Percy Jackson, Guardian of th...

By outsidemyownbox

16.5K 284 121

Continuation from my last book, I suggest reading it before reading this...yeeeeaaahhh... Enjoy! More

Chapter 1- six months later
Chapter 2- Everyone else, return of the lost one
Chapter 4- Leo mad sketch adventure part 2/memory work
chapter 5- forced change./ family reunion
Chapter 6- What happened to Percy/ Rykers wager
chapter 7 - Time, stop!/ Rykers morals
chapter 8- Percy meets the void/ new world Chaos
Chapter 9- Percy vs soul reaper/ Ryker vs Chaos
Chapter 10- The end.

Chapter 3-family reunion/ Leo's mad sketch adventure

1.9K 33 20
By outsidemyownbox

(AN--- strap in this is gonna be a long one)


Chaos, came down from the throne, his appearance different from the last they saw of him, his hair was as long as Percy's and looked like outer space, his eyes were constantly changing colors.

He grew in power.

Or at least that's what Percy assumed.

He ushered away the commander, "Thank you Frederick, you will be rewarded later." he said not taking his eyes off of Percy.

He got the vibe that his father did genuinely care for him, not for all the right reasons though probably. "You sure you want to be alone with him?" Frederick asked. Chaos nodded and he glanced at Percy and left.

"Hello,  my has been quite some time since we've had some time to really talk." Chaos extended out his hand and Percy brushed it away and pushed his father back, "You really expect me to kiss your hand and hug you after our last encounter? AFTER YOU RAN A BLADE THROUGH THE LOVE OF  MY LIFE!" Chaos sighed and took a step back, probably expecting Percy to be pissed.

"No, I guess not, although so far its going better than I can imagine....would you like to know why I brought you here?" 

"To kill me?" Percy asked.

His father laughed at this and gestured Percy to walk with him to an empty corner of his throne room, "I'll be straight with you Percy, I came in hopes of you joining me, that's the short version, the long one is to tell you a little history of me,'re real mother..and even that." He said with an odd distaste, and pointed over to a sheathed sword that stood up behind a cylinder force field.

If the sheath was any appetizer to how the actual sword  was, it must've been beautiful, the black sheath that were speckled with what Percy assumed with stars had the brightest silver engraved in the tip, front, and middle of the sheath. The handle of the sword was something else, a worn brown handle with a hilt made of bone, the butt of a sword had more silver metal that clasped around a small glowing red orb. 

Percy's head grew fuzzy for just a second, "Soul Reaper." he blurted. It was Percy's ancient cursed blade, 'sword of one honorable ruler' were the words that Percy remembered Artemis saying to him. Chaos nodded in confirmation, "Yes, that was your sword, and mine its brother, White Reaper." he said shifting the sheathed sword at his hip, it looked identical only reversed, a white sheath with gold instead of silver, but what caught Percy's eye was his fathers weird discomfort or maybe even fear talking or even looking at Soul Reaper. He said 'and even that' as if he didn't want to mention its name.

"Come." Chaos said, and they continued to walk to the corner of the throne room where his father waved his hand and a giant portal opened up into space, and past the portal formed red marble tile that seem to come out of nowhere.

They both walked through and there was no 0 gravity, must've been his fathers work, however  Percy was in shock, what stood before him was a different solar  system, planets bigger than earth with more suns and moons and of different colors. "Our powers are...pretty much infinite my son, could open a portal anywhere, or even something more, something as in creating something from nothing."

"Like what? food or something?" Percy asked

Chaos laughed, "bigger, how about a moon?" he turned to an empty portion of space and formed his arms in a circle and rotated them, and just as he did as if the fabric of space bent and rotated with his arms, a moon was created out of no where as it rotated to its original position.

"Or destruction." he snapped his fingers and one of the smaller planets exploded and chunks of dirt and rock came flying towards them which made Percy nervous, his father chuckled held to fingers and twirled them counter clockwise as if reversing time and the chunks and bright explosion returned to a normal planet as if nothing happened. 

Percy wanted to ask an obvious question, "If you can do all this....why haven't you just killed all of us and the Olympians with us?" His father looked over but didn't answer right away, as if contemplating, but after a few seconds he finally sighed. 

"The God's and their powers are a kind of...interference,  imagine each demigod, god, titan and so on as a broadcasting signal, you and I are of course the strongest but I couldn't open up a portal to Olympus right now even if I wanted, now how ever if it was just the gods, even the minor ones then hey thats no issue, snap of fingers and they are mortals, but they had kids, and its..jamming my signal, and doing anything while you're there is impossible." Chaos finished.

Percy was still wildly confused, "If I'm here then what's stopping you?" Percy asked cautiously. His father returned his gaze to the cosmos, "Because your allegiance still lies with them, your signal, your power...still...contradicts mine." 

