Protecting Love (LarssonSibli...

By HTEllis

601K 29.9K 3.9K

BOOK THREE. DUE FOR MAJOR EDIT For the last year, Betty Larsson has been trying to rebuild her shattered conf... More

Pssst...Guess who's next to fall in love?


10.6K 584 145
By HTEllis


So he left you there without organising another security guard? Is the text I wake up to this morning

Edward isn't impressed by Finn's disappearing act, but it isn't as if Finn had much choice. I'm still in the dark about his father's condition, having not received a message back yet.

No news is good news - I hope.

Yes, but he had no choice. XO has organised another guard to take Finn's place. I text back.

Edward's response is quick, which tells me he's skiving at work. I guess there's a first for everything. I hired Finn to protect you.

You are unreasonable! The poor guy's dad's in the hospital fighting for his life.

Oh. Comes Edward's single reply then, Delilah just threw her blueberry muffin at my head for acting like a prick - her words. =D

I snort out loud. You deserve it. Say hi from me. How's the bump doing?

Good. Cooking at almost thirty weeks now. Delilah says Skype her tonight.

Will do, I reply, turning over to get a good lungful of the scent coming off the pillows Finn used. I've moved into his old bedroom so Laine and George can have their own space. I swear there's a faint blur of Spicebomb aftershave in the air and it drives me wild.

I lay in this position for a while until my phone buzzes in my hand with another message from my brother. Do you reckon the baby will look like me or D? We're putting on bets with each other.

I laugh. You, because you control every bloody thing.

I wait for it, knowing he's sulking right now. Ha Ha. Who's my sister again?


Just a heads up. Bailey and Noah got some bad news yesterday. Edward messages and I want to scream at his cliffhanger texts.

I sit up in bed, sliding my feet around so I can cross my legs. What is it? They only just got back from honeymoon right?

Yeah. Bailey's cysts have come back on her ovaries. Apparently, they've been trying for a baby for almost a year now, and nothing is happening. The doctors aren't sure whether it's Endometriosis.

I bite on my thumb nail, not able to imagine how that feels for Bailey. All she needs is for one to burst again.

So they wanted a baby before the wedding?

I get an instant reply, Looks that way. Delilah says scans show cysts in her Fallopian tubes as well? I don't know if I spelt that right.

You did. That's not good. I'll call them tonight. I won't tell them I already know.

I'm up and showered, munching on a round of toast before I get the next message. They'd like that I think. Poor Bailey was sobbing last night. Makes me feel like shit that we didn't plan for our boy, yet we got lucky.

I open my arms for Laine to plonk George on my lap so she can grab a quick shower, fighting with his baby hands when he rubs his fingers on the phone screen. You can drive yourself mad with thoughts like that. Everything happens for a reason. Can the doctors do anything?

Surgery. If they catch it early enough, they can prevent it from getting worse, but the damage is already done. The doctor seems optimistic that she will have a better chance of getting pregnant after the operation.

Fingers crossed. My heart is breaking for them. They'll get their chance, I know it. I hold my phone out to snap a few pictures of George and me to show Ed.

I see. It's Dee btw. I forgot to say. =P

I find a particular picture so adorably cute that I have to set it as my screensaver. All this time? ='D

No, ever since the talk of operations. Edward is in an important meeting, and I wanted to speak to my baby girl! <3

I kiss the top of George's head as he lays on my chest. I wish you were here. We'd have so much fun.

If I weren't so big, I would be on the first plane there. Ready to pop and I have ten weeks to go. I swear this baby is going to be the size of a watermelon when he comes out.

Your poor vagina!

Betty! Oh gosh. I'm choking on my chocolate cookie here. Edward is shouting from his office asking if I'm okay. =P

Sorry...I thought you were eating a blueberry muffin?

I cackle so loud at her response George jumps a bit. I'm on my second pack since yesterday. I think Edward is into some weird fetish he is yet to tell me about. The guy won't stop feeding me.

You crack me up!

I miss you. Please come home soon? She sends right back.

