Funny School Stories {Second...

By GremlinGirl666

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Back by popular demand, Funny School Stories! Another year, another great collection of stories! More

Author Greeting
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four *Special Edition*
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen (Final)

Chapter Seven

36 2 0
By GremlinGirl666

Flash! Flash! Flash! 

So one time I was in the library with my friend and there were no empty chairs except one, so we decided to share a chair, so my friend sat in the chair and told me to sit on her lap. (No, we are not gay) Well, me being girly af, I was wearing a skirt that day. It was all fun and games until my friend "accidentally"? dropped me on my butt! My skirt came up and even though I was wearing shorts under it, it looked like I flashed everyone! So, technically I didn't actually flash anyone, but it looked like it did, so it was very embarrassing. Anywho, the librarian heard us laughing and asked us what happened, so I told her I fell. I don't remember what she said, probably something about not goofing off in the library.

Gotta Clean Them Toilets!

So another time when a friend and I were hanging out, we were sitting in like a curling lounge in the building we go to school in, and she was ~weird~ anyway, there was an awkward silence, and suddenly a T.V commercial in the background was like "Keep your toilet clean and fresh!" In a really cheery voice. My friend and I immediately started laughing. 

FNAF In Real Life?

So as I've said like a million times, our school is attached to another building that is public. So once school is over, the school part is closed for the night so those silly delinquents don't get in there. (Lol no it's security reasons, sooo same thing I guess.) There are doors on one side and those get locked, but the other side is just open (no doors) so the janitor stretches a gate from one side to the other and locks it. My friend was getting a ride home with me that day, so while we were waiting for my mom, I had a really stupid idea. I told my friend to record me, so she started recording. I said "Foxy runs down the hall like-" and  proceeded to run into the gate, which represented the FNAF gaurd's door. We both found this hilarious. 

Another thing that is related to this story, I think this was either the same day or a different one (I can't remember. I think it was a different day) So I was with the same friend after school, and we were outside, about to go inside, but when I saw the door I had another stupid, FNAF related idea. I again, told my friend to film me. "Chica be like-" I said and then pressed myself against the door while making a stupid face. It got embarrassing when MY HOMEROOM TEACHER CAME OUTSIDE  and asked me if I was okay!!! My friend and I were both trying to stifle our laughter as I assured him I was fine. He was like "Okay I wasn't sure, I thought maybe you couldn't get inside or something." I told him we were just making a video, and he was okay with it and didn't get mad at us because he was a FREAKING AWESOME TEACHER!! (I'm going to miss him next year... not in a weird way tho) 


One time my friends and I were sitting in our usual spot on the floor (The 6th grade boys overthrew us from our table... kind of... actually no we just kind of let them have it because we're weirdos and we like to sit in the corner on the floor away from everyone) Anyway, we were minding our own business, eating our lunch when suddenly we saw Idiot Squad Junior Junior (Story on that next chapter) Anyway, the Idiot Squad Junior Junior members were standing together a few feet away from us, and one of them was making really weird noises that sounded like..... a goat.... having... sex....... yeah. One of my friends and I were trying not to laugh, when I decided I would go and confront this kid. (The friend that was trying not to laugh also came with me to watch) I walked up to him and I was like "What frickin' noise are you making?! It sounds like goats having sex!" Instead of answering my question, he just looked at me and kept making the noise, so my friend and I just walked away, knowing we would never get an answer.


HONESTLY I AM SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING THIS BOOK! I've been busy focussing on YouTube life (Lots of coming chapters for that btw) and I kind of forgot I was also writing this story. But that is no excuse! Also, I think I'm starting to run out of stories, so I'm thinking instead of updating this book twice a week like I planned to, I'll just update once a week for this one and hopefully once a week on YouTube Life too, although it also kind of depends on when Meagan and I can get together and blah blah blah more excuses. Anyway, despite what I just said about updating this story once a week, I'l be uploading another chapter tomorrow. (Because I haven't updated this one in so long) 

Not sure if any of that made sense, but I'll see you when I see you okay byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

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