I wonder what is inside of this. Should I open it?” asked Azlan in heart. “Whatever is that thing. It’s your decision on what to do with it” said Hariz, standing up and cleaning himself. “It’s weird” said Azlan, gazing at the box. “It always is for you” said Hariz, laughing. Azlan ignored him. From a distance again the same girl, watching him.

“Hey Nara, want to go outside for walking?” asked Siti. “Can’t go outside. My head is paining” said Nara. “Oh sorry, I forgot about that” said Siti. “Well Maria, you’re planning to stay with her?” asked Nurul. “Yea, I’ll be looking her for a while” said Maria. “A baby sister? Nara got a baby sister” said Siti laughing. Nara looks at her with anger face. But Siti just kept laughing. “Okay, I’m joking. Don’t take it seriously” said Siti. “No need for me to be serious. Being serious would only make me more ill” said Nara, laying her head on the table. “It’s okay, no need to push yourself more than what you can resist. Take rest” said Nurul. Nurul and Siti then exited the class.

“Hope Nara gets better quickly, so all of us can have fun!” said Nurul. “Yea, hope so” said Siti. “What’s that girl doing over there?” asked Nurul, pointing to a girl standing behind a wall. “Seems she is peeking on someone” said Siti. They both look at what that girl was peeking. “What the?” asked Nurul, with surprise. “Why is she looking at him like that?” asked Siti. The girl was actually peeking at the place where Azlan was sitting. “Better ask her what she is doing” said Siti. “Wait, let’s observe first” said Nurul. “Mission one – Investigation” said Siti, laughing. “Hush, be quiet or she will see us watching her you idiot” said Nurul. “Okay” said Siti. They observed her for a time and when Azlan moved away, she followed him. “I bet she had some problem in her. Want to observe more?” asked Nurul. “You’re only making me tired of watching. Let’s go back to class. “Okay” said Nurul.

“Something doesn’t seem right over here, or is it that I’m just feeling sick?” said Nara, pausing for a while after writing. “What is it?” asked Maria. “Nothing, it’s just a feeling. I can’t describe what it is” said Nara. “You’re just not feeling good, that’s all. And by the way why are you doing work? Aren’t you feeling sick today?” said Maria. “I know but…” said Nara before she could finish her sentence, Siti and Nurul came back from outside. “Oh Nara, you’re feeling better now?” asked Nurul. “Well at least I am better than before” said Nara. “Is there something bothering you Nara?” asked SIti, who noticed of Nara’s different behaviour. “There’s nothing wrong with me, it’s just I had strange feeling and I don’t know how to describe it” said Nara. Siti looked at Nurul and Nurul look at her back. Then Siti turned her head and ask “What kind of strange feeling is this?” “I don’t know” said Nara. “You’re just not feeling well, so don’t be stress now” said Nurul. Nara take a deep thought of what had made her feel this ‘strange’ feeling. 

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