
Por BlackLytical

46.6K 1.8K 667

"There is no excuse for perjury. Never, Never, Never. There is the truth and the truth demands respect." Más

1 || you're a witness.
2 || testify and run
3 || new home, new life
4 || new school, new students
5 || skipped ahead, friends maybe
6 || bodak yellow
7 || issa date
8 || do something
10 || boo thang
11 || issa problem
12 || IDGAF
13 || thought i knew
14 || this is your family
15 || sorry, the end
Character Insight/ book inspiration
New story
New story 2

9 || birthday blues

2K 97 114
Por BlackLytical

"So what's this big hype about Jontavian and Brandon?" I asked as I looked through their fan pages. Don't get me wrong, they seem cool, but they so special.

"They are like one of the cutest gay couples in Atlanta and on YouTube. How do you not know them" Amir asked.

I rose a brow. Okay? There are other cute gay couples as well, just because the are on You Tube they deserve most of my time watching them? They can't be that perfect. Plus I am focused on school and not what society thinks I should focus on

"I mean there are other cute gay couples" I said.

"So but they are not on youtube and are probably just a bunch of no bodies." She said.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. It was stupid like she is. "So you are saying because some couples don't want to vlog or do YouTube videos that they are nobodies.?" Qamar asked.

"Yeah, that's what I am saying. Right now it is important that you-"

Alamara cut her off. "They aren't nobodies if they don't want to showcase their relationship and get judged. It's not always about fame and money. You don't see me trying to go around and flaunt my relationship."

My eyes widened. She never told me she had somebody. See how I didn't assume it was a boy or girl.? You never know a person sexual orientation.

"You don't have a boyfriend" Amir accused.

"You're right, I don't have a boyfriend." She said. Amir smirked crossing her arms like she caught her in a lie. "But I do have a girlfriend and she is none of your concern."

Amir mouthed dropped and I swear I saw a fly go into her mouth. "Well then. So Yael what are you doing for your birthday. " she turned her attention to me.

"I'm just going to have a pool party with my friends. I'm not really a big fan of giant parties"

"Ooh, okay, your only turning 17 and don't know anybody so of course you won't like big parties " she said waving me off.

I looked at Qamar and Mara and arched one of my brows. Q shrugged and Mara just did a slicing throat motion.

"Any way bitches, I gotta go, I will see you at the party tomorrow. " she said, leaving the room.

Once she was gone, I tackled Mara to the floor. She yelped.

"The fuck Yael!"

I cheesed and sat on her butt. "So who is your girlfriend. "

She laid her cheek on the floor and laughed a bit. "Her name is Maree, I am bringing her to your pool party, so you can meet her then"

"What is she like" I heard Q ask as he sat on her legs looking at her.

"She's like a little tom boyish but she can get girly when she wants to. She kind of like an introvert. Which I love. Her inner circle is small, she's going to introduce her group to us"

"She sounds nice. I just hope she is" I said.

"Do she got any straight friends. Like hook a brother up" Qamar said rubbing his hands together.

"Yeah no, she had like two friends and they both transitioned from female to male and you are not their type."

Qamar huffed and got up. "Whatever man, look I'm about to head out, Mara you coming?"

"Nah, I told Mama Yala I'd stay the night and help her with her wigs."

"That sounds boring. I'll see you tomorrow Yae"

"Alright Q."

After he was gone, I got off of Mara and onto my bed. She rolled onto her back and picked up her phone and scrunched her face up.


"This lil video Amir got posted. I swear, she so damn dumb" she passed me her phone and I watched the video of her stealing some bodies hubcaps from their tires. (I had video, but watt pad being funny and won't let me post it.)

I shrugged. "I don't see the problem. Some one stole hers"

"But she also could have bought some from Walmart the was $25"

I shook my head her. If you haven't noticed any thing that Amir say and do, Mara is irked and I don't know why. When I first met them, they were the best of friends.

"Why don't you like Amir?"

"It's just the stuffs she says and does and she hangs around these groups of girls that like to steal and shit. It just ain't cool and I only try to tolerate her cause you talk to her."

"You don't have to be around when I do talk to her."

"Nah, I have to. I have to make sure she does not try you"

I smiled. Mara is more like my sister now. She has my back always.


