Bad Girls Always Win.

By PoetsGarden

381K 6.9K 796

Katarina Wentworth's life did a 180 turn when her father thought it was time for her to settle down. He didn'... More

Chapter 1: The Nightmare Begins.
Chapter 2: Dessert
Chapter 3: Visiting The Past
Chapter 4: Meeting The Family.
Chapter 5: Chloe & Aiden.
Chapter 6: Banquet Dinner.
Chapter 7: Fake Orgasm
Chapter 8: Hot Chilli Peppers
Chapter 9: Damon Carter
Chapter 10 : The Princess & Nerd.
Chapter 12: Travis's Birthday
Chapter 13 : Our Golden Star
Chapter 14 : Mr Tibbles.

Chapter 11: Mulan & Alaadin

19.9K 443 22
By PoetsGarden

Author's Note: Sorry For The Long Wait, Hope This Makes Up For it :) <3

During the entire drive to Salvator Enterprises, I couldn't help myself but burst into laughter. I mean he did that to me so I guess like I've said multiple times payback's a straight up mad ass bitch. I parked the car before walking - penguin style- toward the daycare.

" Can I get Chloe?" I asked the woman who was playing with the children.

She smiled my way, " She's not here. She was picked up about five minutes ago."

" Wait what!" I screamed.

The lady looked scared, " Her father picked her up."

" What! She doesn't have a father!" I screamed louder before I ripped the ends of the skirt so I'd be able to run.

Running upstairs, I found my way towards Armani's wing and everyone was looking at me while I turned to Cassie, " Where's Chloe??!!!!"

" Mr. Salvator had her last time I checked. He said to tell you Payback is a bitch." Cassie repeated to me that words that Jackass told her.

My heart was beating twenty miles a minute before I ran toward the exit and hopped into the car. I hit the gas and sped through the streets towards the house, I knew he would be there. I was ready to skin him alive, who did he think he was to kidnap Chloe from the daycare and then blackmail me with her.  A dead man was what he was going to be. I made it to the house - with no tickets - and ran into the house. I scanned the entire house and no one was here. Where did he take her? I felt like breaking down and crying. It had been two hours and nothing. Not even a call informing me that she was okay.  I kept calling Armani's cellphone but no luck, he would keep sending me to voicemail. What if he was hurting her? What if he lied to her? What if he hid her from me? I was panicking until I heard the front door unlock.

" CHLOE!" I screamed.

I saw Chloe running towards me with Armani chasing her laughing, " Chloe come here." I ordered. She obeyed and stood beside my leg.

" Hey we were having fun." Whined Armani.

Pushing Chloe behind me I was furious, " Don’t you ever think you can take her or Aiden without my permission! Don’t you dare! Or I will report it as a Kidnapping." I pushed him back.

He stumbled on his feet and fell to the ground, " And don’t you ever lie and say you’re their father to get them. Don’t think you can blackmail me or I swear it will be the last thing you do!!" I screamed.

" Chloe go to a room and close the door. Don’t open it until I come back, and don’t open it for anyone no matter what!" I warned her.

Nodding her little head she ran up the stairs before I heard a door slamming shut, " Chill out. It was just a joke." Armani stood up, trying to get me in an embrace.

" Stay away!" I pushed him away before going out the door and driving toward the gym.

As soon as I got there I didn't even bother asking if I was allowed because I was going in either way. Finding the locker room I walked in - ignoring all the guys scrambling around to cover themselves- until I found James, Tony and Aiden.

" Whoa whoa Kat what are you doing here?" Asked Tony as he covered himself.

James did the same, while I grabbed Aiden's arm, which to my luck he was fully dressed, " I’m taking him home."

" We were going out for some food and then we were going to come home." said James.

Tony looked at me and said, " Why are you dressed like that?"

" It’s okay. Thanks but I’m taking him home, and the outfit? ‘Cause I lost a bet," I said pulling Aiden into my arms. I rested him on my hip before walking out of the locker room and to the car.

Placing Aiden into the backseat and fixing his seatbelt I gave him a soft smile, " You and I are going to have a movie marathon with Chloe sweetie."

" Like before?" He grinned.

Kissing his forehead I nodded, " Yes baby."

" Yay!" He clapped his hands in excitement as I drove back to the house.

Pulling Aiden back into my arms, I pushed open the doors and made my way upstairs. Making sure I grabbed some drinks and snacks to keep them entertained.

" Baby it’s me, open the door." I softly knocked on the door I knew Chloe would be behind.

The lock clicked and she opened the door, " Are you okay?" She asked.

" I’m fine sweetheart. I just went to get Aiden so we can watch a movie." I set Aiden down and he smiled at his little sister. I handed him the bowl of candy before a shadow set over us.

" You can’t seriously be this mad about me taking Chloe out then home!" Armani's voice interrupted.

Chloe looked at Aiden and me scared, " Kitty are you going to fight with Rami?"

" Chloe lets go pick a movie." Aiden grabbed his sister’s hand and pulled her into the room, shutting the door behind them.

I turned to Armani with my arms crossed, " Can you please just leave me alone?"

" No! Not until you tell me why you’re so upset." He crossed his arms as well.

I shook my head and screamed, " Goodbye now." I walked into the room and shut the door behind me. Making sure I locked it.

Aiden and Chloe were sitting on the bed starring at me. Chloe looked scared but Aiden held onto his sister’s hand and squeezed it, " Smile Chloe. Kitty is okay." He reassured her.

" Yeah Chloe see I’m fine." I jumped onto the bed, attacking them in hugs.

Chloe giggled from underneath me, " Okay I believe you."

