Me? Love? -Adopted by Hamilton

By 9pinkypie9

76.8K 1.5K 1.1K

'I don't need your pity!' She signed as she jumped up and ran from him. 'None of you want me well that's fine... More

What the...
Another one.
What's up?
Time Will Tell
Untitled Part 10
The guys
Night turning into Day
Hospital visit #2
Schuyler Sisters
Come On
Story time Part 2
Oh gosh
Untitled Part 29
Sorry guys A/N
Freak Out
Oh no
Stay Alive
More Time
Waking up
Getting there
No...why me?


1.2K 32 22
By 9pinkypie9

Liv's POV

I sit on the stairs as I hear the entire phone call after the room went silent. The I hear Lin start to talk again. "I'm sorry I can't take this matter to court. My wife is a lawyer and I'm sure we can work this out without taking this matter to court and causing any trouble."I hear Lin says. Does he really not want me enough that he wouldn't fight to have me against my mother. The person he saved me from in the first place. Well why am I not surprised. My own family gave me up so why would he fight to keep me? I say to myself.

I then hear the other women over the phone speak. "I'm sorry Mr. Miranda but Olivia's mother has already made up her mind. We need to know your decision by tomorrow morning at 8:00. Good night." The lady says and hangs up the phone. They entire house is silent. I can't believe she is really trying to take me back after everything she has done to me.

Chris's POV

"Lin it's okay. We will figure something out. We are here for you all the way man." I say and pat Lin on the back. This is so ridiculous. Olivia has been with Lin for over a few months now and no one had a problem with it until now. I can't believe this women who hurt this child is willing to call and try to take back her from us. Lin sits down with his hands on his head. "I can't take this to court without it getting out to the press. I can't have that. This entire situation can't be released to the press. It's too much. I haven't even met the women." Lin says running his fingers through his hair.

"Lin does the press matter?" I ask him totally over this and confused on why he cares about the press. "Think about it. I know how much you love this little girl are you really not willing to fight for her. Against the people who gave this amazing little girl up." I say to him sternly. He seriously can't be willing to give her up.

"Yeah. Lin we all love this little girl and she needs you. You need to fight for her and make sure she is safe." Anthony says with a hint of anger in his voice. "What about her brother? Huh? You've seen what he does to her and so have I. She needs you and we need her." Daveed says. "I can't you guys I can't take this matter to court. I need Liv but I will have to find a way to do it in a peaceful manner." Lin says and Vanessa interjects. "Lin's right. We can't take this to court. She's been with that women before I'm sure she can last a little while longer until we can get this settled peacefully. 2 weeks tops. "

That pushes me over the edge but before I can speak Leslie blows up. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Leslie stands up and everyone jumps. He hasn't really been with Liv as much as the others and he is usually calm. We are all taken aback by his sudden out burst. We hear a thud and we turn around to see Liv. Sitting with tears in her eyes. She must have hit something to get our attention. I look at her with concern and a pained look. Lin will never live this down if he follows through with this.

"Liv. How long have you been there?" Lin asks as he stands up with red eyes. Liv looks mad now and signs, 'Long enough to know you don't want me. Your going to send me back to the hell house I just got away from.' I look at her with sad eyes but she took it differently. Liv looked at everyone with an angered and hurt look mostly towards Lin and Vanessa.

'I don't need your pity!' She signed as she jumped up and ran from him. 'None of you want me well that's fine,' She ran to the stairs 'I never needed you anyways I NEVER NEEDED ANYONE' she signed angrily. "LIV!" Lin yells and runs to the stairs. She ran away upstairs and slammed her door. Lin sits on the steps and cries with his head in his hands. "I can't lose her." Lin says with tears streaming down his face. (Lin doesn't know what she said so....yikes)

Leslie's POV

"I'll go check on her." Anthony says but I stop him. "No I'll do it." I say and walk to Anthony. "Make sure Lin and Vanessa are okay." I whisper to Ant and make my way up the stairs. I get to Liv's room and knock on the door . "Liv?" I say and open the door. I see her on her bed facing the wall. "Liv?" I say and make my way over to her. I sit on her bed and put my hand on her shoulder.

She shrugs my hand off and pushes me away as she scoots further away from me. Wow. That hurts. "Please look at me. It's Leslie not Lin. I promise I won't let him give you up." I beg to her and she turns to me.

She has tears streaming down her face. Her eyes are red a puffy from crying and she is shaking. I hug her tightly and she just sits and cries into my shirt. "I will fight for you if Lin doesn't. I'm not letting you go back to that place. I promise." I say to her and she pulls away from the hug. She starts to sign something. 'I just got out of there I can't go back.' My surprise will come sooner than I thought.

"I know and I won't let him. Hell, I will adopt you if anything. I'm not letting you go back. I'll take it to court." I say to her and she looks at me in shock. 'When did you learn ASL.' She signs and I smile. "I have been learning ever since you said you were mute. I wanted to surprise you so I guess now is a better time than ever." I say and she smiles. She wraps me in a hug and I hug her back.

'Do you think Lin will actually give me back to my mother?' Liv ask and I looked at her. "I know what Lin said but he loves you too much to give you back." I say to her. "I know he will find a way. He just doesn't want the press to be too much for you."I say and she nods. 'I love you guys.' She signs then hugs me and I smile, "We love you too. We all do and we will make sure nothing happens." I say and kiss her head knowing she has already fallen asleep.

UNEDITED I hope you guys like it and I tried to update ASAP. I like this chapter and I hope you guys like it too. Please Vote and comment. Tell me what you think of the characters so far. Love ya! ;)

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