I walked around the backyard making sure the pool was clean for Yael's party. The movie projector was up and looking great. He may be 17 today but he still loves his pool and movies.

Yala was in the kitchen finishing the last of his food. He asked for a feast and that made her happy hasn't been eating like he should and he asked for all of this.

My phone went off and it was shooter.

"What's up man" I asked answering the phone and set the pool net down.

"Look Giulio is looking for you. He said some thing  about business. You want me to give him your number."

I cursed under my breath. I forgot about that. I looked around making sure none of my kids and Yala was around. "Yeah, but have him call me at midnight. I'm dealing with Yael's party."

"I got you man and tell the lil nigga I said happy birthday"

"Alright." I hung up and slid my phone back into my shorts.

We aren't supposed to be giving out all of our numbers to others. But what I really got going on. I can do what I want.

"Kian are the tables set up so I can bring out all the food?" Yala yelled out to me.

I looked towards the back patio and the tables were not set up. I huffed and went to the shed and began to pull out some tables and set me up.

"The tables are set Yala!" I yelled coming the house to see Yavin on the floor sleep. I kicked his side.

He groaned turning his head to look at me."Go to your room. Yael's friends are going to be here soon." I kicked his side again and walked in the kitchen.

"The food is now done and Yael and Mara are up stairs getting ready." Yala said.

I pecked her lips. "Good, I'm going to go get the sound system and set it up with the movie projector outside.



I looked around my room for my red, white and blue swim trunks. I had already put on one of my black shirts. Mara was already dressed and was fixing her hair and put on her shades.

I finally found the trunks I was looking for and put them on. I decided against shoes and went bare foot.

"I'll be downstairs Yael" Mara said as she took a few steps to the door.

"Okay, I'll be down after I find my phone." I had misplaced it and now I can not seem to find it.

I know it is in the room because I heard the lil dings when I get a message. I looked under the bed and saw it next to my sketch book.

I looked at the lock screen and saw messages from Q, Cassius and Amir. Wishing me happy birthday.

Hmm. I wonder what his surprises are. I made my way down the stairs, to see my Ma setting the table with food and pops was setting the sound system. I decided to let Zeke stay and bring his girlfriend and Maree and some of her friends were coming as well. It is going to be small and intimate plus I will be making new friends as well.

As far as I know for who is coming is Q, Cass, Mara, Maree, her two friends and Amir, Zeke and his girlfriend.

"So Q and Cassius is here in the front room"

I cheesed and walked to the front room to see Q messing with Maverick. I ignored him and went up to Cassius and he was talking to some girl with his arm around her waist. I frowned.

"Hey Yael" he smiled putting his fist out. I rose a brow. Any other time he would just kiss me or something.

I looked at him and nodded my head to the girl.

"Oh baby this is Yael this is his party and Yael this is my girlfriend. Anya."

Q looked at me sympathetically, I wished he would have told me. I just walked away and towards the back room. I was literally about to have a panic attack. Q followed me.

"Yael, I wanted to tell you but Cass wanted me to swear to him that I wouldn't." He said.

"It's fine. I'll just let him stay and let him and show him I'm not worried even if I want to have a panic attack. But he sure did pick the wrong one to try" I said.

"Why is that?"

"When my dad sees him caked up with her, he will hurt him trust me"

"Yeah, let's hope he doesn't kill him"

I hope he does. He deserves it. How are you going to try to and date me but have a whole girlfriend.

I walked to the back patio to see a few other people. I went up to Mara.

"Maree, this is Yael my best friend. Yael this is Maree my girl." Mara said turning to me.

I smiled and waved. "Hi." She was pretty and she was definitely her type.

"Hey Yael, I brought to of my friends Aiden and Asher. If that was okay and happy birthday."

I nodded my head "it is fine. And thank you."

I looked towards her too friends and when you looked at them you couldn't tell that they were transgender.

I looked behind me and Q was talking to lil ole Cassie in the distant. I huffed. I want him to leave but it would look suspicious to Mara and then if I asked him to and I hate when the spot light is put on to me.

I saw Amir walk in and put my gift on the gift table and walk over to us. "So, when were you going to tell me you know Cassius and his girl Anya?" She asked.