Percy shook his head, "Then whats stopping me from leaving?" 

"Aside me? nothing...although I'm not even really stopping you.." He turned back towards Percy, "However you wouldn't learn anything about yourself anywhere else but here, not your mother, or your history or powers. You'd never get your sword."

Percy stepped up to him aggravated, "That's all bullshit, you want to see if I'll join you." Chaos shrugged, "And what do you want?" Percy wanted to blurt out he wanted to go back to the hunt, but he didn't.

"As I thought, now...where shall we begin." They walked back into the throne room together Percy trying to decide what he wanted to know but his thoughts were interrupted by a cloaked man with a hood and a mask over the persons face, and with him he dragged a tied up victim, who was either dead or knocked out.

"ah, excuse my son please. Scyther, that's him I assume? great work, give him to my jailers and they will get what I want to know from him." Scyther, nodded slightly at Chaos and glanced over at Percy, who continued to stare at them, he seemed troubled by Percy's presence he growled but took the prisoner away.

"What was that all about?" Percy asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen him act like that, that's Scyther, my right hand, he worked his way up through my ranks and his reputation spread quickly, he wears a mask because its said his face is...something of a nightmare, he was the most brutal of all my soldiers and his work ethic, 100%, its said he uses a scythe due to his name, as to where he keeps it is a mystery even to me. So, where were we?"

Percy looked at his feet, hundreds of questions still flooding his mind, "I guess I'll start small, in dreams or flashes of my past me...I had wings, what's that about.?" Chaos nodded and waved his hand an image appeared of nowhere out of darkness showing a person who had the wings that Percy had seen in his memories, they weren't feathery wings like a birds or angels, like before they seemed to be made out of raw power. "What you're thinking is correct, the wings are a sort of showing of how much power we are currently using, two fully extended wings as shown here means someone would be at full power, depending if you show wings all relies on how much power you have, for the gods it seems the younger and more fruitful they look means they are at a good power, but they do not have enough to expand wings like you and I." 

He waved the image away and stepped in front of Percy, "I know you haven't asked yet but I will tell you anyway, you're true mother and as to why were here, why I lost you and why you were taken from me....many years ago when you were still growing, my brother, End was...interested in you, he tried to tell me how to train you how to raise you and stuff, as if your mother and i were doing a bad job, he tried to take you from me and use you for his own gain... he succeeded, kind of,  he took you but before he could vanish from me I stopped him, He sent you away in space wiping your memory and creating a new kind of life for you, with a mirage of a mother and father,  He cast you to a different planet. In my fight with him I exerted a lot of power to kill him, and I had to be at rest for awhile before I could search for you, I never thought he would or could send you as far as Earth but he did. I'm impressed though, when he recreated your mother he got everything about her spot on..."

Percy was lost in thought, believing this story for now, "Wait, you mean that's...that's actually what my mom looked and acted like?" Percy asked in disbelief.

Chaos nodded.

Percy was a little happy that something at least was kind of true.

"What happened to her? was she not immortal like you?" Percy asked, Chaos took on a grim look and shook his head. 

"Come, let me show you about your powers."  he held Percy still and gestured him to stay there as he paced some backwards, "how many types of power do we have?" Chaos asked, almost quizzing Percy.

"2? internal ballistic and external ballistic Chaos." Percy answered. Chaos smiled proudly, 

"missing some, red cosmos and black cosmos power, I've felt you use your red cosmos power to..set at ease a little girl was it?"

Percy nodded, figuring that wasn't internal Chaos but something else, "black cosmos power is different as inits used to make anything from a planet to a star to a portal or some food."  Percy tried to process this, "So...I can just create anything out of black cosmos, anything at all?" Chaos nodded again and held his hands as Percy did when bringing Artemis to space, a pitch black orb appeared between them, "Your thoughts will be put on the blank canvas as it were, like for this new blue pet planet," the orb turned as blue like it was earth or something, "Maybe some green earth, and trees." and as if it was a SIMs world, everything was made. which struck an idea with Percy that he logged away for later. 

Chaos showed him more things and then began ushering Percy off to a room, "I hope you don't mind I'll be keeping some guards outside of your doors and stuff and the room is protected so you cant teleport in or out, I'm sorry for the harsh methods understand." Percy kind of did, but he went into the room which had a closet, toilet and a bed, and it was kind of roomey actually with enough room to do just about whatever he wanted.

But first, his idea.

Percy started to use black cosmos power and a orb of darkness appeared infront of him as commanded and formed into a life form about Percy's height, he glanced into a mirror trying to absorb as much as he could from his looks and put it onto the clone of himself that he was making. 