Soon. I have another month of commitments here, and then I'm travelling around Europe, so it'll be easier to visit home.

You'll be here for the birth, right? I have a home birth booked, and I want you there. Ed is trying to convince me to go to the hospital, but the midwife says that they advise home births now anyway.

How does that work then? Will she give birth on the bed? Or maybe the bath? I'd be too nervous not to go to the hospital. It's a big deal. Especially with this being her first pregnancy.

Don't hate me. I agree with Ed. Is it safe?

I knew you would say that. It's one hundred percent safe. I did my research. There will be an ambulance on standby should anything go wrong. Stop worrying.

George gets fussy when Laine comes back in the room, so I let him slide down my legs until his tiny feet hit the ground, his legs pumping when he sticks his arms out to the side and toddles after his mum around the kitchen.

As long as you promise?

Pinky swear. So, will you be my second birthing partner?

I don't know what to say. It's a great honour, and I'm totally flattered by the gesture, but won't it be a little weird? Especially with Ed in the room. I always thought births were personal to the parents only.

What does Ed think? Won't I be overstepping the mark?

Ed doesn't care as long as I'm happy and comfortable. Please say yes. I'll need your support when I want to punch your brother in the face for getting me pregnant in the first place. Don't tell him this...but I'm looking forward to that the most.

Er...DeDe, this is Edward's phone. He'll see what we are writing.


I shake my head. Just delete the message. ;)

Already ahead of you. Hey, did you know our baby is the size of a small cabbage?

Laine leans over my shoulder, and giggles at the words on the screen. "The stuff that girl comes up with is comedy gold."

I smirk. "Can you imagine what she's going to be like when she's in labour?"

"Poor Ed," Laine laughs picking up George to fit him in the high chair and pulls down her yoga top. "Are you sure you are okay to watch him for an hour? I'm desperate to try that Amber Burt Pilates class."

I motion with my hand. "Of course. You go. We'll be all right chilling in here. There's security down the hall anyway."

Laine places a big kiss on George's head. "You be good for aunt Betty, sweetheart. Mummy loves you, and she'll be back before you know it."

Rude! How dare you not text me back? Is your heart not physically aching at the thought of your nephew resembling a cabbage?

I roll my eyes. I'll never look at a Sunday roast in the same way again.

Laine slips out of the penthouse, leaving George and I to entertain ourselves. I break off a square of toast and hand it to him, watching it go soggy when he keeps it still in his mouth, dribbling up a treat.

For goodness sake, Edward is making me take a nap upstairs at work. I'll have to talk to you later. Don't miss me too much, will you?

You know you don't have to do what he says, right?

*sighs* Yes, but the man is blackmailing me with foot rubs and a chicken stew. Plus, Pops is coming around tonight. We are organising her wedding. Busy, busy me.

Poppy is Delilah's best friend and ex-roommate. It wasn't long after Noah and Bailey's engagement that her boyfriend proposed and now they are expecting their first baby in the Spring. Delilah is hoping for it to be a boy so the kids can grow up being best friends.

Don't you want Poppy to be another birthing partner? Maybe she should get some practice in before her baby is born.

No way in hell. She'd probably make me save and cook the placenta or something. I'll stick to my Bee.

On that note, I put down the strawberry I was about to devour, handing it to George instead. "Eat up, little man."

"Ta!" he replies, stuffing the sweet fruit in his mouth all at once.

"Good boy," I beam, giving him another when his chubby hands reach out for more.

I text. In that case, I'd be honoured. I don't know what you'll need me for, but I'll hold Edward's hand when he needs it. ;D Enjoy your nap. xo

Not long later when I'm playing with George on the floor Edward messages back. You are hilarious. Not. Love you, kid. Stay safe.


Searching through the pyjamas in my dad's drawers, I pick anything I can find and shove it into the overnight bag on the bed. Dad woke up this morning for a few minutes and then fell right back to sleep, seeming too disoriented to do anything else. The doctors are obviously still keeping him in for further testing, so to stop mum stressing I've come to collect some necessities for him.