"Not now Amir. We are not about to have any type of drama on his day and that is probably just his sister." Mara told her.

Boy she doesn't know and I definitely will not be telling her until everyone is gone including Amir.

"Okay, before you guys swim we will eat and have cake and while you swim a movie will play." Ma said.

"This is a kiddie party, you should've invited a lil more people." Amir ranted on.

I shook my head and went to the food and grinned at all the Muslim dishes made. I wasn't always a big eater. But when it came to my birthday I ate a lot.

"What is this shit. Where are the burgers and fries or ribs and stuff" Amir said looking at it with a scrunched up face.

I looked up from almost piling my plate and Anya had that same look and Cassius was just staring me down.

"Amir, Yael and his family are Muslim and they eat what they are allowed and they can't eat pork." Q said also piling his plate.

"Well I'm not eating it" she said going to sit down. Anya did the same dragging Cassius with her.

This was going to be a long night. I sat with Mara and her girlfriend and her friends at a table. Q sat next to me.

Of course after eating and having cake and all of that. The sun had went down and pops turned on the pool lights and put some floatables in the pool. He turned on the small projector and one of my other favorite movies began playing. Moonlight.

"I am not about to watch this, I'm going home, this was wack." Amir said. Strike 3. I am now done with her. Cassius and Anya had been left. But I got to know Aiden and Asher and Maree and they were pretty fun to be around, even Q liked them. So we instantly became a little group.

I had my phone in my lap when it vibrated. I knew who it was and I ignored him. But he kept trying. So I finally looked at it.

I frowned at the two he recently sent me. I did not want to see him but I also want to hear his explanation. I pulled my float to the edge of the pool and got out. No one saw me and I walked around to the front.

But as soon as I did, I was punched in the face.

"When I tell you to come see me you come see me" I held my face and looked up to Cassius standing above me .

I began backing up but he pulled me back and slammed me to the ground. "Why were you hugged up on that white trash!"

I frowned, Asher was just a friend. He and Aiden were dating and it was just a friendly hug.

He kicked my side repeatedly. "You're mine!"

I curled up in fetal position. I was too scared to fight back and was having a panic attack. I just wanted my dad.


I walked around the front room awaiting for Giulio's call. When he finally did. I answered.

"Giulio." I answered.

"Markian, I did what you asked now when do I get to see the boy."

"And what about your crew?" I asked.

"They got off on bail and have been relocated to my area in Miami Now when do I see Yael?"

"I don't know man he seem to be content with this boy he is seeing."

"Markian, you promised me that if my boys fake this murder and get your family scared into witness protection. I would get to see him."

I sighed. "I know man, but I can't up and leave , he has friends man and how do we know the government won't find out we fake this. We could go to jail."

"I had my boy Enzo wipe all the systems of the trial be wipe from the system we are good and you made a promise. Just make sure Yael is safe for me by the time I get down there."

"Yeah m-

"Pops ! Q and Cassius are fighting" Mara came running in.

" look Giulio, I'll call you later."

I hung up and ran out following Mara to where the boys were. I pulled them apart quickly and looked between the two to see they both had bloody noses and bruises on their eyes. Q's lip was busted, but Cassius was truly fucked up to the point you couldn't recognize him.

"The fuck is going on!" I yelled.

They were both breathing heavy and staring each other down. I look behind Q to see Yael balled up crying.

"Don't make me ask again!"

"Yael was gone and I went to look for him and saw Cassius beating him." Q said.

I snapped "the fuck" I walked up to Yael and moved his face to mine. He flinched and was breathing heavy. I noticed the bruises on his face and body.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten and picked him up. I can't beat his ass up. Not now any way. Fuck witness protection. We are going back to New York.

"Cassius if you are not off my property in 2.5 seconds I am calling the cops." I walked Yael into the house and into my room. Q and Mara stayed , everyone left.

I fucking hate Texas right now. Yael was shaking and sung in his ear to calm him down. I looked at his phone to see he had unsaved the boys number. That's my boy.

"Yala, start packing we are going back to New York."


Ending it here. You thought Yael was the only one lying to somebody ?

What do you thinking of anybody in this chapter ?

How do you feel about the chapter ?

It literally took me a week cause I wanted this chapter to go in a certain direction.

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