" Okay good. So what movie are we watching?" I took off the costume that idiot gave me and changed into a pair of sweatpants, and t-shirt that I found in the room.

Aiden was already digging into the jolly ranchers, " Muffan and Afflan" He managed to get out.

" What?" I laughed as I crawled into the bed with them.

Chloe laughed, " He's trying to say Mulan and Aladdin."

" Ohh Yay I loved those movies." I loved Mulan and Jasmine, they were always my favorite princesses.

Chloe crawled up on my side, " That’s why we picked it."

" Because we love you Kitty." Aiden crawled up on my other side and hugged me.

Hugging them both closely I blinked back tears, " I love you too sweethearts."

The previews began playing and then we began watching the movies, but I was mainly focused on how I felt absolutely complete with these two beautiful Angels beside me. The beautiful Angels that got scared because of my stupidity. I should have grabbed Armani aside and talked to him instead of screaming at him in front of them. They didn't need to see that ever again.

- Armani's P.O.V -

Katarina shut the door behind her and didn't hesitate to lock it as well. How can she possibly be that mad at me for picking up Chloe? She's probably just PMS-ing or she probably has some serious anger issues. I went downstairs and into the game room. A couple hours later, Kat still hadn't come downstairs, and soon, the guys came home.

" Dude what the hell are you wearing?" Logan laughed. I looked at myself and realized I was still in the princess dress Kat made me wear. I threw him a glare and my eyes told them to shut their mouths up.

James tugged on the dress, " Aww who's an ugly little drag queen."

" Hey don’t be mean, he's not that ugly." Tony laughed before saying, " No you’re right he's uglier than that."

" All of you can go fucking jump of the highest cliff!" I snapped.

Liam walked in and even his serious ass burst out laughing, " Oh I need to take a pic of this." Before I can even protest he snapped a photo.

" You better delete that!" I warned.

Liam chuckled, " Nah, I think I might keep it."

" You lost some bet to Kat didn't you?" Tony crashed on the opposite couch.

" Yeah,” I nodded and turned to him, “how did you know?"

James grabbed a slice of pizza and said, " She came into the men’s locker room dressed in that hideous thing to pick up Aiden. She looked mad as hell."

" She is mad as hell, alright," I mumbled and shook my head.

Liam and Logan grabbed the beanbags and crashed asking, " Why what'd you do?"

" Why does it have to be something I did?" I groaned. Even my own buddies thought it was my fault?

Liam raised an eyebrow at me. " Was it something you did?"

" Yeah and no." I answered.

Logan clapped, " Our point proven."

" What'd you do?" Asked Tony.

Getting a beer and cracking it open I answered them, " I picked up Chloe from the daycare and I might have said I was her father so they can give her to me."

" Okay what’s the big deal?" James looked confused.

" Katarina didn't know I got to the office before her and took Chloe. So I told my secretary to tell her that payback is a bitch. Then I took Chloe out for about two hours,” I said.

Liam shook his head, " So you pretty much kidnapped a child claiming you were the parent, held them hostage for 2 hours and told your secretary to inform the actual guardian that payback is a bitch?"

" When you say it like that it doesn't sound funny anymore." Why was he always the serious one who had to make me feel bad?

Tony stood up, " You’re an idiot. It wasn't funny in the first place."

" Shut up!" I was feeling bad and that was mixing with my short temper.

Liam got up, " We’re going to try to talk to her."

" While your dumb ass stays here. Okay Princess," said Tony.

Logan and James just shook their heads at me before opening the T.V and then the directed their attention towards it. Taking another sip of my beer I couldn't help my curiosity so I walked upstairs to see Tony and Liam knocking on Katarina's door.

" Didn't we tell you to stay downstairs!" Whispered Tony.

I shrugged, " Don’t care."

" Whatever," Tony said.

Liam continued to knock on the door, " Kat, if you don’t answer we're willing to knock all night long."

" What do you guys want?" Kat's voice asked from behind the door.

Liam sighed, " We want you to come out."

" I don’t wanna." She replied, sounding like a five year old who didn't want to eat their vegetables.

" But we want you to come out. We're sorry for the Armani's jackass move, we're apologizing on his behalf." Tony tried.

I could tell she rolled her eyes, " But I don’t want to come out. I’m having a movie night with the kids and you guys are sort of disturbing it."

" Fine then, can we come in?" Liam tried to reason with her.

A couple minutes passed without an answer, " Kat.." Asked Tony.

The lock clicked and Katarina's face appeared from behind the door, " Be quiet." She ordered before stepping aside and letting us all walk into the room.

Chloe and Aiden glanced at us quickly before they turned back to the movie playing. Katarina crawled into the bed with them while Liam and Tony sat on the nearby couch. I sat on the furthest chair to the corner, it was kind of creepy cause I was sitting in the darkest corner of the entire room, but it didn't matter. At least she hadn't killed me, so the dark corner is good for now. By the end of the first movie James and Logan came into the room.

" Hey none of you told me you were watching Aladdin. I love that movie." Logan jumped onto the bed.

Kat softly laughed at him, " It just begun, don’t worry."

" A whole new world. A whole new world!" Sung James horribly as he sat on the other side of the bed.

She covered his mouth, " Please don’t ruin it for me."

" He sings really bad Kitty." Commented Chloe.

Everyone laughed while I smiled to myself. Apparently Kat didn't mind Logan and James sitting so close to her because she crawled into James chest while Logan rested his head on her shoulder. Chloe and Aiden were at the end of the bed paying close attention to the movie so they didn't mind that the guys were stealing their pillow.

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