"Will your mum need anything from the bathroom?" Emma calls, having insisted on coming with me, so I'm not on my own.

I walk out of the bathroom and across the landing until I find her in the cramped bathroom near the sink. "Yeah, can you pack all her girl shit for when she comes to stay with me tonight?"

Emma's lip tips up at the edges. "You got it."

I spin around and head back to the bedroom, picking up his soap and wash cloth on the way. The pictures all over the walls cause a fist to attack my stomach, seeing how happy my parents are is heart-wrenching. They can't lose each other. It would end mum. And me.

Glancing away from the photos, I get back to packing the bag. Two sets of pyjamas, a towel, socks, underwear, slippers and a dressing gown fill it to the brim, and I still worry I missed something out. My phone buzzes from the sideboard, but I leave it there when I see it's Betty, not ready to speak with her yet.

I keep tabs on her every move, checking in with the other security guards by the hour. Hayden updates me on her whereabouts, and I instruct him never to leave her side. I already feel like crap for leaving her, but family is just as important to me as her safety is, so I had no choice.

I'll call her tonight and explain everything.

And, I'm not joking when I say I need to hear her voice.

Remembering mum asked me to bring her a sandwich up, I head downstairs and into the kitchen, whipping up a chicken sarnie in no time. I pack some fruit and a yoghurt too to make sure she doesn't get hungry. Once that's ready, I put the carrier bag of food near the door, stopping when I think I can hear Emma speaking to someone.

I wait by the stairs but it's too muffled, and I wonder if she's singing. Deciding to leave her to it, I check all the windows are locked, turning the hot water off for now. I'm not letting mum out of my sight. My house is big enough for the three of us when dad is finally let out.

They both need to start slowing down. There's no need for them to keep the shop open as over the years it's brought them a lot of cash, and I put a lump sum into a bond for them when I quit fighting that should be ready to mature in the next year or two. There's no wonder my dad's body is giving up. The man never takes a minute for himself.

Emma meets me downstairs with the bags and my phone, not able to meet my eye when we head for the door to leave for the hospital. Weird. Shaking off her strange behaviour, I lock the door and head for my car that sits near the gate.

"Are you okay to drop me off at the nursery? It's time to pick up Issac," she says as we climb into the car.

I nod. "Sure, it's on the way to the hospital anyway."

Emma smiles settling down into her seat. "You are a lifesaver. Do you want to pop in to see him?"

It takes all I have in me to laugh at her question. Why would I go in and say hello? We aren't a fucking happy family. "No, I'll just drop you."

"Okay then," she shrugs her shoulders, "I'll bring him up later to meet your mum."

"Won't he be in bed by the later visiting hours?"

Emma goes quiet and then says, "No, not usually."

"I don't think a hospital is a good place for a small kid. And, he doesn't know anyone. Don't bother."

Even I cringe at my nasty tone, but she needs to back off and give me some breathing space.

I'll be forever grateful for what she did for my dad by being there and calling an ambulance, and I've told her so. But, I can't stand the smothering. It's annoying as hell.

My mind drifts to Betty, and I wish she would be the one here, comforting me. I made the right decision by telling her not to follow me. My mind is too focused on my dad to keep an eye out, and it seems being home is more of a risk for her than America right now. I'm not comfortable with it, but at least I know she's safe with several guards until my dad's stable enough to leave.

Then I'm telling her this no strings arrangement is off.

No more hiding. No. More.

if I learn anything from my dad's situation, it's that life is too unpredictable to not live it the way you want.

"Here's fine," she points off into the distance towards the nursery sign post.

I slow down towards the curb and pull to a stop. "Thanks for today. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow then. Do you want me to open the windows in your house?"

I frown. "No?"

"You really should get some air flowing around the place. You don't want it smelling for your mum visiting," she says, starting to close the door.

"I'm good for the windows, thanks," I reply, watching her nod when she closes the door.

As I look into my side mirror and pull off onto the road, I shake my head and murmur, "Strange woman."


Thank you for reading! ❤️❤️

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