Percy was now realizing this was going to be more work as he needed to put  basic things into the clones mind as if teaching a baby, or programming a game. 

He spent a half hour doing this, masked his own clone up and scanned his mind to make sure everything was in order, then shoved him into a corner of the room. 

Percy opened up his door and one of the guards turned to him, "Could I have..." Percy tried to think of something that would work to distract them, "Some entertainment please?" both the guards turned and looked at him with smug looks, "You dirty minded son of the creator...haha sure." he turned his head to the other who began walking away.

mentally Percy cursed, he opened the door a little more gesturing for the other one to come in, he realized they thought he meant hooker when Percy meant video game or movie but whatever works, the guard took some steps in and Percy saw his clone duck out behind his back.

Him and the guard talked for a few minutes and the other came back with a girl that was damn near naked, gave Percy a smile, shoved her into the room. and closed the door.

The pale girl who had a couple marks all over her body, (Percy assumed she wasn't here because it wasn't top ten vacation spots) she fell to her knees keeping her head down, "Milord, you may do as you wish to me." 

Percy honestly felt a little awkward not knowing what to do. He walked over to his bed and picked up a blanket and wrapped it around the poor girl who was maybe Thalia's age. She flinched to his touch which made Percy sad. 

"Hey...I'll be honest," Percy whispered, "I'm not going to hurt you and I'm not going to do anything vile to you....want something to eat?" she slowly looked up, confused but Percy took her hand an brought her over to the kitchen  and sat her down as he began to make some food. 

"I wish the other girls were as lucky as me.." she mumbled.

"Other girls?" Percy asked. the female nodded, wrapping the blanket around her more tightly, "There is a brothel Chaos' men."  Percy still made the food but his appetite was gone, the hunter inside of him raged at this. Filthy males.

The girl studied Percy's face for a bit.

"I know why you don't take me in bed though" she said smiling slightly,  Percy slid her a salad and a burger he made from fire, "What reason would that be Milady?" He replied jokingly.

"Your heart is for someone else."

That caught Percy off guard....who was she talking about, Percy realized this was a stupid question. as only one girl was on his mind, since before he got here even up till now.


After the fires calmed down and everyone was brought back up and healed, Artemis went into her tent and threw around stuff in a fit of anger in sadness, half way through her half sister came in. "Milady," Thalia called trying to calm her down, "Milady are you okay?" Artemis turned and stopped with hatred in her eyes, "NO! Percy is gone and who knows what his evil vile father doing or saying to him to convince him to join him or..." her anger huffs switched to a choked cry, "Or maybe hes hurting him, torturing him and doing awful things....Thalia I want him back." 

Thalia didn't say anything for a while, "Milady can I ask you something?" Artemis looked at her with tears in her eyes, "Are you in love with Percy?" Artemis fell to her knees, somehow knowing that was the question, Artemis knew the answer and she knew Thalia did too. 

Thalia nodded and crouched to comfort her, "We will get him back, Milady. Just as he got me back."

Artemis' mind filled with so many anxiety fueled things she didn't know what to think, "Do you think he you think our Percy would join his father?"  Thalia gave a confident grin and shook her head, "Never."

Artemis didn't say anything remembering all the memories she had with her guardian, she believed Thalia, never would he ever.

They jumped to a yell from outside, "WHOA, Percy missed you buddy, you enjoy your daddy time?" the two huntress gave each other weird looks and walked outside to see the crazy Latino kid who set fire to everything talking to Percy...but something was off.

It was almost as if he was lifeless, but there was definitely a power to him, his eyes scanned the crowd as if like a doll and locked eyes with Artemis who was frozen in confusion.  He walked through Leo and up to Artemis and did the mock bow Percy used to do, "Milady, I've been instructed to give you messages from my creator."

Artemis scanned this Percy, and she discovered that.. 'it' was made entirely of power, now bones or organs, just power. He began his message.

"Leo, I'm sorry I couldn't say this earlier, I'm so happy to see you back you crazy pyromaniac, you and Calypso make a cute couple. I wish I could say more but I just learned I could make this. Artemis, the people of Olympus, I promise, I am not joining my fathers side, but I can not yet return, this is my first and maybe only chance to find out something about me and my past, not only that, My father has my actual sword...and he seems to not like it, in the short time span I've already learned a lot, I promise as soon as I can be, I'll be home.  The next message is just for Artemis, to say privately."  Then the fake Percy went into a trance and kept looking around at everyone as if expecting them to vanish.

Artemis pulled him into her tent where he scanned the tent like a machine and then locked eyes with her again, "Artemis...I won't say what I actually want to say through this messenger, but when I see you next I will I promise,  I need a favor to ask though..." Artemis kinda began to feel cold, "If for whatever reason I do join my father, whether it be a mind control or I decide to on my own, I need you to swear on the Styx you won't hesitate to kill me first chance you get...please.." 

Time seemed to slow and the tension turned thick and Artemis got mad, "I will promise no such thing,  if you join your father I swear on all of the gods and titans, I'll drag you back to your real family, I'll drag you back to me, and next time I see you Perseus Jackson, I'm kicking your ass for even asking me such a question." 

The fake Percy remained motionless for a second before smiling, "That's the Arty I've always known...I'll see you as soon as I can." He did his mock bow and his body dissolved into black mist. 

Artemis smiled, wiping away tears knowing Percy was out there and He would never leave.

Jason POV

"Oh my gods..." He and Piper blurted out seeing the burnt forest and war torn ground, and a familiar dragon  that creaked and spit fire. "Is that Festus?" Piper gasped, that's when the master of the dragon and an unknown girl walked up to them. "Hola Amigos! Feels like its been months since I've seen you." Piper shocked face went to mad.

"It has been months you idiot where the Hades have you been who the Hades is this, why is your body waving fire with every movement you make, I thought Festus was not in dragon form WE thought you died how did you get back!"  in between this rant Piper smacked Leo and hugged him and smacked him again.

Leo held his hands up.


Leo landed on Calypso's island, picked her up and pretty much just flew back right in the middle of the Hunts conflict. The end.


Okay that's the short story

After picking Calypso up, they remounted Festus and flew in an unkown direction, "Do you know where we're going?" Calypso asked, tightening her arms around Leo. Smiling he turned and shook his head, "Nope, just kinda hoping and guessing, also sorry your flight doesn't come with a movie or even refreshments, that's in first class honey!" 

"Whats first class?" Calypso asked. Leo groaned forgetting she knew nothing of everything, he figured they would have a long ride so he began explaining what life in the real world was like as we knew it as best as he could.

Every couple of seconds she asked a question, and thank the gods Leo was ADHD because he went on and on but there was even a point where that weird little voice in his head he was like "Why are you still talking?" but he later realized that was Festus getting annoyed by his voice.

His  talking was cut as the bright blue sky and white clouds around him seemed to be getting shrouded by darkness, and then everything stopped, time, momentum, Leo couldn't move and everything went dark. 

Festus and Calypso disappeared from him and time seemed to unfreeze as he fell on his butt on what seemed to be a floor made out of galaxy's and stars. 

Up some stairs which had a throne made out of the same stuff was a hooded guy. "Who are you? wheres Festus and my hot new girlfriend?" he blurted. the man chuckled, standing up and walking down to him, "You will never cease to not humor me Mr. Valdez. As for who I am, I am yours, your dragon and your 'hot new girlfriend' as you put it, ticket out of the realm that is Ogygia." 

Leo instantly hopped to his feet, "Well, if there's anyone I can trust its a strange man I don't know in a hood, where's your van with the free candy spray painted on it you weirdo?"  he laughed some more but crossed his arms, "well your ticket does come with a price.." Leo figured that was coming, everything in this world had a price.

"What would that be?"

"You have to become the entity of fire itself." Leo nodded clicking his tongue pretending as if someone offered him a job, "Cool, you have an application I can fill out, I'll leave my phone number so you can call me in a week too if you'd like." 

Not having any of his humor anymore he sighed and turned walking back up to his throne, "I'm going to cut out the middle man questions right now, on earth there is another war going on, one between the creator Chaos, and his son Percy Jackson, yes yes Percy Jackson is not the son of the sea god he is the son of the creator put your hand down Valdez." Leo lowered his hand.

"every thing has an entity, water, fire, air, gravity. You met and killed of the entity of your earth, well done by the way not an easy feat. Weird enough your planet still stands, unknowingly I think Percy's mere  presence is keeping the planet together. Now while the entities don't have power like I or my nephew, they need to exist or else things like fire wouldn't exist...period. Now as I said before about the power thing, you still have free range control over any type of fire, even stars, like your own sun. and you will still have your properties given to you by birthright. Do you accept? oh and by the way, it'd help win the war of whomever  side you pick greatly." 

Leo sighed, "I don't think I was ever given a choice was I?" The hooded man chuckled as a portal made of nothing but fire opened up behind Leo, the familiar heat warming Leo's body, which accepted it as it should. Leo turned and began to walk into the portal, "Oh say hello to my nephew Percy would you for me? Although I will be seeing him eventually." He went on to say something else but the portal closed, and Leo stood in a realm surrounded by erupting volcanos, pillars of fire, sea of lava and pretty much anything else you could think of, and a few feet in front of Leo stood a man wearing old Greek clothing, Leo took a brave breath and walked toward him, "Here goes another mad sketch adventure for me!" 

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